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org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.UnifiedTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [105554] handle cyclic symbolic links
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [232426] shared prefix histories for symlinks
 *     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [252996] add resource filtering
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [292267] OutOfMemoryError due to leak in UnifiedTree
 *     James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development
 *     Lars Vogel  - Bug 473427
 *     Sergey Prigogin (Google) -  ongoing development
package org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.*;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.refresh.RefreshJob;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;

 * Represents the workspace's tree merged with the file system's tree.
public class UnifiedTree {

	/** Skip advanced link checking, see bug 537449 */
	private static boolean disable_advanced_recursive_link_checks = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.core.resources.disable_advanced_recursive_link_checks") != null; //$NON-NLS-1$

	/** special node to mark the separation of a node's children */
	protected static final UnifiedTreeNode childrenMarker = new UnifiedTreeNode(null, null, null, null, false);

	private static final Iterator EMPTY_ITERATOR = Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();

	/** special node to mark the beginning of a level in the tree */
	protected static final UnifiedTreeNode levelMarker = new UnifiedTreeNode(null, null, null, null, false);

	private static final IFileInfo[] NO_CHILDREN = {};

	/** Singleton to indicate no local children */
	private static final IResource[] NO_RESOURCES = {};

	 * True if the level of the children of the current node are valid according
	 * to the requested refresh depth, false otherwise
	protected boolean childLevelValid;

	/** an IFileTree which can be used to build a unified tree*/
	protected IFileTree fileTree;

	/** Spare node objects available for reuse */
	protected ArrayList freeNodes = new ArrayList<>();
	/** tree's actual level */
	protected int level;
	/** our queue */
	protected LinkedList queue;

	/** path prefixes for checking symbolic link cycles */
	protected PrefixPool pathPrefixHistory, rootPathHistory;

	/** tree's root */
	protected IResource root;

	 * The root must only be a file or a folder.
	public UnifiedTree(IResource root) {

	 * Pass in a a root for the tree, a file tree containing all of the entries for
	 * this tree and a flag indicating whether the UnifiedTree should consult the
	 * fileTree where possible for entries
	 * @param root     root of the tree. Must be file or folder.
	 * @param fileTree an {@link IFileTree} which is used to build the unified tree
	public UnifiedTree(IResource root, IFileTree fileTree) {
		this.fileTree = fileTree;

	public void accept(IUnifiedTreeVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
		accept(visitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);

	 * Performs a breadth-first traversal of the unified tree, passing each
	 * node to the provided visitor.
	public void accept(IUnifiedTreeVisitor visitor, int depth) throws CoreException {
		setLevel(0, depth);
		while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
			UnifiedTreeNode node = queue.remove();
			if (isChildrenMarker(node))
			if (isLevelMarker(node)) {
				if (!setLevel(getLevel() + 1, depth))
			if (visitor.visit(node))
			//allow reuse of the node, but don't let the freeNodes list grow infinitely
			if (freeNodes.size() < 32767) {
				//free memory-consuming elements of the node for garbage collection
			//else, the whole node will be garbage collected since there is no
			//reference to it any more.

	protected void addChildren(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		Resource parent = (Resource) node.getResource();

		// is there a possibility to have children?
		int parentType = parent.getType();
		if (parentType == IResource.FILE && !node.isFolder())

		//don't refresh resources in closed or non-existent projects
		if (!parent.getProject().isAccessible())

		// get the list of resources in the file system
		// don't ask for local children if we know it doesn't exist locally
		IFileInfo[] list = node.existsInFileSystem() ? getLocalList(node) : NO_CHILDREN;
		int localIndex = 0;

		// See if the children of this resource have been computed before
		ResourceInfo resourceInfo = parent.getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = parent.getFlags(resourceInfo);
		boolean unknown = ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_CHILDREN_UNKNOWN);

