org.apache.wss4j.common.token.SecurityTokenReference Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.wss4j.common.token;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.WSS4JConstants;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.bsp.BSPEnforcer;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.bsp.BSPRule;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.crypto.Crypto;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.crypto.CryptoType;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.crypto.Merlin;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.ext.WSSecurityException;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.util.DOM2Writer;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.util.KeyUtils;
import org.apache.wss4j.common.util.XMLUtils;
import org.apache.xml.security.exceptions.Base64DecodingException;
import org.apache.xml.security.utils.Base64;
* Security Token Reference.
public class SecurityTokenReference {
public static final String SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE = "SecurityTokenReference";
public static final QName STR_QNAME =
public static final String SKI_URI =
WSS4JConstants.X509TOKEN_NS + "#X509SubjectKeyIdentifier";
public static final String THUMB_URI =
WSS4JConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#" + WSS4JConstants.THUMBPRINT;
public static final String ENC_KEY_SHA1_URI =
WSS4JConstants.SOAPMESSAGE_NS11 + "#" + WSS4JConstants.ENC_KEY_SHA1_URI;
public static final String X509_V3_TYPE = WSS4JConstants.X509TOKEN_NS + "#X509v3";
private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG =
private Element element;
private DOMX509IssuerSerial issuerSerial;
private byte[] skiBytes;
private Reference reference;
* Constructor.
* @param elem A SecurityTokenReference element
* @param bspEnforcer a BSPEnforcer instance to enforce BSP rules
* @throws WSSecurityException
public SecurityTokenReference(Element elem, BSPEnforcer bspEnforcer) throws WSSecurityException {
element = elem;
QName el = new QName(element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getLocalName());
if (!STR_QNAME.equals(el)) {
throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "badElement",
new Object[] {STR_QNAME, el});
if (containsReference()) {
Node node = element.getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()
&& WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS.equals(node.getNamespaceURI())
&& "Reference".equals(node.getLocalName())) {
reference = new Reference((Element)node);
node = node.getNextSibling();
* Constructor.
* @param doc The Document
public SecurityTokenReference(Document doc) {
element = doc.createElementNS(WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS, "wsse:SecurityTokenReference");
* Add the WSSE Namespace to this STR. The namespace is not added by default for
* efficiency purposes.
public void addWSSENamespace() {
XMLUtils.setNamespace(element, WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS, WSS4JConstants.WSSE_PREFIX);
* Add the WSU Namespace to this STR. The namespace is not added by default for
* efficiency purposes.
public void addWSUNamespace() {
XMLUtils.setNamespace(element, WSS4JConstants.WSU_NS, WSS4JConstants.WSU_PREFIX);
* Add a wsse11:TokenType attribute to this SecurityTokenReference
* @param tokenType the wsse11:TokenType attribute to add
public void addTokenType(String tokenType) {
if (tokenType != null) {
XMLUtils.setNamespace(element, WSS4JConstants.WSSE11_NS, WSS4JConstants.WSSE11_PREFIX);
WSS4JConstants.WSSE11_PREFIX + ":" + WSS4JConstants.TOKEN_TYPE,
* Get the wsse11:TokenType attribute of this SecurityTokenReference
* @return the value of the wsse11:TokenType attribute
public String getTokenType() {
return element.getAttributeNS(
WSS4JConstants.WSSE11_NS, WSS4JConstants.TOKEN_TYPE
* set the reference.
* @param ref
public void setReference(Reference ref) {
Element elem = getFirstElement();
if (elem != null) {
element.replaceChild(ref.getElement(), elem);
} else {
this.reference = ref;
* Gets the Reference.
* @return the Reference
element contained in this
* SecurityTokenReference
* @throws WSSecurityException
public Reference getReference() throws WSSecurityException {
return reference;
* Sets the KeyIdentifier Element as a X509 certificate.
* Takes a X509 certificate, converts its data into base 64 and inserts
* it into a wsse:KeyIdentifier
element, which is placed
* in the wsse:SecurityTokenReference
* @param cert is the X509 certificate to be inserted as key identifier
public void setKeyIdentifier(X509Certificate cert)
throws WSSecurityException {
Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
byte data[] = null;
try {
data = cert.getEncoded();
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.SECURITY_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE, e, "encodeError"
Text text = doc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(data));
createKeyIdentifier(doc, X509_V3_TYPE, text, true);
* Sets the KeyIdentifier Element as a X509 Subject-Key-Identifier (SKI).
