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org.aposin.licensescout.mojo.AbstractScanMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Maven plug-in using the LicenseScout Core for standard Maven builds. Can write reports as CSV, Text or HTML using configurable templates and can write results to a database.
* Copyright 2019 Association for the promotion of open-source insurance software and for the establishment of open interface standards in the insurance industry (Verein zur Förderung quelloffener Versicherungssoftware und Etablierung offener Schnittstellenstandards in der Versicherungsbranche)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.aposin.licensescout.mojo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.archive.Archive;
import org.aposin.licensescout.archive.ArchiveType;
import org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.BuildInfo;
import org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.DatabaseConfiguration;
import org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.Output;
import org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.OutputFileType;
import org.aposin.licensescout.configuration.RunParameters;
import org.aposin.licensescout.database.DatabaseWriter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.CsvExporter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.GeneralStatistics;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.HtmlExporter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.IDetectionStatusStatistics;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.ILegalStatusStatistics;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.IReportExporter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.OutputResult;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.ReportConfiguration;
import org.aposin.licensescout.exporter.TxtExporter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.filter.CleanArchiveListFilter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.filter.IArchiveListFilter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.filter.VendorArchiveListFilter;
import org.aposin.licensescout.finder.AbstractFinder;
import org.aposin.licensescout.finder.FinderResult;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.DetectionStatus;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.GlobalFilters;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.LegalStatus;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.License;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.LicenseCheckedList;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.LicenseStoreData;
import org.aposin.licensescout.license.LicenseUtil;
import org.aposin.licensescout.model.Notices;
import org.aposin.licensescout.model.Providers;
import org.aposin.licensescout.util.CryptUtil;
import org.aposin.licensescout.util.ILFLog;
import org.aposin.licensescout.util.MavenLog;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Scans directory for licenses (either JAVA Jars or NPM packages).
public abstract class AbstractScanMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* Directory to scan for archives.
@Parameter(property = "scanDirectory", required = false)
protected File scanDirectory;
* Location of the output file (will be combined with output filename).
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}", property = "outputDirectory", required = false)
private File outputDirectory;
* Specification of output types and filenames.
@Parameter(property = "outputs", required = false)
private List outputs;
* Name of the file to read known licenses from.
@Parameter(property = "licensesFilename", required = false)
private File licensesFilename;
* Name of the file to read known providers from.
@Parameter(property = "providersFilename", required = false)
private File providersFilename;
* Name of the file to read license notices from.
@Parameter(property = "noticesFilename", required = false)
private File noticesFilename;
* Name of the file to read checked archives from.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "checkedarchives.csv", property = "checkedArchivesFilename", required = false)
private File checkedArchivesFilename;
* Name of the file to read license URL mappings from.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "urlmappings.csv", property = "licenseUrlMappingsFilename", required = false)
private String licenseUrlMappingsFilename;
* Name of the file to read license name mappings from.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "namemappings.csv", property = "licenseNameMappingsFilename", required = false)
private String licenseNameMappingsFilename;
* Name of the file to read global filter patterns from.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "globalFilters.csv", property = "globalFiltersFilename", required = false)
private String globalFiltersFilename;
* Name of the file to read of vendor names to filter out from.
* This is alternative to filteredVendorNames. If both are given, the entries are merged.
@Parameter(property = "filteredVendorNamesFilename", required = false)
private String filteredVendorNamesFilename;
* If cleaning the output should be active.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "cleanOutputActive", required = false)
private boolean cleanOutputActive;
* List of legal states that should be filtered out if cleanOutput is active.
@Parameter(property = "cleanOutputLegalStates", required = false)
private LegalStatus[] cleanOutputLegalStates;
* List of licenses that should be filtered out if cleanOutput is active, given by their SPDX identifier.
@Parameter(property = "cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifiers", required = false)
private String[] cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifiers;
* List of vendor names to filter out.
* This is alternative to filteredVendorNamesFilename. If both are given, the entries are merged.
@Parameter(property = "filteredVendorNames", required = false)
private List filteredVendorNames;
* Base URL for fetching Maven central artifacts from a server.
* This can be Maven central itself (like the default value) or a mirror of maven central on a Nexus or other artifact server.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "", property = "nexusCentralBaseUrl", required = false)
private String nexusCentralBaseUrl;
* Timeout for connecting to artifact server. This timeout is used when
* connecting to an artifact server (as configured with
* {@link #nexusCentralBaseUrl}) to retrieve parent POMs. The value is in
* milliseconds
@Parameter(defaultValue = "1000", property = "connectTimeout", required = false)
private int connectTimeout;
* Whether the license XML file should be validated while reading in.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "validateLicenseXml", required = false)
private boolean validateLicenseXml;
* Whether the license XML file should be validated while reading in.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "showDocumentationUrl", required = false)
private boolean showDocumentationUrl;
* Whether a skeleton archive XML file of all found archives should be written.
