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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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# Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [252996] add resource filtering
#     Serge Beauchamp (Freescale Semiconductor) - [229633] Group and Project Path Variable Support
# Francis Lynch (Wind River) - [301563] Save and load tree snapshots
# Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - [306575] Save snapshot location with project
# Mikael Barbero (Eclipse Foundation) - [286681] handle WAIT_ABANDONED_0 return value
### Resources plugin messages.

### dtree
dtree_immutable = Illegal attempt to modify an immutable tree: {0}.
dtree_malformedTree = Malformed tree.
dtree_missingChild = Missing child node: {0}.
dtree_notFound = Tree element ''{0}'' not found.
dtree_notImmutable = Tree must be immutable.
dtree_reverse = Tried to reverse a non-comparison tree.
dtree_subclassImplement = Subclass should have implemented this.
dtree_switchError = Switch error in DeltaTreeReader.readNode().

### events
events_builderError = Errors running builder ''{0}'' on project ''{1}''.
events_building_0 = Building
events_building_1 = Building ''{0}''
events_errors = Errors occurred during the build.
events_instantiate_1 = Error instantiating builder ''{0}''.
events_invoking_1 = Invoking builder on ''{0}''.
events_invoking_2 = Invoking ''{0}'' on ''{1}''.
events_skippingBuilder = Skipping builder ''{0}'' for project ''{1}''. Either the builder is missing from the install, or it belongs to a project nature that is missing or disabled.
events_unknown = {0} encountered while running {1}.

history_copyToNull = Unable to copy local history to or from a null location.
history_copyToSelf = Unable to copy local history to and from the same location.
history_errorContentDescription = Error retrieving content description for local history for: ''{0}''.
history_notValid = State is not valid or might have expired.
history_problemsCleaning = Problems cleaning up history store.

links_creating = Creating link.
links_errorLinkReconcile = Error processing changed links in project description file.
links_invalidLocation = ''{0}'' is not a valid location for linked resources.
links_localDoesNotExist = Cannot create linked resource.  Local location ''{0}'' does not exist.
links_locationOverlapsLink = ''{0}'' is not a valid location because the project contains a linked resource at that location.
links_locationOverlapsProject = Cannot create a link to ''{0}'' because it overlaps the location of the project that contains the linked resource.
links_natureVeto = Linking is not allowed because project nature ''{0}'' does not allow it.
links_noPath = A Link location must be specified.
links_overlappingResource = Location ''{0}'' may overlap another resource. This can cause unexpected side-effects.
links_updatingDuplicate = Updating duplicate resource: ''{0}''.
links_parentNotAccessible = Cannot create linked resource ''{0}''.  The parent resource is not accessible.
links_notFileFolder = Cannot create linked resource ''{0}''.  Only files and folders can be linked.
links_vetoNature = Cannot add nature because project ''{0}'' contains linked resources, and nature ''{1}'' does not allow it.
links_workspaceVeto = Linked resources are not supported by this application.
links_wrongLocalType = Cannot create linked resource ''{0}''.  Files cannot be linked to folders.
links_resourceIsNotALink=Resource ''{0}'' must be a linked resource to change its linked location.
links_setLocation=Changing link location.

group_invalidParent = Only virtual folders and links can be created under a virtual folder.

filters_missingFilterType= Missing resource filter type: ''{0}''.

### local store
localstore_copying = Copying ''{0}''.
localstore_copyProblem = Problems encountered while copying resources.
localstore_couldnotDelete = Could not delete ''{0}''.
localstore_couldNotMove = Could not move ''{0}''.
localstore_couldNotRead = Could not read file ''{0}''.
localstore_couldNotWrite = Could not write file ''{0}''.
localstore_couldNotWriteReadOnly = Could not write to read-only file: ''{0}''.
localstore_deleteProblem = Problems encountered while deleting resources.
localstore_deleting = Deleting ''{0}''.
localstore_failedReadDuringWrite = Could not read from source when writing file ''{0}''
localstore_fileExists = A resource already exists on disk ''{0}''.
localstore_fileNotFound = File not found: {0}.
localstore_locationUndefined = The location for ''{0}'' could not be determined because it is based on an undefined path variable.
localstore_refreshing = Refreshing ''{0}''.
localstore_refreshingRoot = Refreshing files.
localstore_resourceExists = Resource already exists on disk: ''{0}''.
localstore_resourceDoesNotExist = Resource does not exist on disk: ''{0}''.
localstore_resourceIsOutOfSync = Resource is out of sync with the file system: ''{0}''.

