org.apfloat.internal.DoubleApfloatImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Mikko Tommila
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.apfloat.internal;
import org.apfloat.Apfloat;
import org.apfloat.ApfloatContext;
import org.apfloat.ApfloatRuntimeException;
import org.apfloat.InfiniteExpansionException;
import org.apfloat.OverflowException;
import org.apfloat.spi.ApfloatImpl;
import org.apfloat.spi.DataStorageBuilder;
import org.apfloat.spi.DataStorage;
import org.apfloat.spi.ArrayAccess;
import org.apfloat.spi.AdditionBuilder;
import org.apfloat.spi.AdditionStrategy;
import org.apfloat.spi.ConvolutionBuilder;
import org.apfloat.spi.ConvolutionStrategy;
import org.apfloat.spi.Util;
import static org.apfloat.spi.RadixConstants.*;
import static org.apfloat.internal.DoubleRadixConstants.*;
* Immutable apfloat implementation class for the
* double
data element type.
* The associated {@link DataStorage} is assumed to be immutable also.
* This way performance can be improved by sharing the data storage between
* different ApfloatImpl
's and by only varying the
* ApfloatImpl
specific fields, like sign, precision and exponent.
* This implementation doesn't necessarily store any extra digits for added
* precision, so the last digit of any operation may be inaccurate.
* @version 1.11.0
* @author Mikko Tommila
public class DoubleApfloatImpl
extends DoubleBaseMath
implements ApfloatImpl
// Implementation notes:
// - The dataStorage must never contain leading zeros or trailing zeros
// - If precision is reduced then the dataStorage can contain trailing zeros (physically in the middle)
// - The dataStorage should not be unnecessarily subsequenced if precision is reduced e.g. to allow autoconvolution
// - Precision is in digits but exponent is in base units
private DoubleApfloatImpl(int sign, long precision, long exponent, DataStorage dataStorage, int radix)
assert (sign == 0 || sign == -1 || sign == 1);
assert (precision > 0);
assert (sign != 0 || precision == Apfloat.INFINITE);
assert (sign != 0 || exponent == 0);
assert (sign != 0 || dataStorage == null);
assert (sign == 0 || dataStorage != null);
assert (exponent <= MAX_EXPONENT[radix] && exponent >= -MAX_EXPONENT[radix]);
assert (dataStorage == null || dataStorage.isReadOnly());
this.sign = sign;
this.precision = precision;
this.exponent = exponent;
this.dataStorage = dataStorage;
this.radix = radix;
* Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl
instance from a String.
* @param value The string to be parsed to a number.
* @param precision The precision of the number (in digits of the radix).
* @param radix The radix in which the number is created.
* @param isInteger Specifies if the number to be parsed from the string is to be treated as an integer or not.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the number is not valid.
public DoubleApfloatImpl(String value, long precision, int radix, boolean isInteger)
throws NumberFormatException, ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (precision == Apfloat.DEFAULT || precision > 0);
this.radix = radix;
// Default sign if not specified
this.sign = 1;
int startIndex = -1,
pointIndex = -1,
expIndex = -1,
leadingZeros = 0,
trailingZeros = 0,
digitSize = 0;
// Scan through the string looking for various things
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++)
char c = value.charAt(i);
int digit = Character.digit(c, radix);
// Note that checking for a valid digit takes place before checking for e or E in the string
if (digit == -1)
if (i == 0 && (c == '-' || c == '+'))
// Get sign
this.sign = (c == '-' ? -1 : 1);
else if (!isInteger && c == '.' && pointIndex == -1)
// Mark decimal point location
pointIndex = digitSize;
else if (!isInteger && (c == 'e' || c == 'E') && expIndex == -1)
// Mark index after which the exponent is specified
expIndex = i;
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid character: " + c + " at position " + i);
if (leadingZeros == digitSize && digit == 0)
// Increase number of leading zeros
else if (startIndex == -1)
// Mark index where the significant digits start
startIndex = i;
// Increase number of digits
if (digit == 0)
// Increase number of trailing zeros
// Reset number of trailing zeros
trailingZeros = 0;
// Check if no digits were specified
if (digitSize == 0)
throw new NumberFormatException("No digits");
// Check if this number is zero
if (startIndex == -1)
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// Default precision is number of significant digits, if not specified
if (precision == Apfloat.DEFAULT)
assert (!isInteger);
precision = digitSize - leadingZeros;
this.precision = precision;
// Size of integer part
int integerSize = (pointIndex >= 0 ? pointIndex : digitSize) - leadingZeros;
// Read exponent as specified in string
if (expIndex >= 0)
// Thanks to Charles Oliver Nutter for finding this bug
String expString = value.substring(expIndex + 1);
if (expString.startsWith("+"))
expString = expString.substring(1);
this.exponent = Long.parseLong(expString);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid exponent: " + expString);
this.exponent = 0;
// Do not allow the exponent to be too close to the limits (MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE), leave some slack
int slack = BASE_DIGITS[radix];
// Check for overflow in exponent, roughly
if (integerSize >= -slack && this.exponent >= Long.MAX_VALUE - integerSize - slack)
throw new NumberFormatException("Exponent overflow");
else if (integerSize <= slack && this.exponent <= Long.MIN_VALUE - integerSize + slack)
// Underflow
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// Adjust exponent by decimal point location
this.exponent += integerSize;
// Exponent rounded towards positive infinity to base unit
long baseExp = (this.exponent + (this.exponent > 0 ? BASE_DIGITS[radix] - 1 : 0)) / BASE_DIGITS[radix];
// Check for overflow in exponent as represented in base units
if (baseExp > MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
else if (baseExp < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// Leading zeros in first base unit
int digitsInBase = (int) (baseExp * BASE_DIGITS[radix] - this.exponent);
// The stored exponent is really the one per base unit
this.exponent = baseExp;
// Remove leading and trailing zeros from size
digitSize -= leadingZeros + trailingZeros;
// Limit number of significant digits by specified precision
digitSize = (int) Math.min(digitSize, precision);
// Needed storage size in doubles
int size = (int) getBasePrecision(digitSize, BASE_DIGITS[radix] - digitsInBase);
this.dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
// Base unit that is constructed and stored to an element of the data storage
double word = 0;
DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, 0, size);
// Set the data
for (int i = startIndex; digitSize > 0; i++)
char c = value.charAt(i);
if (c == '.')
int digit = Character.digit(c, radix);
word *= (double) radix;
word += (double) digit;
if (digitSize == 1)
// Last digit
while (digitsInBase < BASE_DIGITS[radix] - 1)
// Fill last word with trailing zeros
word *= (double) radix;
if (++digitsInBase == BASE_DIGITS[radix])
// Word is full, write word
digitsInBase = 0;
word = 0;
assert (!iterator.hasNext());
* Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl
instance from a long
* @param value The value of the number.
