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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.RuntimeLog;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;

 * Stores all the relationships between locks (rules are also considered locks),
 * and the threads that own them. All the relationships are stored in a 2D integer array.
 * The rows in the array are threads, while the columns are locks.
 * Two corresponding arrayLists store the actual threads and locks.
 * The index of a thread in the first arrayList is the index of the row in the graph.
 * The index of a lock in the second arrayList is the index of the column in the graph.
 * An entry greater than 0 in the graph is the number of times a thread in the entry's row
 * acquired the lock in the entry's column.
 * An entry of -1 means that the thread is waiting to acquire the lock.
 * An entry of 0 means that the thread and the lock have no relationship.
 * The difference between rules and locks is that locks can be suspended, while
 * rules are implicit locks and as such cannot be suspended.
 * To resolve deadlock, the graph will first try to find a thread that only owns
 * locks. Failing that, it will find a thread in the deadlock that owns at least
 * one lock and suspend it.
 * Deadlock can only occur among locks, or among locks in combination with rules.
 * Deadlock among rules only is impossible. Therefore, in any deadlock one can always
 * find a thread that owns at least one lock that can be suspended.
 * The implementation of the graph assumes that a thread can only own 1 rule at
 * any one time. It can acquire that rule several times, but a thread cannot
 * acquire 2 non-conflicting rules at the same time.
 * The implementation of the graph will sometimes also find and resolve bogus deadlocks.
 * 		graph:				assuming this rule hierarchy:
 * 		   R2 R3 L1						R1
 * 		J1  1  0  0					   /  \
 * 		J2  0  1 -1					  R2  R3
 * 		J3 -1  0  1
 * If in the above situation job4 decides to acquire rule1, then the graph will transform
 * to the following:
 * 		   R2 R3 R1 L1
 * 		J1  1  0  1  0
 * 		J2  1  1  1 -1
 * 		J3 -1  0  0  1
 * 		J4  0  0 -1  0
 * and the graph will assume that job2 and job3 are deadlocked and suspend lock1 of job3.
 * The reason the deadlock is bogus is that the deadlock is unlikely to actually happen (the threads
 * are currently not deadlocked, but might deadlock later on when it is too late to detect it)
 * Therefore, in order to make sure that no deadlock is possible,
 * the deadlock will still be resolved at this point.
public class DeadlockDetector {
	private static int NO_STATE = 0;
	//state variables in the graph
	private static int WAITING_FOR_LOCK = -1;
	//empty matrix
	private static final int[][] EMPTY_MATRIX = new int[0][0];
	//matrix of relationships between threads and locks
	private int[][] graph = EMPTY_MATRIX;
	//index is column in adjacency matrix for the lock
	private final ArrayList locks = new ArrayList<>();
	//index is row in adjacency matrix for the thread
	private final ArrayList lockThreads = new ArrayList<>();
	//whether the graph needs to be resized
	private boolean resize = false;
	private static volatile boolean noDeadlockReport;

	 * Recursively check if any of the threads that prevent the current thread from running
	 * are actually deadlocked with the current thread.
	 * Add the threads that form deadlock to the deadlockedThreads list.
	private boolean addCycleThreads(ArrayList deadlockedThreads, Thread next) {
		//get the thread that block the given thread from running
		Thread[] blocking = blockingThreads(next);
		//if the thread is not blocked by other threads, then it is not part of a deadlock
		if (blocking.length == 0)
			return false;
		boolean inCycle = false;
		for (Thread element : blocking) {
			//if we have already visited the given thread, then we found a cycle
			if (deadlockedThreads.contains(element)) {
				inCycle = true;
			} else {
				//otherwise, add the thread to our list and recurse deeper
				//if the thread is not part of a cycle, remove it from the list
				if (addCycleThreads(deadlockedThreads, element))
					inCycle = true;
		return inCycle;

	 * Get the thread(s) that own the lock this thread is waiting for.
	private Thread[] blockingThreads(Thread current) {
		//find the lock this thread is waiting for
		ISchedulingRule lock = (ISchedulingRule) getWaitingLock(current);
		return getThreadsOwningLock(lock);