		// get the list of resources in the workspace
		if (!unknown && (parentType == IResource.FOLDER || parentType == IResource.PROJECT) && parent.exists(flags, true)) {
			IResource target = null;
			UnifiedTreeNode child = null;
			IResource[] members;
			try {
				members = ((IContainer) parent).members(IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS | IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN);
			} catch (CoreException e) {
				members = NO_RESOURCES;
			int workspaceIndex = 0;
			//iterate simultaneously over file system and workspace members
			while (workspaceIndex < members.length) {
				target = members[workspaceIndex];
				String name = target.getName();
				IFileInfo localInfo = localIndex < list.length ? list[localIndex] : null;
				int comp = localInfo != null ? name.compareTo(localInfo.getName()) : -1;
				//special handling for linked resources
				if (target.isLinked()) {
					//child will be null if location is undefined
					child = createChildForLinkedResource(target);
					//if there is a matching local file, skip it - it will be blocked by the linked resource
					if (comp == 0)
				} else if (comp == 0) {
					// resource exists in workspace and file system --> localInfo is non-null
					//create workspace-only node for symbolic link that creates a cycle
					if (localInfo.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK) && localInfo.isDirectory() && isRecursiveLink(node.getStore(), localInfo))
						child = createNode(target, null, null, true);
						child = createNode(target, null, localInfo, true);
				} else if (comp > 0) {
					// resource exists only in file system
					//don't create a node for symbolic links that create a cycle
					if (localInfo.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK) && localInfo.isDirectory() && isRecursiveLink(node.getStore(), localInfo))
						child = null;
						child = createChildNodeFromFileSystem(node, localInfo);
				} else {
					// resource exists only in the workspace
					child = createNode(target, null, null, true);
				if (child != null)
					addChildToTree(node, child);

		/* process any remaining resource from the file system */
		addChildrenFromFileSystem(node, list, localIndex);

		/* Mark the children as now known */
		if (unknown) {
			// Don't open the info - we might not be inside a workspace-modifying operation
			resourceInfo = parent.getResourceInfo(false, false);
			if (resourceInfo != null)

		/* if we added children, add the childMarker separator */
		if (node.getFirstChild() != null)

	protected void addChildrenFromFileSystem(UnifiedTreeNode node, IFileInfo[] childInfos, int index) {
		if (childInfos == null)
		for (int i = index; i < childInfos.length; i++) {
			IFileInfo info = childInfos[i];
			//don't create a node for symbolic links that create a cycle
			if (!info.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK) || !info.isDirectory() || !isRecursiveLink(node.getStore(), info))
				addChildToTree(node, createChildNodeFromFileSystem(node, info));

	protected void addChildrenMarker() {

	protected void addChildToTree(UnifiedTreeNode node, UnifiedTreeNode child) {
		if (node.getFirstChild() == null)

	protected void addElementToQueue(UnifiedTreeNode target) {

	protected void addNodeChildrenToQueue(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		/* if the first child is not null we already added the children */
		/* If the children won't be at a valid level for the refresh depth, don't bother adding them */
		if (!childLevelValid || node.getFirstChild() != null)
		if (queue.isEmpty())
		//if we're about to change levels, then the children just added
		//are the last nodes for their level, so add a level marker to the queue
		UnifiedTreeNode nextNode = queue.peek();
		if (isChildrenMarker(nextNode))
		nextNode = queue.peek();
		if (isLevelMarker(nextNode))

	protected void addRootToQueue() {
		//don't refresh in closed projects
		if (!root.getProject().isAccessible())
		IFileStore store = ((Resource) root).getStore();
		IFileInfo fileInfo = fileTree != null ? fileTree.getFileInfo(store) : store.fetchInfo();
		UnifiedTreeNode node = createNode(root, store, fileInfo, root.exists());
		if (node.existsInFileSystem() || node.existsInWorkspace())

	 * Creates a tree node for a resource that is linked in a different file system location.
	protected UnifiedTreeNode createChildForLinkedResource(IResource target) {
		IFileStore store = ((Resource) target).getStore();
		return createNode(target, store, store.fetchInfo(), true);

	 * Creates a child node for a location in the file system. Does nothing and returns null if the location does not correspond to a valid file/folder.
	protected UnifiedTreeNode createChildNodeFromFileSystem(UnifiedTreeNode parent, IFileInfo info) {
		IPath childPath = parent.getResource().getFullPath().append(info.getName());
		int type = info.isDirectory() ? IResource.FOLDER : IResource.FILE;
		IResource target = getWorkspace().newResource(childPath, type);
		return createNode(target, null, info, target.exists());

	 * Factory method for creating a node for this tree.  If the file exists on
	 * disk, either the parent store or child store can be provided. Providing
	 * only the parent store avoids creation of the child store in cases where
	 * it is not needed. The store object is only needed for directories for
	 * simple file system traversals, so this avoids creating store objects
	 * for all files.
	protected UnifiedTreeNode createNode(IResource resource, IFileStore store, IFileInfo info, boolean existsWorkspace) {
		//first check for reusable objects
		UnifiedTreeNode node = null;
		int size = freeNodes.size();
		if (size > 0) {
			node = freeNodes.remove(size - 1);
			node.reuse(this, resource, store, info, existsWorkspace);
			return node;
		//none available, so create a new one
		return new UnifiedTreeNode(this, resource, store, info, existsWorkspace);

	protected Iterator getChildren(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		/* if first child is null we need to add node's children to queue */
		if (node.getFirstChild() == null)