* @param precision The precision of the number (in digits of the radix).
* @param radix The radix in which the number is created.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the number is not valid.
public DoubleApfloatImpl(long value, long precision, int radix)
throws NumberFormatException, ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (precision > 0);
this.radix = radix;
// Faster to set now than calculate later
this.isOne = (value == 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (value > 0)
this.sign = 1;
value = -value; // Calculate here as negative to handle 0x8000000000000000
else if (value < 0)
this.sign = -1;
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
this.precision = precision;
int size;
double[] data = new double[MAX_LONG_SIZE];
long longBase = (long) BASE[radix];
if (-longBase < value)
size = 1; // Nonzero
data[MAX_LONG_SIZE - 1] = (double) -value;
for (size = 0; value != 0; size++)
long newValue = value / longBase;
data[MAX_LONG_SIZE - 1 - size] = (double) (newValue * longBase - value); // Negated here
value = newValue;
this.exponent = size;
this.initialDigits = getDigits(data[MAX_LONG_SIZE - size]);
// Check if precision in doubles is less than size; truncate size if so
long basePrecision = getBasePrecision(precision, this.initialDigits);
if (basePrecision < size)
size = (int) basePrecision;
// Remove trailing zeros from data
while (data[MAX_LONG_SIZE - 1 - (int) this.exponent + size] == 0)
this.dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
try (ArrayAccess arrayAccess = this.dataStorage.getArray(DataStorage.WRITE, 0, size))
System.arraycopy(data, MAX_LONG_SIZE - (int) this.exponent, arrayAccess.getData(), arrayAccess.getOffset(), size);
* Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl
instance from a double
* @param value The value of the number.
* @param precision The precision of the number (in digits of the radix).
* @param radix The radix in which the number is created.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the number is not valid.
public DoubleApfloatImpl(double value, long precision, int radix)
throws NumberFormatException, ApfloatRuntimeException
if (Double.isInfinite(value) || Double.isNaN(value))
throw new NumberFormatException(value + " is not a valid number");
this.radix = radix;
if (value > 0)
this.sign = 1;
else if (value < 0)
this.sign = -1;
value = -value;
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
this.precision = precision;
int size;
double[] data = new double[MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE];
double doubleBase = (double) BASE[radix];
this.exponent = (long) Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(doubleBase));
// Avoid overflow in intermediate value
if (this.exponent > 0)
value *= Math.pow(doubleBase, (double) -this.exponent);
else if (this.exponent < 0)
value *= Math.pow(doubleBase, (double) (-this.exponent - MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE));
value *= Math.pow(doubleBase, (double) MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE);
if (value < 1.0)
// Round-off error in case the input was very close but just under the base, e.g. 9.999999999999996E-10
value = 1.0;
for (size = 0; size < MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE && value > 0.0; size++)
double tmp = Math.floor(value);
assert (tmp <= doubleBase);
if (tmp == doubleBase)
// Round-off error e.g. in case of the number being exactly 1/radix
tmp -= 1.0;
data[size] = (double) tmp;
value -= tmp;
value *= doubleBase;
this.initialDigits = getDigits(data[0]);
// Check if precision in doubles is less than size; truncate size if so
long basePrecision = getBasePrecision(precision, this.initialDigits);
if (basePrecision < size)
size = (int) basePrecision;
// Remove trailing zeros from data
while (data[size - 1] == 0)
this.dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
try (ArrayAccess arrayAccess = this.dataStorage.getArray(DataStorage.WRITE, 0, size))
System.arraycopy(data, 0, arrayAccess.getData(), arrayAccess.getOffset(), size);
private static long readExponent(PushbackReader in)
throws IOException, NumberFormatException
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(20);
int input;
for (long i = 0; (input = != -1; i++)
char c = (char) input;
int digit = Character.digit(c, 10); // Exponent is always in base 10
if (i == 0 && c == '-' ||
digit != -1)
// Stop at first invalid character and put it back
return Long.parseLong(buffer.toString());
* Create a new DoubleApfloatImpl
instance reading from a stream.
* Implementation note: this constructor calls the in
* single-character read()
method. If the underlying stream doesn't
* explicitly implement this method in some efficient way, but simply inherits it
* from the Reader
base class, performance will suffer as the default
* Reader
method creates a new char[1]
on every call to
* read()
* @param in The stream to read from.
* @param precision The precision of the number (in digits of the radix).
* @param radix The radix in which the number is created.
* @param isInteger Specifies if the number to be parsed from the stream is to be treated as an integer or not.
* @exception IOException If an I/O error occurs accessing the stream.
* @exception NumberFormatException If the number is not valid.
