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org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Julian Chen - fix for bug #92572, jclRM
 *     Benjamin Cabe  - fix for bug 265532
 *     Christoph Läubrich - remove InternalPlatform.getDefault().log (bug 55083)
package org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.legacy.InitLegacyPreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.legacy.ProductPreferencesService;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdapterManager;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IBundleGroupProvider;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILogListener;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProduct;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.RegistryFactory;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ServiceCaller;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IPreferencesService;
import org.eclipse.equinox.log.ExtendedLogReaderService;
import org.eclipse.equinox.log.ExtendedLogService;
import org.eclipse.equinox.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.log.FrameworkLog;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.datalocation.Location;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug.DebugOptions;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.environment.EnvironmentInfo;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.PlatformAdmin;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.framework.VersionRange;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.HostNamespace;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.IdentityNamespace;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevisions;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.FrameworkWiring;
import org.osgi.resource.Namespace;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;

 * Bootstrap class for the platform. It is responsible for setting up the
 * platform class loader and passing control to the actual application class
public final class InternalPlatform {

	private static final String[] ARCH_LIST = { Platform.ARCH_AARCH64, Platform.ARCH_X86, Platform.ARCH_X86_64 };

	public static final StackWalker STACK_WALKER = StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);

	// debug support:  set in loadOptions()
	public static boolean DEBUG = false;
	public static boolean DEBUG_PLUGIN_PREFERENCES = false;

	private boolean splashEnded = false;
	private volatile boolean initialized;
	private static final String KEYRING = "-keyring"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	private String keyringFile;

	private ConcurrentMap logs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(5);

	private static final String[] OS_LIST = { Platform.OS_LINUX, Platform.OS_MACOSX, Platform.OS_WIN32 };
	private String password = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
	private static final String PASSWORD = "-password"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	public static final String PROP_APPLICATION = "eclipse.application"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_ARCH = "osgi.arch"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_CONFIG_AREA = "osgi.configuration.area"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_CONSOLE_LOG = "eclipse.consoleLog"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_DEBUG = "osgi.debug"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_DEV = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// OSGI system properties.  Copied from EclipseStarter
	public static final String PROP_INSTALL_AREA = "osgi.install.area"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_NL = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_OS = "osgi.os"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// OSGI IDE specific property, copied from DataArea
	private static final String PROP_REQUIRES_EXPLICIT_INIT = "osgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit"; //$NON-NLS-1$ ;

	// Eclipse System Properties
	public static final String PROP_PRODUCT = "eclipse.product"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_WS = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
	public static final String PROP_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS = "eclipse.activateRuntimePlugins"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	private static final InternalPlatform singleton = new InternalPlatform();

	private static final String[] WS_LIST = { Platform.WS_COCOA, Platform.WS_GTK, Platform.WS_WIN32, Platform.WS_WPF };
	private IPath cachedInstanceLocation; // Cache the path of the instance location
	private ServiceTracker configurationLocation = null;
	private BundleContext context;
	private FrameworkWiring fwkWiring;

	private Map> groupProviders = new HashMap<>(3);
	private ServiceTracker installLocation = null;
	private ServiceTracker instanceLocation = null;
	private ServiceTracker userLocation = null;

	private Plugin runtimeInstance; // Keep track of the plugin object for runtime in case the backward compatibility is run.

	private ServiceRegistration legacyPreferencesService = null;
	private ServiceRegistration customPreferencesService = null;

	private ServiceTracker environmentTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker logTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker platformTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker debugTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker contentTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker preferencesTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker groupProviderTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker logReaderTracker = null;
	private ServiceTracker extendedLogTracker = null;

	private IProduct product;

	public static InternalPlatform getDefault() {
		return singleton;

	 * Private constructor to block instance creation.
	private InternalPlatform() {

	 * @see Platform#addLogListener(ILogListener)
	public void addLogListener(ILogListener listener) {

	private void assertInitialized() {
		//avoid the Policy.bind if assertion is true
		if (!initialized)
			Assert.isTrue(false, Messages.meta_appNotInit);

