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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

There is a newer version:
Show newest version
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#        Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) [email protected] - Contributions for
#                          Bug 383624 - [1.8][compiler] Revive code generation support for type annotations (from Olivier's work)
#        Jesper Steen Moeller - Contribution for
#                          Bug 406973 - [compiler] Parse MethodParameters attribute

### JavaModel messages.

### hierarchy
hierarchy_nullProject = Project argument cannot be null
hierarchy_nullRegion = Region cannot be null
hierarchy_nullFocusType = Type focus cannot be null
hierarchy_creating = Creating type hierarchy...
hierarchy_creatingOnType = Creating type hierarchy on {0}...

### java element
element_doesNotExist = {0} does not exist
element_notOnClasspath = {0} is not on its project''s build path
element_invalidClassFileName = {0} is not a valid class file name
element_reconciling = Reconciling...
element_attachingSource = Attaching source...
element_invalidResourceForProject = Illegal argument - must be one of IProject, IFolder, or IFile
element_nullName = Name cannot be null
element_nullType = Type cannot be null
element_illegalParent = Illegal parent argument
element_moduleInfoNotSupported=module-info.class is not supported by method IPackageFragment.getClassFile(String).

### java model operations
operation_needElements = Operation requires one or more elements
operation_needName = Operation requires a name
operation_needPath = Operation requires a path
operation_needAbsolutePath = Operation requires an absolute path. Relative path specified was: ''{0}''
operation_needString = Operation requires a String.
operation_notSupported = Operation not supported for specified element type(s):
operation_cancelled = Operation cancelled
operation_nullContainer = Container cannot be null
operation_nullName = Name cannot be null
operation_copyElementProgress = Copying elements...
operation_moveElementProgress = Moving elements...
operation_renameElementProgress = Renaming elements...
operation_copyResourceProgress = Copying resources...
operation_moveResourceProgress = Moving resources...
operation_renameResourceProgress = Renaming resources...
operation_createUnitProgress = Creating a compilation unit...
operation_createFieldProgress = Creating a field...
operation_createImportsProgress = Creating imports...
operation_createInitializerProgress = Creating an initializer...
operation_createMethodProgress = Creating a method...
operation_createPackageProgress = Creating a package declaration...
operation_createPackageFragmentProgress = Creating package fragment(s)...
operation_createTypeProgress = Creating a type...
operation_deleteElementProgress = Deleting elements...
operation_deleteResourceProgress = Deleting resources...
operation_cannotRenameDefaultPackage = Default package cannot be renamed
operation_pathOutsideProject = Path ''{0}'' must denote location inside project ''{1}''
operation_sortelements = Sorting elements...

### working copy
workingCopy_commit = Committing working copy...

### build status messages
build_preparingBuild = Preparing to build {0}
build_readStateProgress = Reading saved build state for project {0}
build_saveStateProgress = Saving build state for project {0}
build_saveStateComplete = Saved in {0} ms
build_readingDelta = Reading resource change information for {0}
build_analyzingDeltas = Analyzing deltas
build_analyzingSources = Analyzing sources
build_cleaningOutput = Cleaning output folder for {0}
build_copyingResources = Copying resources to the output folder
build_compiling = Compiling {0}
build_foundHeader = Found
build_fixedHeader = Fixed
build_oneError = 1 error
build_oneWarning = 1 warning
build_multipleErrors = {0} errors
build_multipleWarnings = {0} warnings
build_done = Build done

### build errors
build_wrongFileFormat = Wrong file format
build_cannotSaveState = Error saving last build state for project {0}
build_cannotSaveStates = Error saving build states
build_initializationError = Builder initialization error
build_serializationError = Builder serialization error

### build inconsistencies
build_classFileCollision = Class file collision: {0}
build_duplicateClassFile = The type {0} is already defined
build_duplicateModuleInfo = The module-info is already defined in the project
build_duplicateResource = The resource is a duplicate of {0} and was not copied to the output folder
build_inconsistentClassFile = A class file was not written. The project may be inconsistent, if so try refreshing this project and building it
build_inconsistentProject = The project was not built due to "{0}". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent
build_incompleteClassPath = The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for {0}. Fix the build path then try building this project
build_errorOnModuleDirective = The project was not built since its build path has a problem: {0}. Fix the build path then try building this project
build_missingSourceFile = The project was not built since the source file {0} could not be read
build_prereqProjectHasClasspathProblems = The project was not built since it depends on {0}, which has build path errors
build_prereqProjectMustBeRebuilt = The project cannot be built until its prerequisite {0} is built. Cleaning and building all projects is recommended
build_abortDueToClasspathProblems = The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved

### status
status_cannotUseDeviceOnPath = Operation requires a path with no device. Path specified was: {0}
status_coreException = Core exception
status_defaultPackageReadOnly = Default package is read-only
status_evaluationError = Evaluation error: {0}
status_JDOMError = JDOM error
status_IOException = I/O exception
status_indexOutOfBounds = Index out of bounds
status_invalidContents = Invalid contents specified
status_invalidDestination = Invalid destination: ''{0}''
status_invalidName = Invalid name specified: {0}
status_invalidPackage = Invalid package: {0}
status_invalidPath = Invalid path: ''{0}''
status_invalidProject = Invalid project: {0}
status_invalidResource = Invalid resource: {0}
status_invalidResourceType = Invalid resource type for {0}
status_invalidSibling = Invalid sibling: {0}
status_nameCollision = {0} already exists in target
status_noLocalContents = Cannot find local contents for resource: {0}
status_OK = OK
status_readOnly = {0} is read-only
status_targetException = Target exception
status_updateConflict = Update conflict
status_cannot_retrieve_attached_javadoc = Cannot retrieve the attached javadoc for {0}{1}
status_unknown_javadoc_format = Unknown javadoc format for {0}
status_timeout_javadoc = Timed out while retrieving the attached javadoc for {0}{1} 

