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org.appdapter.gui.trigger.TriggerForMember Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.appdapter.gui.trigger;

import static org.appdapter.core.convert.ReflectUtils.NO_CONVERTER;
import static org.appdapter.core.convert.ReflectUtils.getInterfaceMethod;
import static org.appdapter.core.convert.ReflectUtils.invokeA;
import static org.appdapter.core.convert.ReflectUtils.isStatic;
import static org.appdapter.core.log.Debuggable.printStackTrace;
import static org.appdapter.gui.trigger.TriggerMenuFactory.describeMethod;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;

import org.appdapter.core.debug.UIAnnotations.AskIfEqual;
import org.appdapter.core.debug.UIAnnotations.UISalient;
import org.appdapter.api.trigger.Box;
import org.appdapter.api.trigger.Trigger;
import org.appdapter.trigger.bind.jena.TriggerImpl;
import org.appdapter.core.component.KnownComponent;
import org.appdapter.core.convert.NoSuchConversionException;
import org.appdapter.core.convert.OptionalArg;
import org.appdapter.core.convert.ReflectUtils;
import org.appdapter.core.log.Debuggable;
import org.appdapter.gui.api.DisplayContext;
import org.appdapter.gui.api.UIAware;
import org.appdapter.gui.browse.PropertyDescriptorForField;
import org.appdapter.gui.browse.Utility;
import org.appdapter.gui.browse.Utility.UtilityOptionalArgs;
import org.appdapter.gui.swing.SafeJCheckBoxMenuItem;
import org.appdapter.gui.swing.SafeJMenu;
import org.appdapter.gui.swing.SafeJMenuItem;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Container;

public class TriggerForMember>> extends TriggerForInstance implements Comparable, AskIfEqual, TriggerForClass {
	//extends TriggerForInstance implements Comparable, AskIfEqual {

	public static boolean ShowConvertedTargetTriggers = false;

	@UISalient(MenuName = "%m")
	static public boolean PrefixWithIndirectyWhenIndirect = true;

	@UISalient(MenuName = "%m")
	static public boolean UseShowForGetInButtonNames = false;

	 *   isDeclNonStatic = true .. for static Methods can be treated like instance methods 
	 *      by placing the menu target as the first param
	boolean isDeclNonStatic;
	protected UISalient isSalientMethod;

	 *  can invoke a method without changing things
	public Member member;
	public FeatureDescriptor featureDesc;
	Class[] params;
	Object[] filledInParams;
	private String menuFormat;
	public PropertyDescriptorForField propDesc;
	Object retvalCache;
	private boolean isSideEffectSafe;
	boolean isTemplateTrigger = false;

	// means the _object is ingnored
	boolean isDeclaredLikeStatic;

	private boolean isPasteAtPopup;

	private boolean isStatic;

	public TriggerForMember(boolean isTemplate, String menuName, DisplayContext ctx, Class cls, Object obj, Member fd, boolean isDeclNonStatic0, FeatureDescriptor feature, boolean hasNoSideEffects) {
		isTemplateTrigger = isTemplate;
		init(menuName, ctx, cls, obj, fd, isDeclNonStatic0, feature);
		member = fd;

	private void recheckSideEffects(Member fd) {

		if (fd != null && nonPrimReturnType() == Void.class) {
			// void methods must do someting (unsafe)
		if (!isSideEffectSafe()) {
			if (fd != null && nonPrimReturnType() != Void.class) {
				if (member.getName().equals("getConverters")) {
					error("getConverters is not sideEffectSafe?");
				if (isReady()) {
					String memberName = fd.getName();
					if (memberName.startsWith("get") || memberName.startsWith("is")) {
						if (Utility.isSideEffectReturnType(getReturnType())) {
							if (isStatic(fd) || Utility.isSideEffectSafe(getDeclaringClass())) {
			// if (isSideEffectSafe) theLogger.warn("isSideEffectSafe " + fd);