	 * @see Platform#endSplash()
	public void endSplash() {
		synchronized (this) {
			if (splashEnded)
				return; // do not do this more than once
			splashEnded = true;
		final String filter = "(eclipse.application.type=main.thread)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
		ServiceCaller.callOnce(InternalPlatform.class, IApplicationContext.class,
				filter, IApplicationContext::applicationRunning);

	 * @see Platform#getAdapterManager()
	public IAdapterManager getAdapterManager() {
		return AdapterManager.getDefault();

	 * XXX Use the Environment info service. Need to see how to set the value of the app args.
	public String[] getApplicationArgs() {
		return CommandLineArgs.getApplicationArgs();

	public boolean getBooleanOption(String option, boolean defaultValue) {
		String value = getOption(option);
		return value == null ? defaultValue : Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

	public BundleContext getBundleContext() {
		return context;

	 * Returns the bundle id of the bundle that contains the provided object, or
	 * null if the bundle could not be determined.
	public String getBundleId(Object object) {
		if (object == null)
			return null;
		Bundle source = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(object.getClass());
		if (source != null && source.getSymbolicName() != null)
			return source.getSymbolicName();

		return null;

	public IBundleGroupProvider[] getBundleGroupProviders() {
		return groupProviderTracker.getServices(new IBundleGroupProvider[0]);

	public void registerBundleGroupProvider(IBundleGroupProvider provider) {
		// get the bundle context and register the provider as a service
		ServiceRegistration registration = getBundleContext().registerService(IBundleGroupProvider.class, provider, null);
		// store the service registration (map provider -> registration)
		synchronized (groupProviders) {
			groupProviders.put(provider, registration);

	public void unregisterBundleGroupProvider(IBundleGroupProvider provider) {
		// get the service reference (map provider -> reference)
		ServiceRegistration registration;
		synchronized (groupProviders) {
			registration = groupProviders.remove(provider);
		if (registration == null)
		// unregister the provider

	public Bundle getBundle(String symbolicName) {
		Stream bundles = getBundles0(symbolicName, null);
		return bundles.findFirst().orElse(null);

	public Bundle[] getBundles(String symbolicName, String versionRange) {
		Stream result = getBundles0(symbolicName, versionRange);
		Bundle[] results = result.toArray(Bundle[]::new);
		return results.length > 0 ? results : null;

	static final Comparator DESCENDING_BUNDLE_VERION = Comparator.comparing(Bundle::getVersion).reversed();

	private Stream getBundles0(String symbolicName, String versionRange) {
		if (!isRunning()) {
			return Stream.empty();
		if (Constants.SYSTEM_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME.equals(symbolicName)) {
			symbolicName = context.getBundle(Constants.SYSTEM_BUNDLE_LOCATION).getSymbolicName();
		Map directives = Map.of(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE,
				getRequirementFilter(symbolicName, versionRange));
		Collection matchingBundleCapabilities = fwkWiring.findProviders(ModuleContainer
				.createRequirement(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, directives, Collections.emptyMap()));

		return -> c.getRevision().getBundle())
				// Remove all the bundles that are installed or uninstalled
				.filter(bundle -> (bundle.getState() & (Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.UNINSTALLED)) == 0)
				.sorted(DESCENDING_BUNDLE_VERION); // highest version first

	private String getRequirementFilter(String symbolicName, String versionRange) {
		String identity = "(" + IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE + "=" + symbolicName + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
		if (versionRange == null) {
			return identity;
		String version = new VersionRange(versionRange).toFilterString(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE);
		return "(&" + identity + version + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

	public String[] getCommandLineArgs() {
		return CommandLineArgs.getAllArgs();

	public Location getConfigurationLocation() {
		return configurationLocation.getService();

