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org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.FileSystemResourceManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [210664] descriptionChanged(): ignore LF style
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [233939] findFilesForLocation() with symlinks
 *     James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development
 *     Sergey Prigogin (Google) - [338010] Resource.createLink() does not preserve symbolic links
 *                              - [462440] IFile#getContents methods should specify the status codes for its exceptions
 *     Lars Vogel  - Bug 473427
 *     Karsten Thoms  - Bug 521500
package org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileInfo;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileTree;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.refresh.RefreshManager;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.File;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Folder;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ICoreConstants;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.IManager;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.LinkDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ModelObjectWriter;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Project;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ProjectDescriptionReader;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceInfo;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.WorkspaceDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.BitMask;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.FileUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Policy;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IPathVariableManager;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourceAttributes;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.IPreferenceChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

 * Manages the synchronization between the workspace's view and the file system.
public class FileSystemResourceManager implements ICoreConstants, IManager {

	 * The history store is initialized lazily - always use the accessor method
	protected IHistoryStore _historyStore;
	protected Workspace workspace;

	private volatile boolean lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled;

	private IPreferenceChangeListener lightweightAutoRefreshPrefListener = event -> {
		if (ResourcesPlugin.PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH.equals(event.getKey())) {
			lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled = Platform.getPreferencesService().getBoolean(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES,
					ResourcesPlugin.PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH, false, null);

	public FileSystemResourceManager(Workspace workspace) {
		this.workspace = workspace;

	 * Returns the workspace paths of all resources that may correspond to
	 * the given file system location.  Returns an empty ArrayList if there are no
	 * such paths.  This method does not consider whether resources actually
	 * exist at the given locations.

* The workspace paths of {@link IResource#HIDDEN} project and resources * located in {@link IResource#HIDDEN} projects won't be added to the result. *

* */ protected ArrayList allPathsForLocation(URI inputLocation) { URI canonicalLocation = FileUtil.canonicalURI(inputLocation); // First, try the canonical version of the inputLocation. // If the inputLocation is different from the canonical version, it will be tried second ArrayList results = allPathsForLocationNonCanonical(canonicalLocation); if (results.isEmpty() && canonicalLocation != inputLocation) { results = allPathsForLocationNonCanonical(inputLocation); } return results; } private ArrayList allPathsForLocationNonCanonical(URI inputLocation) { URI location = inputLocation; final boolean isFileLocation = EFS.SCHEME_FILE.equals(inputLocation.getScheme()); final IWorkspaceRoot root = getWorkspace().getRoot(); final ArrayList results = new ArrayList<>(); if (URIUtil.equals(location, locationURIFor(root, true))) { //there can only be one resource at the workspace root's location results.add(IPath.ROOT); return results; } for (IProject project : root.getProjects(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN)) { if (!project.exists()) continue; //check the project location URI testLocation = locationURIFor(project, true); if (testLocation == null) continue; boolean usingAnotherScheme = !inputLocation.getScheme().equals(testLocation.getScheme()); // if we are looking for file: locations try to get a file: location for this project if (isFileLocation && !EFS.SCHEME_FILE.equals(testLocation.getScheme())) testLocation = getFileURI(testLocation); if (testLocation == null) continue; URI relative = testLocation.relativize(location); if (!relative.isAbsolute() && !relative.equals(testLocation)) { IPath suffix = IPath.fromOSString(relative.getPath()); results.add(project.getFullPath().append(suffix)); } if (usingAnotherScheme) { // if a different scheme is used, we can't use the AliasManager, since the manager // map is stored using the EFS scheme, and not necessarily the SCHEME_FILE ProjectDescription description = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription(); if (description == null) continue; HashMap links = description.getLinks(); if (links == null) continue; for (LinkDescription link : links.values()) { IResource resource = project.findMember(link.getProjectRelativePath()); IPathVariableManager pathMan = resource == null ? project.getPathVariableManager() : resource.getPathVariableManager(); testLocation = pathMan.resolveURI(link.getLocationURI()); // if we are looking for file: locations try to get a file: location for this link if (isFileLocation && !EFS.SCHEME_FILE.equals(testLocation.getScheme())) testLocation = getFileURI(testLocation); if (testLocation == null) continue; relative = testLocation.relativize(location); if (!relative.isAbsolute() && !relative.equals(testLocation)) { IPath suffix = IPath.fromOSString(relative.getPath()); results.add(project.getFullPath().append(link.getProjectRelativePath()).append(suffix)); } } } } try { findLinkedResourcesPaths(inputLocation, results); } catch (CoreException e) { Policy.log(e); } return results; } /** * Asynchronously auto-refresh the requested resource if {@link ResourcesPlugin#PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH} is enabled. * @param target */ private void asyncRefresh(IResource target) { if (lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled) { RefreshManager refreshManager = workspace.getRefreshManager(); // refreshManager can be null during shutdown if (refreshManager != null) { refreshManager.refresh(target); } } } private void findLinkedResourcesPaths(URI inputLocation, final ArrayList results) throws CoreException { IPath suffix = null; IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getStore(inputLocation); while (fileStore != null) { IResource[] resources = workspace.getAliasManager().findResources(fileStore); for (IResource resource : resources) { if (resource.isLinked()) { IPath path = resource.getFullPath(); if (suffix != null) path = path.append(suffix); if (!results.contains(path)) results.add(path); } } if (suffix == null) suffix = IPath.fromPortableString(fileStore.getName()); else suffix = IPath.fromPortableString(fileStore.getName()).append(suffix); fileStore = fileStore.getParent(); } } /** * Tries to obtain a file URI for the given URI. Returns null if the file system associated * to the URI scheme does not map to the local file system. * @param locationURI the URI to convert * @return a file URI or null */ private URI getFileURI(URI locationURI) { try { IFileStore testLocationStore = EFS.getStore(locationURI); storeAsFile = testLocationStore.toLocalFile(EFS.NONE, null); if (storeAsFile != null) return URIUtil.toURI(storeAsFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (CoreException e) { // we don't know such file system or some other failure, just return null } return null; } /** * Returns all resources that correspond to the given file system location, * including resources under linked resources. Returns an empty array if * there are no corresponding resources. *

* If the {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS} flag is specified * in the member flags, team private members will be included along with the * others. If the {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS} flag is * not specified (recommended), the result will omit any team private member * resources. *


* If the {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_HIDDEN} flag is specified in the member * flags, hidden members will be included along with the others. If the * {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_HIDDEN} flag is not specified (recommended), * the result will omit any hidden member resources. *


* The result will also omit resources that are explicitly excluded * from the workspace according to existing resource filters. *

* * @param location * the file system location * @param files * resources that may exist below the project level can be either * files or folders. If this parameter is true, files will be * returned, otherwise containers will be returned. * @param memberFlags * bit-wise or of member flag constants ( * {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS} and * {@link IContainer#INCLUDE_HIDDEN}) indicating which members are of * interest */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public IResource[] allResourcesFor(URI location, boolean files, int memberFlags) { ArrayList result = allPathsForLocation(location); int count = 0; for (int i = 0, imax = result.size(); i < imax; i++) { //replace the path in the list with the appropriate resource type IResource resource = resourceFor((IPath) result.get(i), files); if (resource == null || ((Resource) resource).isFiltered() || (((memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN) == 0) && resource.isHidden(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS)) || (((memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS) == 0) && resource.isTeamPrivateMember(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS))) resource = null; result.set(i, resource); //count actual resources - some paths won't have a corresponding resource if (resource != null) count++; } //convert to array and remove null elements IResource[] toReturn = files ? (IResource[]) new IFile[count] : (IResource[]) new IContainer[count]; count = 0; for (Object element : result) { IResource resource = (IResource) element; if (resource != null) toReturn[count++] = resource; } return toReturn; } /* (non-javadoc) * @see IResource.getResourceAttributes */ public ResourceAttributes attributes(IResource resource) { IFileStore store = getStore(resource); IFileInfo fileInfo = store.fetchInfo(); if (!fileInfo.exists()) return null; return FileUtil.fileInfoToAttributes(fileInfo); } /** * Returns a container for the given file system location or null if there * is no mapping for this path. If the path has only one segment, then an * IProject is returned. Otherwise, the returned object * is a IFolder. This method does NOT check the existence * of a folder in the given location. Location cannot be null. *

* The result will also omit resources that are explicitly excluded * from the workspace according to existing resource filters. If all resources * are omitted, the result may be null. *


* Returns a folder whose path has a minimal number of segments. * I.e. a folder in a nested project is preferred over a folder in an enclosing project. *

*/ public IContainer containerForLocation(IPath location) { return (IContainer) resourceForLocation(location, false); } /** * Returns a resource corresponding to the given location. The * "files" parameter is used for paths of two or more segments. If true, * a file is returned, otherwise a folder is returned. Returns null if files is true * and the path is not of sufficient length. Also returns null if the resource is * filtered out by resource filters. *

* Returns a resource whose path has a minimal number of segments. * I.e. a resource in a nested project is preferred over a resource in an enclosing project. *