		/* if the first child is still null, the node does not have any children */
		if (node.getFirstChild() == null)

		/* get the index of the first child */
		int index = queue.indexOf(node.getFirstChild());

		/* if we do not have children, just return an empty enumeration */
		if (index == -1)

		/* create an enumeration with node's children */
		List result = new ArrayList<>(10);
		while (true) {
			UnifiedTreeNode child = queue.get(index);
			if (isChildrenMarker(child))
			if (index == queue.size() - 1) {
				index = 0;
			} else {
		return result.iterator();

	protected int getLevel() {
		return level;

	protected IFileInfo[] getLocalList(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		try {
			final IFileStore store = node.getStore();
			IFileInfo[] list;
			if (fileTree != null && (fileTree.getTreeRoot().equals(store) || fileTree.getTreeRoot().isParentOf(store)))
				list = fileTree.getChildInfos(store);
				list = store.childInfos(EFS.NONE, null);

			if (list == null || list.length == 0)
				return NO_CHILDREN;
			list = ((Resource) node.getResource()).filterChildren(list, false);
			int size = list.length;
			if (size > 1)
				quickSort(list, 0, size - 1);
			return list;
		} catch (CoreException e) {
			//treat failure to access the directory as a non-existent directory
			return NO_CHILDREN;

	protected Workspace getWorkspace() {
		return (Workspace) root.getWorkspace();

	protected void initializeQueue() {
		//initialize the queue
		if (queue == null)
			queue = new LinkedList<>();
		//initialize the free nodes list
		if (freeNodes == null)
			freeNodes = new ArrayList<>(100);

	protected boolean isChildrenMarker(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		return node == childrenMarker;

	protected boolean isLevelMarker(UnifiedTreeNode node) {
		return node == levelMarker;

	private static class PatternHolder {
		//Initialize-on-demand Holder class to avoid compiling Pattern if never needed
		//Pattern: A UNIX or Windows relative path that just points backward
		private static final String REGEX = Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32) ? "\\.[.\\\\]*" : "\\.[./]*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		public static final Pattern TRIVIAL_SYMLINK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(REGEX);

		private static final String REGEX_BACK_REPEATING = Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32) ? "(\\.\\.\\\\)+.*" : "(\\.\\./)+.*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		public static final Pattern REPEATING_BACKWARDS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(REGEX_BACK_REPEATING);

	 * Initialize history stores for symbolic links.
	 * This may be done when starting a visitor, or later on demand.
	protected void initLinkHistoriesIfNeeded() {
		if (pathPrefixHistory == null) {
			//Bug 232426: Check what life cycle we need for the histories
			Job job = Job.getJobManager().currentJob();
			if (job instanceof RefreshJob) {
				//we are running from the RefreshJob: use the path history of the job
				RefreshJob refreshJob = (RefreshJob) job;
				pathPrefixHistory = refreshJob.getPathPrefixHistory();
				rootPathHistory = refreshJob.getRootPathHistory();
			} else {
				//Local Histories
				pathPrefixHistory = new PrefixPool(20);
				rootPathHistory = new PrefixPool(20);
		if (rootPathHistory.size() == 0) {
			//add current root to history
			IFileStore rootStore = ((Resource) root).getStore();
			try { rootFile = rootStore.toLocalFile(EFS.NONE, null);
				if (rootFile != null) {
					IPath rootProjPath = root.getProject().getLocation();
					if (rootProjPath != null) {
						try { rootProjFile = new;
							rootPathHistory.insertShorter(rootProjFile.getCanonicalPath() + '/');
						} catch (IOException ioe) {
							/*ignore here*/
					rootPathHistory.insertShorter(rootFile.getCanonicalPath() + '/');
			} catch (CoreException | IOException e) {

	 * Check if the given child represents a recursive symbolic link.

