xsl.page_nonav.xsl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Page XSLT templates, where your html page comes.
XSLT templates who mainly generates the html main structure of the target document.
Content element is transformered via two modes:
- html-head: generates html head with meta informations, title, CSS and JS, etc.
- html-body: generates html body and main structure of the html page
content template which generates the html head
content template which generates the html body and main structure of the html page
The main structure of the html page contains:
- Left:
- HTML Markup for template-logo
- Generates navigation for sites and user related links via navigation element (mode = navigation-site, navigation-user)
- Generates user infobox
- Right:
- Generates navigation for pages of the current active application
- Transforms page sections as a tab-box containing all section elements (datasources/actions)
- Outputs copyright information
- Initialises javascript objects (tab-box, syntaxhighlighter, lightwindow, ...)
page template which assemblies the main content structure
- Applies application title
- Applies linkpanel[@location = top] which represents a page navigation of the current application
- Applies page description
- Applies page messages
- Applies sections
- Generates tab-box with debug functions
- Applies linkpanel[@location = bottom], currently unused
section template which transforms a section to an tabbed-box representation
Each tab-box contains a tab-buttons-panel and applies all further section elements
- section-title is per default the title or the first valid (not @passive and has a title text node) element / element-child title
- section-id is per default the first valid (not @passive and has a title text node) element id
- section-htmlid is per default the section-id prefixed with string 'tab_'
section/element template which assemblies the structure of an section/element
- Applies all element messages
- Generates html strucuture for head and body of an element
- If element is foldable, slidebox javascript is initialised
cursor: pointer
page linkpanel template which controls generation of the page navigation
If count of page links is greater than five, further page links are displayed as select option
page linkpanel link template which generates link as a button
page linkpanel link template which generates link as a select option
navigation template which generates a navigation of all available sites
navigation template which generates a navigation of all available anchors
Navigation items of type anchor are currently user related links and are displayed in the user infobox
navigation item template which generates a link and an unordered list of all child navigation items
navigation item template which generates a table row with a link for the user infobox