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org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.refresh.win32.Win32Monitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM - Initial API and implementation
 *     James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development
 *     Lars Vogel  - Bug 473427
 *     Mickael Istria (Red Hat Inc.) - Bug 488937
 *     Mikael Barbero (Eclipse Foundation) - 286681 handle WAIT_ABANDONED_0 return value
package org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.refresh.win32;

import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Policy;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.IRefreshMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.refresh.IRefreshResult;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;

 * A monitor that works on Win32 platforms. Provides simple notification of
 * entire trees by reporting that the root of the tree has changed to depth
class Win32Monitor extends Job implements IRefreshMonitor {
	 * The delay between invocations of the refresh job.
	private static final long RESCHEDULE_DELAY = 3000;
	 * The time to wait on blocking call to native refresh hook.
	private static final int WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_TIMEOUT = 1000;
	private static final String DEBUG_PREFIX = "Win32RefreshMonitor: "; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * A ChainedHandle is a linked list of handles.
	protected abstract class ChainedHandle extends Handle {
		private ChainedHandle next;
		private ChainedHandle previous;

		public abstract boolean exists();

		public ChainedHandle getNext() {
			return next;

		public ChainedHandle getPrevious() {
			return previous;

		public void setNext(ChainedHandle next) { = next;

		public void setPrevious(ChainedHandle previous) {
			this.previous = previous;

	protected class FileHandle extends ChainedHandle {
		private File file;

		public FileHandle(File file) {
			this.file = file;

		public boolean exists() {
			return file.exists();

		public void handleNotification() {
			if (!isOpen())
			ChainedHandle next = getNext();
			if (next != null) {
				if (next.isOpen()) {
					if (!next.exists()) {
						if (next instanceof LinkedResourceHandle) {
							LinkedResourceHandle linkedResourceHandle = (LinkedResourceHandle) next;
						ChainedHandle previous = getPrevious();
						if (previous != null);
				} else {;
					if (next.isOpen()) {
						Handle previous = getPrevious();
						if (next instanceof LinkedResourceHandle)
							((LinkedResourceHandle) next).postRefreshRequest();

		public void open() {
			if (!isOpen()) {
				Handle next = getNext();
				if (next != null && next.isOpen()) {
				} else {
					if (exists()) {
					Handle previous = getPrevious();
					if (previous != null) {;

		public String toString() {
			return file.toString();

	protected abstract class Handle implements Closeable {
		protected long handleValue;

		public Handle() {
			handleValue = Win32Natives.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

		public void close() {
			if (isOpen()) {
				if (!Win32Natives.FindCloseChangeNotification(handleValue)) {
					int error = Win32Natives.GetLastError();
					if (error != Win32Natives.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
						addException(NLS.bind(Messages.WM_errCloseHandle, Integer.toString(error)));
				if (Policy.DEBUG_AUTO_REFRESH)
					Policy.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX + "removed handle: " + handleValue); //$NON-NLS-1$
				handleValue = Win32Natives.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

		private long createHandleValue(String path, boolean monitorSubtree, int flags) {
			long handle = Win32Natives.FindFirstChangeNotification(path, monitorSubtree, flags);
			if (handle == Win32Natives.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				int error = Win32Natives.GetLastError();
				addException(NLS.bind(Messages.WM_errCreateHandle, path, Integer.toString(error)));
			return handle;

		public void destroy() {

		protected void findNextChange() {
			if (!Win32Natives.FindNextChangeNotification(handleValue)) {
				int error = Win32Natives.GetLastError();
				if (error != Win32Natives.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE && error != Win32Natives.ERROR_SUCCESS) {
					addException(NLS.bind(Messages.WM_errFindChange, Integer.toString(error)));

		public long getHandleValue() {
			return handleValue;

		public abstract void handleNotification();

		public boolean isOpen() {
			return handleValue != Win32Natives.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

		public abstract void open();

		protected void openHandleOn(File file) {
			openHandleOn(file.getAbsolutePath(), false);

		protected void openHandleOn(IResource resource) {
			IPath location = resource.getLocation();
			if (location != null) {
				openHandleOn(location.toOSString(), true);

		private void openHandleOn(String path, boolean subtree) {
			setHandleValue(createHandleValue(path, subtree, Win32Natives.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | Win32Natives.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | Win32Natives.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE | Win32Natives.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE));
			if (isOpen()) {
				fHandleValueToHandle.put(getHandleValue(), this);
			} else {

		protected void postRefreshRequest(IResource resource) {
			//native callback occurs even if resource was changed within workspace
			if (!resource.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE))

		public void setHandleValue(long handleValue) {
			this.handleValue = handleValue;

	protected class LinkedResourceHandle extends ChainedHandle {
		private List fileHandleChain;
		private IResource resource;