* Takes a X509 certificate, gets the SKI data, converts it into base 64 and
* inserts it into a wsse:KeyIdentifier
element, which is placed
* in the wsse:SecurityTokenReference
* @param cert is the X509 certificate to get the SKI
* @param crypto is the Crypto implementation. Used to read SKI info bytes from certificate
public void setKeyIdentifierSKI(X509Certificate cert, Crypto crypto)
throws WSSecurityException {
// As per the 1.1 specification, SKI can only be used for a V3 certificate
if (cert.getVersion() != 3) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
"invalidCertForSKI", new Object[] {cert.getVersion()});
Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
// Fall back to Merlin if crypto parameter is null
Crypto skiCrypto = crypto;
if (skiCrypto == null) {
skiCrypto = new Merlin();
byte data[] = skiCrypto.getSKIBytesFromCert(cert);
Text text = doc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(data));
createKeyIdentifier(doc, SKI_URI, text, true);
* Sets the KeyIdentifier Element as a Thumbprint.
* Takes a X509 certificate, computes its thumbprint using SHA-1, converts
* into base 64 and inserts it into a wsse:KeyIdentifier
* element, which is placed in the wsse:SecurityTokenReference
* element.
* @param cert is the X509 certificate to get the thumbprint
public void setKeyIdentifierThumb(X509Certificate cert) throws WSSecurityException {
Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
byte[] encodedCert = null;
try {
encodedCert = cert.getEncoded();
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e1) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.SECURITY_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE, e1, "encodeError"
try {
byte[] encodedBytes = KeyUtils.generateDigest(encodedCert);
Text text = doc.createTextNode(Base64.encode(encodedBytes));
createKeyIdentifier(doc, THUMB_URI, text, true);
} catch (WSSecurityException e1) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, e1, "decoding.general"
public void setKeyIdentifierEncKeySHA1(String value) throws WSSecurityException {
Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
Text text = doc.createTextNode(value);
createKeyIdentifier(doc, ENC_KEY_SHA1_URI, text, true);
public void setKeyIdentifier(String valueType, String keyIdVal) throws WSSecurityException {
setKeyIdentifier(valueType, keyIdVal, false);
public void setKeyIdentifier(String valueType, String keyIdVal, boolean base64)
throws WSSecurityException {
Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
createKeyIdentifier(doc, valueType, doc.createTextNode(keyIdVal), base64);
private void createKeyIdentifier(Document doc, String uri, Node node, boolean base64) {
Element keyId = doc.createElementNS(WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS, "wsse:KeyIdentifier");
keyId.setAttributeNS(null, "ValueType", uri);
if (base64) {
keyId.setAttributeNS(null, "EncodingType", WSS4JConstants.BASE64_ENCODING);
Element elem = getFirstElement();
if (elem != null) {
element.replaceChild(keyId, elem);
} else {
* get the first child element.
* @return the first Element
child node
public Element getFirstElement() {
for (Node currentChild = element.getFirstChild();
currentChild != null;
currentChild = currentChild.getNextSibling()
) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == currentChild.getNodeType()) {
return (Element) currentChild;
return null;
* Gets the KeyIdentifier.
* @return the the X509 certificate or zero if a unknown key identifier
* type was detected.