### Resource mappings and models
mapping_invalidDef = Model provider extension found with invalid definition: {0}.
mapping_wrongType = Model provider ''{0}'' does not extend ModelProvider.
mapping_noIdentifier = Found model provider extension with no identifier; ignoring extension.
mapping_validate = Validating resource changes
mapping_multiProblems = Multiple potential side effects have been identified.

### internal.resources
natures_duplicateNature = Duplicate nature: {0}.
natures_hasCycle = Nature is invalid because its prerequisites form a cycle: {0}
natures_missingIdentifier = Found nature extension with no identifier; ignoring extension.
natures_missingNature = Unknown referenced nature: {0}.
natures_missingPrerequisite = Nature {0} is missing prerequisite nature: {1}.
natures_multipleSetMembers = Multiple natures found for nature set: {0}.
natures_invalidDefinition = Nature extension found with invalid definition: {0}.
natures_invalidRemoval = Cannot remove nature {0} because it is a prerequisite of nature {1}.
natures_invalidSet = The set of natures is not valid.

pathvar_length = Path variable name must have a length > 0.
pathvar_beginLetter = Path variable name must begin with a letter or underscore.
pathvar_invalidChar = Path variable name cannot contain character: {0}.
pathvar_invalidValue = Path variable value must be valid and absolute.
pathvar_undefined = ''{0}'' is not a valid location. The location is relative to undefined workspace path variable ''{1}''.
pathvar_whitespace= Path variable name cannot contain whitespace

### preferences
preferences_deleteException=Exception deleting file: {0}.
preferences_loadException=Exception loading preferences from: {0}.
preferences_operationCanceled=Operation canceled.
preferences_removeNodeException=Exception while removing preference node: {0}.
preferences_clearNodeException=Exception while clearing preference node: {0}.
preferences_saveProblems=Exception occurred while saving project preferences: {0}.
preferences_syncException=Exception occurred while synchronizing node: {0}.

updateUnknownNatureMarkers=Update markers for unknown nature on projects

projRead_badLinkName = Names ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single link.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_badLinkType2 = Types ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single link.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_badLocation = Locations ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single link.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_emptyLinkName = Empty name detected for linked resource with type ''{0}'' and location ''{1}''.
projRead_badLinkType = Illegal link type \"-1\" detected for linked resource with name ''{0}'' and location ''{1}''.
projRead_badLinkLocation = Empty location detected for linked resource with name ''{0}'' and type ''{1}''.
projRead_whichKey = Two values detected for an argument name in a build command:  ''{0}'' and ''{1}''.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_whichValue = Two values detected for an argument value in a build command:  ''{0}'' and ''{1}''.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_notProjectDescription = Encountered element name ''{0}'' instead of \"project\" when trying to read a project description file.
projRead_badSnapshotLocation = Invalid resource snapshot location URI ''{0}'' is not absolute.
projRead_cannotReadSnapshot = Failed to read resource snapshot for project ''{0}'': {1}
projRead_failureReadingProjectDesc = Failure occurred reading .project file.
projRead_missingProjectName = Missing project name.

projRead_emptyVariableName = Empty variable name detected in project "{0}\".

projRead_badFilterName = Names ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single filter.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_emptyFilterName = Empty name detected for filtered resource with type ''{0}'' and id ''{1}''.
projRead_badFilterID = Empty filter id detected for filtered resource with name ''{0}'' and type ''{1}''.
projRead_badFilterType = Illegal filter type \"-1\" detected for filtered resource with name ''{0}'' and id ''{1}''.
projRead_badFilterType2 = Types ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single filter.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_badID = IDs ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single filter.  Using ''{0}''.
projRead_badArguments= Arguments ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' detected for a single filter.  Using ''{0}''.

properties_qualifierIsNull = Qualifier part of property key cannot be null.
properties_readProperties = Failure while reading persistent properties for resource ''{0}'', file was corrupt. Some properties may have been lost.
properties_valueTooLong = Could not set property: {0} {1}. