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package org.asciidoctor;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Attributes {
private static final char ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR = '=';
private static Format DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
private static Format TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss z");
public static final String TOC = "toc";
public static final String TOC_POSITION = "toc-position";
public static final String TOC_LEVELS = "toclevels";
public static final String TOC_2 = "toc2";
public static final String BACKEND = Options.BACKEND;
public static final String TITLE = "title";
public static final String DOCTYPE = Options.DOCTYPE;
public static final String IMAGESDIR = "imagesdir";
public static final String SOURCE_HIGHLIGHTER = "source-highlighter";
public static final String SOURCE_LANGUAGE = "source-language";
public static final String LOCALDATE = "localdate";
public static final String LOCALTIME = "localtime";
public static final String DOCDATE = "docdate";
public static final String DOCTIME = "doctime";
public static final String STYLESHEET_NAME = "stylesheet";
public static final String STYLES_DIR = "stylesdir";
public static final String NOT_STYLESHEET_NAME = STYLESHEET_NAME + "!";
public static final String LINK_CSS = "linkcss";
public static final String COPY_CSS = "copycss";
public static final String ICONS = "icons";
public static final String ICONFONT_REMOTE = "iconfont-remote";
public static final String ICONFONT_CDN = "iconfont-cdn";
public static final String ICONFONT_NAME = "iconfont-name";
public static final String ICONS_DIR = "iconsdir";
public static final String DATA_URI = "data-uri";
public static final String SECTION_NUMBERS = "sectnums";
public static final String IMAGE_ICONS = "";
public static final String FONT_ICONS = "font";
public static final String LINK_ATTRS = "linkattrs";
public static final String EXPERIMENTAL = "experimental";
public static final String SHOW_TITLE = "showtitle";
public static final String NOTITLE = "notitle";
public static final String ALLOW_URI_READ = "allow-uri-read";
public static final String IGNORE_UNDEFINED = "ignore-undefined";
public static final String UNTITLED_LABEL = "untitled-label";
public static final String SET_ANCHORS = "sectanchors";
public static final String SKIP_FRONT_MATTER = "skip-front-matter";
public static final String MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH = "max-include-depth";
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_MISSING = "attribute-missing";
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_UNDEFINED = "attribute-undefined";
public static final String NO_FOOTER = "nofooter";
public static final String HARDBREAKS = "hardbreaks";
public static final String SECT_NUM_LEVELS = "sectnumlevels";
public static final String CACHE_URI = "cache-uri";
public static final String MATH = "stem";
public static final String APPENDIX_CAPTION = "appendix-caption";
public static final String HIDE_URI_SCHEME = "hide-uri-scheme";
public static final String COMPAT_MODE = "compat-mode";
private Map attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* @deprecated Use {@link #builder} instead.
public Attributes() {
* @deprecated Use {@link #builder} instead.
public Attributes(Map attributes) {
this.attributes = attributes;
* @deprecated Use {@link #builder} instead.
public Attributes(String[] attributes) {
* @deprecated Use {@link #builder} instead.
public Attributes(String attributes) {
* @return Empty AttributesBuilder instance.
public static AttributesBuilder builder() {
return new AttributesBuilder();
* Allow Asciidoctor to read content from a URI.
* Additionally, the option {@link SafeMode} must be less than {@link SafeMode#SECURE} to enable inclusion of content from a URI.
* @see Include Content by URI
* @param allowUriRead {@code true} to enable inclusion of content from a URI
public void setAllowUriRead(boolean allowUriRead) {
this.attributes.put(ALLOW_URI_READ, toAsciidoctorFlag(allowUriRead));
* Define how to handle missing attribute references.
* Possible values are:
{@code skip}
leave the reference in place (default setting)
{@code drop}
drop the reference, but not the line
{@code drop-line}
drop the line on which the reference occurs (compliant behavior)
{@code warn}
print a warning about the missing attribute
* @see Handle Unresolved References: Missing attribute
* @param attributeMissing One of the constants shown in the table above.
public void setAttributeMissing(String attributeMissing) {
this.attributes.put(ATTRIBUTE_MISSING, attributeMissing);
* Define how to handle expressions that undefine an attribute.
