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org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Dan Rubel  - Implementation of getLocalTimeStamp
 *     Red Hat Incorporated - get/setResourceAttribute code
 *     Oakland Software Incorporated - added getSessionProperties and getPersistentProperties
 *     Holger Oehm  - [226264] race condition in Workspace.isTreeLocked()/setTreeLocked()
 *     Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) -  [245937] ProjectDescription#setLinkLocation() detects non-change
 *     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [252996] add resource filtering
 *     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [229633] Project Path Variable Support
 *     James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development
 *     Sergey Prigogin (Google) - [338010] Resource.createLink() does not preserve symbolic links
 *     Lars Vogel  - Bug 473427
package org.eclipse.core.internal.resources;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileInfo;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.provider.FileInfo;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.FileSystemResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.FileUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.WrappedRuntimeException;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.IElementContentVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.IPathRequestor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.FileInfoMatcherDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IPathVariableManager;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceProxy;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceProxyVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourceAttributes;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;

public abstract class Resource extends PlatformObject implements IResource, ICoreConstants, Cloneable, IPathRequestor {
	final IPath path;
	final Workspace workspace;

	protected Resource(IPath path, Workspace workspace) {
		this.path = path.removeTrailingSeparator();
		this.workspace = workspace;

	public void accept(IResourceProxyVisitor visitor, int memberFlags) throws CoreException {
		accept(visitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, memberFlags);

	public void accept(final IResourceProxyVisitor visitor, final int depth, final int memberFlags) throws CoreException {
		// It is invalid to call accept on a phantom when INCLUDE_PHANTOMS is not specified.
		final boolean includePhantoms = (memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS) != 0;
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.DO_NOT_CHECK_EXISTENCE) == 0)
			checkAccessible(getFlags(getResourceInfo(includePhantoms, false)));

		final ResourceProxy proxy = new ResourceProxy();
		IElementContentVisitor elementVisitor = (tree, requestor, contents) -> {
			ResourceInfo info = (ResourceInfo) contents;
			if (!isMember(getFlags(info), memberFlags))
				return false;
			proxy.requestor = requestor; = info;
			try {
				boolean shouldContinue = true;
				switch (depth) {
					case DEPTH_ZERO :
						shouldContinue = false;
					case DEPTH_ONE :
						shouldContinue = !path.equals(requestor.requestPath().removeLastSegments(1));
					case DEPTH_INFINITE :
						shouldContinue = true;
				return visitor.visit(proxy) && shouldContinue;
			} catch (CoreException e) {
				// Throw an exception to bail out of the traversal.
				throw new WrappedRuntimeException(e);
			} finally {
		try {
			new ElementTreeIterator(workspace.getElementTree(), getFullPath()).iterate(elementVisitor);
		} catch (WrappedRuntimeException e) {
			throw (CoreException) e.getTargetException();
		} finally {
			proxy.requestor = null; = null;

	public void accept(IResourceVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
		accept(visitor, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, 0);

	public void accept(IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth, boolean includePhantoms) throws CoreException {
		accept(visitor, depth, includePhantoms ? IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS : 0);

	public void accept(final IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth, int memberFlags) throws CoreException {
		// Use the fast visitor if visiting to infinite depth.
		if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) {
			accept(proxy -> visitor.visit(proxy.requestResource()), memberFlags);
		// It is invalid to call accept on a phantom when INCLUDE_PHANTOMS is not specified.
		final boolean includePhantoms = (memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS) != 0;
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(includePhantoms, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.DO_NOT_CHECK_EXISTENCE) == 0)

		// Check that this resource matches the member flags
		if (!isMember(flags, memberFlags))
		// Visit this resource.
		if (!visitor.visit(this) || depth == DEPTH_ZERO)
		// Get the info again because it might have been changed by the visitor.
		info = getResourceInfo(includePhantoms, false);
		if (info == null)
		// Thread safety: (cache the type to avoid changes -- we might not be inside an operation).
		int type = info.getType();
		if (type == FILE)
		// If we had a gender change we need to fix up the resource before asking for its members.
		IContainer resource = getType() != type ? (IContainer) workspace.newResource(getFullPath(), type) : (IContainer) this;
		IResource[] members = resource.members(memberFlags);
		for (IResource member : members)
			member.accept(visitor, DEPTH_ZERO, memberFlags | IContainer.DO_NOT_CHECK_EXISTENCE);

	protected void assertCopyRequirements(IPath destination, int destinationType, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		IStatus status = checkCopyRequirements(destination, destinationType, updateFlags);
		if (!status.isOK()) {
			// This assert is ok because the error cases generated by the check method above
			// indicate assertion conditions.
			Assert.isTrue(false, status.getChildren()[0].getMessage());

	 * Throws an exception if the link preconditions are not met.  Returns the file info
	 * for the file being linked to, or null if not available.
	 * @throws CoreException
	protected IFileInfo assertLinkRequirements(URI localLocation, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		boolean allowMissingLocal = (updateFlags & IResource.ALLOW_MISSING_LOCAL) != 0;
		if ((updateFlags & IResource.REPLACE) == 0)
			checkDoesNotExist(getFlags(getResourceInfo(false, false)), true);
		IStatus locationStatus = workspace.validateLinkLocationURI(this, localLocation);
		// We only tolerate an undefined path variable in the allow missing local case.
		final boolean variableUndefined = locationStatus.getCode() == IResourceStatus.VARIABLE_NOT_DEFINED_WARNING;
		if (locationStatus.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR || (variableUndefined && !allowMissingLocal))
			throw new ResourceException(locationStatus);
		// Check that the parent exists and is open.
		Container parent = (Container) getParent();
		parent.checkAccessible(getFlags(parent.getResourceInfo(false, false)));
		// If the variable is undefined we can't do any further checks.
		if (variableUndefined)
			return null;
		// Check if the file exists.
		URI resolved = getPathVariableManager().resolveURI(localLocation);
		IFileStore store = EFS.getStore(resolved);
		IFileInfo fileInfo = store.fetchInfo();
		boolean localExists = fileInfo.exists();
		if (!allowMissingLocal && !localExists) {
			String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.links_localDoesNotExist, store.toString());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.NOT_FOUND_LOCAL, getFullPath(), msg, null);
		// Resource type and file system type must match.
		if (localExists && ((getType() == IResource.FOLDER) != fileInfo.isDirectory())) {
			String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.links_wrongLocalType, getFullPath());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.WRONG_TYPE_LOCAL, getFullPath(), msg, null);
		return fileInfo;

	protected void assertMoveRequirements(IPath destination, int destinationType, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		IStatus status = checkMoveRequirements(destination, destinationType, updateFlags);
		if (!status.isOK()) {
			// This assert is ok because the error cases generated by the check method
			// above indicate assertion conditions.
			Assert.isTrue(false, status.getChildren()[0].getMessage());

	public void checkAccessible(int flags) throws CoreException {
		checkExists(flags, true);

	private ResourceInfo checkAccessibleAndLocal(int depth) throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		checkLocal(flags, depth);
		return info;