	 * Check that the addition of a waiting thread did not produce deadlock.
	 * If deadlock is detected return true, else return false.
	private boolean checkWaitCycles(int[] waitingThreads, int lockIndex) {
		 * find the lock that this thread is waiting for
		 * recursively check if this is a cycle (i.e. a thread waiting on itself)
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
			if (graph[i][lockIndex] > NO_STATE) {
				if (waitingThreads[i] > NO_STATE) {
					return true;
				//keep track that we already visited this thread
				for (int j = 0; j < graph[i].length; j++) {
					if (graph[i][j] == WAITING_FOR_LOCK) {
						if (checkWaitCycles(waitingThreads, j))
							return true;
				//this thread is not involved in a cycle yet, so remove the visited flag
		return false;

	 * Returns true IFF the matrix contains a row for the given thread.
	 * (meaning the given thread either owns locks or is waiting for locks)
	boolean contains(Thread t) {
		return lockThreads.contains(t);

	 * A new rule was just added to the graph.
	 * Find a rule it conflicts with and update the new rule with the number of times
	 * it was acquired implicitly when threads acquired conflicting rule.
	private void fillPresentEntries(ISchedulingRule newLock, int lockIndex) {
		//fill in the entries for the new rule from rules it conflicts with
		for (int j = 0; j < locks.size(); j++) {
			if ((j != lockIndex) && (newLock.isConflicting(locks.get(j)))) {
				for (int[] g : graph) {
					if ((g[j] > NO_STATE) && (g[lockIndex] == NO_STATE)) {
						g[lockIndex] = g[j];
		//now back fill the entries for rules the current rule conflicts with
		for (int j = 0; j < locks.size(); j++) {
			if ((j != lockIndex) && (newLock.isConflicting(locks.get(j)))) {
				for (int[] g : graph) {
					if ((g[lockIndex] > NO_STATE) && (g[j] == NO_STATE)) {
						g[j] = g[lockIndex];

	 * Returns all the locks owned by the given thread
	private Object[] getOwnedLocks(Thread current) {
		ArrayList ownedLocks = new ArrayList<>(1);
		int index = indexOf(current, false);

		for (int j = 0; j < graph[index].length; j++) {
			if (graph[index][j] > NO_STATE)
		if (ownedLocks.isEmpty())
			Assert.isLegal(false, "A thread with no locks is part of a deadlock."); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return ownedLocks.toArray();

	 * Returns an array of threads that form the deadlock (usually 2).
	private Thread[] getThreadsInDeadlock(Thread cause) {
		ArrayList deadlockedThreads = new ArrayList<>(2);
		 * if the thread that caused deadlock doesn't own any locks, then it is not part
		 * of the deadlock (it just caused it because of a rule it tried to acquire)
		if (ownsLocks(cause))
		addCycleThreads(deadlockedThreads, cause);
		return deadlockedThreads.toArray(new Thread[deadlockedThreads.size()]);

	 * Returns the thread(s) that own the given lock.
	private Thread[] getThreadsOwningLock(ISchedulingRule rule) {
		if (rule == null)
			return new Thread[0];
		int lockIndex = indexOf(rule, false);
		ArrayList blocking = new ArrayList<>(1);
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
			if (graph[i][lockIndex] > NO_STATE)
		if ((blocking.isEmpty()) && (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS))
			System.out.println("Lock " + rule + " is involved in deadlock but is not owned by any thread."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if ((blocking.size() > 1) && (rule instanceof ILock) && (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS))
			System.out.println("Lock " + rule + " is owned by more than 1 thread, but it is not a rule."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		return blocking.toArray(new Thread[blocking.size()]);

	 * Returns the lock the given thread is waiting for.
	private Object getWaitingLock(Thread current) {
		int index = indexOf(current, false);
		//find the lock that this thread is waiting for
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[index].length; j++) {
			if (graph[index][j] == WAITING_FOR_LOCK)
				return locks.get(j);
		//it can happen that a thread is not waiting for any lock (it is not really part of the deadlock)
		return null;

	 * Returns the index of the given lock in the lock array. If the lock is
	 * not present in the array, it is added to the end.
	private int indexOf(ISchedulingRule lock, boolean add) {
		int index = locks.indexOf(lock);
		if ((index < 0) && add) {
			resize = true;
			index = locks.size() - 1;
		return index;

	 * Returns the index of the given thread in the thread array. If the thread
	 * is not present in the array, it is added to the end.
	private int indexOf(Thread owner, boolean add) {
		int index = lockThreads.indexOf(owner);
		if ((index < 0) && add) {
			resize = true;
			index = lockThreads.size() - 1;
		return index;

	 * Returns true IFF the adjacency matrix is empty.
	boolean isEmpty() {
		return (locks.isEmpty()) && (lockThreads.isEmpty()) && (graph.length == 0);