	 * Lazy initialize ContentTypeManager - it can only be used after the registry is up and running
	public IContentTypeManager getContentTypeManager() {
		return contentTracker == null ? null : contentTracker.getService();

	public EnvironmentInfo getEnvironmentInfoService() {
		return environmentTracker == null ? null : environmentTracker.getService();

	public FrameworkLog getFrameworkLog() {
		return logTracker == null ? null : logTracker.getService();

	public Bundle[] getFragments(Bundle bundle) {
		BundleWiring wiring = bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
		if (wiring == null) {
			return null;
		List hostWires = wiring.getProvidedWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
		if (hostWires == null) {
			// we don't hold locks while checking the graph, just return if no longer valid
			return null;
		Bundle[] result = -> wire.getRequirer().getBundle()).filter(Objects::nonNull)
		return result.length > 0 ? result : null;

	public Bundle[] getHosts(Bundle bundle) {
		BundleWiring wiring = bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
		if (wiring == null) {
			return null;
		List hostWires = wiring.getRequiredWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
		if (hostWires == null) {
			// we don't hold locks while checking the graph, just return if no longer valid
			return null;
		Bundle[] result = -> wire.getProvider().getBundle()).filter(Objects::nonNull)
		return result.length > 0 ? result : null;

	public Location getInstallLocation() {
		return installLocation.getService();

	public URL getInstallURL() {
		Location location = getInstallLocation();
		// it is pretty much impossible for the install location to be null.  If it is, the
		// system is in a bad way so throw and exception and get the heck outta here.
		if (location == null)
			throw new IllegalStateException("The installation location must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return location.getURL();

	public Location getInstanceLocation() {
		return instanceLocation.getService();

	 * @see Platform#getLocation()
	public IPath getLocation() throws IllegalStateException {
		if (cachedInstanceLocation == null) {
			Location location = getInstanceLocation();
			if (location == null) {
				return null;
			if (!location.isSet()) {
				boolean explicitInitRequired = Boolean
				if (explicitInitRequired) {
					// See bug 514333: don't allow clients to initialize instance location if the
					// instance area is not explicitly defined yet
					throw new IllegalStateException(CommonMessages.meta_instanceDataUnspecified);

			// Note: if not explicitly set, this call will resolve to default location
			// therefore we have the check above, but only if PROP_REQUIRES_EXPLICIT_INIT is set.
			URL url = location.getURL();
			if (url == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Instance location is not (yet) set"); //$NON-NLS-1$
			//	This makes the assumption that the instance location is a file: URL
			File file = new File(url.getFile());
			cachedInstanceLocation = IPath.fromOSString(file.toString());
		return cachedInstanceLocation;

	 * Returns a log for the given plugin. Creates a new one if needed.
	 * XXX change this into a LogMgr service that would keep track of the map. See if it can be a service factory.
	 * It would contain all the logging methods that are here.
	 * Relate to RuntimeLog if appropriate.
	 * The system log listener needs to be optional: turned on or off. What about a system property? :-)
	public ILog getLog(Bundle bundle) {
		if (isRunning()) {
			return logs.computeIfAbsent(bundle, b -> {
				ExtendedLogService logService = extendedLogTracker.getService();
				Logger logger = logService != null ? logService.getLogger(b, PlatformLogWriter.EQUINOX_LOGGER_NAME)
						: null;
				Log log = new Log(b, logger);
				ExtendedLogReaderService logReader = logReaderTracker.getService();
				if (logReader != null) {
					logReader.addLogListener(log, log);
				return log;
		return new Log(bundle, null);

	public String getNL() {
		return getBundleContext().getProperty(PROP_NL);

	 * Unicode locale extensions are defined using command line parameter -nlExtensions,
	 * or the system property "".
	public String getNLExtensions() {
		String nlExtensions = PlatformActivator.getContext().getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (nlExtensions == null)
			return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (!nlExtensions.startsWith("@")) //$NON-NLS-1$
			nlExtensions = '@' + nlExtensions;
		return nlExtensions;

	 * @see Platform
	public String getOption(String option) {
		DebugOptions options = getDebugOptions();
		if (options != null)
			return options.getOption(option);
		return null;

	public String getOS() {
		return getBundleContext().getProperty(PROP_OS);

	public String getOSArch() {
		return getBundleContext().getProperty(PROP_ARCH);

	public PlatformAdmin getPlatformAdmin() {
		return platformTracker == null ? null : platformTracker.getService();

	public IPreferencesService getPreferencesService() {
		return preferencesTracker == null ? null : preferencesTracker.getService();