public DoubleApfloatImpl(PushbackReader in, long precision, int radix, boolean isInteger)
throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (precision == Apfloat.DEFAULT || precision > 0);
this.radix = radix;
// Default sign if not specified
this.sign = 1;
// Allocate a reasonable memory block, since we don't know how much data to expect
long initialSize = getBlockSize(),
previousAllocatedSize = 0,
allocatedSize = initialSize;
this.dataStorage = createDataStorage(initialSize);
// Base unit that is constructed and stored to an element of the data storage
double word = 0;
// Number of digits stored in word
int digitsInBase = 0;
DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, previousAllocatedSize, allocatedSize);
int input;
long actualSize = 0,
startIndex = -1,
pointIndex = -1,
leadingZeros = 0,
trailingZeros = 0,
digitSize = 0;
// Scan through the string looking for various things
for (long i = 0; (input = != -1; i++)
char c = (char) input;
int digit = Character.digit(c, radix);
// Note that checking for a valid digit takes place before checking for e or E in the string
if (digit == -1)
if (i == 0 && (c == '-' || c == '+'))
// Get sign
this.sign = (c == '-' ? -1 : 1);
else if (!isInteger && c == '.' && pointIndex == -1)
// Mark decimal point location
pointIndex = digitSize;
else if (!isInteger && digitSize > 0 && (c == 'e' || c == 'E'))
// Read the exponent and stop
this.exponent = readExponent(in);
// Stop at first invalid character and put it back
if (leadingZeros == digitSize && digit == 0)
// Increase number of leading zeros
if (startIndex == -1)
// Mark index where the significant digits start
startIndex = i;
// Set the data
word *= (double) radix;
word += (double) digit;
// Reallocate storage if needed; done here to prepare storing last (partial) word
if (actualSize == allocatedSize)
if (actualSize == initialSize)
// Initial memory block size exceeded; prepare to allocate anything
DataStorage dataStorage = createDataStorage(Long.MAX_VALUE / Double.BYTES);
dataStorage.copyFrom(this.dataStorage, actualSize);
this.dataStorage = dataStorage;
previousAllocatedSize = allocatedSize;
allocatedSize += getBlockSize();
iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, previousAllocatedSize, allocatedSize);
if (++digitsInBase == BASE_DIGITS[radix])
// Word is full, write word
digitsInBase = 0;
word = 0;
// Increase number of digits
if (digit == 0)
// Increase number of trailing zeros
// Reset number of trailing zeros
trailingZeros = 0;
// Check if no digits were specified
if (digitSize == 0)
throw new NumberFormatException("No digits");
// Check if this number is zero
if (startIndex == -1)
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// Handle last word
if (digitsInBase > 0 && word != 0)
// Last digit
while (digitsInBase < BASE_DIGITS[radix])
// Fill last word with trailing zeros
word *= (double) radix;
// Write word
// Default precision is number of significant digits, if not specified
if (precision == Apfloat.DEFAULT)
assert (!isInteger);
precision = digitSize - leadingZeros;
this.precision = precision;
// Size of integer part
long integerSize = (pointIndex >= 0 ? pointIndex : digitSize) - leadingZeros;
// Do not allow the exponent to be too close to the limits (MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE), leave some slack
int slack = BASE_DIGITS[radix];
// Check for overflow in exponent, roughly
if (integerSize >= -slack && this.exponent >= Long.MAX_VALUE - integerSize - slack)
throw new NumberFormatException("Exponent overflow");
else if (integerSize <= slack && this.exponent <= Long.MIN_VALUE - integerSize + slack)
// Underflow
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// Adjust exponent by decimal point location
this.exponent += integerSize;
// Exponent rounded towards negative infinity to base unit
long baseExp = (this.exponent - (this.exponent < 0 ? BASE_DIGITS[radix] - 1 : 0)) / BASE_DIGITS[radix];
// Check for overflow in exponent as represented in base units
if (baseExp > MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
else if (baseExp < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
this.sign = 0;
this.precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
this.exponent = 0;
this.dataStorage = null;
// How much the data needs to be shifted
int bias = (int) (this.exponent - baseExp * BASE_DIGITS[radix]);
// The stored exponent is really the one per base unit
this.exponent = baseExp;
// Remove leading and trailing zeros from size
digitSize -= leadingZeros + trailingZeros;
// Limit number of significant digits by specified precision
digitSize = Math.min(digitSize, precision);
// Needed storage size in doubles
actualSize = (digitSize + BASE_DIGITS[radix] - 1) / BASE_DIGITS[radix];
// Truncate allocated space to actually used amount
if (bias != 0)
// Shift by bias
long factor = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < bias; i++)
factor *= radix;
DoubleApfloatImpl tmp = (DoubleApfloatImpl) multiply(new DoubleApfloatImpl(factor, Apfloat.INFINITE, radix));
this.exponent = tmp.exponent;
this.dataStorage = tmp.dataStorage;
this.initialDigits = UNDEFINED; // Needs to be reset
// Returns number of trailing zeros before specified index
private static long getTrailingZeros(DataStorage dataStorage, long index)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
long count = 0;
try (DataStorage.Iterator iterator = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, index, 0))
while (iterator.hasNext())
if (iterator.getDouble() != 0)
return count;
// Returns number of leading zeros starting from specified index
private static long getLeadingZeros(DataStorage dataStorage, long index)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
long count = 0;
try (DataStorage.Iterator iterator = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, index, dataStorage.getSize()))
while (iterator.hasNext())
if (iterator.getDouble() != 0)
return count;
public ApfloatImpl addOrSubtract(ApfloatImpl x, boolean subtract)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (!(x instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
throw new ImplementationMismatchException("Wrong operand type: " + x.getClass().getName());
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) x;
if (this.radix != that.radix)
throw new RadixMismatchException("Cannot use numbers with different radixes: " + this.radix + " and " + that.radix);
assert (this.sign != 0);
assert (that.sign != 0);
int realThatSign = (subtract ? -that.sign : that.sign);
boolean reallySubtract = (this.sign != realThatSign);
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
AdditionBuilder additionBuilder = ctx.getBuilderFactory().getAdditionBuilder(Double.TYPE);
AdditionStrategy additionStrategy = additionBuilder.createAddition(this.radix);
int sign;
long exponent,
DataStorage dataStorage;
if (this == that)
if (reallySubtract)
// x - x = 0
return zero();
// x + x = 2 * x
sign = this.sign;
exponent = this.exponent;
precision = this.precision;
long size = getSize() + 1;
dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
double carry;
DataStorage.Iterator src1 = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, size - 1, 0),
src2 = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, size - 1, 0); // Sub-optimal: could be the same
try (DataStorage.Iterator dst = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, size, 0))
carry = additionStrategy.add(src1, src2, (double) 0, dst, size - 1);
size -= getTrailingZeros(dataStorage, size);
// Check if carry occurred
int carrySize = (int) carry,
leadingZeros = 1 - carrySize;
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(leadingZeros, size - leadingZeros);
exponent += carrySize;
if (this.exponent == MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix] && carrySize > 0)
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
if (precision != Apfloat.INFINITE &&
(carrySize > 0 || getInitialDigits(dataStorage) > getInitialDigits()))
// Carry overflow for most significant digit; number of significant digits increases by one
// Now this != that
int comparison;
if (scale() > that.scale())
comparison = 1;
else if (scale() < that.scale())
comparison = -1;
else if (reallySubtract)
comparison = compareMantissaTo(that); // Might be sub-optimal, but a more efficient algorithm would be complicated
comparison = 1; // Add equally big numbers; arbitrarily choose one
DoubleApfloatImpl big,
if (comparison > 0)
big = this;
small = that;
sign = this.sign;
else if (comparison < 0)
big = that;
small = this;
sign = realThatSign;
// x - x = 0
return zero();
long scaleDifference = big.scale() - small.scale(),
if (scaleDifference < 0)
// Small number is completely insignificantly small compared to big
precision = big.precision;
exponent = big.exponent;
bigSize = big.getSize();
smallSize = 0;
size = bigSize;
exponentDifference = bigSize;
precision = Math.min(big.precision, Util.ifFinite(small.precision, scaleDifference + small.precision)); // Detects overflow also
long basePrecision = Math.min(MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix], getBasePrecision(precision, big.getInitialDigits()));
exponent = big.exponent;
exponentDifference = big.exponent - small.exponent;
size = Math.min(basePrecision, Math.max(big.getSize(), exponentDifference + small.getSize()));
bigSize = Math.min(size, big.getSize());
smallSize = Math.max(0, Math.min(size - exponentDifference, small.getSize()));
long dstSize = size + 1; // One extra word for carry overflow
dataStorage = createDataStorage(dstSize);
double carry = 0;
DataStorage.Iterator src1 = big.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, bigSize, 0),
src2 = small.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, smallSize, 0);
try (DataStorage.Iterator dst = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, dstSize, 0))
// small: XXXXXXXX or XXXX
// This part: XXXX XXXX
if (size > bigSize)
long blockSize = Math.min(size - bigSize, smallSize);
if (reallySubtract)
carry = additionStrategy.subtract(null, src2, carry, dst, blockSize);
carry = additionStrategy.add(null, src2, carry, dst, blockSize);
// small: XXXX
// This part: XXXX
else if (size > exponentDifference + smallSize)
long blockSize = size - exponentDifference - smallSize;
if (reallySubtract)
carry = additionStrategy.subtract(src1, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
carry = additionStrategy.add(src1, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
// big: XXXX
// small: XXXX
// This part: XXXX
if (exponentDifference > bigSize)
long blockSize = exponentDifference - bigSize;
if (reallySubtract)
carry = additionStrategy.subtract(null, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
carry = additionStrategy.add(null, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
// small: XXXXXXXX or XXXX
// This part: XXXX XXXX
else if (bigSize > exponentDifference)
long blockSize = Math.min(bigSize - exponentDifference, smallSize);
if (reallySubtract)
carry = additionStrategy.subtract(src1, src2, carry, dst, blockSize);
carry = additionStrategy.add(src1, src2, carry, dst, blockSize);
// small: XXXXXXXX or XXXX or XXXX
// This part: XXXX XXXX XXXX
if (exponentDifference > 0)
long blockSize = Math.min(bigSize, exponentDifference);
if (reallySubtract)
carry = additionStrategy.subtract(src1, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
carry = additionStrategy.add(src1, null, carry, dst, blockSize);
// Set most significant word
long leadingZeros;
if (reallySubtract)
// Get denormalization
leadingZeros = getLeadingZeros(dataStorage, 0);
assert (leadingZeros <= size);
// Check if carry occurred up to and including most significant word
leadingZeros = (carry == 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (this.exponent == MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix] && leadingZeros == 0)
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
dstSize -= getTrailingZeros(dataStorage, dstSize);
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(leadingZeros, dstSize - leadingZeros);
exponent += 1 - leadingZeros;
if (exponent < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
return zero();
if (precision != Apfloat.INFINITE)
// If scale of number changes, the number of significant digits changes accordingly
long scaleChange = (1 - leadingZeros) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] + getInitialDigits(dataStorage) - big.getInitialDigits();
if (-scaleChange >= precision)
// All significant digits were lost anyway, due to trailing garbage digits
return zero();
precision += scaleChange;
precision = (precision <= 0 ? Apfloat.INFINITE : precision); // Detect overflow
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(sign, precision, exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
public ApfloatImpl multiply(ApfloatImpl x)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (!(x instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
throw new ImplementationMismatchException("Wrong operand type: " + x.getClass().getName());
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) x;
if (this.radix != that.radix)
throw new RadixMismatchException("Cannot multiply numbers with different radixes: " + this.radix + " and " + that.radix);
int sign = this.sign * that.sign;
if (sign == 0)
return zero();
long exponent = this.exponent + that.exponent;
if (exponent > MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
else if (exponent < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
return zero();
long precision = Math.min(this.precision, that.precision),
basePrecision = getBasePrecision(precision, 0), // Round up
thisSize = getSize(),
thatSize = that.getSize(),
size = Math.min(Util.ifFinite(basePrecision, basePrecision + 1), thisSize + thatSize), // Reserve one extra word for carry
thisDataSize = Math.min(thisSize, basePrecision),
thatDataSize = Math.min(thatSize, basePrecision);
DataStorage thisDataStorage = this.dataStorage.subsequence(0, thisDataSize),
thatDataStorage = (this.dataStorage == that.dataStorage ?