	 * This method reports errors in two different ways. It can throw a
	 * CoreException or return a status. CoreExceptions are used according to the
	 * specification of the copy method. Programming errors, that would usually be
	 * prevented by using an "Assert" code, are reported as an IStatus. We're doing
	 * this way because we have two different methods to copy resources:
	 * IResource#copy and IWorkspace#copy. The first one gets the error and throws
	 * its message in an AssertionFailureException. The second one just throws a
	 * CoreException using the status returned by this method.
	 * @see IResource#copy(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public IStatus checkCopyRequirements(IPath destination, int destinationType, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		String message = Messages.resources_copyNotMet;
		MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, message, null);
		if (destination == null) {
			message = Messages.resources_destNotNull;
			return new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message);
		destination = makePathAbsolute(destination);
		if (getFullPath().isPrefixOf(destination)) {
			message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_copyDestNotSub, getFullPath());
			status.add(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message));
		checkValidPath(destination, destinationType, false);

		ResourceInfo info;

		IPath destinationParent = destination.removeLastSegments(1);
		checkValidGroupContainer(destinationParent, isLinked(), isVirtual());

		Resource dest = workspace.newResource(destination, destinationType);

		// Ensure we aren't trying to copy a file to a project.
		if (getType() == IResource.FILE && destinationType == IResource.PROJECT) {
			message = Messages.resources_fileToProj;
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message, null);

		// We can't copy into a closed project.
		if (destinationType != IResource.PROJECT) {
			Project project = (Project) dest.getProject();
			info = project.getResourceInfo(false, false);
			Container parent = (Container) dest.getParent();
			if (!parent.equals(project)) {
				info = parent.getResourceInfo(false, false);
				parent.checkExists(getFlags(info), true);
		if (isUnderLink() || dest.isUnderLink()) {
			// Make sure location is not null.  This can occur with linked resources relative to
			// undefined path variables
			URI sourceLocation = getLocationURI();
			if (sourceLocation == null) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_locationUndefined, getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, getFullPath(), message, null);
			URI destLocation = dest.getLocationURI();
			if (destLocation == null && (dest.isUnderVirtual() == false)) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_locationUndefined, dest.getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, dest.getFullPath(), message, null);
			// Make sure location of source is not a prefix of the location of the destination
			// this can occur if the source and/or destination is a linked resource
			if (getStore().isParentOf(dest.getStore())) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_copyDestNotSub, getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message, null);

		return status.isOK() ? Status.OK_STATUS : (IStatus) status;

	 * Checks that this resource does not exist.  If the file system is not case
	 * sensitive, this method also checks for a case variant.
	protected void checkDoesNotExist() throws CoreException {
		checkDoesNotExist(getFlags(getResourceInfo(false, false)), false);

	 * Checks that this resource does not exist.  If the file system is not case
	 * sensitive, this method also checks for a case variant.
	 * @exception CoreException if this resource exists
	public void checkDoesNotExist(int flags, boolean checkType) throws CoreException {
		// If this exact resource exists we are done.
		if (exists(flags, checkType)) {
			String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_mustNotExist, getFullPath());
			throw new ResourceException(checkType ? IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_EXISTS : IResourceStatus.PATH_OCCUPIED, getFullPath(), message, null);
		if (Workspace.caseSensitive)
		// Now look for a matching case variant in the tree.
		IResource variant = findExistingResourceVariant(getFullPath());
		if (variant == null)
		String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_existsDifferentCase, variant.getFullPath());
		throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.CASE_VARIANT_EXISTS, variant.getFullPath(), msg, null);

	 * Checks that this resource exists.
	 * If checkType is true, the type of this resource and the one in the tree must match.
	 * @exception CoreException if this resource does not exist
	public void checkExists(int flags, boolean checkType) throws CoreException {
		if (!exists(flags, checkType)) {
			String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_mustExist, getFullPath());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, getFullPath(), message, null);

	 * Checks that this resource is local to the given depth.
	 * @exception CoreException if this resource is not local
	public void checkLocal(int flags, int depth) throws CoreException {
		if (!isLocal(flags, depth)) {
			String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_mustBeLocal, getFullPath());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.RESOURCE_NOT_LOCAL, getFullPath(), message, null);

	 * This method reports errors in two different ways. It can throw a
	 * CoreException or log a status. CoreExceptions are used according
	 * to the specification of the move method. Programming errors, that
	 * would usually be prevented by using an "Assert" code, are reported as
	 * an IStatus.
	 * We're doing this way because we have two different methods to move
	 * resources: IResource#move and IWorkspace#move. The first one gets
	 * the error and throws its message in an AssertionFailureException. The
	 * second one just throws a CoreException using the status returned
	 * by this method.
	 * @see IResource#move(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	protected IStatus checkMoveRequirements(IPath destination, int destinationType, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		String message = Messages.resources_moveNotMet;
		MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, message, null);
		if (destination == null) {
			message = Messages.resources_destNotNull;
			return new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message);
		destination = makePathAbsolute(destination);
		if (getFullPath().isPrefixOf(destination)) {
			message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_moveDestNotSub, getFullPath());
			status.add(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message));
		checkValidPath(destination, destinationType, false);

		ResourceInfo info;

		IPath destinationParent = destination.removeLastSegments(1);
		checkValidGroupContainer(destinationParent, isLinked(), isVirtual());

		Resource dest = workspace.newResource(destination, destinationType);

		// Check if we are only changing case.
		IResource variant = Workspace.caseSensitive ? null : findExistingResourceVariant(destination);
		if (variant == null || !this.equals(variant))

		// Ensure we aren't trying to move a file to a project.
		if (getType() == IResource.FILE && dest.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) {
			message = Messages.resources_fileToProj;
			throw new ResourceException(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message));