* If enabled, the file is written to {@link #archiveXmlSkeletonFile}.
* @see #archiveXmlSkeletonFile
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "writeArchiveXmlSkeleton", required = false)
private boolean writeArchiveXmlSkeleton;
* File name a skeleton archive XML file of all found archives should be written to.
* Only used if {@link #writeArchiveXmlSkeleton} is true.
* @see #writeArchiveXmlSkeleton
@Parameter(defaultValue = "archiveSkeleton.xml", property = "archiveXmlSkeletonFile", required = false)
private File archiveXmlSkeletonFile;
* Whether a skeleton archive CSV file of all found archives should be written.
* If enabled, the file is written to {@link #archiveXmlSkeletonFile}.
* @see #archiveCsvSkeletonFile
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "writeArchiveCsvSkeleton", required = false)
private boolean writeArchiveCsvSkeleton;
* File name a skeleton archive CSV file of all found archives should be written to.
* Only used if {@link #writeArchiveCsvSkeleton} is true.
* @see #writeArchiveCsvSkeleton
@Parameter(defaultValue = "archiveSkeleton.csv", property = "archiveCsvSkeletonFile", required = false)
private File archiveCsvSkeletonFile;
* The name of the build to use when writing database entries.
* Only used if {@link #writeResultsToDatabase} is true.
@Parameter(property = "buildName", required = false)
private String buildName;
* The version of the build to use when writing database entries.
* Only used if {@link #writeResultsToDatabase} is true.
@Parameter(property = "buildVersion", required = false)
private String buildVersion;
* The URL of the build itself (point to Jenkins).
* Only used if {@link #writeResultsToDatabase} is true.
@Parameter(property = "buildUrl", required = false)
private String buildUrl;
* Whether the resulting reports should be written to a database.
* If enabled, the reports are written to the database configured with {@link #resultDatabaseConfiguration}.
* @see #resultDatabaseConfiguration
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "writeResultsToDatabase", required = false)
private boolean writeResultsToDatabase;
* Whether the resulting reports should be written to a database in case the build is a snapshot
* (identified by the value of {@link #buildVersion} ending with "-SNAPSHOT").
* This setting only has an effect if {@link #writeResultsToDatabase} is enabled.
* @see #writeResultsToDatabase
* @see #resultDatabaseConfiguration
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "writeResultsToDatabaseForSnapshotBuilds", required = false)
private boolean writeResultsToDatabaseForSnapshotBuilds;
* Database configuration for the database the reports should be written to.
* Only used if {@link #writeResultsToDatabase} is true.
* @see #writeResultsToDatabase
@Parameter(property = "resultDatabaseConfiguration", required = false)
private DatabaseConfiguration resultDatabaseConfiguration;
* Skips the execution.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "skip", required = false)
protected boolean skip;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
final ILFLog log = new MavenLog(getLog());
if (skip)
{"Not executing because skip is configured as true.");
final Providers providers = readProviders(log);
final Notices notices = readNotices(log);
final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData = init(notices, log);
final GlobalFilters globalFilters = readGlobalFilters(log);
final LicenseCheckedList checkedArchives = readCheckedArchives(licenseStoreData, notices, providers, log);
final List cleanOutputLicenses = createCleanOutputLicenseList(log, licenseStoreData);
final List finalFilteredVendorNames = readAndCollectFilteredVendorNames(log);
ArchiveType archiveType = getArchiveType();
final RunParameters runParameters = new RunParameters();
final AbstractFinder finder = createFinder(licenseStoreData, runParameters, log);
getLog().info("Starting scan on " + scanDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "...");
try {
final FinderResult finderResult = finder.findLicenses();
if (finderResult == null) {
getLog().info("No finder results.");
getLog().info("Evaluating licenses...");
LicenseUtil.evaluateLicenses(checkedArchives, finderResult.getArchiveFiles(), licenseStoreData);
filterGlobal(finderResult.getArchiveFiles(), globalFilters, log);
final IArchiveListFilter vendorFilter = new VendorArchiveListFilter(finalFilteredVendorNames, log, true);
final IArchiveListFilter filter = new CleanArchiveListFilter(log, cleanOutputActive,
Arrays.asList(cleanOutputLegalStates), cleanOutputLicenses);
final BuildInfo buildInfo = createBuildInfo();
writeResultsToDatabase(buildInfo, finderResult.getArchiveFiles(), log);
final OutputResult outputResult = createOutputResult(finderResult);
final ReportConfiguration reportConfiguration = createReportConfiguration(archiveType);
doOutput(log, outputResult, reportConfiguration);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Internal error occured: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
* Obtains the archive type handled by this MOJO.