thisDataStorage : // Enable auto-convolution
that.dataStorage.subsequence(0, thatDataSize));
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
ConvolutionBuilder convolutionBuilder = ctx.getBuilderFactory().getConvolutionBuilder();
ConvolutionStrategy convolutionStrategy = convolutionBuilder.createConvolution(this.radix, thisDataSize, thatDataSize, size);
// Possibly sub-optimal: could look up trailing zeros of the subsequences
DataStorage dataStorage = convolutionStrategy.convolute(thisDataStorage, thatDataStorage, size);
// Check if carry occurred up to and including most significant word
int leadingZeros = (getMostSignificantWord(dataStorage) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
exponent -= leadingZeros;
if (exponent < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
return zero();
size -= leadingZeros;
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(leadingZeros, size);
size = Math.min(size, getBasePrecision(precision, getInitialDigits(dataStorage)));
size -= getTrailingZeros(dataStorage, size);
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(0, size);
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(sign, precision, exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
public boolean isShort()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
return (this.sign == 0 || getSize() == 1);
public ApfloatImpl divideShort(ApfloatImpl x)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (!(x instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
throw new ImplementationMismatchException("Wrong operand type: " + x.getClass().getName());
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) x;
if (this.radix != that.radix)
throw new RadixMismatchException("Cannot divide numbers with different radixes: " + this.radix + " and " + that.radix);
assert (this.sign != 0);
assert (that.sign != 0);
int sign = this.sign * that.sign;
long exponent = this.exponent - that.exponent + 1;
if (exponent > MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
throw new OverflowException("Overflow");
else if (exponent < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
return zero();
long precision = Math.min(this.precision, that.precision),
basePrecision = getBasePrecision(),
thisDataSize = Math.min(getSize(), basePrecision);
DataStorage dataStorage;
double divisor = getMostSignificantWord(that.dataStorage);
if (divisor == (double) 1)
long size = thisDataSize - getTrailingZeros(this.dataStorage, thisDataSize);
dataStorage = this.dataStorage.subsequence(0, size);
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
AdditionBuilder additionBuilder = ctx.getBuilderFactory().getAdditionBuilder(Double.TYPE);
AdditionStrategy additionStrategy = additionBuilder.createAddition(this.radix);
long size;
double carry;
// Check for finite or infinite result sequence
double dividend = divisor;
// Check that the factorization of the divisor consists entirely of factors of the base
// E.g. if base is 10=2*5 then the divisor should be 2^n*5^m
for (int i = 0; i < RADIX_FACTORS[this.radix].length; i++)
double factor = RADIX_FACTORS[this.radix][i],
// Keep dividing by factor as long as dividend % factor == 0
// that is remove factors of the base from the divisor
while ((dividend - factor * (quotient = (double) (long) (dividend / factor))) == 0)
dividend = quotient;
// Check if the divisor was factored all the way to one by just dividing by factors of the base
if (dividend != (double) 1)
// Divisor does not contain only factors of the base; infinite nonzero sequence
if (basePrecision == Apfloat.INFINITE)
throw new InfiniteExpansionException("Cannot perform inexact division to infinite precision");
size = basePrecision;
// Divisor contains only factors of the base; calculate maximum sequence length
carry = (double) 1;
DataStorage.Iterator dummy = new DataStorage.Iterator()
@Override public void setDouble(double value) {}
@Override public void next() {}
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
long sequenceSize;
for (sequenceSize = 0; carry != 0; sequenceSize++)
carry = additionStrategy.divide(null, divisor, carry, dummy, 1);
size = Math.min(basePrecision, thisDataSize + sequenceSize);
// One extra word for result in case the initial word becomes zero; to avoid loss of precision
dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
DataStorage.Iterator src = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, 0, thisDataSize),
dst = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, 0, size);
// Perform actual division
carry = additionStrategy.divide(src, divisor, (double) 0, dst, thisDataSize);
// Produce the trailing sequence of digits due to inexact division
carry = additionStrategy.divide(null, divisor, carry, dst, size - thisDataSize);
size -= getTrailingZeros(dataStorage, size);
// Check if initial word of result is zero
int leadingZeros = (getMostSignificantWord() < divisor ? 1 : 0);
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(leadingZeros, size - leadingZeros);
exponent -= leadingZeros;
if (exponent < -MAX_EXPONENT[this.radix])
// Underflow
return zero();
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(sign, precision, exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
public ApfloatImpl absFloor()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.sign == 0 ||
this.exponent >= this.dataStorage.getSize()) // Is integer already, with no extra hidden trailing digits
return precision(Apfloat.INFINITE);
else if (this.exponent <= 0) // Is less than one in absolute value
return zero();
long size = this.exponent; // Size of integer part, now that this.dataStorage.getSize() > this.exponent
size -= getTrailingZeros(this.dataStorage, size);
DataStorage dataStorage = this.dataStorage.subsequence(0, size);
ApfloatImpl apfloatImpl = new DoubleApfloatImpl(this.sign, Apfloat.INFINITE, this.exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
return apfloatImpl;
public ApfloatImpl absCeil()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.sign == 0)
return this;
long exponent;
DataStorage dataStorage;
if (this.exponent <= 0)
// Number is < 1 but > 0; result is one
int size = 1;
dataStorage = createDataStorage(size);
try (ArrayAccess arrayAccess = dataStorage.getArray(DataStorage.WRITE, 0, size))
arrayAccess.getDoubleData()[arrayAccess.getOffset()] = (double) 1;
exponent = 1;
else if (getSize() <= this.exponent || // Check if the fractional part is nonzero
findMismatch(getZeroPaddedIterator(this.exponent, getSize()), ZERO_ITERATOR, getSize() - this.exponent) < 0)
// Fractional part is zero; the result is the number itself (to infinite precision)
long size = Math.min(this.dataStorage.getSize(), this.exponent);
size -= getTrailingZeros(this.dataStorage, size);
dataStorage = this.dataStorage.subsequence(0, size); // Ensure truncation
exponent = this.exponent;
// Fractional part is nonzero; round up
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
AdditionBuilder additionBuilder = ctx.getBuilderFactory().getAdditionBuilder(Double.TYPE);
AdditionStrategy additionStrategy = additionBuilder.createAddition(this.radix);
long size = this.exponent; // Size of integer part
dataStorage = createDataStorage(size + 1); // Reserve room for carry overflow
dataStorage.setSize(size + 1);
double carry;
try (DataStorage.Iterator src = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, size, 0);
DataStorage.Iterator dst = dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.WRITE, size + 1, 0))
carry = additionStrategy.add(src, null, (double) 1, dst, size); // Add carry
dst.setDouble(carry); // Set leading double as overflow carry
int carrySize = (int) carry; // For adjusting size, if carry did overflow or not
size -= getTrailingZeros(dataStorage, size + 1);
dataStorage = dataStorage.subsequence(1 - carrySize, size + carrySize);
exponent = this.exponent + carrySize;
ApfloatImpl apfloatImpl = new DoubleApfloatImpl(this.sign, Apfloat.INFINITE, exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