* Possible values are:
{@code drop}
substitute the expression with an empty string after processing it
{@code drop-line}
drop the line that contains this expression (default setting and compliant behavior)
* @see Handle Unresolved References: Undefined attribute
* @param attributeUndefined One of the constants shown in the table above.
public void setAttributeUndefined(String attributeUndefined) {
this.attributes.put(ATTRIBUTE_UNDEFINED, attributeUndefined);
* Sets the backend attribute.
* @param backend The name of the backend, e.g. {@code docbook}.
public void setBackend(String backend) {
this.attributes.put(BACKEND, backend);
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.attributes.put(TITLE, title);
* Sets the document type, which defines how a document and what parts are rendered.
* Possible values are:
{@code article}
{@code book}
{@code inline}
{@code manpage}
* @see Document Type
* @param docType One of the constants mentioned above.
public void setDocType(String docType) {
this.attributes.put(DOCTYPE, docType);
* Sets the directory to which images are resolved if the image target is a relative path.
*@see Set the Images Directory
* @param imagesDir The name of the directory.
public void setImagesDir(String imagesDir) {
this.attributes.put(IMAGESDIR, imagesDir);
* Globally sets the source language attribute when rendering source blocks.
* @see Source Highlighting: source-language attribute
* @param sourceLanguage The default source language to use, e.g. {@code Java}.
public void setSourceLanguage(String sourceLanguage) {
this.attributes.put(SOURCE_LANGUAGE, sourceLanguage);
* Sets the source highlighter to use for rendering source blocks.
* Possible values are:
* @see Source Highlighting: source-highlighter attribute
* @param sourceHighlighter One of the constants mentioned above.
public void setSourceHighlighter(String sourceHighlighter) {
this.attributes.put(SOURCE_HIGHLIGHTER, sourceHighlighter);
* Defines how many documents can be recursively included.
* @see Track include depth and enforce maximum depth #581
* @param maxIncludeDepth A positive integer.
public void setMaxIncludeDepth(int maxIncludeDepth) {
this.attributes.put(MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH, maxIncludeDepth);
* Sets the depth of section numbering.
* That is if set to 1 only the top level section will be assigned a number.
* Default is 3.
* @param sectNumLevels A positive integer.
public void setSectNumLevels(int sectNumLevels) {
this.attributes.put(SECT_NUM_LEVELS, sectNumLevels);
* Enables or disables preserving of line breaks in a paragraph.
* @see Hard Line Breaks
* @param hardbreaks {@code true} to enable preserving of line breaks in paragraphs
public void setHardbreaks(boolean hardbreaks) {
this.attributes.put(HARDBREAKS, toAsciidoctorFlag(hardbreaks));
* Enables or disables caching of content read from URIs
* @see Caching URI content
* @param cacheUri {@code true} to enable caching of content read from URIs
public void setCacheUri(boolean cacheUri) {
this.attributes.put(CACHE_URI, toAsciidoctorFlag(cacheUri));
* Enables or disables rendering of the URI scheme when rendering URLs.
* @see Hide the URL scheme
* @param hideUriScheme
public void setHideUriScheme(boolean hideUriScheme) {
this.attributes.put(HIDE_URI_SCHEME, toAsciidoctorFlag(hideUriScheme));
* Defines the prefix added to appendix sections.
* The default value is {@code Appendix}
* @see Appendix
* @param appendixCaption The string that is prefixed to the section name in the appendix.
public void setAppendixCaption(String appendixCaption) {
this.attributes.put(APPENDIX_CAPTION, appendixCaption);
* Sets the interpreter to use for rendering stems, i.e. equations and formulas.
* @see Activating STEM support
* @param math The name of the interpreter, i.e. either {@code asciimath} or {@code latexmath}.
public void setMath(String math) {
this.attributes.put(MATH, math);
* Skips front matter.
* @param skipFrontMatter
* value.
public void setSkipFrontMatter(boolean skipFrontMatter) {
this.attributes.put(SKIP_FRONT_MATTER, toAsciidoctorFlag(skipFrontMatter));
* Sets setanchor flag.
* @param setAnchors
* value.
public void setAnchors(boolean setAnchors) {
this.attributes.put(SET_ANCHORS, setAnchors);
* Sets the untitled label value.
* @param untitledLabel
* value.
public void setUntitledLabel(String untitledLabel) {
this.attributes.put(UNTITLED_LABEL, untitledLabel);
* Sets ignore undefined flag so lines are kept when they contain a reference to a missing attribute.
* @param ignoreUndefinedAttributes
* value.
public void setIgnoreUndefinedAttributes(boolean ignoreUndefinedAttributes) {
this.attributes.put(IGNORE_UNDEFINED, toAsciidoctorFlag(ignoreUndefinedAttributes));
* Sets table of contents 2 attribute.
* @param placement
* where toc is rendered.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setTableOfContents(Placement)}
public void setTableOfContents2(Placement placement) {
this.attributes.put(TOC_2, toAsciidoctorFlag(true));
this.attributes.put(TOC_POSITION, placement.getPosition());
* Sets if a table of contents should be rendered or not.
* @param placement
* position of toc.
public void setTableOfContents(Placement placement) {
this.attributes.put(TOC, placement.getPosition());
* Sets the amount of levels which should be shown in the toc.
* @param levels
* number of levels which should be shown in the toc.
public void setTocLevels(int levels) {
this.attributes.put(TOC_LEVELS, levels);
* Sets showtitle value as an alias for notitle!
* @param showTitle
* value.
public void setShowTitle(boolean showTitle) {
if (showTitle) {
this.attributes.put(SHOW_TITLE, true);
} else {
this.attributes.put(NOTITLE, true);
* Sets if a table of contents should be rendered or not.
* @param toc
* value.
public void setTableOfContents(boolean toc) {
if (toc) {
this.attributes.put(TOC, "");
} else {
* Sets date in format yyyy-MM-dd
* @param localDate
* object.
public void setLocalDate(Date localDate) {
this.attributes.put(LOCALDATE, toDate(localDate));
* Sets time in format HH:mm:ss z
* @param localTime
* object.
public void setLocalTime(Date localTime) {
this.attributes.put(LOCALTIME, toTime(localTime));
* Sets date in format yyyy-MM-dd
* @param docDate
* object.
public void setDocDate(Date docDate) {
this.attributes.put(DOCDATE, toDate(docDate));
* Sets time in format HH:mm:ss z
* @param docTime
* object.
public void setDocTime(Date docTime) {
this.attributes.put(DOCTIME, toTime(docTime));
* Sets stylesheet name.
* @param styleSheetName
* of css file.
public void setStyleSheetName(String styleSheetName) {
this.attributes.put(STYLESHEET_NAME, styleSheetName);
* Unsets stylesheet name so document will be generated without style.
public void unsetStyleSheet() {
this.attributes.put(NOT_STYLESHEET_NAME, toAsciidoctorFlag(true));
* Sets the styles dir.
* @param stylesDir
* directory.
public void setStylesDir(String stylesDir) {
this.attributes.put(STYLES_DIR, stylesDir);
* Sets link css attribute.
* @param linkCss
* true if css is linked, false if css is embedded.
public void setLinkCss(boolean linkCss) {
this.attributes.put(LINK_CSS, toAsciidoctorFlag(linkCss));
* Sets copy css attribute.
* @param copyCss
* true if css should be copied to the output location, false otherwise.
public void setCopyCss(boolean copyCss) {
this.attributes.put(COPY_CSS, toAsciidoctorFlag(copyCss));
* Sets which admonition icons to use. Attributes.IMAGE_ICONS constant can be used to use the original icons with
* images or Attributes.FONT_ICONS for font icons (font-awesome).