### classpath
classpath_buildPath = Build path
classpath_cannotNestEntryInEntry = Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside ''{1}''. To enable the nesting exclude ''{2}'' from ''{1}''
classpath_cannotNestEntryInEntryNoExclusion= Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside ''{1}''. To allow the nesting enable use of exclusion patterns in the preferences of project ''{1}'' and exclude ''{2}'' from ''{1}''
classpath_cannotNestEntryInLibrary = Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside library ''{1}''
classpath_cannotNestEntryInOutput = Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside output folder ''{1}''
classpath_cannotNestOutputInEntry = Cannot nest output folder ''{0}'' inside ''{1}''
classpath_cannotNestOutputInOutput = Cannot nest output folder ''{0}'' inside output folder ''{1}''
classpath_cannotReadClasspathFile = Unable to read ''.classpath'' file of project ''{0}''
classpath_cannotReferToItself = Project ''{0}'' cannot reference itself
classpath_cannotUseDistinctSourceFolderAsOutput = Source folder ''{0}'' in project ''{2}'' cannot output to distinct source folder ''{1}''
classpath_cannotUseLibraryAsOutput = Source folder ''{0}'' in project ''{2}'' cannot output to library ''{1}''
classpath_closedProject = Required project ''{0}'' needs to be open
classpath_couldNotWriteClasspathFile = Could not write ''.classpath'' file of project ''{0}'': {1}
classpath_cycle = One or more cycles were detected in the build path of project ''{0}''. The paths towards the cycle and cycle are:\n{1}
classpath_duplicateEntryPath = Build path contains duplicate entry: ''{0}'' for project ''{1}''
classpath_illegalContainerPath = Illegal classpath container path: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'', must have at least one segment (containerID+hints)
classpath_illegalEntryInClasspathFile = Illegal entry in ''.classpath'' of project ''{0}'' file: {1}
classpath_illegalLibraryPath = Illegal path for required library: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_illegalLibraryPathInContainer = Illegal path for required library: ''{0}'' in the {1}
classpath_illegalLibraryArchive = Illegal type of archive for required library: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_archiveReadError = Archive for required library: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
classpath_illegalExternalFolder = Required library cannot denote external folder: ''{0}'' for project ''{1}''
classpath_illegalExternalFolderInContainer = Required library cannot denote external folder: ''{0}'' in the {1}
classpath_illegalProjectPath = Illegal path for required project: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_illegalSourceFolderPath = Illegal path for required source folder: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_illegalVariablePath = Illegal classpath variable path: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'', must have at least one segment
classpath_invalidClasspathInClasspathFile = Invalid build path in ''.classpath'' file of project ''{0}'': {1}
classpath_invalidContainer = Invalid classpath container: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_mustEndWithSlash = End exclusion filter ''{0}'' with / to fully exclude ''{1}''
classpath_unboundContainerPath = Unbound classpath container: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_unboundLibrary = Project ''{1}'' is missing required library: ''{0}''
classpath_userLibraryInfo = user library ''{0}''
classpath_containerInfo = container ''{0}''
classpath_unboundLibraryInContainer = The {1} references non existing library ''{0}''
classpath_unboundProject = Project ''{1}'' is missing required Java project: ''{0}''
classpath_settingOutputLocationProgress = Setting output location for: ''{0}''
classpath_settingProgress = Setting classpath for: {0}
classpath_unboundSourceAttachment = Invalid source attachment: ''{0}'' for required library ''{1}'' in project ''{2}''
classpath_unboundSourceAttachmentInContainedLibrary = Invalid source attachment: ''{0}'' for required library ''{1}'' in the {2}
classpath_unboundSourceFolder = Project ''{1}'' is missing required source folder: ''{0}''
classpath_unboundVariablePath = Unbound classpath variable: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}''
classpath_unknownKind = Unknown kind: ''{0}''
classpath_xmlFormatError = XML format error in ''.classpath'' file of project ''{0}'': {1}
classpath_disabledInclusionExclusionPatterns = Inclusion or exclusion patterns are disabled in project ''{1}'', cannot selectively include or exclude from entry: ''{0}''
classpath_disabledMultipleOutputLocations = Multiple output locations are disabled in project ''{1}'', cannot associate entry: ''{0}'' with a specific output
classpath_incompatibleLibraryJDKLevel = Incompatible .class files version in required binaries. Project ''{0}'' is targeting a {1} runtime, but is compiled against ''{2}'' which requires a {3} runtime
classpath_incompatibleLibraryJDKLevelInContainer = Incompatible .class files version in required binaries. Project ''{0}'' is targeting a {1} runtime, but is compiled against ''{2}'' (from the {3}) which requires a {4} runtime
classpath_duplicateEntryExtraAttribute = Duplicate extra attribute: ''{0}'' in classpath entry ''{1}'' for project ''{2}''
classpath_deprecated_variable = Classpath variable ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'' is deprecated: {2}
classpath_invalidExternalAnnotationPath = Invalid external annotation path: ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'', for classpath entry ''{2}''
classpath_testSourceRequiresSeparateOutputFolder=Test source folder ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'' must have a separate output folder
classpath_testOutputFolderMustBeSeparateFromMainOutputFolders=Test source folder ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'' must have an output folder that is not also used for main sources
classpath_main_only_project_depends_on_test_only_project=Project has only main sources but depends on project ''{0}'' which has only test sources.
classpath_illegalAddExportsSystemModule=Exporting a package from system module ''{0}'' is not allowed with --release.

### miscellaneous
buffer_closed=Buffer is closed
file_notFound = File not found: ''{0}''
file_badFormat = Bad format
path_nullPath = Path cannot be null
path_mustBeAbsolute = Path must be absolute
cache_invalidLoadFactor = Incorrect load factor
savedState_jobName = Processing Java changes since last activation
refreshing_external_folders = Refreshing external folders
synchronizing_projects_job = Synchronizing projects
internal_error=Unexpected internal error

## java model initialization
javamodel_initialization = Initializing Java tooling
javamodel_initializing_delta_state= Initializing delta state
javamodel_configuring_searchengine=Configuring search engine
javamodel_configuring_classpath_containers=Configuring classpath containers
javamodel_getting_build_state_number=Getting build state version number
javamodel_configuring=Configuring {0}
javamodel_building_after_upgrade=Triggering build after upgrade
javamodel_refreshing_external_jars=Refreshing external archives
javamodel_resetting_source_attachment_properties=Resetting source attachment properties

