org.apache.xmlbeans.GDuration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* Represents an XML Schema-compatible duration.
* A duration is made up of a number of years, months, days, hours,
* minutes, seconds, and fractions of seconds. See the
* XML Schema specification
* section on xs:duration
* for details on the rules for
* comparing durations and
* adding durations to dates.
public final class GDuration implements GDurationSpecification, java.io.Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int _sign;
private int _CY;
private int _M;
private int _D;
private int _h;
private int _m;
private int _s;
private BigDecimal _fs;
* Constructs an empty GDuration representing zero seconds.
public GDuration()
_sign = +1;
_fs = GDate._zero;
private static final int SEEN_NOTHING = 0;
private static final int SEEN_YEAR = 1;
private static final int SEEN_MONTH = 2;
private static final int SEEN_DAY = 3;
private static final int SEEN_HOUR = 4;
private static final int SEEN_MINUTE = 5;
private static final int SEEN_SECOND = 6;
* Constructs a GDuration from a lexical
* representation. The lexical space contains the
* union of the lexical spaces of all the schema
* date/time types (except for duration).
public GDuration(CharSequence str)
// Form: -PnYnMnDTnHnMnS
// (where each n may be unsigned integer, i.e., an integer that conforms to the pattern [0-9]+
// {was: preceded by a - for us}, and the whole may be -)
// first trim XML whitespace
int len = str.length();
int start = 0;
while (len > 0 && GDate.isSpace(str.charAt(len - 1)))
len -= 1;
while (start < len && GDate.isSpace(str.charAt(start)))
start += 1;
_sign = 1;
boolean tmark = false;
if (start < len && str.charAt(start) == '-')
_sign = -1;
start += 1;
if (start >= len || str.charAt(start) != 'P')
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration must begin with P");
start += 1;
int seen = SEEN_NOTHING;
_fs = GDate._zero;
for (;start < len; start += 1)
char ch = str.charAt(start);
if (ch == 'T')
if (tmark)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration must have no more than one T'");
if (seen > SEEN_DAY)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("T in duration must precede time fields");
seen = SEEN_DAY;
tmark = true;
start += 1;
if (start >= len)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal duration");
ch = str.charAt(start);
if (!GDate.isDigit(ch))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal duration at char[" + start + "]: '" + ch + "'");
int value = GDate.digitVal(ch);
for (;;)
start += 1;
ch = (start < len) ? str.charAt(start) : '\0';
if (!GDate.isDigit(ch))
value = value * 10 + GDate.digitVal(ch);
if (ch == '.')
int i = start;
do i += 1;
while (i < len && GDate.isDigit(ch = str.charAt(i)));
_fs = new BigDecimal(str.subSequence(start, i).toString());
if (i >= len || ch != 'S')
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal duration");
start = i;
switch (seen)
if (ch == 'Y')
seen = SEEN_YEAR;
_CY = value;
} // fallthrough
if (ch == 'M')
seen = SEEN_MONTH;
_M = value;
} // fallthrough
if (ch == 'D')
seen = SEEN_DAY;
_D = value;
} // fallthrough
case SEEN_DAY:
if (ch == 'H')
if (!tmark)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("time in duration must follow T");
seen = SEEN_HOUR;
_h = value;
} // fallthrough
if (ch == 'M')
if (!tmark)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("time in duration must follow T");
_m = value;
} // fallthrough
if (ch == 'S')
if (!tmark)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("time in duration must follow T");
_s = value;
} // fallthrough
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration must specify Y M D T H M S in order");
if ( seen == SEEN_NOTHING )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration must contain at least one number and its designator: " + str);
* Constructs a GDuration with the specified sign,
* year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and optional
* fractional seconds.