	 * XXX move this into the app model.
	public IProduct getProduct() {
		if (product != null)
			return product;
		EclipseAppContainer container = Activator.getContainer();
		IBranding branding = container == null ? null : container.getBranding();
		if (branding == null)
			return null;
		Object brandingProduct = branding.getProduct();
		if (!(brandingProduct instanceof IProduct))
			brandingProduct = new Product(branding);
		product = (IProduct) brandingProduct;
		return product;

	public IExtensionRegistry getRegistry() {
		return RegistryFactory.getRegistry();

	 * XXX deprecate and use NLS or BundleFinder.find()
	public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Bundle bundle) {
		return ResourceTranslator.getResourceBundle(bundle);

	 * XXX deprecate and use NLS or BundleFinder.find()
	public String getResourceString(Bundle bundle, String value) {
		return ResourceTranslator.getResourceString(bundle, value);

	 * XXX deprecate and use NLS or BundleFinder.find()
	public String getResourceString(Bundle bundle, String value, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
		return ResourceTranslator.getResourceString(bundle, value, resourceBundle);

	 * This method is only used to register runtime once compatibility has been started.
	public Plugin getRuntimeInstance() {
		return runtimeInstance;

	 * XXX Investigate the usage of a service factory
	public IPath getStateLocation(Bundle bundle) {
		return getStateLocation(bundle, true);

	public IPath getStateLocation(Bundle bundle, boolean create) throws IllegalStateException {
		IPath result = MetaDataKeeper.getMetaArea().getStateLocation(bundle);
		if (create)
		return result;

	public long getStateTimeStamp() {
		PlatformAdmin admin = getPlatformAdmin();
		return admin == null ? -1 : admin.getState(false).getTimeStamp();

	public Location getUserLocation() {
		return userLocation.getService();

	public String getWS() {
		return getBundleContext().getProperty(PROP_WS);

	private void initializeAuthorizationHandler() {
		try {
		} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
			// The authorization fragment is not available. If someone tries to use that API, an error will be logged

	 * Finds and loads the options file
	void initializeDebugFlags() {
		// load runtime options
		DEBUG = getBooleanOption(Platform.PI_RUNTIME + "/debug", false); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (DEBUG) {
			DEBUG_PLUGIN_PREFERENCES = getBooleanOption(Platform.PI_RUNTIME + "/preferences/plugin", false); //$NON-NLS-1$

	public boolean isFragment(Bundle bundle) {
		BundleRevisions bundleRevisions = bundle.adapt(BundleRevisions.class);
		List revisions = bundleRevisions.getRevisions();
		if (revisions.isEmpty()) {
			// bundle is uninstalled and not current users; just return false
			return false;
		return (revisions.get(0).getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0;

	 *XXX do what you want to do. track osgi, track runtime, or whatever.
	public boolean isRunning() {
		try {
			return initialized && context != null && context.getBundle().getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE;
		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
			return false;

	 * Returns a list of known system architectures.
	 * @return the list of system architectures known to the system
	 * XXX This is useless
	public String[] knownOSArchValues() {
		return ARCH_LIST;

	 * Returns a list of known operating system names.
	 * @return the list of operating systems known to the system
	 * XXX This is useless
	public String[] knownOSValues() {
		return OS_LIST;

	 * Returns a list of known windowing system names.
	 * @return the list of window systems known to the system
	 * XXX This is useless
	public String[] knownWSValues() {
		return WS_LIST;

	private void processCommandLine(String[] args) {
		if (args == null || args.length == 0)

		for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
			// check for args with parameters
			if (i == args.length - 1 || args[i + 1].startsWith("-")) //$NON-NLS-1$
			String arg = args[++i];

			// look for the keyring file
			if (args[i - 1].equalsIgnoreCase(KEYRING))
				keyringFile = arg;
			// look for the user password.
			if (args[i - 1].equalsIgnoreCase(PASSWORD))
				password = arg;

	 * @see Platform#removeLogListener(ILogListener)
	public void removeLogListener(ILogListener listener) {