	@Override public boolean appliesTarget(Class cls, Object anyObject) {
		Class classOfBox = getDeclaringClass();
		if (anyObject != null && classOfBox.isInstance(anyObject)) {
			if (this.member instanceof Method) {
				Collection col = ReflectUtils.getAllMethods(anyObject.getClass(), false);
				if (col.contains(this.member)) {
					return true;
				if (this.isStatic) {
					return true;
				if (classOfBox.isInterface())
					return true;
				return false;
			return true;

		if (classOfBox.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
			return true;
		if (!ReflectUtils.convertsTo(anyObject, cls, classOfBox))
			return false;
		if (!ShowConvertedTargetTriggers)
			return false;
		return true;

	public boolean appliesToOperand(Class cls) {
		if (cls == null || cls == Void.class || cls == void.class) {
			return noOperand();
		Class[] params = getParameters();
		if (params.length > 1)
			return ReflectUtils.isAssignableFrom(params[1], cls);
		return false;

	public void applySalience(UISalient uiSalient) {
		if (uiSalient == null)
		this.isSalientMethod = uiSalient;
		String mn = uiSalient.MenuName();
		if (mn != null && mn.length() > 0) {
			menuFormat = mn;
			menuPath_cache = null;
		if (uiSalient.IsSideEffectSafe()) {
		if (uiSalient.IsNotSideEffectSafe()) {
		if (uiSalient.TreatLikeStatic()) {
			isDeclaredLikeStatic = true;


	 * Compares this object with the specified object for order. 