		 * @param resource
		public LinkedResourceHandle(IResource resource) {
			this.resource = resource;

		protected void createFileHandleChain() {
			fileHandleChain = new ArrayList<>(1);
			File file = new File(resource.getLocation().toOSString());
			file = file.getParentFile();
			while (file != null) {
				fileHandleChain.add(0, new FileHandle(file));
				file = file.getParentFile();
			int size = fileHandleChain.size();
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				ChainedHandle handle = fileHandleChain.get(i);
				handle.setPrevious((i > 0) ? fileHandleChain.get(i - 1) : null);
				handle.setNext((i + 1 < size) ? fileHandleChain.get(i + 1) : this);
			setPrevious((size > 0) ? fileHandleChain.get(size - 1) : null);

		public void destroy() {
			for (FileHandle fileHandle : fileHandleChain) {
				Handle handle = fileHandle;

		public boolean exists() {
			IPath location = resource.getLocation();
			return location == null ? false : location.toFile().exists();

		public void handleNotification() {
			if (isOpen()) {

		public void open() {
			if (!isOpen()) {
				if (exists()) {
				FileHandle handle = (FileHandle) getPrevious();
				if (handle != null && !handle.isOpen()) {;

		public void postRefreshRequest() {

		public String toString() {
			return resource.toString();

	protected class ResourceHandle extends Handle {
		private IResource resource;

		public ResourceHandle(IResource resource) {
			this.resource = resource;

		public IResource getResource() {
			return resource;

		public void handleNotification() {
			if (isOpen()) {

		public void open() {
			if (!isOpen()) {

		public String toString() {
			return resource.toString();

	 * Any errors that have occurred
	protected MultiStatus errors;
	 * Arrays of handles, split evenly when the number of handles is larger
	 * than Win32Natives.MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS
	protected long[][] fHandleValueArrays;
	 * Mapping of handles (java.lang.Long) to absolute paths
	 * (java.lang.String).
	protected Map fHandleValueToHandle;
	protected IRefreshResult refreshResult;

	 * Creates a new monitor. @param result A result that will receive refresh
	 * callbacks and error notifications
	public Win32Monitor(IRefreshResult result) {
		this.refreshResult = result;
		fHandleValueToHandle = new HashMap<>(1);

	 * Logs an exception
	protected synchronized void addException(String message) {
		if (errors == null) {
			String msg = Messages.WM_errors;
			errors = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, 1, msg, null);
		errors.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, 1, message, null));

	 * Splits the given array into arrays of length no greater than  max
	 *  . The lengths of the sub arrays differ in size by no more than
	 * one element. 


  • If an array of size 11 is split * with a max of 4, the resulting arrays are of size 4, 4, and 3.
  • *
  • If an array of size 18 is split with a max of 5, the resulting * arrays are of size 5, 5, 4, and 4.
*/ private long[][] balancedSplit(final long[] array, final int max) { int elementCount = array.length; // want to handle [1, max] rather than [0, max) int subArrayCount = ((elementCount - 1) / max) + 1; int subArrayBaseLength = elementCount / subArrayCount; int overflow = elementCount % subArrayCount; long[][] result = new long[subArrayCount][]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < subArrayCount; i++) { int subArrayLength = subArrayBaseLength + (overflow-- > 0 ? 1 : 0); long[] subArray = new long[subArrayLength]; for (int j = 0; j < subArrayLength; j++) { subArray[j] = array[count++]; } result[i] = subArray; } return result; } private Handle createHandle(IResource resource) { if (resource.isLinked()) return new LinkedResourceHandle(resource); return new ResourceHandle(resource); } /* * Since the Win32Natives.WaitForMultipleObjects(...) method cannot accept * more than a certain number of objects, we are forced to split the array * of objects to monitor and monitor each one individually.