public X509Certificate[] getKeyIdentifier(Crypto crypto) throws WSSecurityException {
if (crypto == null) {
return null;
Element elem = getFirstElement();
String value = elem.getAttributeNS(null, "ValueType");
if (X509_V3_TYPE.equals(value)) {
X509Security token = new X509Security(elem, new BSPEnforcer(true));
X509Certificate cert = token.getX509Certificate(crypto);
return new X509Certificate[]{cert};
} else if (SKI_URI.equals(value)) {
X509Certificate cert = getX509SKIAlias(crypto);
if (cert != null) {
return new X509Certificate[]{cert};
} else if (THUMB_URI.equals(value)) {
String text = XMLUtils.getElementText(getFirstElement());
if (text != null) {
byte[] thumb;
try {
thumb = Base64.decode(text);
} catch (Base64DecodingException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, e, "decoding.general"
CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.THUMBPRINT_SHA1);
X509Certificate[] certs = crypto.getX509Certificates(cryptoType);
if (certs != null) {
return new X509Certificate[]{certs[0]};
return null;
public String getKeyIdentifierValue() {
if (containsKeyIdentifier()) {
return XMLUtils.getElementText(getFirstElement());
return null;
public String getKeyIdentifierValueType() {
if (containsKeyIdentifier()) {
Element elem = getFirstElement();
return elem.getAttributeNS(null, "ValueType");
return null;
public String getKeyIdentifierEncodingType() {
if (containsKeyIdentifier()) {
Element elem = getFirstElement();
return elem.getAttributeNS(null, "EncodingType");
return null;
public X509Certificate getX509SKIAlias(Crypto crypto) throws WSSecurityException {
if (crypto == null) {
return null;
if (skiBytes == null) {
skiBytes = getSKIBytes();
if (skiBytes == null) {
return null;
CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.SKI_BYTES);
X509Certificate[] certs = crypto.getX509Certificates(cryptoType);
if (certs != null) {
return certs[0];
return null;
public byte[] getSKIBytes() {
if (skiBytes != null) {
return skiBytes;
String text = XMLUtils.getElementText(getFirstElement());
if (text != null) {
try {
skiBytes = Base64.decode(text);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
return skiBytes;
* Set an unknown element.
* @param unknownElement the org.w3c.dom.Element to put into this
* SecurityTokenReference
public void setUnknownElement(Element unknownElement) {
Element elem = getFirstElement();
if (elem != null) {
element.replaceChild(unknownElement, elem);
} else {
* Gets the certificate identified with X509 issuerSerial data.
* @return a certificate array or null if nothing found
public X509Certificate[] getX509IssuerSerial(Crypto crypto) throws WSSecurityException {
if (crypto == null) {
return null;
if (issuerSerial == null) {
issuerSerial = getIssuerSerial();
if (issuerSerial == null) {
return null;
CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.ISSUER_SERIAL);
cryptoType.setIssuerSerial(issuerSerial.getIssuer(), issuerSerial.getSerialNumber());
return crypto.getX509Certificates(cryptoType);
private DOMX509IssuerSerial getIssuerSerial() throws WSSecurityException {
if (issuerSerial != null) {
return issuerSerial;
Element elem = getFirstElement();
if (elem == null) {
return null;
if (WSS4JConstants.X509_DATA_LN.equals(elem.getLocalName())) {
elem =
elem, WSS4JConstants.X509_ISSUER_SERIAL_LN, WSS4JConstants.SIG_NS
issuerSerial = new DOMX509IssuerSerial(elem);
return issuerSerial;
* Method containsReference
* @return true if the SecurityTokenReference
* a wsse:Reference
public boolean containsReference() {
return containsElement(WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS, "Reference");
* Method containsX509IssuerSerial
* @return true if the SecurityTokenReference
* a ds:IssuerSerial
public boolean containsX509IssuerSerial() {
return containsElement(WSS4JConstants.SIG_NS, WSS4JConstants.X509_ISSUER_SERIAL_LN);
* Method containsX509Data
* @return true if the SecurityTokenReference
* a ds:X509Data
public boolean containsX509Data() {
return containsElement(WSS4JConstants.SIG_NS, WSS4JConstants.X509_DATA_LN);
* Method containsKeyIdentifier.
* @return true if the SecurityTokenReference
* a wsse:KeyIdentifier
public boolean containsKeyIdentifier() {
return containsElement(WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS, "KeyIdentifier");
private boolean containsElement(String namespace, String localname) {
Node node = element.getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) {
String ns = node.getNamespaceURI();
String name = node.getLocalName();
if ((namespace != null && namespace.equals(ns)
|| namespace == null && ns == null)
&& localname.equals(name)
) {
return true;
node = node.getNextSibling();
return false;
* Get the DOM element.
* @return the DOM element
public Element getElement() {
return element;
* set the id.
* @param id
public void setID(String id) {
element.setAttributeNS(WSS4JConstants.WSU_NS, WSS4JConstants.WSU_PREFIX + ":Id", id);
* Get the id
* @return the wsu ID of the element
public String getID() {
return element.getAttributeNS(WSS4JConstants.WSU_NS, "Id");
* return the string representation.
* @return a representation of this SecurityTokenReference element as a String
public String toString() {
return DOM2Writer.nodeToString(element);
* A method to check that the SecurityTokenReference is compliant with the BSP spec.