### java conventions
convention_unit_nullName = Compilation unit name must not be null
convention_unit_notJavaName = Compilation unit name must end with .java, or one of the registered Java-like extensions
convention_classFile_nullName = .class file name must not be null
convention_classFile_notClassFileName = .class file name must end with .class
convention_illegalIdentifier = ''{0}'' is not a valid Java identifier
convention_import_nullImport = An import declaration must not be null
convention_import_unqualifiedImport = An import declaration must not end with an unqualified *
convention_type_nullName = A Java type name must not be null
convention_type_nameWithBlanks = A Java type name must not start or end with a blank
convention_type_dollarName = By convention, Java type names usually don't contain the $ character
convention_type_lowercaseName = By convention, Java type names usually start with an uppercase letter
convention_type_invalidName = The type name ''{0}'' is not a valid identifier
convention_package_nullName = A package name must not be null
convention_package_emptyName = A package name must not be empty
convention_package_dotName = A package name cannot start or end with a dot
convention_package_nameWithBlanks = A package name must not start or end with a blank
convention_package_consecutiveDotsName = A package name must not contain two consecutive dots
convention_package_uppercaseName = By convention, package names usually start with a lowercase letter
convention_module_nullName = A module name must not be null
convention_module_emptyName = A module name must not be empty
convention_module_dotName = A module name cannot start or end with a dot
convention_module_nameWithBlanks = A module name must not start or end with a blank
convention_module_consecutiveDotsName = A module name must not contain consecutive dots
convention_module_uppercaseName = By convention, module names usually start with a lowercase letter
convention_module_javaName = 'java' is reserved for system modules

### DOM
dom_cannotDetail = Unable to generate detailed source indexes
dom_nullTypeParameter = Cannot add parameter with null type
dom_nullNameParameter = Cannot add parameter with null name
dom_nullReturnType = Return type cannot be null
dom_nullExceptionType = Cannot add null exception
dom_mismatchArgNamesAndTypes = Types and names must have identical length
dom_addNullChild = Attempt to add null child
dom_addIncompatibleChild = Attempt to add child of incompatible type
dom_addChildWithParent = Attempt to add child that is already parented
dom_unableAddChild = Attempt to add child to node that cannot have children
dom_addAncestorAsChild = Attempt to add ancestor as child
dom_addNullSibling = Attempt to insert null sibling
dom_addSiblingBeforeRoot = Attempt to insert sibling before root node
dom_addIncompatibleSibling = Attempt to insert sibling of incompatible type
dom_addSiblingWithParent = Attempt to insert sibling that is already parented
dom_addAncestorAsSibling = Attempt to insert ancestor as sibling
dom_addNullInterface = Cannot add null interface
dom_nullInterfaces = Illegal to set super interfaces to null

### import rewrite
importRewrite_processDescription = Updating imports

### correction
correction_nullRequestor = Requestor cannot be null
correction_nullUnit = Compilation unit cannot be null

### Eclipse Java Core Search messages.

engine_searching = Searching...
engine_searching_indexing = Looking through {0} indexes...
engine_searching_matching = Locating {0} matches...
exception_wrongFormat = Wrong index format: {0}, expected: {1}
process_name = Java indexing
jobmanager_filesToIndex = {1} files to index ({0})
jobmanager_indexing = Java indexing... 