	 * The given lock was acquired by the given thread.
	void lockAcquired(Thread owner, ISchedulingRule lock) {
		int lockIndex = indexOf(lock, true);
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, true);
		if (resize)
		if (graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] == WAITING_FOR_LOCK)
			graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] = NO_STATE;
		 * acquire all locks that conflict with the given lock
		 * or conflict with a lock the given lock will acquire implicitly
		 * (locks are acquired implicitly when a conflicting lock is acquired)
		ArrayList conflicting = new ArrayList<>(1);
		//only need two passes through all the locks to pick up all conflicting rules
		int NUM_PASSES = 2;
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PASSES; i++) {
			for (int k = 0; k < conflicting.size(); k++) {
				ISchedulingRule current = conflicting.get(k);
				for (int j = 0; j < locks.size(); j++) {
					ISchedulingRule possible = locks.get(j);
					if (!conflicting.contains(possible) && current.isConflicting(possible)) {

	 * The given lock was released by the given thread. Update the graph.
	void lockReleased(Thread owner, ISchedulingRule lock) {
		int lockIndex = indexOf(lock, false);
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		//make sure the lock and thread exist in the graph
		if (threadIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("[lockReleased] Lock " + lock + " was already released by thread " + owner.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if (lockIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("[lockReleased] Thread " + owner.getName() + " already released lock " + lock); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		//if this lock was suspended, set it to NO_STATE
		if ((lock instanceof ILock) && (graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] == WAITING_FOR_LOCK)) {
			graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] = NO_STATE;
		//release all locks that conflict with the given lock
		//or release all rules that are owned by the given thread, if we are releasing a rule
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if (((!(lock instanceof ILock) && !(locks.get(j) instanceof ILock) && (graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE))
					|| lock.isConflicting(locks.get(j)))) {
				if (graph[threadIndex][j] == NO_STATE) {
					if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
						System.out.println("[lockReleased] More releases than acquires for thread " + owner.getName() + " and lock " + lock); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
				} else {
		//if this thread just released the given lock, try to simplify the graph
		if (graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] == NO_STATE)
			reduceGraph(threadIndex, lock);

	 * The given scheduling rule is no longer used because the job that invoked it is done.
	 * Release this rule regardless of how many times it was acquired.
	void lockReleasedCompletely(Thread owner, ISchedulingRule rule) {
		int ruleIndex = indexOf(rule, false);
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		//need to make sure that the given thread and rule were not already removed from the graph
		if (threadIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("[lockReleasedCompletely] Lock " + rule + " was already released by thread " + owner.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if (ruleIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("[lockReleasedCompletely] Thread " + owner.getName() + " already released lock " + rule); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		 * set all rules that are owned by the given thread to NO_STATE
		 * (not just rules that conflict with the rule we are releasing)
		 * if we are releasing a lock, then only update the one entry for the lock
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if (!(locks.get(j) instanceof ILock) && (graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE))
				graph[threadIndex][j] = NO_STATE;
		reduceGraph(threadIndex, rule);

	 * The given thread could not get the given lock and is waiting for it.
	 * Update the graph.
	Deadlock lockWaitStart(Thread client, ISchedulingRule lock) {
		setToWait(client, lock, false);
		int lockIndex = indexOf(lock, false);
		int[] temp = new int[lockThreads.size()];
		//check if the addition of the waiting thread caused deadlock
		if (!checkWaitCycles(temp, lockIndex))
			return null;
		//there is a deadlock in the graph
		Thread[] threads = getThreadsInDeadlock(client);
		//find a thread whose locks can be suspended to resolve the deadlock
		Thread candidate = resolutionCandidate(threads);
		ISchedulingRule[] locksToSuspend = realLocksForThread(candidate);
		Deadlock deadlock = new Deadlock(threads, locksToSuspend, candidate);
		if (JobManager.DEBUG_DEADLOCK)
			throw new IllegalStateException("Deadlock detected. Caused by thread " + client.getName() + '.'); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// Update the graph to indicate that the locks will now be suspended.
		// To indicate that the lock will be suspended, we set the thread to wait for the lock.
		// When the lock is forced to be released, the entry will be cleared.
		for (ISchedulingRule element : locksToSuspend)
			setToWait(deadlock.getCandidate(), element, true);
		return deadlock;