		// We can't move into a closed project.
		if (destinationType != IResource.PROJECT) {
			Project project = (Project) dest.getProject();
			info = project.getResourceInfo(false, false);
			Container parent = (Container) dest.getParent();
			if (!parent.equals(project)) {
				info = parent.getResourceInfo(false, false);
				parent.checkExists(getFlags(info), true);
		if (isUnderLink() || dest.isUnderLink()) {
			// Make sure location is not null.  This can occur with linked resources relative to
			// undefined path variables.
			URI sourceLocation = getLocationURI();
			if (sourceLocation == null) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_locationUndefined, getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, getFullPath(), message, null);
			URI destLocation = dest.getLocationURI();
			if (destLocation == null && (dest.isUnderVirtual() == false)) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.localstore_locationUndefined, dest.getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_LOCAL, dest.getFullPath(), message, null);
			// Make sure location of source is not a prefix of the location of the destination
			// this can occur if the source and/or destination is a linked resource.
			if (getStore().isParentOf(dest.getStore())) {
				message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_moveDestNotSub, getFullPath());
				throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message, null);

		return status.isOK() ? Status.OK_STATUS : (IStatus) status;

	 * Checks that the supplied path is valid according to Workspace.validatePath().
	 * @exception CoreException if the path is not valid
	public void checkValidPath(IPath toValidate, int type, boolean lastSegmentOnly) throws CoreException {
		IStatus result = workspace.locationValidator.validatePath(toValidate, type, lastSegmentOnly);
		if (!result.isOK())
			throw new ResourceException(result);

	 * Checks that the destination is a suitable one given that it could be a group.
	 * @exception CoreException if the path points to a group
	public void checkValidGroupContainer(IPath destination, boolean isLink, boolean isGroup) throws CoreException {
		IStatus status = getValidGroupContainer(destination, isLink, isGroup);
		if (!status.isOK())
			throw new ResourceException(status);

	 * Checks that the destination is a suitable one given that it could be a group.
	 * @exception CoreException if the path points to a group
	public void checkValidGroupContainer(Container destination, boolean isLink, boolean isGroup) throws CoreException {
		if (!isLink && !isGroup) {
			String message = Messages.group_invalidParent;
			if (destination.isVirtual())
				throw new ResourceException(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, null, message));

	public IStatus getValidGroupContainer(IPath destination, boolean isLink, boolean isGroup) {
		if (!isLink && !isGroup) {
			String message = Messages.group_invalidParent;
			ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(destination, false, false);
			if (info != null && info.isSet(M_VIRTUAL))
				return new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, null, message);
		return Status.OK_STATUS;

	public void clearHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		getLocalManager().getHistoryStore().remove(getFullPath(), monitor);

	public boolean contains(ISchedulingRule rule) {
		if (this == rule)
			return true;
		// Must allow notifications to nest in all resource rules.
		if (rule.getClass().equals(WorkManager.NotifyRule.class))
			return true;
		if (rule instanceof MultiRule) {
			MultiRule multi = (MultiRule) rule;
			ISchedulingRule[] children = multi.getChildren();
			for (ISchedulingRule c : children) {
				if (!contains(c)) {
					return false;
			return true;
		if (!(rule instanceof IResource))
			return false;
		IResource resource = (IResource) rule;
		if (!workspace.equals(resource.getWorkspace()))
			return false;
		return path.isPrefixOf(resource.getFullPath());

	 * @throws CoreException
	public void convertToPhantom() throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, true);
		if (info == null || isPhantom(getFlags(info)))
		getLocalManager().updateLocalSync(info, I_NULL_SYNC_INFO);
		// Should already be done by the #deleteResource call but left in
		// just to be safe and for code clarity.

	public void copy(IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		int updateFlags = force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE;
		copy(destination, updateFlags, monitor);

	public void copy(IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_copying, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		destination = makePathAbsolute(destination);
		checkValidPath(destination, getType(), false);
		Resource destResource = workspace.newResource(destination, getType());
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().copyRule(this, destResource);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			// The following assert method throws CoreExceptions as stated in the IResource.copy API
			// and assert for programming errors. See checkCopyRequirements for more information.
			assertCopyRequirements(destination, getType(), updateFlags);
			getLocalManager().copy(this, destResource, updateFlags, progress.split(98));
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	public void copy(IProjectDescription destDesc, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		int updateFlags = force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE;
		copy(destDesc, updateFlags, monitor);

	 * Used when a folder is to be copied to a project.
	 * @see IResource#copy(IProjectDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public void copy(IProjectDescription destDesc, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_copying, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(workspace.getRoot(), split);
			// The following assert method throws CoreExceptions as stated in the IResource.copy API
			// and assert for programming errors. See checkCopyRequirements for more information.
			IPath destPath = IPath.fromOSString(destDesc.getName()).makeAbsolute();
			assertCopyRequirements(destPath, getType(), updateFlags);
			Project destProject = (Project) workspace.getRoot().getProject(destPath.lastSegment());

			// Create and open the new project.
			destProject.create(destDesc, progress.split(5));;

			// Copy the children.
			IResource[] children = ((IContainer) this).members(IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS | IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN);
			SubMonitor loopProgress = SubMonitor.convert(progress.split(70), children.length);
			for (IResource element : children) {
				Resource child = (Resource) element;
				child.copy(destPath.append(child.getName()), updateFlags, loopProgress.split(1));

			// Copy over the properties.
			getPropertyManager().copy(this, destProject, DEPTH_ZERO);
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(workspace.getRoot(), true);

	 * Count the number of resources in the tree from this container to the
	 * specified depth. Include this resource. Include phantoms if
	 * the phantom boolean is true.
	public int countResources(int depth, boolean phantom) {
		return workspace.countResources(path, depth, phantom);

	 * @see IFolder#createLink(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IFile#createLink(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public void createLink(IPath localLocation, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		createLink(URIUtil.toURI(localLocation), updateFlags, monitor);

	 * @see IFolder#createLink(URI, int, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IFile#createLink(URI, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public void createLink(URI localLocation, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		IResource existing = null;
		if ((updateFlags & REPLACE) != 0) {
			existing = workspace.getRoot().findMember(getFullPath());
			if (existing != null && existing.isLinked()) {
				setLinkLocation(localLocation, updateFlags, monitor);

		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.links_creating, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		checkValidPath(path, FOLDER, true);
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().createRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			IFileInfo fileInfo = assertLinkRequirements(localLocation, updateFlags);
			workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_LINK_CREATE, this));
			// Replace existing resource, if applicable.
			if ((updateFlags & REPLACE) != 0 && existing != null) {
			ResourceInfo info = workspace.createResource(this, false);
			if ((updateFlags & IResource.HIDDEN) != 0)
			LinkDescription linkDescription = new LinkDescription(this, localLocation);
			if (linkDescription.isGroup())
			getLocalManager().link(this, localLocation, fileInfo);
			// Save the location in the project description.
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			boolean changed = project.internalGetDescription().setLinkLocation(getProjectRelativePath(), linkDescription);
			if (changed) {
				try {
				} catch (CoreException e) {
					// A problem happened updating the description, so delete the resource from the workspace.
					throw e; // Rethrow.