*/ private IResource resourceForLocation(IPath location, boolean files) { if (workspace.getRoot().getLocation().equals(location)) { if (!files) return resourceFor(IPath.ROOT, false); return null; } int resultProjectPathSegments = 0; IResource result = null; IProject[] projects = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN); for (IProject project : projects) { IPath projectLocation = project.getLocation(); if (projectLocation != null && projectLocation.isPrefixOf(location)) { int segmentsToRemove = projectLocation.segmentCount(); if (segmentsToRemove > resultProjectPathSegments) { IPath path = project.getFullPath().append(location.removeFirstSegments(segmentsToRemove)); IResource resource = resourceFor(path, files); if (resource != null && !((Resource) resource).isFiltered()) { resultProjectPathSegments = segmentsToRemove; result = resource; } } } } return result; } public void copy(IResource target, IResource destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { String title = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_copying, target.getFullPath()); SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, title, 100); IFileStore destinationStore = getStore(destination); if (destinationStore.fetchInfo().exists()) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceExists, destination.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_WRITE_LOCAL, destination.getFullPath(), message, null); } getHistoryStore().copyHistory(target, destination, false); CopyVisitor visitor = new CopyVisitor(target, destination, updateFlags, subMonitor.split(100)); UnifiedTree tree = new UnifiedTree(target); tree.accept(visitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); IStatus status = visitor.getStatus(); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new ResourceException(status); } } public void delete(IResource target, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Resource resource = (Resource) target; final int deleteWork = resource.countResources(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, false) * 2; boolean force = (flags & IResource.FORCE) != 0; int refreshWork = 0; if (!force) { refreshWork = Math.min(deleteWork, 100); } String title = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_deleting, resource.getFullPath()); SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, title, deleteWork + refreshWork); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.FAILED_DELETE_LOCAL, Messages.localstore_deleteProblem, null); List skipList = null; UnifiedTree tree = new UnifiedTree(target); if (!force) { CollectSyncStatusVisitor refreshVisitor = new CollectSyncStatusVisitor(Messages.localstore_deleteProblem, subMonitor.split(refreshWork)); refreshVisitor.setIgnoreLocalDeletions(true); tree.accept(refreshVisitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); status.merge(refreshVisitor.getSyncStatus()); skipList = refreshVisitor.getAffectedResources(); } DeleteVisitor deleteVisitor = new DeleteVisitor(skipList, flags, subMonitor.split(deleteWork), deleteWork); tree.accept(deleteVisitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE); status.merge(deleteVisitor.getStatus()); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new ResourceException(status); } } /** * Returns true if the description on disk is different from the given byte array, * and false otherwise. * Since org.eclipse.core.resources 3.4.1 differences in line endings (CR, LF, CRLF) * are not considered. */ private boolean descriptionChanged(IFile descriptionFile, byte[] newContents) { //buffer size: twice the description length, but maximum 8KB int bufsize = newContents.length > 4096 ? 8192 : newContents.length * 2; try ( InputStream oldStream = new BufferedInputStream(descriptionFile.getContents(true), bufsize); ) { InputStream newStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(newContents); //compare streams char by char, ignoring line endings int newChar =; int oldChar =; while (newChar >= 0 && oldChar >= 0) { if (newChar == oldChar) { //streams are the same newChar =; oldChar =; } else if ((newChar == '\r' || newChar == '\n') && (oldChar == '\r' || oldChar == '\n')) { //got a difference, but both sides are newlines: read over newlines while (newChar == '\r' || newChar == '\n') newChar =; while (oldChar == '\r' || oldChar == '\n') oldChar =; } else { //streams are different return true; } } //test for excess data in one stream if (newChar >= 0 || oldChar >= 0) return true; return false; } catch (Exception e) { Policy.log(e); //if we failed to compare, just write the new contents } return true; } /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public int doGetEncoding(IFileStore store) throws CoreException { try ( InputStream input = store.openInputStream(EFS.NONE, null); ) { int first =; int second =; if (first == -1 || second == -1) return IFile.ENCODING_UNKNOWN; first &= 0xFF;//converts unsigned byte to int second &= 0xFF; //look for the UTF-16 Byte Order Mark (BOM) if (first == 0xFE && second == 0xFF) return IFile.ENCODING_UTF_16BE; if (first == 0xFF && second == 0xFE) return IFile.ENCODING_UTF_16LE; int third = ( & 0xFF); if (third == -1) return IFile.ENCODING_UNKNOWN; //look for the UTF-8 BOM if (first == 0xEF && second == 0xBB && third == 0xBF) return IFile.ENCODING_UTF_8; return IFile.ENCODING_UNKNOWN; } catch (IOException e) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_couldNotRead, store.toString()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, null, message, e); } } /** * Optimized sync check for files. Returns true if the file exists and is in sync, and false * otherwise. The intent is to let the default implementation handle the complex * cases like gender change, case variants, etc. */ public boolean fastIsSynchronized(File target) { ResourceInfo info = target.getResourceInfo(false, false); if (target.exists(target.getFlags(info), true)) { IFileInfo fileInfo = getStore(target).fetchInfo(); if (!fileInfo.isDirectory() && info.getLocalSyncInfo() == fileInfo.getLastModified()) return true; } return false; } public boolean fastIsSynchronized(Folder target) { ResourceInfo info = target.getResourceInfo(false, false); if (target.exists(target.getFlags(info), true)) { IFileInfo fileInfo = getStore(target).fetchInfo(); if (!fileInfo.exists() && info.getLocalSyncInfo() == fileInfo.getLastModified()) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns an IFile for the given file system location or null if there * is no mapping for this path. This method does NOT check the existence * of a file in the given location. Location cannot be null. *