The subclasser must ensure sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == * -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) for all x and y. (This * implies that x.compareTo(y) must throw an exception iff * y.compareTo(x) throws an exception.) * * @param o the Trigger to be compared. * @return a 0 = if the objects are the same * +/-1 if the triggers have the same side effect * +/-2 if the triggers have a different side effect * * @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's type prevents it * from being compared to this object. */ @Override public int compareTo(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Trigger o) { if (this == o) return 0; else if (this == null) return 2; if (equalsByObject(o)) return 0; boolean ej = equalJob(o); int labelDif = toString().compareTo(o.toString()); if (ej) return (int) Math.signum(labelDif); return labelDif; } public TriggerForInstance createTrigger(String menuFmt, DisplayContext ctx, Object poj) { if (menuFmt == null) menuFmt = this.menuFormat; TriggerForMember tfm = new TriggerForMember(false, menuFmt, ctx, arg0Clazz, poj, member, isDeclNonStatic, featureDesc, isSideEffectSafe()); tfm.applySalience(this.isSalientMethod); tfm.creator = this; tfm.useCount = this.useCount; return tfm; } public boolean equalJob(Trigger obj) { if (obj instanceof TriggerForClass) if (equalsByObject(obj)) return true; if (!(obj instanceof KnownComponent)) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof TriggerForType)) return false; if (true) return getIdentityObject() == ((TriggerForType) obj).getIdentityObject(); KnownComponent other = (KnownComponent) obj; /// assume they are named the same String osl = other.getShortLabel(); if (osl != null && osl.equals(getShortLabel())) return true; // for now assume a different job if a different datatype if (!(obj instanceof TriggerForMember)) { return false; } TriggerForMember tfi = (TriggerForMember) obj; Class rt = getReturnType(); if (rt != tfi.getReturnType()) return false; Member rm = this.getMember(); if (rm != null) { Member om = tfi.getMember(); if (om != null) { boolean sameMName = rm.getName().equals(om.getName()); if (sameMName) { if (ReflectUtils.getParameterTypes(om).length != ReflectUtils.getParameterTypes(rm).length) { return false; } return true; } return false; } } if (rt == void.class) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Trigger)) { return false; } Trigger other = (Trigger) obj; if (equalsByObject(other)) return true; if (equalJob(other)) return true; return false; } private boolean equalsByObject(Trigger o) { if (this == o) return true; else if (this == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof TriggerForMember)) { return false; } TriggerForMember tfi = (TriggerForMember) o; Member rm = this.getMember(); if (rm != null) { Member om = tfi.getMember(); if (om != null) return rm.getName().equals(om.getName()); } if (tfi.getFieldSummary().equals(getFieldSummary())) return true; return false; } @Override public void fireIT(Object targetBox, ActionEvent actevt) throws InvocationTargetException { if (lastEvent == actevt) { getLogger().debug(Debuggable.toInfoStringArgV(this, " firing 0n ", targetBox, " with " + actevt)); } else { getLogger().debug(Debuggable.toInfoStringArgV(this, " firing on ", targetBox, " with " + actevt)); } Object obj = valueOf(targetBox, actevt, true, wasPaste(actevt)); Class rt = nonPrimReturnType(); try { Utility.addSubResult(this, targetBox, actevt, obj, rt); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { Debuggable.printStackTrace(e); } } public boolean wasPaste(ActionEvent actevt) { return isPasteAtPopup; } public Class getDeclaringClass() { if (arg0Clazz != null) return arg0Clazz; Class fi = getMember().getDeclaringClass();// classOrFirstInterfaceR(_clazz); if (propDesc != null) { fi = propDesc.getField().getDeclaringClass(); } return fi; } @Override public String getDescription() { String myDescription = super.getDescription(); if (myDescription == null) { myDescription = "" + getIdentityObject(); setDescription(myDescription); } return myDescription; } public @Override Object getIdentityObject() { return member; } public Member getMember() { if (propDesc != null) { return propDesc.getField(); } return member; } public String getMenuPath() { boolean was = Debuggable.isNotShowingExceptions(); Debuggable.setDoNotShowExceptions(true); try { if (this.menuPath_cache == null || isPasteAtPopup || isReady()) { isPasteAtPopup = false; menuPath_cache = makeMenuPath(); } return this.menuPath_cache; } finally { Debuggable.setDoNotShowExceptions(was); } } public boolean isReady() { if (isPasteAtPopup) return true; return getMissingParametersAtPopup() == 0; } public String makeMenuPath() { if (menuFormat != null && !menuFormat.contains("%") && menuFormat.length() > 1) // pre-named? return menuFormat; Object o1 = Utility.dref(_object); Class tdc = getDeclaringClass(); Class mdc = member.getDeclaringClass(); Class odc = mdc; Class ifc = tdc; if (o1 != null) { ifc = odc = o1.getClass(); } if (mdc.isInterface()) { ifc = mdc; } Type[] gi = ReflectUtils.getGenericInterfaces(odc); int ifcCont = gi.length; Class getReturnType = getReturnType(); int missingParamsTotal = getMissingParametersAtPopup(); /* return getMenuPath(menuFormat, !isDeclNonStatic && ReflectUtils.isStatic(member), o1, tdc, mdc, getReturnType(), new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return valueOf(null, null, false, false); } }, member.getName(), getMissingParametersAtPopup(), new Utility.UtilityOptionalArgs(OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_DEFAULTS), this); } public String getMenuPath(String menuFormat, boolean isStatic, Object o1, Class tdc, Class mdc, Class getReturnType, Callable valueOf, String memberName, int missingParamsTotal, OptionalArg optionals, TriggerForMember memb) { */ boolean isStatic = !isDeclNonStatic && ReflectUtils.isStatic(member); String prefix = ""; StringBuffer suffix = new StringBuffer(); String s = menuFormat; if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { s = "%c|%m"; if (isDeclNonStatic) { s = "%m"; } } if (isStatic) { prefix = "Static|"; } boolean isIndirect = (o1 != null && !tdc.isInstance(o1)); if (s.contains("%c")) { if (false && !tdc.isInterface()) { Member member = getMember(); if (member instanceof Method) { Class fi = member.getDeclaringClass(); Method m = getInterfaceMethod(fi, (Method) member); if (m == null) { Class srch = mdc; if (!isStatic(member)) { if (o1 != null) { srch = o1.getClass(); } } if (srch != fi) { m = getInterfaceMethod(srch, (Method) member); } } if (m != null) { mdc = m.getDeclaringClass(); //tdc = mdc; if (mdc.isInterface()) { ifc = mdc; } } } } if (ifc.isInterface()) { if (ifcCont > 5) { prefix = "* Interfaces|" + prefix; } else { prefix = "* " + prefix; } } String strval = ReflectUtils.getCanonicalSimpleName(ifc); if (isIndirect) { isIndirect = true; if (PrefixWithIndirectyWhenIndirect) { suffix.append(" (" + strval + ")"); strval = "Indirectly"; } } s = replace(s, "%c", strval); } if (s.contains("%d")) { String strval = Utility.getSpecialClassName0(mdc); if (isIndirect) { if (PrefixWithIndirectyWhenIndirect) { suffix.append(" (" + strval + ")"); strval = "Indirectly"; } } s = replace(s, "%d", strval); } if (s.contains("%o")) { String strval = Utility.getUniqueNameForKey(ReflectUtils.recastOrOtherwise(o1, tdc, "")); s = replace(s, "%o", strval); } if (s.contains("%t")) { String strval = Utility.getUniqueNameForKey(o1); s = replace(s, "%t", strval); } if (s.contains("%i")) { Class fi = mdc; if (!fi.isInterface()) { Class[] fis = fi.getInterfaces(); if (fis.length > 0) { fi = fis[0]; } if (!fi.isInterface()) { if (o1 != null) { fi = o1.getClass(); fis = fi.getInterfaces(); if (fis.length > 0) { fi = fis[0]; } } } if (!fi.isInterface()) { fis = fi.getInterfaces(); if (fis.length > 0) { fi = fis[0]; } } if (!fi.isInterface()) { fi = tdc; } if (!fi.isInterface()) { fis = fi.getInterfaces(); if (fis.length > 0) { fi = fis[0]; } } } String strval = Utility.getShortClassName(fi); if (o1 != null && !fi.isInstance(o1)) { isIndirect = true; if (PrefixWithIndirectyWhenIndirect) { suffix.append(" (" + strval + ")"); strval = "Indirectly"; } } s = replace(s, "%i", strval); } if (s.contains("%r")) { String strval = Utility.getShortClassName(getReturnType); s = replace(s, "%r", strval); } if (s.contains("%v")) { String strval = ""; try { Object obj = valueOf(null, null, false, false); if (obj != null) { strval = strval + Utility.getUniqueNamePretty(obj); } } catch (Exception e) { } s = replace(s, "%v", strval); } if (s.contains("%m")) { String