### Disassembler messages

### disassembler
disassembler_description = Default classfile disassembler
disassembler_opentypedeclaration =\ '{'
disassembler_closetypedeclaration = }
disassembler_parametername = arg
disassembler_anonymousparametername = 
disassembler_localvariablename = local_{0}
disassembler_endofmethodheader = ;
disassembler_begincommentline = //\ 
disassembler_fieldhasconstant =\ =\ 
disassembler_endoffieldheader = ;
disassembler_sourceattributeheader = Compiled from\ 
disassembler_enclosingmethodheader = Enclosing Method:
disassembler_exceptiontableheader = Exception Table:
disassembler_linenumberattributeheader = Line numbers:
disassembler_methodparametersheader = Method Parameters:
disassembler_localvariabletableattributeheader = Local variable table:
disassembler_localvariabletypetableattributeheader = Local variable type table:
disassembler_arraydimensions = []
disassembler_nesthost = Nest Host:
disassembler_nestmembers = Nest Members:
disassembler_record = Record:
disassembler_permittedsubclasses = PermittedSubclasses:
disassembler_components = Components:
disassembler_endofcomponent = ;
disassembler_innerattributesheader = Inner classes:
disassembler_inner_class_info_name = inner class info:
disassembler_outer_class_info_name = outer class info:
disassembler_inner_name = inner name:
disassembler_inner_accessflags = accessflags:\ 
disassembler_genericattributeheader = Attribute: {0} Length: {1}
disassembler_stackmaptableattributeheader = Stack map table: number of frames {0}
disassembler_stackmapattributeheader =  Stack map : number of frames {0}
disassembler_signatureattributeheader = // Signature: {0}
disassembler_bootstrapmethodattributesheader = Bootstrap methods:
disassembler_bootstrapmethodentry = {0} : # {1} {2}\n\tMethod arguments:\n\t\t{3}
disassembler_bootstrapmethodentry_argument = #{0} {1}
disassembler_indentation = \  
disassembler_constantpoolindex =\ #
disassembler_space = \ 
disassembler_comma = ,
disassembler_openinnerclassentry = [
disassembler_closeinnerclassentry = ]
disassembler_deprecated =\ (deprecated)
disassembler_constantpoolheader = Constant pool:
disassembler_constantpool_class = constant #{0} class: #{1} {2}
disassembler_constantpool_double = constant #{0} double: {1}
disassembler_constantpool_float = constant #{0} float: {1}
disassembler_constantpool_integer = constant #{0} integer: {1}
disassembler_constantpool_long = constant #{0} long: {1}
disassembler_constantpool_string = constant #{0} string: #{1} "{2}"
disassembler_constantpool_fieldref = constant #{0} field_ref: #{1}.#{2} {3}.{4} {5}
disassembler_constantpool_interfacemethodref = constant #{0} interface_method_ref: #{1}.#{2} {3}.{4} {5}
disassembler_constantpool_methodref = constant #{0} method_ref: #{1}.#{2} {3}.{4} {5}
disassembler_constantpool_name_and_type = constant #{0} name_and_type: #{1}.#{2} {3} {4}
disassembler_constantpool_utf8 = constant #{0} utf8: "{1}"
disassembler_constantpool_methodhandle = constant #{0} method handle: {1} #{2} 
disassembler_constantpool_methodtype = constant #{0} method type: #{1} {2}
disassembler_constantpool_invokedynamic = constant #{0} invoke dynamic: #{1} #{2} {3} {4}
disassembler_constantpool_dynamic = constant #{0} dynamic: #{1} #{2} {3} {4}
disassembler_annotationdefaultheader = Annotation Default:\ 
disassembler_annotationdefaultvalue= {0} (constant type)
disassembler_annotationenumvalue = {2}.{3}(enum type #{0}.#{1})
disassembler_annotationclassvalue = {1} (#{0} class type)
disassembler_annotationannotationvalue = annotation value =
disassembler_annotationarrayvaluestart = [
disassembler_annotationarrayvalueend = ]
disassembler_annotationentrystart = #{0} @{1}(
disassembler_annotationentryend = )
# jsr308 (next two)
disassembler_extendedannotationentrystart=#{0} @{1}(
disassembler_extendedannotationentryend= )
disassembler_annotationcomponent = #{0} {1}=
disassembler_runtimevisibleannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeVisibleAnnotations:\ 
disassembler_runtimeinvisibleannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations:\ 
# jsr308 (next two)
disassembler_runtimevisibletypeannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:\ 
disassembler_runtimeinvisibletypeannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations:\ 
disassembler_runtimevisibleparameterannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations:\ 
disassembler_runtimeinvisibleparameterannotationsattributeheader= RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations:\ 
disassembler_parameterannotationentrystart=Number of annotations for parameter {0}: {1}
disassembler_frame_same_locals_1_stack_item_extended=[pc: {0}, same_locals_1_stack_item_extended, stack: {1}]
disassembler_frame_chop=[pc: {0}, chop {1} local(s)]
disassembler_frame_same_frame_extended=[pc: {0}, same_extended]
disassembler_frame_append=[pc: {0}, append: {1}]
disassembler_method_type_ref_getfield = getfield ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_putfield = putfield ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_getstatic = getstatic ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_putstatic = putstatic ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_invokestatic = invokestatic ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_invokevirtual = invokevirtual ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_invokeinterface = invokeinterface ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_invokespecial = invokespecial ({0})
disassembler_method_type_ref_newinvokespecial = newinvokespecial ({0})
# {0} = offset delta
# {1} = number of locals
# {2} = locals
# {3} = number of stack items
# {4} = stack items
# {5} = line separator + tabs
disassembler_frame_full_frame=[pc: {0}, full, stack: {4}, locals: {2}]
disassembler_frame_same_frame=[pc: {0}, same]
disassembler_frame_same_locals_1_stack_item=[pc: {0}, same_locals_1_stack_item, stack: {1}]
# jsr308
disassembler_extendedannotation_targetType=target type = 0x{0} {1}
disassembler_extendedannotation_classextendsimplements=type index = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_typepath=location = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_method_parameter=method parameter index = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_offset=offset = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_throws=throws index = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_type_argument=type argument index = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_type_parameter=type parameter index = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_type_parameter_with_bound=type parameter index = {0} type parameter bound index = {1}
disassembler_extendedannotation_wildcardlocationtype=wildcard location type = 0x{0} {1}
disassembler_extendedannotation_wildcardlocations=wildcard locations = {0}
disassembler_extendedannotation_exception_table_index=exception table index = {0}
disassembler_localvariabletargetheader=local variable entries:
disassembler_module_version=// Version: {0}
disassembler_modulepackagesattributeheader = Module packages:
disassembler_modulemainclassattributeheader=Module main class:

