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org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM - Initial API and implementation
 *     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [252996] add resource filtering
 *     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [229633] Group and Project Path Variable Support
 * Francis Lynch (Wind River) - [301563] Save and load tree snapshots
 * Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [306575] Save snapshot location with project
 * Mikael Barbero (Eclipse Foundation) - [286681] handle WAIT_ABANDONED_0 return value
package org.eclipse.core.internal.utils;

import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;

public class Messages extends NLS {
	private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// dtree
	public static String dtree_immutable;
	public static String dtree_malformedTree;
	public static String dtree_missingChild;
	public static String dtree_notFound;
	public static String dtree_notImmutable;
	public static String dtree_reverse;
	public static String dtree_subclassImplement;
	public static String dtree_switchError;

	// events
	public static String events_builderError;
	public static String events_building_0;
	public static String events_building_1;
	public static String events_errors;
	public static String events_instantiate_1;
	public static String events_invoking_1;
	public static String events_invoking_2;
	public static String events_skippingBuilder;
	public static String events_unknown;

	public static String history_copyToNull;
	public static String history_copyToSelf;
	public static String history_errorContentDescription;
	public static String history_notValid;
	public static String history_problemsCleaning;

	public static String links_creating;
	public static String links_errorLinkReconcile;
	public static String links_invalidLocation;
	public static String links_localDoesNotExist;
	public static String links_locationOverlapsLink;
	public static String links_locationOverlapsProject;
	public static String links_natureVeto;
	public static String links_noPath;
	public static String links_overlappingResource;
	public static String links_parentNotAccessible;
	public static String links_notFileFolder;
	public static String links_updatingDuplicate;
	public static String links_vetoNature;
	public static String links_workspaceVeto;
	public static String links_wrongLocalType;
	public static String links_resourceIsNotALink;
	public static String links_setLocation;

	public static String group_invalidParent;
	public static String filters_missingFilterType;

	// local store
	public static String localstore_copying;
	public static String localstore_copyProblem;
	public static String localstore_couldnotDelete;
	public static String localstore_couldNotMove;
	public static String localstore_couldNotRead;
	public static String localstore_couldNotWrite;
	public static String localstore_couldNotWriteReadOnly;
	public static String localstore_deleteProblem;
	public static String localstore_deleting;
	public static String localstore_failedReadDuringWrite;
	public static String localstore_fileExists;
	public static String localstore_fileNotFound;
	public static String localstore_locationUndefined;
	public static String localstore_refreshing;
	public static String localstore_refreshingRoot;
	public static String localstore_resourceExists;
	public static String localstore_resourceDoesNotExist;
	public static String localstore_resourceIsOutOfSync;

	// resource mappings and models
	public static String mapping_invalidDef;
	public static String mapping_wrongType;
	public static String mapping_noIdentifier;
	public static String mapping_validate;
	public static String mapping_multiProblems;

	// internal.resources
	public static String natures_duplicateNature;
	public static String natures_hasCycle;
	public static String natures_invalidDefinition;
	public static String natures_invalidRemoval;
	public static String natures_invalidSet;
	public static String natures_missingIdentifier;
	public static String natures_missingNature;
	public static String natures_missingPrerequisite;
	public static String natures_multipleSetMembers;

	public static String pathvar_beginLetter;
	public static String pathvar_invalidChar;
	public static String pathvar_invalidValue;
	public static String pathvar_length;
	public static String pathvar_undefined;
	public static String pathvar_whitespace;

	public static String preferences_deleteException;
	public static String preferences_loadException;
	public static String preferences_operationCanceled;
	public static String preferences_removeNodeException;
	public static String preferences_clearNodeException;
	public static String preferences_saveProblems;
	public static String preferences_syncException;

	public static String projRead_badArguments;
	public static String projRead_badFilterName;
	public static String projRead_badFilterID;
	public static String projRead_badFilterType;
	public static String projRead_badFilterType2;
	public static String projRead_badID;
	public static String projRead_badLinkLocation;
	public static String projRead_badLinkName;
	public static String projRead_badLinkType;
	public static String projRead_badLinkType2;
	public static String projRead_badLocation;
	public static String projRead_badSnapshotLocation;
	public static String projRead_cannotReadSnapshot;
	public static String projRead_emptyFilterName;
	public static String projRead_emptyLinkName;
	public static String projRead_emptyVariableName;
	public static String projRead_failureReadingProjectDesc;
	public static String projRead_notProjectDescription;
	public static String projRead_whichKey;
	public static String projRead_whichValue;
	public static String projRead_missingProjectName;

	public static String properties_couldNotClose;
	public static String properties_qualifierIsNull;
	public static String properties_readProperties;
	public static String properties_valueTooLong;

	// auto-refresh
	public static String refresh_installError;
	public static String refresh_installMonitorsOnWorkspace;
	public static String refresh_jobName;
	public static String refresh_pollJob;
	public static String refresh_refreshErr;
	public static String refresh_restoreOnInvalid;
	public static String refresh_task;
	public static String refresh_uninstallMonitorsOnWorkspace;