* The result will also omit resources that are explicitly excluded * from the workspace according to existing resource filters. If all resources * are omitted, the result may be null. *


* Returns a file whose path has a minimal number of segments. * I.e. a file in a nested project is preferred over a file in an enclosing project. *

*/ public IFile fileForLocation(IPath location) { return (IFile) resourceForLocation(location, true); } /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public int getEncoding(File target) throws CoreException { // thread safety: (the location can be null if the project for this file does not exist) IFileStore store = getStore(target); if (!store.fetchInfo().exists()) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_fileNotFound, store.toString()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } return doGetEncoding(store); } public IHistoryStore getHistoryStore() { if (_historyStore == null) { IPath location = getWorkspace().getMetaArea().getHistoryStoreLocation(); location.toFile().mkdirs(); IFileStore store = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(location); _historyStore = new HistoryStore2(getWorkspace(), store, 256); } return _historyStore; } /** * Returns the real name of the resource on disk. Returns null if no local * file exists by that name. This is useful when dealing with * case insensitive file systems. */ public String getLocalName(IFileStore target) { return target.fetchInfo().getName(); } protected IPath getProjectDefaultLocation(IProject project) { return workspace.getRoot().getLocation().append(project.getFullPath()); } /** * Never returns null. * * @param target the resource to get a store for * @return The file store for this resource */ public IFileStore getStore(IResource target) { try { return getStoreRoot(target).createStore(target.getFullPath(), target); } catch (CoreException e) { //callers aren't expecting failure here, so return null file system return EFS.getNullFileSystem().getStore(target.getFullPath()); } } /** * Returns the file store root for the provided resource. Never returns null. */ private FileStoreRoot getStoreRoot(IResource target) { ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(target.getFullPath(), true, false); FileStoreRoot root; if (info != null) { root = info.getFileStoreRoot(); if (root != null && root.isValid()) return root; if (info.isSet(ICoreConstants.M_VIRTUAL)) { ProjectDescription description = ((Project) target.getProject()).internalGetDescription(); if (description != null) { setLocation(target, info, description.getGroupLocationURI(target.getProjectRelativePath())); return info.getFileStoreRoot(); } return info.getFileStoreRoot(); } if (info.isSet(ICoreConstants.M_LINK)) { ProjectDescription description = ((Project) target.getProject()).internalGetDescription(); if (description != null) { final URI linkLocation = description.getLinkLocationURI(target.getProjectRelativePath()); //if we can't determine the link location, fall through to parent resource if (linkLocation != null) { setLocation(target, info, linkLocation); return info.getFileStoreRoot(); } } } } final IContainer parent = target.getParent(); if (parent == null) { //this is the root, so we know where this must be located //initialize root location info = workspace.getResourceInfo(IPath.ROOT, false, true); final IWorkspaceRoot rootResource = workspace.getRoot(); setLocation(rootResource, info, URIUtil.toURI(rootResource.getLocation())); return info.getFileStoreRoot(); } root = getStoreRoot(parent); if (info != null) info.setFileStoreRoot(root); return root; } protected Workspace getWorkspace() { return workspace; } /** * Returns whether the project has any local content on disk. */ public boolean hasSavedContent(IProject project) { return getStore(project).fetchInfo().exists(); } /** * Returns whether the project has a project description file on disk. */ public boolean hasSavedDescription(IProject project) { IResource dotProjectResource = project.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); return dotProjectResource.exists() ? // getStore(dotProjectResource).fetchInfo().exists() : // getStore(project).getChild(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME).fetchInfo().exists(); } /** * Initializes the file store for a resource. * * @param target The resource to initialize the file store for. * @param location the File system location of this resource on disk * @return The file store for the provided resource */ private IFileStore initializeStore(IResource target, URI location) throws CoreException { ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, true); setLocation(target, info, location); FileStoreRoot root = getStoreRoot(target); return root.createStore(target.getFullPath(), target); } /** * The target must exist in the workspace. This method must only ever * be called from Project.writeDescription(), because that method ensures * that the description isn't then immediately discovered as a new change. * @return true if a new description was written, and false if it wasn't written * because it was unchanged */ public boolean internalWrite(IProject target, IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, boolean hasPublicChanges, boolean hasPrivateChanges) throws CoreException { //write the project's private description to the metadata area if (hasPrivateChanges) getWorkspace().getMetaArea().writePrivateDescription(target); if (!hasPublicChanges) return false; //can't do anything if there's no description if (description == null) return false; //write the model to a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IFile descriptionFile = target.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); try { new ModelObjectWriter().write(description, out, descriptionFile.getLineSeparator(true)); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_writeMeta, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_WRITE_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, e); } byte[] newContents = out.toByteArray(); //write the contents to the IFile that represents the description if (!descriptionFile.exists()) workspace.createResource(descriptionFile, false); else { //if the description has not changed, don't write anything if (!descriptionChanged(descriptionFile, newContents)) return false; } ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(newContents); IFileStore descriptionFileStore = ((Resource) descriptionFile).getStore(); IFileInfo fileInfo = descriptionFileStore.fetchInfo(); if (fileInfo.