return apfloatImpl;
public ApfloatImpl frac()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.sign == 0 ||
this.exponent <= 0) // Is less than one in absolute value already
return this;
if (this.exponent >= getSize()) // Is an integer, fractional part is zero
return zero();
long size = this.dataStorage.getSize() - this.exponent; // Size of fractional part, now that getSize() > this.exponent
long leadingZeros = getLeadingZeros(this.dataStorage, this.exponent);
if (this.exponent + leadingZeros >= getSize())
// All significant digits were lost, only trailing garbage digits
return zero();
DataStorage dataStorage = this.dataStorage.subsequence(this.exponent + leadingZeros, size - leadingZeros);
long precision;
if (this.precision != Apfloat.INFINITE)
// Precision is reduced as the integer part is omitted, plus any leading zeros
precision = this.precision - getInitialDigits() - (this.exponent + leadingZeros) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] + getInitialDigits(dataStorage);
if (precision <= 0)
// All significant digits were lost anyway, only trailing garbage digits
return zero();
precision = Apfloat.INFINITE;
long exponent = -leadingZeros;
ApfloatImpl apfloatImpl = new DoubleApfloatImpl(this.sign, precision, exponent, dataStorage, this.radix);
return apfloatImpl;
private ApfloatImpl zero()
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(0, Apfloat.INFINITE, 0, null, this.radix);
public int radix()
return this.radix;
public long precision()
return this.precision;
public long size()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (this.dataStorage != null);
if (this.size == 0)
// Writes and reads of volatile long values are always atomic so multiple threads can read and write this at the same time
this.size = getInitialDigits() + (getSize() - 1) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] - getLeastZeros();
return this.size;
// Get number of trailing zeros
private long getLeastZeros()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.leastZeros == UNDEFINED)
// Cache the value
// NOTE: This is not synchronized; it's OK if multiple threads set this at the same time
// Writes and reads of volatile long values are always atomic so multiple threads can read and write this at the same time
long index = getSize() - 1;
double word = getWord(index);
word = getLeastSignificantWord(index, word);
long leastZeros = 0;
if (word == 0)
// Usually the last word is nonzero but in case precision was later changed, it might be zero
long trailingZeros = getTrailingZeros(this.dataStorage, index) + 1;
index -= trailingZeros;
word = getWord(index);
word = getLeastSignificantWord(index, word);
leastZeros += trailingZeros * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix];
assert (word != 0);
while (word % this.radix == 0)
word /= this.radix;
this.leastZeros = leastZeros;
return this.leastZeros;
public ApfloatImpl precision(long precision)
if (this.sign == 0 || precision == this.precision)
return this;
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(this.sign, precision, this.exponent, this.dataStorage, this.radix);
public long scale()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (this.dataStorage != null);
return (this.exponent - 1) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] + getInitialDigits();
public int signum()
return this.sign;
public ApfloatImpl negate()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
return new DoubleApfloatImpl(-this.sign, this.precision, this.exponent, this.dataStorage, this.radix);
public double doubleValue()
if (this.sign == 0)
return 0.0;
double value = 0.0,
doubleBase = (double) BASE[this.radix];
int size = (int) Math.min(MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE, getSize());
DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, size, 0);
while (iterator.hasNext())
value += (double) iterator.getDouble();
value /= doubleBase;;
// If the end result fits in a double, any intermediate calculation must not overflow
// Note that 1/BASE <= value < 1
if (this.exponent > 0)
return this.sign * value * Math.pow((double) BASE[this.radix], (double) (this.exponent - 1)) * BASE[this.radix];
return this.sign * value * Math.pow((double) BASE[this.radix], (double) this.exponent);
public long longValue()
if (this.sign == 0 || this.exponent <= 0)
return 0;
else if (this.exponent > MAX_LONG_SIZE)
// Overflow for sure
return (this.sign > 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.MIN_VALUE);
long value = 0,
longBase = (long) BASE[this.radix],
maxPrevious = Long.MIN_VALUE / longBase;
// Number of words in integer part of the number
int size = (int) Math.min(this.exponent, getSize());
try (DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, 0, size))
for (int i = 0; i < (int) this.exponent; i++)
if (value < maxPrevious)
// Overflow
value = 0;
value *= longBase;
if (i < size)
value -= (long) iterator.getDouble(); // Calculate value negated to handle 0x8000000000000000;
if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE || value >= 0)
// Overflow
return (this.sign > 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.MIN_VALUE);
return -this.sign * value;
public boolean isOne()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.isOne == UNDEFINED)
// Cache the value
// NOTE: This is not synchronized; it's OK if multiple threads set this at the same time
this.isOne = (this.sign == 1 && this.exponent == 1 && getSize() == 1 && getMostSignificantWord() == (double) 1 ? 1 : 0);
return (this.isOne == 1);
public long equalDigits(ApfloatImpl x)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (!(x instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
throw new ImplementationMismatchException("Wrong operand type: " + x.getClass().getName());
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) x;
if (this.sign == 0 && that.sign == 0) // Both are zero
return Apfloat.INFINITE;
else if (this.sign != that.sign) // No match
return 0;
else if (this.radix != that.radix)
throw new RadixMismatchException("Cannot compare values with different radixes: " + this.radix + " and " + that.radix);
long thisScale = scale(),
thatScale = that.scale(),
minScale = Math.min(thisScale, thatScale),
maxScale = Math.max(thisScale, thatScale);
if (maxScale - 1 > minScale) // No match
return 0;
// Need to compare mantissas
long thisSize = getSize(),
thatSize = that.getSize(),
size = Math.max(thisSize, thatSize),
result = Math.min(this.precision, that.precision); // If mantissas are identical
try (DataStorage.Iterator thisIterator = getZeroPaddedIterator(0, thisSize);
DataStorage.Iterator thatIterator = that.getZeroPaddedIterator(0, thatSize))
long index;
int lastMatchingDigits = -1; // Will be used for deferred comparison hanging in last word, e.g. this = 1.000000000, that = 0.999999999
double carry,
base = BASE[this.radix];
if (this.exponent > that.exponent)
// Possible case this = 1.0000000, that = 0.9999999
double value = thisIterator.getDouble(); // Check first word
if (value != (double) 1)
// No match
return 0;
carry = base;;
else if (this.exponent < that.exponent)
// Possible case this = 0.9999999, that = 1.0000000
double value = thatIterator.getDouble(); // Check first word
if (value != (double) 1)
// No match
return 0;
carry = -base;;
// Trivial case, e.g. this = 111234, that = 111567
carry = 0;
// Calculate this - that, stopping at first difference
for (index = 0; index < size; index++)
double value = thisIterator.getDouble() - thatIterator.getDouble() + carry;
if (value == 0)
// Trivial case; words are equal
carry = 0;
else if (Math.abs(value) > (double) 1)
// Mismatch found
if (Math.abs(value) >= base)
// Deferred comparison, e.g. this = 1.0000000002, that = 0.9999999991
lastMatchingDigits = -1;
// Any trivial cases and e.g. this = 1.0000000001, that = 0.9999999992
lastMatchingDigits = BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] - getDigits(Math.abs(value));
else if (value == (double) 1)
// Case this = 1.0000000..., that = 0.9999999...