* @return an archive type
protected abstract ArchiveType getArchiveType();
* @param log
private void prepareOutput(final ILFLog log) {
for (final Output output : outputs) {
final File outputFile = new File(outputDirectory, output.getFilename());"using " + output.getType() + " output file: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
final File templateFile = output.getTemplate();
if (templateFile != null) {
if (templateFile.isFile() && templateFile.canRead()) {"using template: " + templateFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
log.warn("not using template because it is not a file or it cannot be read: "
+ templateFile.getAbsolutePath());
// unset so that furthers steps only need to check for null
private BuildInfo createBuildInfo() {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(buildName)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter buildName not configured");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(buildVersion)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter buildVersion not configured");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(buildUrl)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter buildUrl not configured");
String licenseReportCsvUrl = null;
String licenseReportHtmlUrl = null;
String licenseReportTxtUrl = null;
for (final Output output : outputs) {
switch (output.getType()) {
case CSV:
licenseReportCsvUrl = output.getUrl();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(licenseReportCsvUrl)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter licenseReportCsvUrl not configured");
case HTML:
licenseReportHtmlUrl = output.getUrl();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(licenseReportHtmlUrl)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter licenseReportHtmlUrl not configured");
case TXT:
licenseReportTxtUrl = output.getUrl();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(licenseReportTxtUrl)) {
getLog().warn("Parameter licenseReportTxtUrl not configured");
getLog().warn("Unhandled output type: " + output.getType());
// Note: date is used from the database
return new BuildInfo(buildName, buildVersion, null, buildUrl, licenseReportCsvUrl, licenseReportHtmlUrl,
private void writeArchiveSkeletonFile(final List archives) throws MojoExecutionException {
* @param archives
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private void writeArchiveCsvSkeletonFile(final List archives) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (writeArchiveCsvSkeleton) {
if (archiveCsvSkeletonFile != null) {
getLog().info("writing archive CSV skeleton file to: " + archiveCsvSkeletonFile);
try {
LicenseCheckedList.writeCsvSkeletonFile(archiveCsvSkeletonFile, archives);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot write archive CSV skeleton file", e);
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing archive CSV skeleton file (not configured)");
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing archive CSV skeleton file (not configured)");
* @param archives
* @throws MojoExecutionException
private void writeArchiveXmlSkeletonFile(final List archives) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (writeArchiveXmlSkeleton) {
if (archiveXmlSkeletonFile != null) {
getLog().info("writing archive XML skeleton file to: " + archiveXmlSkeletonFile);
try {
LicenseCheckedList.writeXmlSkeletonFile(archiveXmlSkeletonFile, archives);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot write archive XML skeleton file", e);
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing archive XML skeleton file (not configured)");
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing archive XML skeleton file (not configured)");
private void writeResultsToDatabase(final BuildInfo buildInfo, final List archives, final ILFLog log) {
if (writeResultsToDatabase) {
if (isSnapshotVersion(buildVersion) && !writeResultsToDatabaseForSnapshotBuilds) {
getLog().info("Not writing results to database because is snapshot version");
} else {
if (resultDatabaseConfiguration != null && resultDatabaseConfiguration.getJdbcUrl() != null) {
getLog().info("Writing results to database " + resultDatabaseConfiguration.getJdbcUrl()
+ " (user: '" + resultDatabaseConfiguration.getUsername() + "')");
DatabaseWriter.writeToDatabase(buildInfo, archives, resultDatabaseConfiguration, log);
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing results to database (no database configuration)");
} else {
getLog().info("Not writing results to database (not configured)");
private boolean hasUnacceptedState(final Archive archive) {
final DetectionStatus detectionStatus = archive.getDetectionStatus();
final LegalStatus legalStatus = archive.getLegalStatus();
return (detectionStatus == DetectionStatus.MULTIPLE_DETECTED || detectionStatus == DetectionStatus.NOT_DETECTED
|| legalStatus == LegalStatus.NOT_ACCEPTED || legalStatus == LegalStatus.CONFLICTING
|| legalStatus == LegalStatus.UNKNOWN);
* @param log
* @param outputResult
* @param reportConfiguration
* @throws Exception
private void doOutput(final ILFLog log, final OutputResult outputResult,
final ReportConfiguration reportConfiguration)
throws Exception {
for (final Output output : outputs) {
final File outputFile = new File(outputDirectory, output.getFilename());
final OutputFileType outputFileType = output.getType();
final IReportExporter exporter = getReportExporter(outputFileType);
exporter.export(outputResult, reportConfiguration);"written output for " + outputFileType + " to "
+ reportConfiguration.getOutputFile().getAbsolutePath());
if (outputs == null || outputs.isEmpty()) {"No output files written because no output formats are configured.");
* @param archiveType
* @return a report configuration object
private ReportConfiguration createReportConfiguration(ArchiveType archiveType) {
final ReportConfiguration reportConfiguration = new ReportConfiguration();
reportConfiguration.setShowMessageDigestColumn(archiveType == ArchiveType.JAVA);
reportConfiguration.setShowPathColumn(archiveType == ArchiveType.JAVA);
return reportConfiguration;
* @param finderResult
* @return an output result object