			// Refresh to discover any new resources below this linked location.
			if (getType() != IResource.FILE) {
				// Refresh either in background or foreground.
				if ((updateFlags & IResource.BACKGROUND_REFRESH) != 0) {
				} else {
					refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, progress.split(90));
			} else {
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	public IMarker createMarker(String type) throws CoreException {
		return createMarker(type, Collections.emptyMap());

	public IMarker createMarker(String type, Map attributes) throws CoreException {
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().markerRule(this);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, null);
			checkAccessible(getFlags(getResourceInfo(false, false)));
			long id = workspace.nextMarkerId();
			MarkerManager manager = workspace.getMarkerManager();
			boolean validate = manager.isPersistentType(type);
			MarkerInfo markerInfo = new MarkerInfo(attributes, validate, type, id);
			manager.add(this, markerInfo);
			if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) {
				if (manager.isPersistent(markerInfo)) {
					this.getResourceInfo(false, true).set(ICoreConstants.M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY);
			return new Marker(this, markerInfo.getId());
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, false);
	public IResourceProxy createProxy() {
		ResourceProxy result = new ResourceProxy(); = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		result.requestor = this;
		result.resource = this;
		return result;

	 * @see IProject#delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IWorkspaceRoot#delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor)
	 * N.B. This is not an IResource method!
	public void delete(boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		int updateFlags = force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE;
		updateFlags |= keepHistory ? IResource.KEEP_HISTORY : IResource.NONE;
		delete(updateFlags, monitor);

	public void delete(boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		delete(force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE, monitor);

	public void delete(int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_deleting, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100).checkCanceled();
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().deleteRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			// If there is no resource then there is nothing to delete so just return.
			if (!exists())

			// When a project is being deleted, flush the build order in case there is a problem.
			if (this.getType() == IResource.PROJECT)

			final IFileStore originalStore = getStore();
			boolean wasLinked = isLinked();
			message = Messages.resources_deleteProblem;
			MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.FAILED_DELETE_LOCAL, message, null);
			WorkManager workManager = workspace.getWorkManager();
			ResourceTree tree = new ResourceTree(workspace.getFileSystemManager(), workManager.getLock(), status, updateFlags);
			int depth = 0;
			try {
				depth = workManager.beginUnprotected();
				unprotectedDelete(tree, updateFlags, progress.split(50));
			} finally {
			if (getType() == ROOT) {
				// Need to clear out the root info.
				workspace.getMarkerManager().removeMarkers(this, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
				getPropertyManager().deleteProperties(this, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
				getResourceInfo(false, false).clearSessionProperties();
			// Invalidate the tree for further use by clients.
			if (!tree.getStatus().isOK())
				throw new ResourceException(tree.getStatus());
			// Update any aliases of this resource.
			// Note that deletion of a linked resource cannot affect other resources.
			if (!wasLinked)
				workspace.getAliasManager().updateAliases(this, originalStore, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, progress.split(48));
			if (getType() == PROJECT) {
				// Make sure the rule factory is cleared on project deletion.
				((Rules) workspace.getRuleFactory()).setRuleFactory((IProject) this, null);
				// Make sure project deletion is remembered.
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	public void deleteMarkers(String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) throws CoreException {
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().markerRule(this);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, null);
			ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);

			workspace.getMarkerManager().removeMarkers(this, type, includeSubtypes, depth);
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, false);

	 * This method should be called to delete a resource from the tree because it will also
	 * delete its properties and markers.  If a status object is provided, minor exceptions are
	 * added, otherwise they are thrown.  If major exceptions occur, they are always thrown.
	public void deleteResource(boolean convertToPhantom, MultiStatus status) throws CoreException {
		// Remove markers on this resource and its descendants.
		if (exists())
			getMarkerManager().removeMarkers(this, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
		// If this is a linked resource or contains linked resources,
		// remove their entries from the project description.
		List links = findLinks();
		// Pre-delete notification to internal infrastructure
		if (links != null)
			for (Resource resource : links)
				workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_LINK_DELETE, resource));

		// Check if we deleted a preferences file.

		// Remove all deleted linked resources from the project description.
		if (getType() != IResource.PROJECT && links != null) {
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
			if (description != null) {
				boolean wasChanged = false;
				for (Resource resource : links)
					wasChanged |= description.setLinkLocation(resource.getProjectRelativePath(), null);
				if (wasChanged) {
					project.internalSetDescription(description, true);
					try {
					} catch (CoreException e) {
						// A problem happened updating the description, update the description in memory.
						throw e; // Rethrow.

		// If we are synchronizing, do not delete the resource. Convert it
		// into a phantom. Actual deletion will happen when we refresh or push.
		if (convertToPhantom && getType() != PROJECT && synchronizing(getResourceInfo(true, false))) {
		} else {

		List filters = findFilters();
		if ((filters != null) && (filters.size() > 0)) {
			// Delete resource filters.
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
			if (description != null) {
				for (Resource resource : filters)
					description.setFilters(resource.getProjectRelativePath(), null);
				project.internalSetDescription(description, true);

		// Delete properties after the resource is deleted from the tree. See bug 84584.
		CoreException err = null;
		try {
		} catch (CoreException e) {
			if (status != null) {
			} else {
				err = e;
		if (err != null)
			throw err;

	 * Returns a list of all linked resources at or below this resource, or null if there are no links.
	private List findLinks() {
		Project project = (Project) getProject();
		ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
		HashMap linkMap = description.getLinks();
		if (linkMap == null)
			return null;
		List links = null;
		IPath myPath = getProjectRelativePath();
		for (LinkDescription link : linkMap.values()) {
			IPath linkPath = link.getProjectRelativePath();
			if (myPath.isPrefixOf(linkPath)) {
				if (links == null)
					links = new ArrayList<>();
				links.add(workspace.newResource(project.getFullPath().append(linkPath), link.getType()));
		return links;