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY)) { IStatus result = getWorkspace().validateEdit(new IFile[] {descriptionFile}, null); if (!result.isOK()) throw new ResourceException(result); // re-read the file info in case the file attributes were modified fileInfo = descriptionFileStore.fetchInfo(); } //write the project description file (don't use API because scheduling rule might not match) write(descriptionFile, in, fileInfo, IResource.FORCE, false, SubMonitor.convert(null)); workspace.getAliasManager().updateAliases(descriptionFile, getStore(descriptionFile), IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, SubMonitor.convert(null)); //update the timestamp on the project as well so we know when it has //been changed from the outside long lastModified = ((Resource) descriptionFile).getResourceInfo(false, false).getLocalSyncInfo(); ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, true); updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); //for backwards compatibility, ensure the old .prj file is deleted getWorkspace().getMetaArea().clearOldDescription(target); return true; } /** * Returns true if the given project's description is synchronized with * the project description file on disk, and false otherwise. */ public boolean isDescriptionSynchronized(IProject target) { //sync info is stored on the description file, and on project info. //when the file is changed by someone else, the project info modification //stamp will be out of date IFile descriptionFile = target.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); ResourceInfo projectInfo = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, false); if (projectInfo == null) return false; return projectInfo.getLocalSyncInfo() == getStore(descriptionFile).fetchInfo().getLastModified(); } /** * Returns true if the given resource is synchronized with the file system * to the given depth. Returns false otherwise. * * Any discovered out-of-sync resources are scheduled to be brought * back in sync, if {@link ResourcesPlugin#PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH} is * enabled. * * @see IResource#isSynchronized(int) */ public boolean isSynchronized(IResource target, int depth) { switch (target.getType()) { case IResource.ROOT : if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) return true; //check sync on child projects. depth = depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE ? IResource.DEPTH_ZERO : depth; IProject[] projects = ((IWorkspaceRoot) target).getProjects(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN); for (IProject project : projects) { if (!isSynchronized(project, depth)) { return false; } } return true; case IResource.PROJECT : if (!target.isAccessible()) return true; break; case IResource.FOLDER : if (fastIsSynchronized((Folder) target)) return true; break; case IResource.FILE : if (fastIsSynchronized((File) target)) return true; break; } IsSynchronizedVisitor visitor = new IsSynchronizedVisitor(SubMonitor.convert(null)); UnifiedTree tree = new UnifiedTree(target); try { tree.accept(visitor, depth); } catch (CoreException e) { Policy.log(e); return false; } catch (IsSynchronizedVisitor.ResourceChangedException e) { // Ask refresh manager to bring out-of-sync resource back into sync when convenient asyncRefresh(; //visitor throws an exception if out of sync return false; } return true; } /** * Check whether the preference {@link ResourcesPlugin#PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH} is * enabled. When this preference is true the Resources plugin automatically refreshes * resources which are known to be out-of-sync, and may install lightweight filesystem * notification hooks. * @return whether this FSRM is automatically refreshing discovered out-of-sync resources */ public boolean isLightweightAutoRefreshEnabled() { return lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled; } public void link(Resource target, URI location, IFileInfo fileInfo) throws CoreException { initializeStore(target, location); ResourceInfo info = target.getResourceInfo(false, true); long lastModified = fileInfo == null ? 0 : fileInfo.getLastModified(); if (lastModified == 0) info.clearModificationStamp(); updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); } /** * Returns the resolved, absolute file system location of the given resource. * Returns null if the location could not be resolved. No canonicalization is * applied to the returned path. * * @param target the resource to get the location for */ public IPath locationFor(IResource target) { return locationFor(target, false); } /** * Returns the resolved, absolute file system location of the given resource. * Returns null if the location could not be resolved. * * @param target the resource to get the location for * @param canonical if {@code true}, the prefix of the returned path corresponding * to the resource's file store root will be canonicalized */ public IPath locationFor(IResource target, boolean canonical) { return getStoreRoot(target).localLocation(target.getFullPath(), target, false); } /** * Returns the resolved, absolute file system location of the given resource. * Returns null if the location could not be resolved. No canonicalization is * applied to the returned URI. * * @param target the resource to get the location URI for */ public URI locationURIFor(IResource target) { return locationURIFor(target, false); } /** * Returns the resolved, absolute file system location of the given resource. * Returns null if the location could not be resolved. * * @param target the resource to get the location URI for * @param canonical if {@code true}, the prefix of the path of the returned URI * corresponding to resource's file store root will be canonicalized */ public URI locationURIFor(IResource target, boolean canonical) { return getStoreRoot(target).computeURI(target.getFullPath(), canonical); } public void move(IResource source, IFileStore destination, int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { //TODO figure out correct semantics for case where destination