* @param iconsName
* value.
public void setIcons(String iconsName) {
this.attributes.put(ICONS, iconsName);
* Enable icon font remote attribute. If enabled, will use the iconfont-cdn value to load the icon font URI; if
* disabled, will use the iconfont-name value to locate the icon font CSS file
* @param iconFontRemote
* true if attribute enabled false otherwise.
public void setIconFontRemote(boolean iconFontRemote) {
this.attributes.put(ICONFONT_REMOTE, toAsciidoctorFlag(iconFontRemote));
* The URI prefix of the icon font; looks for minified CSS file based on iconfont-name value; used when
* iconfont-remote is set
* @param cdnUri
* uri where css is stored.
public void setIconFontCdn(URI cdnUri) {
this.attributes.put(ICONFONT_CDN, cdnUri.toASCIIString());
* The name of the stylesheet in the stylesdir to load (.css extension added automatically)
* @param iconFontName
* stylesheet name without .css extension.
public void setIconFontName(String iconFontName) {
this.attributes.put(ICONFONT_NAME, iconFontName);
* Sets data-uri attribute.
* @param dataUri
* true if images should be embedded, false otherwise.
public void setDataUri(boolean dataUri) {
this.attributes.put(DATA_URI, toAsciidoctorFlag(dataUri));
* Sets icons directory.
* @param iconsDir
public void setIconsDir(String iconsDir) {
this.attributes.put(ICONS_DIR, iconsDir);
* auto-number section titles.
* @param sectionNumbers
public void setSectionNumbers(boolean sectionNumbers) {
this.attributes.put(SECTION_NUMBERS, toAsciidoctorFlag(sectionNumbers));
* Sets linkattrs attribute.
* @param linkAttrs
* true if Asciidoctor should parse link macro attributes, false otherwise.
public void setLinkAttrs(boolean linkAttrs) {
this.attributes.put(LINK_ATTRS, toAsciidoctorFlag(linkAttrs));
* Sets experimental attribute.
* @param experimental
* true if experimental features should be enabled, false otherwise.
public void setExperimental(boolean experimental) {
this.attributes.put(EXPERIMENTAL, experimental);
* Sets nofooter attribute.
* @param noFooter
* true if the footer block should not be shown, false otherwise.
public void setNoFooter(boolean noFooter) {
this.attributes.put(NO_FOOTER, toAsciidoctorFlag(noFooter));
* Sets compat-mode attribute.
* @param compatMode
* value.
public void setCompatMode(CompatMode compatMode) {
this.attributes.put(COMPAT_MODE, compatMode.getMode());
public void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object attributeValue) {
this.attributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue);
* Sets attributes in string form. An example of a valid string would be:
* 'toc sectnums source-highlighter=coderay'
* where you are adding three attributes: toc, sectnums and source-highlighter with value coderay.
* @param attributes
* in string format.
public void setAttributes(String attributes) {
String[] allAttributes = attributes.split(" ");
* Sets attributes in array form. An example of a valid array would be:
* '['toc', 'sectnums']'
* where you are adding two attributes: toc and sectnums.
* @param attributes
* in array format.
public void setAttributes(String... attributes) {
private void addAttributes(String[] allAttributes) {
for (String attribute : allAttributes) {
int equalsIndex = attribute.indexOf(ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR);
if (equalsIndex > -1) {
extractAttributeNameAndValue(attribute, equalsIndex);
} else {
this.attributes.put(attribute, "");
private void extractAttributeNameAndValue(String attribute, int equalsIndex) {
String attributeName = attribute.substring(0, equalsIndex);
String attributeValue = attribute.substring(equalsIndex + 1, attribute.length());
this.attributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue);
* Adds all attributes.
* @param attributes
* to add.
public void setAttributes(Map attributes) {
public static String toAsciidoctorFlag(boolean flag) {
return flag ? "" : null;
private static String toDate(Date date) {
return DATE_FORMAT.format(date);
private static String toTime(Date time) {
return TIME_FORMAT.format(time);
* @deprecated For internal use only.
public Map map() {
return this.attributes;