	 * Returns a list of all filtered resources at or below this resource, or null if there are no links.
	private List findFilters() {
		Project project = (Project) getProject();
		ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
		List filters = null;
		if (description != null) {
			HashMap> filterMap = description.getFilters();
			if (filterMap != null) {
				IPath myPath = getProjectRelativePath();
				for (IPath filterPath : filterMap.keySet()) {
					if (myPath.isPrefixOf(filterPath)) {
						if (filters == null)
							filters = new ArrayList<>();
						filters.add(workspace.newResource(project.getFullPath().append(filterPath), IResource.FOLDER));
		return filters;

	public boolean equals(Object target) {
		if (this == target)
			return true;
		if (!(target instanceof Resource))
			return false;
		Resource resource = (Resource) target;
		return getType() == resource.getType() && path.equals(resource.path) && workspace.equals(resource.workspace);

	public boolean exists() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return exists(getFlags(info), true);

	public boolean exists(int flags, boolean checkType) {
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && !(checkType && ResourceInfo.getType(flags) != getType());

	 * Helper method for case insensitive file systems.  Returns
	 * an existing resource whose path differs only in case from
	 * the given path, or null if no such resource exists.
	public IResource findExistingResourceVariant(IPath target) {
		if (!workspace.tree.includesIgnoreCase(target))
			return null;
		// Ignore phantoms.
		ResourceInfo info = (ResourceInfo) workspace.tree.getElementDataIgnoreCase(target);
		if (info != null && info.isSet(M_PHANTOM))
			return null;
		// Resort to slow lookup to find exact case variant.
		IPath result = IPath.ROOT;
		int segmentCount = target.segmentCount();
		for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
			String[] childNames = workspace.tree.getNamesOfChildren(result);
			String name = findVariant(target.segment(i), childNames);
			if (name == null)
				return null;
			result = result.append(name);
		return workspace.getRoot().findMember(result);

	public IMarker findMarker(long id) {
		return workspace.getMarkerManager().findMarker(this, id);

	public IMarker[] findMarkers(String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		// It might happen that from this point the resource is not accessible anymore.
		// But markers have the #exists method that callers can use to check if it is still valid.
		return workspace.getMarkerManager().findMarkers(this, type, includeSubtypes, depth);

	public int findMaxProblemSeverity(String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		// It might happen that from this point the resource is not accessible anymore.
		// But markers have the #exists method that callers can use to check if it is still valid.
		return workspace.getMarkerManager().findMaxProblemSeverity(this, type, includeSubtypes, depth);

	 * Searches for a variant of the given target in the list,
	 * that differs only in case. Returns the variant from
	 * the list if one is found, otherwise returns null.
	private String findVariant(String target, String[] list) {
		for (String element : list) {
			if (target.equalsIgnoreCase(element))
				return element;
		return null;

	protected void fixupAfterMoveSource() throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(true, true);
		// If a linked resource is moved, we need to remove the location info from the ".project" file.
		if (isLinked() || isVirtual()) {
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			if (project.internalGetDescription().setLinkLocation(getProjectRelativePath(), null))

		List filters = findFilters();
		if ((filters != null) && (filters.size() > 0)) {
			// Delete resource filters.
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
			for (Resource resource : filters)
				description.setFilters(resource.getProjectRelativePath(), null);

		// Check if we deleted a preferences file.

		if (!synchronizing(info)) {

	public String getFileExtension() {
		String name = getName();
		int index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
		if (index == -1)
			return null;
		if (index == (name.length() - 1))
			return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		return name.substring(index + 1);

	public int getFlags(ResourceInfo info) {
		return (info == null) ? NULL_FLAG : info.getFlags();

	public IPath getFullPath() {
		return path;

	public FileSystemResourceManager getLocalManager() {
		return workspace.getFileSystemManager();

	public long getLocalTimeStamp() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return (info == null || isVirtual()) ? IResource.NULL_STAMP : info.getLocalSyncInfo();

	public IPath getLocation() {
		IProject project = getProject();
		if (project != null && !project.exists())
			return null;
		return getLocalManager().locationFor(this, false);

	public URI getLocationURI() {
		IProject project = getProject();
		if (project != null && !project.exists())
			return null;
		return getLocalManager().locationURIFor(this, false);

	public IMarker getMarker(long id) {
		return new Marker(this, id);

	protected MarkerManager getMarkerManager() {
		return workspace.getMarkerManager();

	public long getModificationStamp() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return info == null ? IResource.NULL_STAMP : info.getModificationStamp();

	public String getName() {
		return path.lastSegment();

	public IContainer getParent() {
		int segments = path.segmentCount();
		// Zero and one segments handled by subclasses.
		if (segments < 2)
			Assert.isLegal(false, path.toString());
		if (segments == 2)
			return workspace.getRoot().getProject(path.segment(0));
		return (IFolder) workspace.newResource(path.removeLastSegments(1), IResource.FOLDER);

	public String getPersistentProperty(QualifiedName key) throws CoreException {
		return getPropertyManager().getProperty(this, key);

	public Map getPersistentProperties() throws CoreException {
		return getPropertyManager().getProperties(this);

	public IProject getProject() {
		return workspace.getRoot().getProject(path.segment(0));

	public IPath getProjectRelativePath() {
		return getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(ICoreConstants.PROJECT_SEGMENT_LENGTH);

	public IPropertyManager getPropertyManager() {
		return workspace.getPropertyManager();

	public IPath getRawLocation() {
		if (isLinked())
			return FileUtil.toPath(((Project) getProject()).internalGetDescription().getLinkLocationURI(getProjectRelativePath()));
		return getLocation();

	public URI getRawLocationURI() {
		if (isLinked())
			return ((Project) getProject()).internalGetDescription().getLinkLocationURI(getProjectRelativePath());
		return getLocationURI();

	public ResourceAttributes getResourceAttributes() {
		if (!isAccessible() || isVirtual())
			return null;
		return getLocalManager().attributes(this);

	 * Returns the resource info.  Returns null if the resource doesn't exist.
	 * If the phantom flag is true, phantom resources are considered.
	 * If the mutable flag is true, a mutable info is returned.
	public ResourceInfo getResourceInfo(boolean phantom, boolean mutable) {
		return workspace.getResourceInfo(getFullPath(), phantom, mutable);

	public Object getSessionProperty(QualifiedName key) throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);
		return info.getSessionProperty(key);

	public Map getSessionProperties() throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);
		return info.getSessionProperties();

	public IFileStore getStore() {
		return getLocalManager().getStore(this);

	public abstract int getType();

	public String getTypeString() {
		switch (getType()) {
			case FILE :
				return "L"; //$NON-NLS-1$
			case FOLDER :
				return "F"; //$NON-NLS-1$
			case PROJECT :
				return "P"; //$NON-NLS-1$
			case ROOT :
				return "R"; //$NON-NLS-1$
		return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

	public IWorkspace getWorkspace() {
		return workspace;

	public int hashCode() {
		// The container may be null if the identified resource
		// does not exist so don't bother with it in the hash
		return getFullPath().hashCode();