carry = base;
else if (value == (double) -1)
// Case this = 0.9999999..., that = 1.0000000...
carry = -base;
if (index < size || carry != 0) // Mismatch found
long initialMatchingDigits = (this.exponent == that.exponent ?
Math.min(getInitialDigits(), that.getInitialDigits()) : // Normal case, e.g. this = 10, that = 5
BASE_DIGITS[this.radix]); // Special case, e.g. this = 1.0, that = 0.9
// Note that this works even if index == 0
long middleMatchingDigits = (index - 1) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix]; // This is correct even if exponents are different
// Limit by available precision
result = Math.min(result, initialMatchingDigits + middleMatchingDigits + lastMatchingDigits);
// Handle some cases e.g. 0.15 vs. 0.04
result = Math.max(result, 0);
return result;
public int compareTo(ApfloatImpl x)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (!(x instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
throw new ImplementationMismatchException("Wrong operand type: " + x.getClass().getName());
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) x;
if (this.sign == 0 && that.sign == 0)
return 0;
else if (this.sign < that.sign) // Now we know that not both are zero
return -1;
else if (this.sign > that.sign)
return 1;
else if (this.radix != that.radix)
throw new RadixMismatchException("Cannot compare values with different radixes: " + this.radix + " and " + that.radix);
else if (scale() < that.scale()) // Now we know that both have same sign (which is not zero)
return -this.sign;
else if (scale() > that.scale())
return this.sign;
// Need to compare mantissas
return this.sign * compareMantissaTo(that);
// Returns an iterator for this number's data storage from start to end,
// least significant word is correctly truncated with getLeastSignificantWord(),
// after that the iterator returns zeros only
private DataStorage.Iterator getZeroPaddedIterator(long start, long end)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, start, end);
return new DataStorage.Iterator()
public double getDouble()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
double value;
if (this.index < end)
value = iterator.getDouble();
if (this.index == end - 1)
value = getLeastSignificantWord(this.index, value);
value = 0;
return value;
public void next()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.index < end)
public void close()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private long index = start;
// Compare absolute values of mantissas
private int compareMantissaTo(DoubleApfloatImpl that)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
int result = 0;
long thisSize = getSize(),
thatSize = that.getSize(),
size = Math.max(thisSize, thatSize);
try (DataStorage.Iterator thisIterator = getZeroPaddedIterator(0, thisSize);
DataStorage.Iterator thatIterator = that.getZeroPaddedIterator(0, thatSize))
long index = findMismatch(thisIterator, thatIterator, size);
if (index >= 0) // Mismatch found
double thisValue = thisIterator.getDouble(),
thatValue = thatIterator.getDouble();
if (thisValue < thatValue)
result = -1;
else if (thisValue > thatValue)
result = 1;
return result;
// Returns index of first mismatching double, or -1 if mantissas are equal
// Iterators are left to point to the mismatching words
private long findMismatch(DataStorage.Iterator thisIterator, DataStorage.Iterator thatIterator, long size)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
for (long index = 0; index < size; index++)
double thisValue = thisIterator.getDouble(),
thatValue = thatIterator.getDouble();
if (thisValue != thatValue)
return index;
// All searched words matched exactly
return -1;
// Truncate insignificant digits from the last double of the number
private double getLeastSignificantWord(long index, double word)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.precision == Apfloat.INFINITE)
return word;
// Total digits including the specified index
long digits = getInitialDigits() + index * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix];
if (this.precision >= digits)
return word;
// Assert that the second array access will not be out of bounds
double divisor = MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS[this.radix][(int) (digits - this.precision)];
return (double) (long) (word / divisor) * divisor;
* Compares this object to the specified object.
* @param obj The object to compare with.
