org.appng.api.Platform Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011-2021 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.appng.api;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.appng.api.auth.PasswordPolicy;
import org.appng.api.model.Application;
import org.appng.api.model.Properties;
import org.appng.api.model.Site;
import org.appng.api.model.Subject;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
* Utility class providing platform-wide used constants.
* @author Matthias Müller
public final class Platform {
private Platform() {
* constant for services of type 'rest'
* @see Path#getService()
* @see Path#isService()
public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_REST = "rest";
* constant for services of type 'soap'
* @see Path#getService()
* @see Path#isService()
public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_SOAP = "soap";
* constant for services of type 'webservice'
* @see Path#getService()
* @see Path#isService()
public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_WEBSERVICE = "webservice";
* constant for services of type 'datasource'
* @see Path#getService()
* @see Path#isService()
public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_DATASOURCE = "datasource";
* constant for services of type 'action'
* @see Path#getService()
* @see Path#isService()
public static final String SERVICE_TYPE_ACTION = "action";
* Constants used for the global platform-configuration. Those get wrapped into a {@link Properties}-object and can
* be accessed via the {@link org.appng.api.Environment} as follows:
* org.appng.api.model.Properties platformConfig = environment.getAttribute(Scope.PLATFORM,
* Platform.Environment.PLATFORM_CONFIG);
* String platformRootPath = platformConfig.getString(Platform.Property.PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH);
* Note: A {@link Application} can only access the {@link Scope#PLATFORM} if it's a privileged application, i.e.
* {@link Application#isPrivileged()} returns {@code true}.
* @author Matthias Müller
public final class Property {
/** The absolute root-path of the platform */
public static final String PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH = "platformRootPath";
/** The absolute path to the data directory */
public static final String APPNG_DATA = "appngData";
* The folder for the application-cache, relative to {@link #CACHE_FOLDER}. Applications might use this folder
* to cache temporary data.
public static final String APPLICATION_CACHE_FOLDER = "cacheApplicationFolder";
* The cache folder, relative to WEB-INF. Contains the {@link #PLATFORM_CACHE_FOLDER} and the
public static final String CACHE_FOLDER = "cacheFolder";
* If set to {@code true}, the temp folder (defined by the system property {@code}) is cleaned on
* a platform startup. WARNING: Only set to {@code true} if appNG was started with a custom
* value (e.g. {@code}).
public static final String CLEAN_TEMP_FOLDER_ON_STARTUP = "cleanTempFolderOnStartup";
* Whether validation constraints should be added as a {@link org.appng.xml.platform.Rule} to the
* {@link org.appng.xml.platform.FieldDef}s {@link org.appng.xml.platform.Validation}
public static final String CONSTRAINTS_AS_RULE = "constraintsAsRule";
* The global configuration for configuring caching. This property either contains the platform-relative path to
* a config file (e.g. {@code WEB-INF/conf/hazelcast.xml}) or the XML configuration itself in XML format (stored
* as multiline value).
public static final String CACHE_CONFIG = "cacheConfig";
* Set to {@code true} to enable a filter preventing CSRF-attacks
public static final String CSRF_FILTER_ENABLED = "csrfFilterEnabled";
* The prefix to use when generating database names
public static final String DATABASE_PREFIX = "databasePrefix";
* The idle database connection test period in minutes. If a database connection remains idle for the specified
* time, the validation query defined in the database connection will be sent to prevent a database connection
* timeout.
public static final String DATABASE_VALIDATION_PERIOD = "databaseValidationPeriod";
/** The name of the default template to use (must be a folder located under {@link #TEMPLATE_FOLDER}) */
public static final String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "defaultTemplate";
* Disable for production use. If enabled, XML and XSL resources will be written to the cache directory. If
* disabled, XML and XSL resources will be cached in memory.
public static final String DEV_MODE = "devMode";
/** The charset/encoding used for http-responses. */
public static final String ENCODING = "encoding";
/** Set to 'true' if applications should be deployed to the local filesystem, 'false' otherwise. */
public static final String FILEBASED_DEPLOYMENT = "filebasedDeployment";
* Should users be forced to change their password if it hasn't changed for more than
* {@link #PASSWORD_MAX_VALIDITY} days?
public static final String FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD = "forceChangePassword";
/** Disable for production use. If enabled, debugging is easier, but Textarea values are formatted wrong. */
public static final String FORMAT_OUTPUT = "formatOutput";
/** The interval in which the heartbeat is sent (seconds) */
public static final String HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL = "heartNeatInterval";
/** The folder used for caching images, within the {@link #APPLICATION_CACHE_FOLDER} */
public static final String IMAGE_CACHE_FOLDER = "cacheImageFolder";
/** The path to the ImageMagick executables */
public static final String IMAGEMAGICK_PATH = "imageMagickPath";
/** The number of days after a {@link Subject} get's locked if the user did not log in. */
public static final String INACTIVE_LOCK_PERIOD = "inactiveLockPeriod";
/** The file-extension for JSP-files. */
public static final String JSP_FILE_TYPE = "jspFileType";
/** The default {@link Locale}. Use one of {@link java.util.Locale#getAvailableLocales()} */
public static final String LOCALE = "locale";
/** The name of the logfile generated by appNG */
public static final String LOGFILE = "logfile";
/** Set to 'true' to disable mailing and log the e-mails instead. */
public static final String MAIL_DISABLED = "mailDisabled";
/** The mail-host to use */
public static final String MAIL_HOST = "mailHost";
/** The mail-port to use */
public static final String MAIL_PORT = "mailPort";
* If set to 'true', appNG will manage the databases (create schemas and users) required by the
* {@link Application}s.
public static final String MANAGE_DATABASES = "manageDatabases";
/** A multilined property containing a maintenance screen */
public static final String MAINTENANCE_SCREEN ="maintenanceScreen";
/** set to {@code true} to enable support for Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) Logging. */
public static final String MDC_ENABLED = "mdcEnabled";
/** Set to true to enable cluster messaging */
public static final String MESSAGING_ENABLED = "messagingEnabled";
/** Class name of the desired messaging Receiver implementation. **/
public static final String MESSAGING_RECEIVER = "messagingReceiver";
/** The multicast address used for messaging */
public static final String MESSAGING_GROUP_ADDRESS = "messagingGroupAddress";
/** The port used for multicast messaging */
public static final String MESSAGING_GROUP_PORT = "messagingGroupPort";
/** The maximum size for file uploads in bytes */
public static final String MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = "maxUploadSize";
/** Set to true to enable performance monitoring for the target XML */
public static final String MONITOR_PERFORMANCE = "monitorPerformance";
/** Start sites in parallel {@code true|false} ? */
public static final String PARALLEL_SITE_STARTS = "parallelSiteStarts";
/** The maximum number of days a password is valid, where -1 means forever */
public static final String PASSWORD_MAX_VALIDITY = "passwordMaxValidity";
/** The fully qualified name of the {@link PasswordPolicy} to use. */
public static final String PASSWORD_POLICY = "passwordPolicy";
* The resource-bundle key (for messages-core) for the message which is being displayed when the password does
* not match the policy.
public static final String PASSWORD_POLICY_ERROR_MSSG_KEY = "passwordPolicyErrorMessageKey";
/** A regular expression describing the password-policy */
public static final String PASSWORD_POLICY_REGEX = "passwordPolicyRegEx";
* The folder for the platform-cache, relative to {@link #CACHE_FOLDER}. The platform cache is used by appNG to
* cache application resources.
public static final String PLATFORM_CACHE_FOLDER = "cachePlatformFolder";
/** The folder used for installing file-based-applications, relative to the webapp-root */
public static final String APPLICATION_DIR = "applicationDir";
/** The folder used for the repositories of the site, relative to the webapp-root */
public static final String REPOSITORY_PATH = "repositoryPath";
/** The timeout for a user session in seconds */
public static final String SESSION_TIMEOUT = "sessionTimeout";
/** The shared secret used for digest authentication */
public static final String SHARED_SECRET = "sharedSecret";
/** The folder used for templates, relative to the webapp-root */
public static final String TEMPLATE_FOLDER = "templateFolder";
/** The path under which the resources of the active template are beeing served. */
public static final String TEMPLATE_PREFIX = "templatePrefix";
/** The default {@link TimeZone}. Use one of {@link java.util.TimeZone#getAvailableIDs()} */
public static final String TIME_ZONE = "timeZone";
/** The folder for saving uploads, relative to the webapp-root */
public static final String UPLOAD_DIR = "uploadDir";
/** Defines whether the server is identified by its IP ('IP_BASED') or by its name ('NAME_BASED') */
public static final String VHOST_MODE = "vHostMode";
* When set to {@code true}, the XML, XSLT and potential Exceptions occurring on a request to the appNG manager
* GUI are written to {@code /debug}
public static final String WRITE_DEBUG_FILES = "writeDebugFiles";
/** The default digest for a published local application repository */
public static final String REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_DIGEST = "repositoryDefaultDigest";
/** The certificate to use when verifying a signed remote repository (PEM format) */
public static final String REPOSITORY_CERT = "repositoryCert";
/** The private key to use when signing a local published repository (PEM format) */
public static final String REPOSITORY_SIGNATURE = "repositorySignature";
* The truststore used when verifying a signed remote repository, using {@code file://}-protocol. If empty, the
* default {@code $java.home/lib/security/cacerts} is being used.