	 * The given thread has stopped waiting for the given lock.
	 * Update the graph.
	 * If the lock has already been granted, then it isn't removed.
	void lockWaitStop(Thread owner, ISchedulingRule lock) {
		int lockIndex = indexOf(lock, false);
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		//make sure the thread and lock exist in the graph
		if (threadIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("Thread " + owner.getName() + " was already removed."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if (lockIndex < 0) {
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("Lock " + lock + " was already removed."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if (graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] != WAITING_FOR_LOCK) {
			// Lock has already been granted, nothing to do...
			if (JobManager.DEBUG_LOCKS)
				System.out.println("Lock " + lock + " already granted to depth: " + graph[threadIndex][lockIndex]); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] = NO_STATE;
		reduceGraph(threadIndex, lock);

	 * Returns true IFF the given thread owns a single lock
	private boolean ownsLocks(Thread cause) {
		int threadIndex = indexOf(cause, false);
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if (graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE)
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Returns true IFF the given thread owns a single real lock.
	 * A real lock is a lock that can be suspended.
	private boolean ownsRealLocks(Thread owner) {
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if (graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE) {
				Object lock = locks.get(j);
				if (lock instanceof ILock)
					return true;
		return false;

	 * Return true IFF this thread owns rule locks (i.e. implicit locks which
	 * cannot be suspended)
	private boolean ownsRuleLocks(Thread owner) {
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if (graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE) {
				Object lock = locks.get(j);
				if (!(lock instanceof ILock))
					return true;
		return false;

	 * Returns an array of real locks that are owned by the given thread.
	 * Real locks are locks that implement the ILock interface and can be suspended.
	private ISchedulingRule[] realLocksForThread(Thread owner) {
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, false);
		ArrayList ownedLocks = new ArrayList<>(1);
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[threadIndex].length; j++) {
			if ((graph[threadIndex][j] > NO_STATE) && (locks.get(j) instanceof ILock))
		if (ownedLocks.isEmpty())
			Assert.isLegal(false, "A thread with no real locks was chosen to resolve deadlock."); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return ownedLocks.toArray(new ISchedulingRule[ownedLocks.size()]);

	 * The matrix has been simplified. Check if any unnecessary rows or columns
	 * can be removed.
	private void reduceGraph(int row, ISchedulingRule lock) {
		int numLocks = locks.size();
		boolean[] emptyColumns = new boolean[numLocks];

		 * find all columns that could possibly be empty
		 * (consist of locks which conflict with the given lock, or of locks which are rules)
		for (int j = 0; j < numLocks; j++) {
			if (!(locks.get(j) instanceof ILock) || (lock.isConflicting(locks.get(j))))
				emptyColumns[j] = true;

		boolean rowEmpty = true;
		int numEmpty = 0;
		//check if the given row is empty
		for (int j = 0; j < graph[row].length; j++) {
			if (graph[row][j] != NO_STATE) {
				rowEmpty = false;
		 * Check if the possibly empty columns are actually empty.
		 * If a column is actually empty, remove the corresponding lock from the list of locks
		 * Start at the last column so that when locks are removed from the list,
		 * the index of the remaining locks is unchanged. Store the number of empty columns.
		for (int j = emptyColumns.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
			for (int[] element : graph) {
				if (emptyColumns[j] && (element[j] != NO_STATE)) {
					emptyColumns[j] = false;
			if (emptyColumns[j]) {
		//if no columns or rows are empty, return right away
		if ((numEmpty == 0) && (!rowEmpty))

		if (rowEmpty)

		//new graph (the list of locks and the list of threads are already updated)
		final int numThreads = lockThreads.size();
		numLocks = locks.size();
		//optimize empty graph case
		if (numThreads == 0 && numLocks == 0) {
			graph = EMPTY_MATRIX;
		int[][] tempGraph = new int[numThreads][numLocks];