strval = member.getName(); if (UseShowForGetInButtonNames && strval.length() > 4) { if (Character.isUpperCase(strval.charAt(3))) { strval = replace(strval, "get", "Show"); strval = replace(strval, "set", "Replace"); } else if (Character.isUpperCase(strval.charAt(2))) { strval = replace(strval, "is", "Show"); } } strval = Utility.spaceCase(Utility.properCase(strval)); if (nonPrimReturnType() == Void.class) { strval = "* " + strval; } boolean showMoreParamsNeeded = true; Class[] params = getParameters(); Object[] filledInParams = this.filledInParams; int plen = params.length; if (missingParamsTotal == 1 && plen == 2) { OptionalArg optionals = new UtilityOptionalArgs(OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_CLIPBOARD); int last = plen - 1; Class operand = params[last]; try { Object paste = optionals.getArg(operand); if (operand.isInstance(paste)) { missingParamsTotal = 0; if (filledInParams == null) { this.filledInParams = new Object[] { this._object, paste }; } else { filledInParams[last] = paste; } strval = "Paste|" + strval + " with '" + Utility.getUniqueNamePretty(paste) + "'"; isPasteAtPopup = true; showMoreParamsNeeded = false; } } catch (NoSuchConversionException e) { } } if (missingParamsTotal > 0) { //filledInParams = memb.filledInParams; if (filledInParams != null) { int tryForMore = getNullCount(filledInParams); OptionalArg optionals = new UtilityOptionalArgs(OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_DEFAULTS); if (optionals != null) { tryForMore = fillInParamsFromUI(optionals, suffix); } if (tryForMore == 0) { missingParamsTotal = 0; showMoreParamsNeeded = false; strval = "With Param Context|" + strval; } } if (showMoreParamsNeeded) { strval = "More Params Needed|" + strval; } } s = replace(s, "%m", strval); } if (missingParamsTotal > 0) { if (!s.contains("%p")) s = s + " %p"; } if (s.contains("%p")) { String strval = ""; Class[] params = getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (strval == "") { strval = Utility.getShortClassName(params[i]); } else { strval += "," + Utility.getShortClassName(params[i]); } } s = replace(s, "%p", "(" + strval + ")"); } return prefix + s + suffix.toString(); } int fillInParamsFromUI(OptionalArg optionals, Appendable debugBuf) { int missingParamsTotal = getMissingParametersAtPopup(); if (missingParamsTotal > 0) { if (filledInParams != null) { missingParamsTotal = getNullCount(filledInParams); if (optionals != null) { optionals.reset(); int plen = params.length; for (int i = 0; i < plen; i++) { Class needed = params[i]; Object have = filledInParams[i]; if (have == null) { try { have = optionals.getArg(needed); if (needed.isInstance(have)) { filledInParams[i] = have; missingParamsTotal--; if (debugBuf != null) try { debugBuf.append(" (arg" + i + "='" + Utility.getUniqueNamePretty(have) + "')"); } catch (IOException e) { } } } catch (NoSuchConversionException e) { // break; } } } } } } return missingParamsTotal; } private static String replace(String s, String f, String r) { if (r == null || r.length() == 0) return s; return s.replace(f, r); } public int getMissingParametersAtPopup() { Class[] params = getParameters(); int needsArgumentsTotal = params.length; if (!isDeclaredLikeStatic) { if (_object != null) { if (filledInParams == null) { filledInParams = new Object[params.length]; } if (filledInParams.length == 0) { return 0; } filledInParams[0] = _object; needsArgumentsTotal--; } } return needsArgumentsTotal; } static public int getNullCount(Object[] filledIn) { int nullz = 0; for (Object o : filledIn) { if (o == null) nullz++; } return nullz; } public Class[] getParameters() { if (params == null) { Member m = getMember(); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); if (m != null) { if (!isStatic) al.add(getDeclaringClass()); if (!(m instanceof Field)) { for (Class c : ReflectUtils.getParameterTypes(m)) { al.add(c); } } } params = al.toArray(new Class[al.size()]); if (filledInParams == null) { filledInParams = new Object[params.length]; } } return params; } public Class getReturnType() { if (propDesc != null) { return propDesc.getField().getType(); } Member m = getMember(); if (m == null) return null; return ReflectUtils.getReturnType(m); } public Object getSafeValue() { if (retvalCache != null) return retvalCache; if (isSideEffectSafe()) { try { return retvalCache = valueOf(null, null, false, false); } catch (Throwable e) { } } return null; } public void init(String menuFmt, DisplayContext ctx, Class cls, Object obj, Member fd, boolean isDeclNonStatic0, FeatureDescriptor feature) { if (menuFmt != null && menuFmt.length() < 2) { menuFmt = null; } this.menuFormat = menuFmt; arg0Clazz = cls; member = fd; displayContext = ctx; featureDesc = feature; _object = obj; isDeclNonStatic = isDeclNonStatic0; this.isStatic = ReflectUtils.isStatic(member); if (isDeclNonStatic && !isStatic) { theLogger.warn("isDeclNonStatic to non static " + member); } String desc = describeMethod(fd); Class[] ps = getParameters(); if (ps.length > 0) { arg0Clazz = getParameters()[0]; } boolean dirrect = arg0Clazz.isInstance(obj); if (!isTemplateTrigger && !dirrect && ps.length > 0) { error("not isntance of " + arg0Clazz); } if (isTemplateTrigger && dirrect) { error("not isntance of " + arg0Clazz); } if (featureDesc instanceof PropertyDescriptorForField) { setSideEffectSafe(true); propDesc = (PropertyDescriptorForField) feature; desc = desc + " " + propDesc.getShortDescription(); //menuName = propDesc.getSyntheticName(member); Field f = propDesc.getField(); Method rm = propDesc.getReadMethod(); if (rm == null || rm == member) { member = f; arg0Clazz = f.getDeclaringClass(); } setDescription(desc); } else { setDescription(desc); } //setShortLabel(getShortLabel()); } private void error(String msg) { Utility.bug(msg); } @Override public AbstractButton makeMenuItem(String menuName, final Object b) { retvalCache = null; //AbstractButton jmi; if (menuName == null) menuName = getMenuName(); if (jmi != null) { jmi = null; } final TriggerForMember trig = this; if (isSideEffectSafe() && nonPrimReturnType() == Boolean.class) { jmi = new SafeJCheckBoxMenuItem(b, true, menuName, null, getSafeValue() == Boolean.TRUE); } else { jmi = new SafeJMenuItem(b, true, menuName); } if (trig instanceof UIAware) { jmi = (AbstractButton) ((UIAware) trig).visitComponent(jmi); } jmi.addActionListener(this); //if (this.jmi == null) // this.jmi = jmi; return jmi; } private Class nonPrimReturnType() { return ReflectUtils.nonPrimitiveTypeFor(getReturnType()); } public boolean noOperand() { Class[] params = getParameters(); return params.length < 2; } public void setMenuInfo() { if (jmi == null) { jmi = makeMenuItem(null, _object); } Member m = getMember(); if (m == null) { jmi.setBackground(Color.RED); return; } boolean isStatic = !isDeclNonStatic && ReflectUtils.isStatic(m); if (isStatic) { jmi.setBackground(Color.ORANGE); } if (nonPrimReturnType() == Boolean.class) { if (isSideEffectSafe()) { boolean b; try { Object res = getSafeValue(); if (res != null) { b = (boolean) (Boolean) res; jmi.setSelected(b); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } } int missingArgumentsTotal = getMissingParametersAtPopup(); if (filledInParams != null) { int nulls = getNullCount(filledInParams); missingArgumentsTotal = nulls; } if (missingArgumentsTotal > 1) { jmi.setForeground(Color.WHITE); jmi.setBackground(Color.BLACK); } else if (missingArgumentsTotal > 2) { jmi.setForeground(Color.GRAY); jmi.setBackground(Color.BLACK); } else { if (missingArgumentsTotal > 0) { jmi.setForeground(Color.GRAY); } } } public Object valueOf(Object targetBox, ActionEvent actevt, boolean wantSideEffect, boolean isPaste) throws InvocationTargetException { boolean was = Debuggable.isNotShowingExceptions(); if (!wantSideEffect) { Debuggable.setDoNotShowExceptions(true); } else { addUseCount(); if (eventHandled) { return retvalCache; } } try { return valueOfImpl(targetBox, actevt, wantSideEffect, isPaste); } finally { Debuggable.setDoNotShowExceptions(was); //lastEvent = null; eventHandled = false; } } public void addUseCount() { useCount++; if (creator instanceof TriggerForInstance) { TriggerForInstance tfi = (TriggerForInstance) creator; tfi.useCount++; } } // ==true mean another event handler has handled the event boolean eventHandled = false; //MouseEvent lastEvent = null; @Override public void onMouseEvent(MouseEvent event) { Object src = event.getSource(); if (src instanceof AbstractButton && src != jmi) { jmi = (AbstractButton) src; } if (super.lastMEvent == event) { return; } super.lastMEvent = event; boolean popOutAndNotUp = event.getButton() != 3; // handling