public static final String REPOSITORY_TRUSTSTORE = "repositoryTrustStore";
/** The truststore's password */
public static final String REPOSITORY_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD = "repositoryTrustStorePassword";
* When set to {@code true}, signed remote repositories are validated against the configured (or default)
* truststore.
public static final String REPOSITORY_VERIFY_SIGNATURE = "repositoryVerifySignature";
* The regular expressions to match against the user-agent header for immediate discard of the session.
public static final String SESSION_FILTER = "sessionFilter";
/** Set to {@code true} to enable XSS protection */
public static final String XSS_PROTECT = "xssProtect";
* A list of allowed HTML Tags, separated by '|', optionally followed by a space-separated list of allowed
* attributes.
* Example:
* h1|h2|a href class style|div align style
public static final String XSS_ALLOWED_TAGS = "xssAllowedTags";
* When set to {@code true}, appNG waits until a {@link Site} has finished processing its requests before
* shutting it down.
public static final String WAIT_ON_SITE_SHUTDOWN = "waitOnSiteShutdown";
* The time to wait (in a single waiting loop) for a {@link Site} to become available/to finish its requests
* (milliseconds).
public static final String WAIT_TIME = "waitTime";
* The overall maximum time to wait for a {@link Site} to become available/to finish its requests
* (milliseconds).
public static final String MAX_WAIT_TIME = "maxWaitTime";
/** The 'Token Claim Name' configured in the 'User Client Role'-mapper of the Keycloak client */
public static final String KEYCLOAK_GROUP_CLAIM_NAME = "keycloakGroupClaimName";
/** The 'Client Role prefix' configured in the 'User Client Role'-mapper of the Keycloak client */
public static final String KEYCLOAK_GROUP_PREFIX = "keycloakGroupPrefix";
/** The role configured in the Keycloak client, used as a security-role in web.xml */
public static final String KEYCLOAK_SECURITY_ROLE = "keycloakSecurityRole";
/** The maximum number of failed login attempts before a {@link Subject} gets locked. */
public static final String MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = "maxLoginAttempts";
/** The path to appNG's health monitoring */
public static final String MONITORING_PATH = "monitoringPath";
* Constants used for accessing an {@link Environment}-attribute with {@link Scope#PLATFORM}.
* @author Matthias Müller
public final class Environment {
* Key for the global {@link ApplicationContext}. The return type of
* {@link org.appng.api.Environment#getAttribute(Scope, String)} is {@link ApplicationContext}.
public static final String CORE_PLATFORM_CONTEXT = "corePlatformContext";
* Key for the global platform config. The return type of
* {@link org.appng.api.Environment#getAttribute(Scope, String)} is {@link Properties}.
public static final String PLATFORM_CONFIG = "platformConfig";
* Key for the node config. The return type of
* {@link org.appng.api.Environment#getAttribute(Scope, String)} is {@link Properties}.
public static final String NODE_CONFIG = "nodeConfig";
* Key for the appNG version. The return type of {@link org.appng.api.Environment#getAttribute(Scope, String)}
* is {@link String} .
public static final String APPNG_VERSION = "appNGVersion";
* Key for the {@link Map} containing all active {@link Site}s. The return type of
* {@link org.appng.api.Environment#getAttribute(Scope, String)} is {@code Map
* }
public static final String SITES = "sites";
* Key for the {@link org.appng.api.messaging.Sender} that the platform uses to send
* {@link org.appng.api.messaging.Event}s.
public static final String MESSAGE_SENDER = "messageSender";
* Key for the {@link org.appng.api.messaging.Receiver}s that the platform uses to receive
* {@link org.appng.api.messaging.Event}s.
public static final String MESSAGE_RECEIVER = "messageReceiver";
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