exists on disk getStore(source).move(destination, EFS.NONE, monitor); } public InputStream read(IFile target, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IFileStore store = getStore(target); if (lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled || !force) { final IFileInfo fileInfo = store.fetchInfo(); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { asyncRefresh(target); String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_fileNotFound, store.toString()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(true, false); int flags = ((Resource) target).getFlags(info); ((Resource) target).checkExists(flags, true); if (fileInfo.getLastModified() != info.getLocalSyncInfo()) { asyncRefresh(target); if (!force) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceIsOutOfSync, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.OUT_OF_SYNC_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } } } try { return store.openInputStream(EFS.NONE, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { if (e.getStatus().getCode() == EFS.ERROR_NOT_EXISTS) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_fileNotFound, store.toString()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, target.getFullPath(), message, e); } throw e; } } /** * Reads and returns the project description for the given project. * Never returns null. * @param target the project whose description should be read. * @param creation true if this project is just being created, in which * case the private project information (including the location) needs to be read * from disk as well. * @exception CoreException if there was any failure to read the project * description, or if the description was missing. */ public ProjectDescription read(IProject target, boolean creation) throws CoreException { //read the project location if this project is being created URI projectLocation = null; ProjectDescription privateDescription = null; if (creation) { privateDescription = new ProjectDescription(); getWorkspace().getMetaArea().readPrivateDescription(target, privateDescription); projectLocation = privateDescription.getLocationURI(); } else { IProjectDescription description = ((Project) target).internalGetDescription(); if (description != null && description.getLocationURI() != null) { projectLocation = description.getLocationURI(); } } final boolean isDefaultLocation = projectLocation == null; if (isDefaultLocation) { projectLocation = URIUtil.toURI(getProjectDefaultLocation(target)); } IFile descFile = target.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); IFileStore projectStore = initializeStore(target, projectLocation); IFileStore descriptionStore = descFile.exists() ? getStore(descFile) : projectStore.getChild(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); ProjectDescription description = null; //hold onto any exceptions until after sync info is updated, then throw it ResourceException error = null; try ( InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(descriptionStore.openInputStream(EFS.NONE, SubMonitor.convert(null))); ) { // IFileStore#openInputStream may cancel the monitor, thus the monitor state is checked description = new ProjectDescriptionReader(target).read(new InputSource(in)); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_missingProjectMeta, target.getName()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, e); } catch (CoreException e) { //try the legacy location in the meta area description = getWorkspace().getMetaArea().readOldDescription(target); if (description != null) return description; if (!descriptionStore.fetchInfo().exists()) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_missingProjectMeta, target.getName()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, null); } String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_readProjectMeta, target.getName()); error = new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, e); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore } if (error == null && description == null) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_readProjectMeta, target.getName()); error = new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, null); } if (description != null) { if (!isDefaultLocation) description.setLocationURI(projectLocation); if (creation && privateDescription != null) // Bring dynamic state back to life description.updateDynamicState(privateDescription); } long lastModified = descriptionStore.fetchInfo().getLastModified(); IFile descriptionFile = target.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); //don't get a mutable copy because we might be in restore which isn't an operation //it doesn't matter anyway because local sync info is not included in deltas ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) descriptionFile).getResourceInfo(false, false); if (info == null) { //create a new resource on the sly -- don't want to start an operation info = getWorkspace().createResource(descriptionFile, false); updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); } //if the project description has changed between sessions, let it remain //out of sync -- that way link changes will be reconciled on next refresh if (!creation) updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); //update the timestamp on the project as well so we know when it has //been changed from the outside info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, true); updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); if (error != null) throw error; return description; } public boolean refresh(IResource target, int depth, boolean updateAliases, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { switch (target.getType()) { case IResource.ROOT : return refreshRoot((IWorkspaceRoot) target, depth, updateAliases, monitor); case IResource.PROJECT : if (!target.isAccessible()) return false; //fall through case IResource.FOLDER : case IResource.FILE : return refreshResource(target, depth, updateAliases, monitor); } return false; } protected boolean refreshResource(IResource target, int depth, boolean updateAliases, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { String title = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_refreshing, target.getFullPath()); SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, title, 