* @param sign +1 for a positive duration, -1 for a negative duration
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the sign is not 1 or -1
public GDuration(
int sign,
int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
int second,
BigDecimal fraction)
if (sign != 1 && sign != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
_sign = sign;
_CY = year;
_M = month;
_D = day;
_h = hour;
_m = minute;
_s = second;
_fs = fraction == null ? GDate._zero : fraction;
* Constructs a GDuration from another GDurationSpecification.
public GDuration(GDurationSpecification gDuration)
_sign = gDuration.getSign();
_CY = gDuration.getYear();
_M = gDuration.getMonth();
_D = gDuration.getDay();
_h = gDuration.getHour();
_m = gDuration.getMinute();
_s = gDuration.getSecond();
_fs = gDuration.getFraction();
* Builds another GDate with the same value
* as this one.
public Object clone()
return new GDuration(this);
* All GDuration instances return true.
public final boolean isImmutable()
return true;
* Returns the sign of the duration: +1 is forwards
* and -1 is backwards in time.
public final int getSign()
{ return _sign; }
* Gets the year component.
public final int getYear()
{ return _CY; }
* Gets the month-of-year component.
public final int getMonth()
{ return _M; }
* Gets the day-of-month component.
public final int getDay()
{ return _D; }
* Gets the hour-of-day component.
public final int getHour()
{ return _h; }
* Gets the minute-of-hour component.
public final int getMinute()
{ return _m; }
* Gets the second-of-minute component.
public final int getSecond()
{ return _s; }
* Gets the fraction-of-second. Range from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive).
public BigDecimal getFraction()
{ return _fs; }
* Returns true if all of the individual components
* of the duration are nonnegative.
public boolean isValid()
return GDurationBuilder.isValidDuration(this);
* Comparison to another GDuration.
* - Returns -1 if this < duration. (less-than)
- Returns 0 if this == duration. (equal)
- Returns 1 if this > duration. (greater-than)
- Returns 2 if this <> duration. (incomparable)
* Two instances are incomparable if they have different amounts
* of information.
public final int compareToGDuration(GDurationSpecification duration)
return GDurationBuilder.compareDurations(this, duration);
* The natural string representation of the duration.
* Any components that are zero are omitted. Note that if the duration
* is invalid, i.e., it has negative components, those negative
* components are serialized out here. To check for validity, use
* the isValid() method; and to normalize most durations to a valid
* form use the normalize() method.
public String toString()
return GDurationBuilder.formatDuration(this);
* Returns a new GDuration which is the sum of this one and the
* supplied duration. Does a fieldwise addition, with no normalization.
public GDuration add(GDurationSpecification duration)
int sign = _sign * duration.getSign();
return _add(duration, sign);
* Returns a new GDuration which is the result of subtracting
* the supplied duration from this one. Does a fieldwise
* subtraction, with no normalization.
public GDuration subtract(GDurationSpecification duration)
int sign = -_sign * duration.getSign();
return _add(duration, sign);
private GDuration _add(GDurationSpecification duration, int sign)
GDuration result = new GDuration(this);
result._CY += sign * duration.getYear();
result._M += sign * duration.getMonth();
result._D += sign * duration.getDay();
result._h += sign * duration.getHour();
result._m += sign * duration.getMinute();
result._s += sign * duration.getSecond();
if (duration.getFraction().signum() == 0)
return result;
if (result._fs.signum() == 0 && sign == 1)
result._fs = duration.getFraction();
result._fs = sign > 0 ?
result._fs.add(duration.getFraction()) :
return result;
* Two GDurations are equal if all their fields are equal.
* The equals function does not apply normalizatin.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof GDuration))
return false;
GDuration duration = (GDuration)obj;
return (_sign == duration.getSign() &&
_CY == duration.getYear() &&
_M == duration.getMonth() &&
_D == duration.getDay() &&
_h == duration.getHour() &&
_m == duration.getMinute() &&
_s == duration.getSecond() &&
public int hashCode()
return (_s +
_m * (60 + 7) +
_h * (60 * 60 + 7) +
_D * (60 * 60 * 24 + 7) +
_M * (60 * 60 * 24 * 31 + 7) +
_CY *(60 * 60 * 24 * 372 + 7) +
_sign * 11917049);