* @throws WSSecurityException
private void checkBSPCompliance(BSPEnforcer bspEnforcer) throws WSSecurityException {
// We can only have one token reference
int result = 0;
Node node = element.getFirstChild();
Element child = null;
while (node != null) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) {
child = (Element)node;
node = node.getNextSibling();
if (result != 1) {
if ("KeyIdentifier".equals(child.getLocalName())
&& WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS.equals(child.getNamespaceURI())) {
String valueType = getKeyIdentifierValueType();
// ValueType cannot be null
if (valueType == null || "".equals(valueType)) {
String encodingType = getFirstElement().getAttributeNS(null, "EncodingType");
// Encoding Type must be equal to Base64Binary if it's specified
if (!"".equals(encodingType) && !WSS4JConstants.BASE64_ENCODING.equals(encodingType)) {
// Encoding type must be specified other than for a SAML Assertion
if (!WSS4JConstants.WSS_SAML_KI_VALUE_TYPE.equals(valueType)
&& !WSS4JConstants.WSS_SAML2_KI_VALUE_TYPE.equals(valueType)
&& "".equals(encodingType)) {
} else if ("Embedded".equals(child.getLocalName())) {
result = 0;
node = child.getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) {
// We cannot have a SecurityTokenReference child element
if ("SecurityTokenReference".equals(node.getLocalName())
&& WSS4JConstants.WSSE_NS.equals(node.getNamespaceURI())) {
node = node.getNextSibling();
// We can only have one embedded child
if (result != 1) {
public int hashCode() {
int result = 17;
try {
Reference reference = getReference();
if (reference != null) {
result = 31 * result + reference.hashCode();
} catch (WSSecurityException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
String keyIdentifierEncodingType = getKeyIdentifierEncodingType();
if (keyIdentifierEncodingType != null) {
result = 31 * result + keyIdentifierEncodingType.hashCode();
String keyIdentifierValueType = getKeyIdentifierValueType();
if (keyIdentifierValueType != null) {
result = 31 * result + keyIdentifierValueType.hashCode();
String keyIdentifierValue = getKeyIdentifierValue();
if (keyIdentifierValue != null) {
result = 31 * result + keyIdentifierValue.hashCode();
String tokenType = getTokenType();
if (tokenType != null) {
result = 31 * result + tokenType.hashCode();
byte[] skiBytes = getSKIBytes();
if (skiBytes != null) {
result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(skiBytes);
String issuer = null;
BigInteger serialNumber = null;
try {
issuer = getIssuerSerial().getIssuer();
serialNumber = getIssuerSerial().getSerialNumber();
} catch (WSSecurityException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (issuer != null) {
result = 31 * result + issuer.hashCode();
if (serialNumber != null) {
result = 31 * result + serialNumber.hashCode();
return result;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof SecurityTokenReference)) {
return false;
SecurityTokenReference tokenReference = (SecurityTokenReference)object;
try {
if (!getReference().equals(tokenReference.getReference())) {
return false;
} catch (WSSecurityException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
if (!compare(getKeyIdentifierEncodingType(), tokenReference.getKeyIdentifierEncodingType())) {
return false;
if (!compare(getKeyIdentifierValueType(), tokenReference.getKeyIdentifierValueType())) {
return false;
if (!compare(getKeyIdentifierValue(), tokenReference.getKeyIdentifierValue())) {
return false;
if (!compare(getTokenType(), tokenReference.getTokenType())) {
return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(getSKIBytes(), tokenReference.getSKIBytes())) {
return false;
try {
if (getIssuerSerial() != null && tokenReference.getIssuerSerial() != null) {
if (!compare(getIssuerSerial().getIssuer(), tokenReference.getIssuerSerial().getIssuer())) {
return false;
if (!compare(getIssuerSerial().getSerialNumber(), tokenReference.getIssuerSerial().getSerialNumber())) {
return false;
} catch (WSSecurityException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
return true;
private boolean compare(String item1, String item2) {
if (item1 == null && item2 != null) {
return false;
} else if (item1 != null && !item1.equals(item2)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean compare(BigInteger item1, BigInteger item2) {
if (item1 == null && item2 != null) {
return false;
} else if (item1 != null && !item1.equals(item2)) {
return false;
return true;
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