100); IFileTree fileTree = null; // If there can be more than one resource to refresh, try to get the whole tree in one shot, if the file system supports it. if (depth != IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) { IFileStore fileStore = ((Resource) target).getStore(); fileTree = fileStore.getFileSystem().fetchFileTree(fileStore, subMonitor.newChild(2)); } UnifiedTree tree = fileTree == null ? new UnifiedTree(target) : new UnifiedTree(target, fileTree); SubMonitor refreshMonitor = subMonitor.newChild(98); RefreshLocalVisitor visitor = updateAliases ? new RefreshLocalAliasVisitor(refreshMonitor) : new RefreshLocalVisitor(refreshMonitor); tree.accept(visitor, depth); IStatus result = visitor.getErrorStatus(); if (!result.isOK()) throw new ResourceException(result); return visitor.resourcesChanged(); } /** * Synchronizes the entire workspace with the local file system. * The current implementation does this by synchronizing each of the * projects currently in the workspace. A better implementation may * be possible. */ protected boolean refreshRoot(IWorkspaceRoot target, int depth, boolean updateAliases, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IProject[] projects = target.getProjects(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN); String title = Messages.localstore_refreshingRoot; SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, title, projects.length); // if doing depth zero, there is nothing to do (can't refresh the root). // Note that we still need to do the beginTask, done pair. if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) return false; boolean changed = false; // drop the depth by one level since processing the root counts as one level. depth = depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE ? IResource.DEPTH_ZERO : depth; for (IProject project : projects) { changed |= refresh(project, depth, updateAliases, subMonitor.newChild(1)); } return changed; } /** * Returns the resource corresponding to the given workspace path. The * "files" parameter is used for paths of two or more segments. If true, * a file is returned, otherwise a folder is returned. Returns null if files is true * and the path is not of sufficient length. */ protected IResource resourceFor(IPath path, boolean files) { int numSegments = path.segmentCount(); if (files && numSegments < ICoreConstants.MINIMUM_FILE_SEGMENT_LENGTH) return null; IWorkspaceRoot root = getWorkspace().getRoot(); if (path.isRoot()) return root; if (numSegments == 1) return root.getProject(path.segment(0)); return files ? (IResource) root.getFile(path) : (IResource) root.getFolder(path); } /* (non-javadoc) * @see IResouce.setLocalTimeStamp */ public long setLocalTimeStamp(IResource target, ResourceInfo info, long value) throws CoreException { IFileStore store = getStore(target); IFileInfo fileInfo = store.fetchInfo(); fileInfo.setLastModified(value); store.putInfo(fileInfo, EFS.SET_LAST_MODIFIED, null); //actual value may be different depending on file system granularity fileInfo = store.fetchInfo(); long actualValue = fileInfo.getLastModified(); updateLocalSync(info, actualValue); return actualValue; } /** * The storage location for a resource has changed; update the location. * * @param target the changed resource * @param info the resource info to update * @param location the new storage location */ public void setLocation(IResource target, ResourceInfo info, URI location) { FileStoreRoot oldRoot = info.getFileStoreRoot(); if (location != null) { location = FileUtil.realURI(location); // Normalize case as it exists on the file system. info.setFileStoreRoot(new FileStoreRoot(location, target.getFullPath())); } else { //project is in default location so clear the store root info.setFileStoreRoot(null); } if (oldRoot != null) oldRoot.setValid(false); } /* (non-javadoc) * @see IResource.setResourceAttributes */ public void setResourceAttributes(IResource resource, ResourceAttributes attributes) throws CoreException { IFileStore store = getStore(resource); //when the executable bit is changed on a folder a refresh is required boolean refresh = false; if (resource instanceof IContainer && ((store.getFileSystem().attributes() & EFS.ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTABLE) != 0)) refresh = store.fetchInfo().getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTABLE) != attributes.isExecutable(); store.putInfo(FileUtil.attributesToFileInfo(attributes), EFS.SET_ATTRIBUTES, null); //must refresh in the background because we are not inside an operation if (refresh) workspace.getRefreshManager().refresh(resource); } @Override public void shutdown(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (_historyStore != null) _historyStore.shutdown(monitor); InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES) .removePreferenceChangeListener(lightweightAutoRefreshPrefListener); } @Override public void startup(IProgressMonitor monitor) { InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES) .addPreferenceChangeListener(lightweightAutoRefreshPrefListener); lightweightAutoRefreshEnabled = Platform.getPreferencesService().getBoolean(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, ResourcesPlugin.PREF_LIGHTWEIGHT_AUTO_REFRESH, false, null); } /** * The ResourceInfo must be mutable. */ public void updateLocalSync(ResourceInfo info, long localSyncInfo) { info.setLocalSyncInfo(localSyncInfo); if (localSyncInfo == I_NULL_SYNC_INFO) info.clear(M_LOCAL_EXISTS); else info.set(M_LOCAL_EXISTS); } /** * The target must exist in the workspace. The content InputStream is * closed even if the method fails. If the force flag is false we only write * the file if it does not exist or if it is already local and the timestamp * has NOT changed since last synchronization, otherwise a CoreException * is thrown. */ public void write(IFile target, InputStream content, IFileInfo fileInfo, int updateFlags, boolean append, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 4); try { IFileStore store = getStore(target); if (fileInfo.