* On remote EFS stores, this check is not exhaustive and just * finds trivial recursive symbolic links pointing up in the tree. *

* On local stores, where {@link} * is available, the test is exhaustive but may also find some * false positives with transitive symbolic links. This may lead * to suppressing duplicates of already known resources in the * tree, but it will never lead to not finding a resource at * all. See bug 105554 for details. *

* @param parentStore EFS IFileStore representing the parent folder * @param localInfo child representing a symbolic link * @return true if the given child represents a * recursive symbolic link. */ private boolean isRecursiveLink(IFileStore parentStore, IFileInfo localInfo) { //Try trivial pattern first - works also on remote EFS stores String linkTarget = localInfo.getStringAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_LINK_TARGET); if (linkTarget != null && PatternHolder.TRIVIAL_SYMLINK_PATTERN.matcher(linkTarget).matches()) { return true; } //Need canonical paths to check all other possibilities try { parentFile = parentStore.toLocalFile(EFS.NONE, null); //If this store cannot be represented as a local file, there is nothing we can do //In the future, we could try to resolve the link target //against the remote file system to do more checks. if (parentFile == null) { return false; } Path parent = parentFile.toPath(); Path realParentPath = parent.toRealPath(); if (disable_advanced_recursive_link_checks) { // Multiple ../ backwards links can go outside the project tree if (linkTarget != null && PatternHolder.REPEATING_BACKWARDS_PATTERN.matcher(linkTarget).matches()) { Path targetPath = parent.resolve(linkTarget).normalize(); // Recursive if literal target points to the literal parent of this tree if (parent.normalize().startsWith(targetPath)) { return true; } // Recursive if resolved target points to the resolved parent of this tree Path realTargetPath = targetPath.toRealPath(); if (realParentPath.startsWith(realTargetPath)) { return true; } // If link is outside the project tree, consider as non recursive // The link still can create recursion in the tree, but we can't detect it here. } // Skip advanced link checking, it may hide valid directories, see bug 537449 return false; } //get canonical path for both child and parent childFile = new, localInfo.getName()); String parentPath = realParentPath.toString() +; String childPath = childFile.toPath().toRealPath().toString() +; //get or instantiate the prefix and root path histories. //Might be done earlier - for now, do it on demand. initLinkHistoriesIfNeeded(); //insert the parent for checking loops pathPrefixHistory.insertLonger(parentPath); if (pathPrefixHistory.containsAsPrefix(childPath)) { //found a potential loop: is it spanning up a new tree? if (!rootPathHistory.insertShorter(childPath)) { //not spanning up a new tree, so it is a real loop. return true; } } else if (rootPathHistory.hasPrefixOf(childPath)) { //child points into a different portion of the tree that we visited already before, or will certainly visit. //This does not introduce a loop yet, but introduces duplicate resources. //TODO Ideally, such duplicates should be modelled as linked resources. See bug 105534 return false; } else { //child neither introduces a loop nor points to a known tree. //It probably spans up a new tree of potential prefixes. rootPathHistory.insertShorter(childPath); } } catch (IOException | CoreException e) { //ignore } return false; } protected boolean isValidLevel(int currentLevel, int depth) { switch (depth) { case IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE : return true; case IResource.DEPTH_ONE : return currentLevel <= 1; case IResource.DEPTH_ZERO : return currentLevel == 0; default : return currentLevel + 1000 <= depth; } } /** * Sorts the given array of strings in place. This is * not using the sorting framework to avoid casting overhead. */ protected void quickSort(IFileInfo[] infos, int left, int right) { int originalLeft = left; int originalRight = right; IFileInfo mid = infos[(left + right) / 2]; do { while (mid.compareTo(infos[left]) > 0) left++; while (infos[right].compareTo(mid) > 0) right--; if (left <= right) { IFileInfo tmp = infos[left]; infos[left] = infos[right]; infos[right] = tmp; left++; right--; } } while (left <= right); if (originalLeft < right) quickSort(infos, originalLeft, right); if (left < originalRight) quickSort(infos, left, originalRight); return; } /** * Remove from the last element of the queue to the first child of the * given node. */ protected void removeNodeChildrenFromQueue(UnifiedTreeNode node) { UnifiedTreeNode first = node.getFirstChild(); if (first == null) return; while (true) { if (first.equals(queue.pollLast())) break; } node.setFirstChild(null); } /** * Increases the current tree level by one. Returns true if the new * level is still valid for the given depth */ protected boolean setLevel(int newLevel, int depth) { level = newLevel; childLevelValid = isValidLevel(level + 1, depth); return isValidLevel(level, depth); } private void setRoot(IResource root) { this.root = root; } }

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