### classfileformat decoding
classfileformat_versiondetails =\ (version {0} : {1}.{2}, {3})
classfileformat_methoddescriptor = // Method descriptor #{0} {1}
classfileformat_fieldddescriptor = // Field descriptor #{0} {1}
classfileformat_stacksAndLocals= // Stack: {0}, Locals: {1}
classfileformat_superflagisnotset = no super bit
classfileformat_superflagisset = super bit
classfileformat_clinitname = '{'}
classformat_classformatexception = Class Format Exception
classfileformat_versionUnknown = unknown
classfileformat_componentdescriptor = // Component descriptor #{0} {1}

### string displayed for each opcode
classformat_anewarray = {0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_checkcast = {0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_instanceof = {0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_methodtype = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_methodhandle = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_dynamic = {0}  {2} {3} {4} [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_class = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_float = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_integer = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc_w_string = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc2_w_long = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_ldc2_w_double = {0}  [{1}]
classformat_multianewarray = {0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_new = {0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_iinc = {0} {1} {2}{3}
classformat_invokespecial ={0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_invokeinterface ={0} {3} [{1}] [nargs: {2}]
classformat_invokedynamic={0} {2} {3} [{1}]
classformat_invokestatic ={0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_invokevirtual ={0} {2} [{1}]
classformat_getfield ={0} {2}.{3} : {4} [{1}]
classformat_getstatic ={0} {2}.{3} : {4} [{1}]
classformat_putstatic ={0} {2}.{3} : {4} [{1}]
classformat_putfield ={0} {2}.{3} : {4} [{1}]
classformat_newarray_boolean = {0} boolean [{1}]
classformat_newarray_char = {0} char [{1}]
classformat_newarray_float = {0} float [{1}]
classformat_newarray_double = {0} double [{1}]
classformat_newarray_byte = {0} byte [{1}]
classformat_newarray_short = {0} short [{1}]
classformat_newarray_int = {0} int [{1}]
classformat_newarray_long = {0} long [{1}]
classformat_store = {0}{1}
classformat_load = {0}{1}
classfileformat_exceptiontableentry = [pc: {0}, pc: {1}] -> {2} when : {3}
classfileformat_linenumbertableentry = [pc: {0}, line: {1}]
classfileformat_localvariabletableentry = [pc: {0}, pc: {1}] local: {2} index: {3} type: {4}
# jsr 308
classfileformat_localvariablereferenceinfoentry=[pc: {0}, pc: {1}] index: {2}

### Eclipse Java Core completion messages.
engine_completing = Computing proposals...

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