private OutputResult createOutputResult(final FinderResult finderResult) {
final IDetectionStatusStatistics detectionStatusStatistics = LicenseUtil
final ILegalStatusStatistics legalStatusStatistics = LicenseUtil
final GeneralStatistics generalStatistics = LicenseUtil
final OutputResult outputResult = new OutputResult();
return outputResult;
private void checkParameters(final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (scanDirectory != null) {
if (!scanDirectory.exists()) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("This search path does not exist: " + scanDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
}"using scan directory: " + scanDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
throw new MojoExecutionException("scanDirectory not configured");
* @param log the logger
* @return a license store data object
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected LicenseStoreData init(final Notices notices, final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData = readLicenses(notices, log);
if (licenseStoreData != null) {
readLicenseUrlMappings(licenseStoreData, log);
readLicenseNameMappings(licenseStoreData, log);
return licenseStoreData;
* Creates a finder.
* @param licenseStoreData
* @param runParameters
* @param log the logger
* @return a finder
protected abstract AbstractFinder createFinder(LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData, RunParameters runParameters,
ILFLog log);
* @param log the logger
* @param licenseStoreData
* @return a list of licenses that should not appear in cleaned output
protected List createCleanOutputLicenseList(final ILFLog log, final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData) {"Clean output: " + (cleanOutputActive ? "active" : "not active"));
final List cleanOutputLicenses = new ArrayList<>();
if (cleanOutputActive) {
for (final String cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifier : cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifiers) {
final License license = licenseStoreData.getLicenseBySpdxIdentifier(cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifier);
if (license != null) {
cleanOutputLicenses.add(license);"Adding license to clean output filter list by SPDX identifier: "
+ cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifier);
} else {
log.warn("Cannot find license by SPDX identifier: " + cleanOutputLicenseSpdxIdentifier);
return cleanOutputLicenses;
protected IReportExporter getReportExporter(final OutputFileType outputFileType) {
switch (outputFileType) {
case CSV:
return CsvExporter.getInstance();
case HTML:
return HtmlExporter.getInstance();
case TXT:
return TxtExporter.getInstance();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unhandled OutputFileType: " + outputFileType);
* @param licenseStoreData
* @param log the logger
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected void readLicenseUrlMappings(final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData, final ILFLog log)
throws MojoExecutionException {
if (licenseUrlMappingsFilename != null) {
final File file = new File(licenseUrlMappingsFilename);
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {"reading license URL mappings from " + licenseUrlMappingsFilename);
try {
licenseStoreData.readUrlMappings(licenseUrlMappingsFilename, log);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read license URL mappings", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading license URL mappings because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ licenseUrlMappingsFilename);
} else {"not reading license URL mappings (not configured)");
* @param licenseStoreData
* @param log the logger
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected void readLicenseNameMappings(final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData, final ILFLog log)
throws MojoExecutionException {
if (licenseNameMappingsFilename != null) {
final File file = new File(licenseNameMappingsFilename);
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {"reading license name mappings from " + licenseNameMappingsFilename);
try {
licenseStoreData.readNameMappings(licenseNameMappingsFilename, log);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read license name mappings", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading license name mappings because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ licenseNameMappingsFilename);
} else {"not reading license name mappings (not configured)");
* @param log the logger
* @return a global filters object
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected GlobalFilters readGlobalFilters(final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
final GlobalFilters globalFilters = new GlobalFilters();
if (globalFiltersFilename != null) {
final File file = new File(globalFiltersFilename);
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {"reading global filters from " + globalFiltersFilename);
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read global filters", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading global filters because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ globalFiltersFilename);
} else {"not reading global filters (not configured)");
return globalFilters;
* @param log the logger
* @return a license store data object
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected LicenseStoreData readLicenses(final Notices notices, final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (licensesFilename != null) {
if (licensesFilename.exists() && licensesFilename.canRead()) {"reading licenses from " + licensesFilename);
try {
final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData = new LicenseStoreData();
licenseStoreData.readLicenses(licensesFilename, notices, validateLicenseXml, log);
return licenseStoreData;
} catch (IOException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read licenses", e);
} else {
"not reading licenses because the file does not exist or is not readable: " + licensesFilename);
} else {"not reading licenses (not configured)");
return null;
* Reads providers.