	 * Sets the M_LOCAL_EXISTS flag. Is internal so we don't have
	 * to begin an operation.
	protected void internalSetLocal(boolean flag, int depth) throws CoreException {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(true, true);
		// Only make the change if it's not already in desired state.
		if (info.isSet(M_LOCAL_EXISTS) != flag) {
			if (flag && !isPhantom(getFlags(info))) {
			} else {
		if (getType() == IResource.FILE || depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO)
		if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE)
			depth = IResource.DEPTH_ZERO;
		IResource[] children = ((IContainer) this).members();
		for (IResource element : children)
			((Resource) element).internalSetLocal(flag, depth);

	public boolean isAccessible() {
		return exists();

	public boolean isConflicting(ISchedulingRule rule) {
		if (this == rule)
			return true;
		// Must not schedule at same time as notification.
		if (rule.getClass().equals(WorkManager.NotifyRule.class))
			return true;
		if (rule instanceof MultiRule) {
			MultiRule multi = (MultiRule) rule;
			ISchedulingRule[] children = multi.getChildren();
			for (ISchedulingRule element : children)
				if (isConflicting(element))
					return true;
			return false;
		if (!(rule instanceof IResource))
			return false;
		IResource resource = (IResource) rule;
		if (!workspace.equals(resource.getWorkspace()))
			return false;
		IPath otherPath = resource.getFullPath();
		return path.isPrefixOf(otherPath) || otherPath.isPrefixOf(path);

	public boolean isDerived() {
		return isDerived(IResource.NONE);

	public boolean isDerived(int options) {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		if (flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_DERIVED))
			return true;
		// Check ancestors if the appropriate option is set.
		if ((options & CHECK_ANCESTORS) != 0)
			return getParent().isDerived(options);
		return false;

	public boolean isHidden() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_HIDDEN);

	public boolean isHidden(int options) {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		if (flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_HIDDEN))
			return true;
		// Check ancestors if the appropriate option is set.
		if ((options & CHECK_ANCESTORS) != 0)
			return getParent().isHidden(options);
		return false;

	public boolean isLinked() {
		return isLinked(NONE);

	public boolean isLinked(int options) {
		if ((options & CHECK_ANCESTORS) != 0) {
			IProject project = getProject();
			if (project == null)
				return false;
			ProjectDescription desc = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription();
			if (desc == null)
				return false;
			HashMap links = desc.getLinks();
			if (links == null)
				return false;
			IPath myPath = getProjectRelativePath();
			for (LinkDescription linkDescription : links.values()) {
				if (linkDescription.getProjectRelativePath().isPrefixOf(myPath))
					return true;
			return false;
		// The no ancestor checking case.
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return info != null && info.isSet(M_LINK);

	public boolean isVirtual() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return info != null && info.isSet(M_VIRTUAL);

	 * Checks whether the current resource has a parent that is virtual.
	public boolean isUnderVirtual() {
		IContainer parent = getParent();
		while (parent != null) {
			if (parent.isVirtual())
				return true;
			parent = parent.getParent();
		return false;

	public boolean isLocal(int depth) {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		return isLocal(getFlags(info), depth);

	 * Note the depth parameter is intentionally ignored because
	 * this method is over-ridden by {@link Container#isLocal(int)}.
	 * @deprecated
	public boolean isLocal(int flags, int depth) {
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, M_LOCAL_EXISTS);

	 * Returns whether a resource should be included in a traversal
	 * based on the provided member flags.
	 * @param flags The resource info flags
	 * @param memberFlags The member flag mask
	 * @return Whether the resource is included
	protected boolean isMember(int flags, int memberFlags) {
		int excludeMask = 0;
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_PHANTOMS) == 0)
			excludeMask |= M_PHANTOM;
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN) == 0)
			excludeMask |= M_HIDDEN;
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS) == 0)
			excludeMask |= M_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBER;
		if ((memberFlags & IContainer.EXCLUDE_DERIVED) != 0)
			excludeMask |= M_DERIVED;
		// The resource is a matching member if it matches none of the exclude flags.
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && (flags & excludeMask) == 0;

	public boolean isPhantom() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(true, false);
		return isPhantom(getFlags(info));

	public boolean isPhantom(int flags) {
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, M_PHANTOM);

	public boolean isReadOnly() {
		final ResourceAttributes attributes = getResourceAttributes();
		return attributes != null && attributes.isReadOnly();

	public boolean isSynchronized(int depth) {
		return getLocalManager().isSynchronized(this, depth);

	public boolean isTeamPrivateMember() {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		return flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBER);

	public boolean isTeamPrivateMember(int options) {
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		if (flags != NULL_FLAG && ResourceInfo.isSet(flags, ICoreConstants.M_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBER))
			return true;
		// Check ancestors if the appropriate option is set.
		if ((options & CHECK_ANCESTORS) != 0)
			return getParent().isTeamPrivateMember(options);
		return false;

	 * Returns true if this resource is a linked resource, or a child of a linked
	 * resource, and false otherwise.
	public boolean isUnderLink() {
		int depth = path.segmentCount();
		if (depth < 2)
			return false;
		if (depth == 2)
			return isLinked();
		// Check if parent at depth two is a link.
		IPath linkParent = path.removeLastSegments(depth - 2);
		return workspace.getResourceInfo(linkParent, false, false).isSet(ICoreConstants.M_LINK);

	protected IPath makePathAbsolute(IPath target) {
		if (target.isAbsolute())
			return target;
		return getParent().getFullPath().append(target);

	 * @see IFile#move(IPath, boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IFolder#move(IPath, boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor)
	public void move(IPath destination, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		int updateFlags = force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE;
		updateFlags |= keepHistory ? IResource.KEEP_HISTORY : IResource.NONE;
		move(destination, updateFlags, monitor);

	public void move(IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		move(destination, force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE, monitor);