	 * This method is only used to register runtime once compatibility has been started.
	public void setRuntimeInstance(Plugin runtime) {
		runtimeInstance = runtime;

	 * Internal method for starting up the platform.  The platform is not started with any location
	 * and should not try to access the instance data area.
	 * Note: the content type manager must be initialized only after the registry has been created
	public void start(BundleContext runtimeContext) {
		this.context = runtimeContext;
		this.fwkWiring = runtimeContext.getBundle(Constants.SYSTEM_BUNDLE_LOCATION).adapt(FrameworkWiring.class);
		splashEnded = false;
		initialized = true;

	 * Shutdown runtime pieces in this order:
	 * Content[auto shutdown] -> Preferences[auto shutdown] -> Registry -> Jobs.
	 * The "auto" shutdown takes place before this code is executed
	public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) {
		stopServices(); // should be done after preferences shutdown
		initialized = false;
		context = null;

	private void openOSGiTrackers() {
		instanceLocation = createOpenTracker(Location.INSTANCE_FILTER);
		userLocation = createOpenTracker(Location.USER_FILTER);
		configurationLocation = createOpenTracker(Location.CONFIGURATION_FILTER);
		installLocation = createOpenTracker(Location.INSTALL_FILTER);
		logTracker = createOpenTracker(FrameworkLog.class);
		platformTracker = createOpenTracker(PlatformAdmin.class);
		contentTracker = createOpenTracker(IContentTypeManager.class);
		preferencesTracker = createOpenTracker(IPreferencesService.class);
		groupProviderTracker = createOpenTracker("(objectClass=" + IBundleGroupProvider.class.getName() + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		logReaderTracker = createOpenTracker(ExtendedLogReaderService.class);
		extendedLogTracker = createOpenTracker(ExtendedLogService.class);
		environmentTracker = createOpenTracker(EnvironmentInfo.class);
		debugTracker = createOpenTracker(DebugOptions.class);

	private  ServiceTracker createOpenTracker(String filterStr) {
		try {
			Filter filter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(filterStr);
			ServiceTracker tracker = new ServiceTracker<>(context, filter, null);;
			return tracker;
		} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
			// It should never happen as we have tested the above format.
			throw new AssertionError("Invalid service tracker filter"); //$NON-NLS-1$

	private  ServiceTracker createOpenTracker(Class service) {
		ServiceTracker tracker = new ServiceTracker<>(context, service, null);;
		return tracker;

	private void startServices() {
		// The check for getProduct() is relatively expensive (about 3% of the headless startup),
		// so we don't want to enforce it here.
		customPreferencesService = context.registerService(IProductPreferencesService.class, new ProductPreferencesService(), new Hashtable<>());

		legacyPreferencesService = context.registerService(ILegacyPreferences.class, new InitLegacyPreferences(), new Hashtable<>());

	private void stopServices() {
		if (legacyPreferencesService != null) {
			legacyPreferencesService = null;
		if (customPreferencesService != null) {
			customPreferencesService = null;

	private DebugOptions getDebugOptions() {
		return debugTracker == null ? null : debugTracker.getService();

	private void closeOSGITrackers() {
		ExtendedLogReaderService logReader = logReaderTracker.getService();
		if (logReader != null) {
			logs.forEach((b, log) -> logReader.removeLogListener(log));

	private static void closeTracker(ServiceTracker tracker) {
		if (tracker != null) {

	 * Print a debug message to the console.
	 * Pre-pend the message with the current date and the name of the current thread.
	public static void message(String message) {
		System.out.println(String.format("%s - [%s] %s", new Date(), Thread.currentThread().getName(), message)); //$NON-NLS-1$

	public static void start(Bundle bundle) throws BundleException {
		int originalState = bundle.getState();
		if ((originalState & Bundle.ACTIVE) != 0)
			return; // bundle is already active
		try {
			// attempt to activate the bundle
		} catch (BundleException e) {
			if ((originalState & Bundle.STARTING) != 0 && (bundle.getState() & Bundle.STARTING) != 0)
				// This can happen if the bundle was in the process of being activated on this thread, just return
			throw e;

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