a right click Class type = nonPrimReturnType(); if (type == Void.class) return; TriggerMenuFactory tmf = TriggerMenuFactory.getInstance(this); if (isSideEffectSafe()) { Object valueAtTip; try { if (jmi == null) { return; } //synchronized (jmi) { //event.consume(); if (eventHandled) return; } valueAtTip = getSafeValue(); if (valueAtTip == null) { valueAtTip = type; } Container from = null; if (jmi instanceof Container) { from = (Container) jmi; } if (src instanceof Container) { from = (Container) src; } // this mouse event handler handles it now for (ActionListener al : jmi.getActionListeners()) { jmi.removeActionListener(al); } if (popOutAndNotUp && from != null) { showSubMenuExtend(event, valueAtTip, from); } else { showSubMenuPopup(event, valueAtTip, from); } eventHandled = true; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void showSubMenuPopup(MouseEvent event, Object valueAtTip, Container from) { JPopupMenu tpm = TriggerMenuFactory.buildPopupMenuAndShow(event, false, valueAtTip); tpm.setLocation((int) event.getLocationOnScreen().getX(), (int) event.getLocationOnScreen().getY());; } private void showSubMenuExtend(MouseEvent event, Object valueAtTip, Container from) { String submenuName = Utility.getUniqueNameForKey(valueAtTip); JMenu tpm = new SafeJMenu(true, submenuName, valueAtTip); TriggerMenuFactory.addTriggersToPopup(valueAtTip, tpm); from.add(tpm);; } private Object valueOfImpl(Object targetBox, ActionEvent actevt, boolean wantSideEffect, boolean isPaste) throws InvocationTargetException { Class rt = nonPrimReturnType(); Member m = getMember(); { try { Object tryValue = getParam0(targetBox); if (m instanceof Field) { String op = "Setting"; Field f = (Field) m; String fname = f.getName(); Class t = f.getType(); Object value = ReflectUtils.getFieldValue(tryValue, f.getDeclaringClass(), arg0Clazz, fname); if (wantSideEffect) { boolean doSet = false; if (rt == Boolean.class) { value = !((boolean) (Boolean) value); doSet = true; op = "Toggling"; } else { if (isPaste) { try { value = Utility.getOptionalArg(t, OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_CLIPBOARD, true); op = "Paste"; } catch (Throwable tt) { throw tt; } } } if (doSet) { getLogger().debug(op + " " + f + " = " + value); Class fclass = f.getDeclaringClass(); ReflectUtils.setField(tryValue, fclass, arg0Clazz, fname, value); } else { getLogger().debug("Not " + op + " " + f + " = " + value); } } return value; } // is a method if (m instanceof Method) { if (isSideEffectSafe() || wantSideEffect) { OptionalArg optionalArg = new UtilityOptionalArgs(getOptionalArgSpec()); int missing = fillInParamsFromUI(optionalArg, null); if (missing == 0 && retvalCache == null) { retvalCache = invokeA(tryValue, NO_CONVERTER, (Method) m, filledInParams); } return retvalCache; } else { return retvalCache; } } return retvalCache; } catch (NoSuchConversionException e) { if (logError(e, wantSideEffect)) return null; throw e; } catch (ClassCastException e) { if (logError(e, wantSideEffect)) return null; throw e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (logError(e, wantSideEffect)) return null; throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { logError(e, wantSideEffect); if (!wantSideEffect) return null; printStackTrace(e); throw new InvocationTargetException(e); } } } private boolean logError(Throwable e, boolean wantSideEffect) { if (isSideEffectSafe && !wantSideEffect) { // error without wanting side effects setSideEffectSafe(false); } return !wantSideEffect; } protected Object getParam0(Object targetBox) { Object tryValue = targetBox; if (_object != null) { tryValue = _object; } return tryValue; } private short getOptionalArgSpec() { short optionalArgSpec = OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_SINGLETON; if (isPasteAtPopup) { optionalArgSpec += OptionalArg.OPTIONAL_FROM_CLIPBOARD; } return optionalArgSpec; } public boolean isSideEffectSafe() { if (creator != null && !creator.isSideEffectSafe()) return false; if (!Utility.isSideEffectSafe(getDeclaringClass())) return false; return isSideEffectSafe; } void setSideEffectSafe(boolean val) { if (creator instanceof TriggerForMember && val == false) ((TriggerForMember) creator).isSideEffectSafe = false; this.isSideEffectSafe = val; } }

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