		//the number of rows we need to skip to get the correct entry from the old graph
		int numRowsSkipped = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.length - numRowsSkipped; i++) {
			if ((i == row) && rowEmpty) {
				//check if we need to skip the last row
				if (i >= graph.length - numRowsSkipped)
			//the number of columns we need to skip to get the correct entry from the old graph
			//needs to be reset for every new row
			int numColsSkipped = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < graph[i].length - numColsSkipped; j++) {
				while (emptyColumns[j + numColsSkipped]) {
					//check if we need to skip the last column
					if (j >= graph[i].length - numColsSkipped)
				//need to break out of the outer loop
				if (j >= graph[i].length - numColsSkipped)
				tempGraph[i][j] = graph[i + numRowsSkipped][j + numColsSkipped];
		graph = tempGraph;
		Assert.isTrue(numThreads == graph.length, "Rows and threads don't match."); //$NON-NLS-1$
		Assert.isTrue(numLocks == ((graph.length > 0) ? graph[0].length : 0), "Columns and locks don't match."); //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * For tests that are supposed to create deadlocks.
	public static void runSilent(Runnable runnable) {
		DeadlockDetector.noDeadlockReport = true;
		try {;
		} finally {
			DeadlockDetector.noDeadlockReport = false;

	 * Adds a 'deadlock detected' message to the log with a stack trace.
	private void reportDeadlock(Deadlock deadlock) {
		if (noDeadlockReport) {
		String msg = "Deadlock detected. All locks owned by thread " + deadlock.getCandidate().getName() + " will be suspended."; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		MultiStatus main = new MultiStatus(JobManager.PI_JOBS, JobManager.PLUGIN_ERROR, msg, new IllegalStateException());
		Thread[] threads = deadlock.getThreads();
		for (Thread thread : threads) {
			Object[] ownedLocks = getOwnedLocks(thread);
			Object waitLock = getWaitingLock(thread);
			StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("Thread "); //$NON-NLS-1$
			buf.append(" has locks: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
			for (int j = 0; j < ownedLocks.length; j++) {
				buf.append((j < ownedLocks.length - 1) ? ", " : " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
			buf.append("and is waiting for lock "); //$NON-NLS-1$
			StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = thread.getStackTrace();
			if (stackTrace.length > 0) {
				for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTrace) {
					buf.append("at "); //$NON-NLS-1$
			Status child = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, JobManager.PI_JOBS, JobManager.PLUGIN_ERROR, buf.toString(), null);

	 * The number of threads/locks in the graph has changed. Update the
	 * underlying matrix.
	private void resizeGraph() {
		// a new row and/or a new column was added to the graph.
		// since new rows/columns are always added to the end, just transfer
		// old entries to the new graph, with the same indices.
		final int newRows = lockThreads.size();
		final int newCols = locks.size();
		//optimize 0x0 and 1x1 matrices
		if (newRows == 0 && newCols == 0) {
			graph = EMPTY_MATRIX;
		int[][] tempGraph = new int[newRows][newCols];
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++)
			System.arraycopy(graph[i], 0, tempGraph[i], 0, graph[i].length);
		graph = tempGraph;
		resize = false;

	 * Get the thread whose locks can be suspended. (i.e. all locks it owns are
	 * actual locks and not rules). Return the first thread in the array by default.
	private Thread resolutionCandidate(Thread[] candidates) {
		//first look for a candidate that has no scheduling rules
		for (Thread candidate : candidates) {
			if (!ownsRuleLocks(candidate)) {
				return candidate;
		//next look for any candidate with a real lock (a lock that can be suspended)
		for (Thread candidate : candidates) {
			if (ownsRealLocks(candidate))
				return candidate;
		//unnecessary, return the first entry in the array by default
		return candidates[0];

	 * The given thread is waiting for the given lock. Update the graph.
	private void setToWait(Thread owner, ISchedulingRule lock, boolean suspend) {
		boolean needTransfer = false;
		 * if we are adding an entry where a thread is waiting on a scheduling rule,
		 * then we need to transfer all positive entries for a conflicting rule to the
		 * newly added rule in order to synchronize the graph.
		if (!suspend && !(lock instanceof ILock))
			needTransfer = true;
		int lockIndex = indexOf(lock, !suspend);
		int threadIndex = indexOf(owner, !suspend);
		if (resize)

		graph[threadIndex][lockIndex] = WAITING_FOR_LOCK;
		if (needTransfer)
			fillPresentEntries(lock, lockIndex);

	 * Prints out the current matrix to standard output.
	 * Only used for debugging.
	public String toDebugString() {
		StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
		PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sWriter, true);
		out.println(" :: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
		for (ISchedulingRule lock : locks) {
			out.print(" " + lock + ','); //$NON-NLS-1$
		for (int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
			out.print(" " + lockThreads.get(i).getName() + " : "); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
			for (int j = 0; j < graph[i].length; j++) {
				out.print(" " + graph[i][j] + ','); //$NON-NLS-1$
		out.println("-------"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return sWriter.toString();

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