* @return true
if the objects are equal; false
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof ApfloatImpl))
return false;
ApfloatImpl thatImpl = (ApfloatImpl) obj;
// Special comparisons against Apfloat.ZERO and Apfloat.ONE work regardless of radix or implementation class
if (signum() == 0 && thatImpl.signum() == 0)
return true;
else if (isOne() && thatImpl.isOne())
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof DoubleApfloatImpl))
return false;
DoubleApfloatImpl that = (DoubleApfloatImpl) obj;
if (this.radix != that.radix)
// Limitation: cannot compare values with different radixes
return false;
else if (this.sign != that.sign ||
this.exponent != that.exponent)
return false;
// Need to compare mantissas
return compareMantissaTo(that) == 0;
public int hashCode()
if (this.hashCode == 0)
// Cache the value
// NOTE: This is not synchronized; it's OK if multiple threads set this at the same time
int hashCode = 1 + this.sign + (int) this.exponent + (int) (this.exponent >>> 32);
if (this.dataStorage != null)
long size = getSize();
// Scan through log(size) scattered words in the mantissa
for (long i = 0; i < size; i = i + i + 1)
double word = getWord(i);
if (i == size - 1)
word = getLeastSignificantWord(i, word);
long element = (long) word;
hashCode += (int) element + (int) (element >>> 32);
this.hashCode = hashCode;
return this.hashCode;
public String toString(boolean pretty)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.sign == 0)
return "0";
long size = getSize() * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix], // This is a rounded up value
if (pretty)
long scale = scale();
if (scale <= 0)
length = 2 - scale + size; // Format is 0.xxxx or 0.0000xxx
else if (size > scale)
length = 1 + size; // Format is
length = scale; // Format is xxxx or xxxx0000
length += (this.sign < 0 ? 1 : 0); // Room for minus sign
length = size + 24; // Sign, "0.", "e", exponent sign and 19 digits of exponent
if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE || length < 0) // Detect overflow
throw new ApfloatInternalException("Number is too large to fit in a String");
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter((int) length);
writeTo(writer, pretty);
catch (IOException ioe)
throw new ApfloatInternalException("Unexpected I/O error writing to StringWriter", ioe);
String value = writer.toString();
assert (value.length() <= length); // Postcondition to ensure performance
return value;
private static void writeZeros(Writer out, long count)
throws IOException
for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
public void writeTo(Writer out, boolean pretty)
throws IOException, ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.sign == 0)
if (this.sign < 0)
long integerDigits, // Number of digits to write before the decimal point
exponent; // Exponent to print
if (pretty)
if (this.exponent <= 0)
out.write("0."); // Output is 0.xxxx
writeZeros(out, -scale()); // Print leading zeros after decimal point before first nonzero digit
integerDigits = -1; // Decimal point is already written
integerDigits = scale(); // Decimal point location
exponent = 0; // Do not print exponent
integerDigits = 1; // Always write as x.xxxey
exponent = scale() - 1; // Print exponent
boolean leftPadZeros = false; // If the written base unit should be left-padded with zeros
long size = getSize(),
digitsToWrite = Math.min(this.precision, getInitialDigits() + (size - 1) * BASE_DIGITS[this.radix]),
digitsWritten = 0,
trailingZeros = 0;
DataStorage.Iterator iterator = this.dataStorage.iterator(DataStorage.READ, 0, size);
char[] buffer = new char[BASE_DIGITS[this.radix]];
while (size > 0)
int start = (leftPadZeros ? 0 : BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] - getInitialDigits()),
digits = (int) Math.min(digitsToWrite, BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] - start);
formatWord(buffer, iterator.getDouble());
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
int c = buffer[start + i];
if (c == '0')
while (trailingZeros > 0)
if (digitsWritten == integerDigits)
if (digitsWritten == integerDigits)
leftPadZeros = true; // Always pad with zeros after first word;
if (!pretty && exponent != 0)
out.write("e" + exponent);
writeZeros(out, integerDigits - digitsWritten); // If format is xxxx0000
private void formatWord(char[] buffer, double word)
int position = BASE_DIGITS[this.radix];
while (position > 0 && word > 0)
double newWord = (double) (long) (word / this.radix);
int digit = (int) (word - newWord * this.radix);
word = newWord;
buffer[position] = Character.forDigit(digit, this.radix);
// Left pad zeros
while (position > 0)
buffer[position] = '0';
// Effective size, in doubles
private long getSize()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
assert (this.dataStorage != null);
return Math.min(getBasePrecision(),
private static int checkRadix(int radix)
throws NumberFormatException
if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX || radix > Character.MAX_RADIX)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid radix " + radix + "; radix must be between " + Character.MIN_RADIX + " and " + Character.MAX_RADIX);
return radix;
// Get the most significant word of this number
private double getMostSignificantWord()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
return getMostSignificantWord(this.dataStorage);
// Get the most significant word of the specified data storage
private static double getMostSignificantWord(DataStorage dataStorage)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
double msw;
try (ArrayAccess arrayAccess = dataStorage.getArray(DataStorage.READ, 0, 1))
msw = arrayAccess.getDoubleData()[arrayAccess.getOffset()];
return msw;
// Get number of digits in the most significant word
private int getInitialDigits()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
if (this.initialDigits == UNDEFINED)
// Cache the value
// NOTE: This is not synchronized; it's OK if multiple threads set this at the same time
this.initialDigits = getDigits(getMostSignificantWord());
return this.initialDigits;
// Get number of digits in the most significant word of specified data
private int getInitialDigits(DataStorage dataStorage)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
return getDigits(getMostSignificantWord(dataStorage));
// Gets the number of digits in the specified double and this number's radix
private int getDigits(double x)
assert (x > 0);
double[] minimums = MINIMUM_FOR_DIGITS[this.radix];
int i = minimums.length;
while (x < minimums[--i])
return i + 1;
// Gets the precision in doubles
private long getBasePrecision()
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
return getBasePrecision(this.precision, getInitialDigits());
// Gets the precision in doubles, based on specified precision (in digits),
// number of digits in most significant word and this number's radix
private long getBasePrecision(long precision, int mswDigits)
if (precision == Apfloat.INFINITE)
return Apfloat.INFINITE;
return Long.divideUnsigned(precision + BASE_DIGITS[this.radix] - mswDigits - 1, BASE_DIGITS[this.radix]) + 1;
private double getWord(long index)
double word;
try (ArrayAccess arrayAccess = this.dataStorage.getArray(DataStorage.READ, index, 1))
word = arrayAccess.getDoubleData()[arrayAccess.getOffset()];
return word;
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
this.leastZeros = UNDEFINED;
this.isOne = UNDEFINED;
// Gets a new data storage for specified size
private static DataStorage createDataStorage(long size)
throws ApfloatRuntimeException
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
DataStorageBuilder dataStorageBuilder = ctx.getBuilderFactory().getDataStorageBuilder();
return dataStorageBuilder.createDataStorage(size * Double.BYTES);
// Gets I/O block size in doubles
private static int getBlockSize()
ApfloatContext ctx = ApfloatContext.getContext();
return ctx.getBlockSize() / Double.BYTES;
private static final DataStorage.Iterator ZERO_ITERATOR =
new DataStorage.Iterator()
@Override public double getDouble() { return 0; }
@Override public void next() { }
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4177541592360478544L;
private static final int UNDEFINED = 0x80000000;
private static final int MAX_LONG_SIZE = 4;
private static final int MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE = 4;
private int sign;
private long precision;
private long exponent;
private DataStorage dataStorage;
private int radix;
private int hashCode = 0;
private int initialDigits = UNDEFINED;
private int isOne = UNDEFINED;
private volatile long leastZeros = UNDEFINED;
private volatile long size = 0;