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY)) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_couldNotWriteReadOnly, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_WRITE_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } long lastModified = fileInfo.getLastModified(); if (BitMask.isSet(updateFlags, IResource.FORCE)) { if (append && !target.isLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO) && !fileInfo.exists()) { // force=true, local=false, existsInFileSystem=false String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_mustBeLocal, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } } else { if (target.isLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO)) { ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(true, false); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No ResourceInfo for: " + target); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // test if timestamp is the same since last synchronization if (lastModified != info.getLocalSyncInfo()) { asyncRefresh(target); String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceIsOutOfSync, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.OUT_OF_SYNC_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } if (!fileInfo.exists()) { asyncRefresh(target); String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceDoesNotExist, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.NOT_FOUND_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } } else { if (fileInfo.exists()) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceExists, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.EXISTS_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } if (append) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_mustBeLocal, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } } } // add entry to History Store. if (BitMask.isSet(updateFlags, IResource.KEEP_HISTORY) && fileInfo.exists() && FileSystemResourceManager.storeHistory(target)) //never move to the history store, because then the file is missing if write fails getHistoryStore().addState(target.getFullPath(), store, fileInfo, false); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { IFileStore parent = store.getParent(); IFileInfo parentInfo = parent.fetchInfo(); if (!parentInfo.exists()) { parent.mkdir(EFS.NONE, null); } } // On Windows an attempt to open an output stream on a hidden file results in FileNotFoundException. // See boolean restoreHiddenAttribute = false; if (fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) && Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32)) { fileInfo.setAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, false); store.putInfo(fileInfo, EFS.SET_ATTRIBUTES, subMonitor.split(1)); restoreHiddenAttribute = true; } else { subMonitor.split(1); } int options = append ? EFS.APPEND : EFS.NONE; try (OutputStream out = store.openOutputStream(options, subMonitor.split(1))) { if (restoreHiddenAttribute) { fileInfo.setAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, true); store.putInfo(fileInfo, EFS.SET_ATTRIBUTES, subMonitor.split(1)); } else { subMonitor.split(1); } FileUtil.transferStreams(content, out, store.toString(), subMonitor.split(1)); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_couldNotWrite, store.toString()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_WRITE_LOCAL, IPath.fromOSString(store.toString()), msg, e); } // get the new last modified time and stash in the info lastModified = store.fetchInfo().getLastModified(); ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, true); if (info == null) { // happens see Bug 571133 throw new IllegalStateException("No ResourceInfo for: " + target); //$NON-NLS-1$ } updateLocalSync(info, lastModified); info.incrementContentId(); info.clear(M_CONTENT_CACHE); workspace.updateModificationStamp(info); } finally { FileUtil.safeClose(content); } } /** * If force is false, this method fails if there is already a resource in * target's location. */ public void write(IFolder target, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IFileStore store = getStore(target); if (!force) { IFileInfo fileInfo = store.fetchInfo(); if (fileInfo.isDirectory()) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_resourceExists, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.EXISTS_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } if (fileInfo.exists()) { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_fileExists, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.OUT_OF_SYNC_LOCAL, target.getFullPath(), message, null); } } store.mkdir(EFS.NONE, monitor); ResourceInfo info = ((Resource) target).getResourceInfo(false, true); updateLocalSync(info, store.fetchInfo().getLastModified()); } /** * Write the .project file without modifying the resource tree. This is called * during save when it is discovered that the .project file is missing. The tree * cannot be modified during save. */ public void writeSilently(IProject target) throws CoreException { IPath location = locationFor(target, false); //if the project location cannot be resolved, we don't know if a description file exists or not if (location == null) return; IFileStore projectStore = getStore(target); projectStore.mkdir(EFS.NONE, null); //can't do anything if there's no description IProjectDescription desc = ((Project) target).internalGetDescription(); if (desc == null) return; //write the project's private description to the meta-data area getWorkspace().getMetaArea().writePrivateDescription(target); //write the file that represents the project description IFileStore fileStore = projectStore.getChild(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); try ( OutputStream out = fileStore.openOutputStream(EFS.NONE, null) ) { IFile file = target.getFile(IProjectDescription.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME); new ModelObjectWriter().write(desc, out, file.getLineSeparator(true)); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_writeMeta, target.getFullPath()); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_WRITE_METADATA, target.getFullPath(), msg, e); } //for backwards compatibility, ensure the old .prj file is deleted getWorkspace().getMetaArea().clearOldDescription(target); } public static boolean storeHistory(IResource file) { WorkspaceDescription description = ((Workspace) file.getWorkspace()).internalGetDescription(); return description.isKeepDerivedState() || !file.isDerived(); } }

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