	public static String resources_cannotModify;
	public static String resources_changeInAdd;
	public static String resources_charsetBroadcasting;
	public static String resources_charsetUpdating;
	public static String resources_closing_0;
	public static String resources_closing_1;
	public static String resources_copyDestNotSub;
	public static String resources_copying;
	public static String resources_copying_0;
	public static String resources_copyNotMet;
	public static String resources_copyProblem;
	public static String resources_couldnotDelete;
	public static String resources_create;
	public static String resources_creating;
	public static String resources_deleteMeta;
	public static String resources_deleteProblem;
	public static String resources_deleting;
	public static String resources_deleting_0;
	public static String resources_destNotNull;
	public static String resources_errorContentDescription;
	public static String resources_errorDeleting;
	public static String resources_errorMarkersDelete;
	public static String resources_errorMarkersMove;
	public static String resources_wrongMarkerAttributeValueType;
	public static String resources_errorMembers;
	public static String resources_errorMoving;
	public static String resources_errorMultiRefresh;
	public static String resources_errorNature;
	public static String resources_errorPropertiesMove;
	public static String resources_errorReadProject;
	public static String resources_errorRefresh;
	public static String resources_errorValidator;
	public static String resources_errorVisiting;
	public static String resources_existsDifferentCase;
	public static String resources_existsLocalDifferentCase;
	public static String resources_exMasterTable;
	public static String resources_exReadProjectLocation;
	public static String resources_exSafeRead;
	public static String resources_exSafeSave;
	public static String resources_exSaveMaster;
	public static String resources_exSaveProjectLocation;
	public static String resources_fileExists;
	public static String resources_fileToProj;
	public static String resources_flushingContentDescriptionCache;
	public static String resources_folderOverFile;
	public static String resources_format;
	public static String resources_initHook;
	public static String resources_initTeamHook;
	public static String resources_initValidator;
	public static String resources_invalidCharInName;
	public static String resources_invalidCharInPath;
	public static String resources_invalidName;
	public static String resources_invalidPath;
	public static String resources_invalidProjDesc;
	public static String resources_invalidResourceName;
	public static String resources_invalidRoot;
	public static String resources_markerNotFound;
	public static String resources_missingProjectMeta;
	public static String resources_missingProjectMetaRepaired;
	public static String resources_moveDestNotSub;
	public static String resources_moveMeta;
	public static String resources_moveNotMet;
	public static String resources_moveNotProject;
	public static String resources_moveProblem;
	public static String resources_moveRoot;
	public static String resources_moving;
	public static String resources_moving_0;
	public static String resources_mustBeAbsolute;
	public static String resources_mustBeLocal;
	public static String resources_mustBeOpen;
	public static String resources_mustExist;
	public static String resources_mustNotExist;
	public static String resources_nameEmpty;
	public static String resources_nameNull;
	public static String resources_natureClass;
	public static String resources_natureDeconfig;
	public static String resources_natureExtension;
	public static String resources_natureFormat;
	public static String resources_natureImplement;
	public static String resources_notChild;
	public static String resources_oneHook;
	public static String resources_oneTeamHook;
	public static String resources_oneValidator;
	public static String resources_opening_1;
	public static String resources_overlapWorkspace;
	public static String resources_overlapProject;
	public static String resources_pathNull;
	public static String resources_projectDesc;
	public static String resources_projectDescSync;
	public static String resources_projectMustNotBeOpen;
	public static String resources_projectPath;
	public static String resources_pruningHistory;
	public static String resources_reading;
	public static String resources_readingEncoding;
	public static String resources_readingSnap;
	public static String resources_readMarkers;
	public static String resources_readMeta;
	public static String resources_readMetaWrongVersion;
	public static String resources_readOnly;
	public static String resources_readOnly2;
	public static String resources_readProjectMeta;
	public static String resources_readProjectTree;
	public static String resources_readSync;
	public static String resources_readWorkspaceMeta;
	public static String resources_readWorkspaceMetaValue;
	public static String resources_readWorkspaceSnap;
	public static String resources_readWorkspaceTree;
	public static String resources_refreshing;
	public static String resources_refreshingRoot;
	public static String resources_resetMarkers;
	public static String resources_resetSync;
	public static String resources_resourcePath;
	public static String resources_saveOp;
	public static String resources_saveProblem;
	public static String resources_saveWarnings;
	public static String resources_saving_0;
	public static String resources_savingEncoding;
	public static String resources_setDesc;
	public static String resources_setLocal;
	public static String resources_settingCharset;
	public static String resources_settingContents;
	public static String resources_settingDefaultCharsetContainer;
	public static String resources_settingDerivedFlag;
	public static String resources_shutdown;
	public static String resources_shutdownProblems;
	public static String resources_snapInit;
	public static String resources_snapRead;
	public static String resources_snapRequest;
	public static String resources_snapshot;
	public static String resources_startupProblems;
	public static String resources_touch;
	public static String resources_updating;
	public static String resources_updatingEncoding;
	public static String resources_workspaceClosed;
	public static String resources_workspaceClosedStatic;
	public static String resources_workspaceOpen;
	public static String resources_writeMeta;
	public static String resources_writeWorkspaceMeta;
	public static String resources_errorResourceIsFiltered;
	public static String resources_checkExplicitEncoding_jobName;
	public static String resources_checkExplicitEncoding_taskName;
	public static String resources_checkExplicitEncoding_problemText;

	public static String synchronizer_partnerNotRegistered;

	// URL
	public static String url_badVariant;
	public static String url_couldNotResolve_projectDoesNotExist;
	public static String url_couldNotResolve_URLProtocolHandlerCanNotResolveURL;
	public static String url_couldNotResolve_resourceLocationCanNotBeDetermined;

	// utils
	public static String utils_clone;
	public static String utils_stringJobName;
	// watson
	public static String watson_elementNotFound;
	public static String watson_illegalSubtree;
	public static String watson_immutable;
	public static String watson_noModify;
	public static String watson_nullArg;
	public static String watson_unknown;

	// auto-refresh win32 native
	public static String WM_beginTask;
	public static String WM_errCloseHandle;
	public static String WM_errCreateHandle;
	public static String WM_errFindChange;
	public static String WM_errors;
	public static String WM_jobName;
	public static String WM_nativeErr;
	public static String WM_mutexAbandoned;

	public static String updateUnknownNatureMarkers;

	static {
		// initialize resource bundles
		NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class);

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