This method * splits the list of handles into arrays no larger than * Win32Natives.MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS. The arrays are balanced so that they * differ in size by no more than one element. */ protected long[][] createHandleArrays() { long[] handles; // synchronized: in order to protect the map during iteration synchronized (fHandleValueToHandle) { Set keys = fHandleValueToHandle.keySet(); int size = keys.size(); if (size == 0) { return new long[0][0]; } handles = new long[size]; int count = 0; for (Long long2 : keys) { handles[count++] = long2.longValue(); } } return balancedSplit(handles, Win32Natives.MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS); } private Handle getHandle(IResource resource) { if (resource == null) { return null; } // synchronized: in order to protect the map during iteration synchronized (fHandleValueToHandle) { for (Handle handle : fHandleValueToHandle.values()) { if (handle instanceof ResourceHandle) { ResourceHandle resourceHandle = (ResourceHandle) handle; if (resourceHandle.getResource().equals(resource)) { return handle; } } } } return null; } /* * Answers arrays of handles. The handles are split evenly when the number * of handles becomes larger than Win32Natives.MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS. * @return long[][] */ private long[][] getHandleValueArrays() { return fHandleValueArrays; } /** * Adds a resource to be monitored by this native monitor */ public boolean monitor(IResource resource) { IPath location = resource.getLocation(); if (location == null) { // cannot monitor remotely managed containers return false; } Handle handle = createHandle(resource); // synchronized: handle creation must be atomic synchronized (this) {; } if (!handle.isOpen()) { //ignore errors if we can't even create a handle on the resource //it will fall back to polling anyway errors = null; return false; } //make sure the job is running schedule(RESCHEDULE_DELAY); if (Policy.DEBUG_AUTO_REFRESH) Policy.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX + " added monitor for: " + resource); //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } /** * Removes the handle from the fHandleValueToHandle map. * * @param handle * a handle, not null */ protected void removeHandle(Handle handle) { List handles = new ArrayList<>(1); handles.add(handle); removeHandles(handles); } /** * Removes all of the handles in the given collection from the fHandleValueToHandle * map. If collections from the fHandleValueToHandle map are * used, copy them before passing them in as this method modifies the * fHandleValueToHandle map. * * @param handles * a collection of handles, not null */ private void removeHandles(Collection handles) { // synchronized: protect the array, removal must be atomic synchronized (this) { for (Handle handle : handles) { fHandleValueToHandle.remove(handle.getHandleValue()); handle.destroy(); } setHandleValueArrays(createHandleArrays()); } } /* * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { long start = -System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Policy.DEBUG_AUTO_REFRESH) Policy.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX + "job started."); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { long[][] handleArrays = getHandleValueArrays(); monitor.beginTask(Messages.WM_beginTask, handleArrays.length); // If changes occur to the list of handles, // ignore them until the next time through the loop. for (long[] handleArray : handleArrays) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; waitForNotification(handleArray); monitor.worked(1); } } finally { monitor.done(); start += System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Policy.DEBUG_AUTO_REFRESH) Policy.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX + "job finished in: " + start + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } //always reschedule the job - so it will come back after errors or cancelation long delay = Math.max(RESCHEDULE_DELAY, start); if (Policy.DEBUG_AUTO_REFRESH) Policy.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX + "rescheduling in: " + delay / 1000 + " seconds"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ final Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES); //if the bundle is null then the framework has shutdown - just bail out completely (bug 98219) if (bundle == null) return Status.OK_STATUS; //don't reschedule the job if the resources plugin has been shut down if (bundle.getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE) schedule(delay); MultiStatus result = errors; errors = null; //just log native refresh failures if (result != null && !result.isOK()) ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin().getLog().log(result); return Status.OK_STATUS; } protected void setHandleValueArrays(long[][] arrays) { fHandleValueArrays = arrays; } @Override public boolean shouldRun() { return !fHandleValueToHandle.isEmpty(); } @Override public void unmonitor(IResource resource) { if (resource == null) { // resource == null means stop monitoring all resources synchronized (fHandleValueToHandle) { removeHandles(new ArrayList<>(fHandleValueToHandle.values())); } } else { Handle handle = getHandle(resource); if (handle != null) removeHandle(handle); } //stop the job if there are no more handles if (fHandleValueToHandle.isEmpty()) cancel(); } /** * Performs the native call to wait for notification on one of the given * handles. * * @param handleValues * an array of handles, it must contain no duplicates. */ private void waitForNotification(long[] handleValues) { int handleCount = handleValues.length; int index = Win32Natives.WaitForMultipleObjects(handleCount, handleValues, false, WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_TIMEOUT); if (index == Win32Natives.WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // nothing happened. return; } if (index == Win32Natives.WAIT_FAILED) { // we ran into a problem int error = Win32Natives.GetLastError(); if (error != Win32Natives.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE && error != Win32Natives.ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (error != Win32Natives.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { addException(NLS.bind(Messages.WM_nativeErr, Integer.toString(error))); } refreshResult.monitorFailed(this, null); } return; } if (index >= Win32Natives.WAIT_ABANDONED_0) { // abandoned mutex object that satisfied the wait // WaitForMultipleObjects returns WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + index index -= Win32Natives.WAIT_ABANDONED_0; Handle handle = fHandleValueToHandle.get(handleValues[index]); addException(NLS.bind(Messages.WM_mutexAbandoned, handle)); refreshResult.monitorFailed(this, null); return; } // a change occurred // WaitForMultipleObjects returns WAIT_OBJECT_0 + index index -= Win32Natives.WAIT_OBJECT_0; Handle handle = fHandleValueToHandle.get(handleValues[index]); if (handle != null) handle.handleNotification(); } }

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