	public void move(IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_moving, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		destination = makePathAbsolute(destination);
		checkValidPath(destination, getType(), false);
		Resource destResource = workspace.newResource(destination, getType());
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().moveRule(this, destResource);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			// The following assert method throws CoreExceptions as stated in the IResource.move API
			// and assert for programming errors. See checkMoveRequirements for more information.
			assertMoveRequirements(destination, getType(), updateFlags);
			broadcastPreMoveEvent(destResource, updateFlags);
			IFileStore originalStore = getStore();
			message = Messages.resources_moveProblem;
			MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IStatus.ERROR, message, null);
			WorkManager workManager = workspace.getWorkManager();
			ResourceTree tree = new ResourceTree(workspace.getFileSystemManager(), workManager.getLock(), status, updateFlags);
			boolean success = false;
			int depth = 0;
			try {
				depth = workManager.beginUnprotected();
				success = unprotectedMove(tree, destResource, updateFlags, progress.split(50));
			} finally {
			// Invalidate the tree for further use by clients.
			// Update any aliases of this resource and the destination.
			if (success) {
				workspace.getAliasManager().updateAliases(this, originalStore, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, progress.split(24));
				workspace.getAliasManager().updateAliases(destResource, destResource.getStore(), IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, progress.split(24));
			if (!tree.getStatus().isOK())
				throw new ResourceException(tree.getStatus());
			// If this is a project, make sure the move operation is remembered.
			if (getType() == PROJECT)
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	public void move(IProjectDescription description, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		int updateFlags = force ? IResource.FORCE : IResource.NONE;
		updateFlags |= keepHistory ? IResource.KEEP_HISTORY : IResource.NONE;
		move(description, updateFlags, monitor);

	public void move(IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		if (getType() != IResource.PROJECT) {
			String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_moveNotProject, getFullPath(), description.getName());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message, null);
		((Project) this).move(description, updateFlags, monitor);

	public void refreshLocal(int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		boolean isRoot = getType() == ROOT;
		String message = isRoot ? Messages.resources_refreshingRoot : NLS.bind(Messages.resources_refreshing, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100).checkCanceled();
		boolean build = false;
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().refreshRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			if (!isRoot && !getProject().isAccessible())
			if (!exists() && isFiltered())
			if (getType() == IResource.PROJECT || getType() == IResource.ROOT)
				workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_REFRESH, this));
			build = getLocalManager().refresh(this, depth, true, progress.split(98));
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, build);

	public String requestName() {
		return getName();

	public IPath requestPath() {
		return getFullPath();

	public void revertModificationStamp(long value) throws CoreException {
		if (value < 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value: " + value); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going to modify it.
		// It really doesn't matter as the change we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);

	public void setDerived(boolean isDerived) throws CoreException {
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going
		// to modify it.  We don't know whether or not the tree is open and it really doesn't
		// matter as the change we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		// Ignore attempts to set derived flag on anything except files and folders
		if (info.getType() == FILE || info.getType() == FOLDER) {
			if (isDerived) {
			} else {

	public void setDerived(boolean isDerived, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_settingDerivedFlag, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().derivedRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
			// Ignore attempts to set derived flag on anything except files and folders.
			if (info.getType() != FILE && info.getType() != FOLDER)
			info = getResourceInfo(false, true);
			if (isDerived) {
			} else {
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	public void setHidden(boolean isHidden) throws CoreException {
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going
		// to modify it.  We don't know whether or not the tree is open and it really doesn't
		// matter as the change we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		if (isHidden) {
		} else {

	public void setLocal(boolean flag, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = Messages.resources_setLocal;
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(null, split);
			internalSetLocal(flag, depth);
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(null, true);

	public long setLocalTimeStamp(long value) throws CoreException {
		if (value < 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value: " + value); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going to modify it.
		// It really doesn't matter as the change we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);
		return getLocalManager().setLocalTimeStamp(this, info, value);

	public void setPersistentProperty(QualifiedName key, String value) throws CoreException {
		getPropertyManager().setProperty(this, key, value);

	public void setReadOnly(boolean readonly) {
		ResourceAttributes attributes = getResourceAttributes();
		if (attributes == null)
		try {
		} catch (CoreException e) {
			// Failure is not an option.

	public void setResourceAttributes(ResourceAttributes attributes) throws CoreException {
		getLocalManager().setResourceAttributes(this, attributes);

	public void setSessionProperty(QualifiedName key, Object value) throws CoreException {
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going to modify it.
		// We don't know whether or not the tree is open and it really doesn't matter as the change
		// we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);
		info.setSessionProperty(key, value);

	public void setTeamPrivateMember(boolean isTeamPrivate) throws CoreException {
		// Fetch the info but don't bother making it mutable even though we are going
		// to modify it.  We don't know whether or not the tree is open and it really doesn't
		// matter as the change we are making does not show up in deltas.
		ResourceInfo info = getResourceInfo(false, false);
		int flags = getFlags(info);
		// ignore attempts to set team private member flag on anything except files and folders
		if (info.getType() == FILE || info.getType() == FOLDER) {
			if (isTeamPrivate) {
			} else {

	 * Returns true if this resource has the potential to be
	 * (or have been) synchronized.
	public boolean synchronizing(ResourceInfo info) {
		return info != null && info.getSyncInfo(false) != null;

	public String toString() {
		return getTypeString() + getFullPath().toString();

	public void touch(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_touch, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().modifyRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			ResourceInfo info = checkAccessibleAndLocal(DEPTH_ZERO);

			// Fake a change by incrementing the content ID.
			info = getResourceInfo(false, true);
			// Forget content-related caching flags.
		} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
			throw e;
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	 * Calls the move/delete hook to perform the deletion.  Since this method calls
	 * client code, it is run "unprotected", so the workspace lock is not held.
	private void unprotectedDelete(ResourceTree tree, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		IMoveDeleteHook hook = workspace.getMoveDeleteHook();
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2).checkCanceled();
		try {
			switch (getType()) {
			case IResource.FILE:
				if (!hook.deleteFile(tree, (IFile) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardDeleteFile((IFile) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.FOLDER:
				if (!hook.deleteFolder(tree, (IFolder) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardDeleteFolder((IFolder) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.PROJECT:
				if (!hook.deleteProject(tree, (IProject) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardDeleteProject((IProject) this, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.ROOT:
				// When the root is deleted, all its children including hidden projects have to
				// be deleted.
				IProject[] projects = ((IWorkspaceRoot) this).getProjects(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN);
				progress.setWorkRemaining(projects.length * 2);
				for (IProject project : projects) {
					if (!hook.deleteProject(tree, project, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
						tree.standardDeleteProject(project, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
		} finally {

	 * Calls the move/delete hook to perform the move.  Since this method calls
	 * client code, it is run "unprotected", so the workspace lock is not held.
	 * Returns true if resources were actually moved, and false otherwise.
	private boolean unprotectedMove(ResourceTree tree, final IResource destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, ResourceException {
		IMoveDeleteHook hook = workspace.getMoveDeleteHook();
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2).checkCanceled();
		try {
			switch (getType()) {
			case IResource.FILE:
				if (!hook.moveFile(tree, (IFile) this, (IFile) destination, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardMoveFile((IFile) this, (IFile) destination, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.FOLDER:
				if (!hook.moveFolder(tree, (IFolder) this, (IFolder) destination, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardMoveFolder((IFolder) this, (IFolder) destination, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.PROJECT:
				IProject project = (IProject) this;
				// If there is no change in name, there is nothing to do so return.
				if (getName().equals(destination.getName()))
					return false;
				IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
				if (!hook.moveProject(tree, project, description, updateFlags, progress.split(1)))
					tree.standardMoveProject(project, description, updateFlags, progress.split(1));
			case IResource.ROOT:
				String msg = Messages.resources_moveRoot;
				throw new ResourceException(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), msg));
		} finally {
		return true;

	private void broadcastPreDeleteEvent() throws CoreException {
		switch (getType()) {
			case IResource.PROJECT :
				workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_PROJECT_DELETE, this));
			case IResource.ROOT :
				// All root children including hidden projects will be deleted so notify.
				IResource[] projects = ((Container) this).getChildren(IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN);
				for (IResource project2 : projects) {
					workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_PROJECT_DELETE, project2));

	private void broadcastPreMoveEvent(final IResource destination, int updateFlags) throws CoreException {
		switch (getType()) {
			case IResource.FILE :
				if (isLinked())
					workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_LINK_MOVE, this, destination, updateFlags));
			case IResource.FOLDER :
				if (isLinked())
					workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_LINK_MOVE, this, destination, updateFlags));
				if (isVirtual())
					workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_GROUP_MOVE, this, destination, updateFlags));
			case IResource.PROJECT :
				if (!getName().equals(destination.getName())) {
					// If there is a change in name, we are deleting the source project so notify.
					workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_PROJECT_MOVE, this, destination, updateFlags));

	public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() {
		if (getProject() == null)
			return workspace.getPathVariableManager();
		return new ProjectPathVariableManager(this);

	 *  Calculates whether the current resource is filtered out from the resource tree
	 *  by resource filters.  This can happen because resource filters apply to the resource,
	 *  or because resource filters apply to one of its parent.  For example, if "/foo/bar"
	 *  is filtered out, then calling isFilteredFromParent() on "/foo/bar/sub/file.txt" will
	 *  return true as well, even though there's no resource filters that apply to "file.txt" per se.
	 * @return true is the resource is filtered out from the resource tree
	 * @see IContainer#createFilter(int, FileInfoMatcherDescription, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public boolean isFiltered() {
		try {
			return isFilteredWithException(false);
		} catch (CoreException e) {
			// nothing
		return false;

	public boolean isFilteredWithException(boolean throwExeception) throws CoreException {
		if (isLinked() || isVirtual())
			return false;

		Project project = (Project) getProject();
		if (project == null)
			return false;
		final ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
		if (description == null)
			return false;
		if (description.getFilters() == null)
			return false;

		Resource currentResource = this;
		while (currentResource != null && currentResource.getParent() != null) {
			Resource parent = (Resource) currentResource.getParent();
			IFileStore store = currentResource.getStore();
			if (store != null) {
				FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(store.getName());
				fileInfo.setDirectory(currentResource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER);
				if (fileInfo != null) {
					IFileInfo[] filtered = parent.filterChildren(project, description, new IFileInfo[] {fileInfo}, throwExeception);
					if (filtered.length == 0)
						return true;
			currentResource = parent;
		return false;

	public IFileInfo[] filterChildren(IFileInfo[] list, boolean throwException) throws CoreException {
		Project project = (Project) getProject();
		if (project == null)
			return list;
		final ProjectDescription description = project.internalGetDescription();
		if (description == null)
			return list;
		return filterChildren(project, description, list, throwException);

	private IFileInfo[] filterChildren(Project project, ProjectDescription description, IFileInfo[] list, boolean throwException) throws CoreException {
		IPath relativePath = getProjectRelativePath();
		LinkedList currentIncludeFilters = new LinkedList<>();
		LinkedList currentExcludeFilters = new LinkedList<>();
		LinkedList filters = null;

		boolean firstSegment = true;
		do {
			if (!firstSegment)
				relativePath = relativePath.removeLastSegments(1);
			filters = description.getFilter(relativePath);
			if (filters != null) {
				for (FilterDescription desc : filters) {
					if (firstSegment || desc.isInheritable()) {
						Filter filter = new Filter(project, desc);
						if (filter.isIncludeOnly()) {
							if (filter.isFirst())
						} else {
							if (filter.isFirst())
			firstSegment = false;
		} while (relativePath.segmentCount() > 0);

		if ((currentIncludeFilters.size() > 0) || (currentExcludeFilters.size() > 0)) {
			try {
				list = Filter.filter(project, currentIncludeFilters, currentExcludeFilters, (IContainer) this, list);
			} catch (CoreException e) {
				if (throwException)
					throw e;
		return list;

	 * @see IFolder#createLink(URI, int, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IFile#createLink(URI, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public void setLinkLocation(URI location, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		if (!isLinked()) {
			String message = NLS.bind(Messages.links_resourceIsNotALink, getFullPath());
			throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.INVALID_VALUE, getFullPath(), message, null);

		String message = NLS.bind(Messages.links_setLocation, getFullPath());
		SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, message, 100).checkCanceled();
		final ISchedulingRule rule = workspace.getRuleFactory().createRule(this);
		SubMonitor split = progress.split(1);
		try {
			workspace.prepareOperation(rule, split);
			workspace.broadcastEvent(LifecycleEvent.newEvent(LifecycleEvent.PRE_LINK_CHANGE, this));

			ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(getFullPath(), true, false);
			getLocalManager().setLocation(this, info, location);

			LinkDescription linkDescription;
			linkDescription = new LinkDescription(this, location);
			Project project = (Project) getProject();
			project.internalGetDescription().setLinkLocation(getProjectRelativePath(), linkDescription);

			// Refresh either in background or foreground.
			if ((updateFlags & IResource.BACKGROUND_REFRESH) != 0) {
			} else {
				refreshLocal(DEPTH_INFINITE, progress.split(98));
		} finally {
			workspace.endOperation(rule, true);

	 * @see IFolder#createLink(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	 * @see IFile#createLink(IPath, int, IProgressMonitor)
	public void setLinkLocation(IPath location, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
		if (location.isAbsolute()) {
			setLinkLocation(URIUtil.toURI(location.toPortableString()), updateFlags, monitor);
		} else {
			URI uri;
			try {
				uri = new URI(null, null, location.toPortableString(), null);
			} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
				uri = URIUtil.toURI(location.toPortableString());
			setLinkLocation(uri, updateFlags, monitor);

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