* @param log the logger
* @return a providers data object
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected Providers readProviders(final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (providersFilename != null) {
if (providersFilename.exists() && providersFilename.canRead()) {"reading providers from " + providersFilename);
try {
final Providers providers = new Providers();
providers.readProviders(providersFilename, validateLicenseXml, log);
return providers;
} catch (IOException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read providers", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading providers because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ providersFilename);
} else {"not reading providers (not configured)");
return null;
* Reads notices.
* @param log the logger
* @return a notices data object
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected Notices readNotices(final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (noticesFilename != null) {
if (noticesFilename.exists() && noticesFilename.canRead()) {"reading notices from " + noticesFilename);
try {
final Notices notices = new Notices();
notices.readNotices(noticesFilename, validateLicenseXml, log);
return notices;
} catch (IOException | ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read notices", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading notices because the file does not exist or is not readable: " + noticesFilename);
} else {"not reading notices (not configured)");
return null;
* @param licenseStoreData
* @param log the logger
* @return an object containing information on manaually checked archives
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected LicenseCheckedList readCheckedArchives(final LicenseStoreData licenseStoreData, final Notices notices,
final Providers providers, final ILFLog log)
throws MojoExecutionException {
final LicenseCheckedList checkedArchives = new LicenseCheckedList();
if (checkedArchivesFilename != null) {
if (checkedArchivesFilename.exists() && checkedArchivesFilename.canRead()) {"reading checked archives list from " + checkedArchivesFilename);
try {
checkedArchives.readCsv(checkedArchivesFilename, licenseStoreData, providers, notices, log);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read check archives list", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading checked archives list because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ checkedArchivesFilename);
} else {"not reading checked archives list (not configured)");
return checkedArchives;
* @param log the logger
* @return a list of vendor names to filter out
* @throws MojoExecutionException
protected List readAndCollectFilteredVendorNames(final ILFLog log) throws MojoExecutionException {
final List resultFilteredVendorNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String vendorName : filteredVendorNames) {
resultFilteredVendorNames.add(vendorName);"Using vendor name to filter (from maven configuration): '" + vendorName + "'");
if (filteredVendorNamesFilename != null) {
final File file = new File(filteredVendorNamesFilename);
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {"reading vendor names to filter out from " + filteredVendorNamesFilename);
try {
final List tmpResultList = readFilteredVendorNamesFromFile(filteredVendorNamesFilename,
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("cannot read filtered vendor names list", e);
} else {
log.error("not reading vendor names to filter out because the file does not exist or is not readable: "
+ filteredVendorNamesFilename);
} else {"not reading vendor names to filter out from file (not configured)");
return resultFilteredVendorNames;
* Reads a CSV file containing vendor names to filter out.
* @param filename a filename of the file to read
* @param log the logger
* @throws IOException if an error occurred while reading from the file
protected static List readFilteredVendorNamesFromFile(final String filename, final ILFLog log)
throws IOException {
final List resultList = new ArrayList<>();
String line = "";
try (final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// ignore lines commented out
if (line.startsWith("#") || StringUtils.isEmpty(line)) {
resultList.add(line);"Using vendor name to filter (from configuration file): '" + line + "'");
return resultList;
* @param directory
protected void createDirectoryIfNotExists(final File directory) {
if (!directory.exists()) {
getLog().info("created directory " + directory.getAbsoluteFile());
* @param archiveFiles
* @param globalFilters
* @param log the logger
protected static void filterGlobal(final List archiveFiles, final GlobalFilters globalFilters,
final ILFLog log) {
final Iterator iter = archiveFiles.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final Archive archive =;
if (globalFilters.isFiltered(archive)) {"Archive filtered out by global filter: " + archive.getPath());
* @param log the logger
protected void logNpmExcludedDirectoryNames(final ILFLog log) {
* @return the showDocumentationUrl
protected final boolean isShowDocumentationUrl() {
return showDocumentationUrl;
private static boolean isSnapshotVersion(final String version) {
return version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT");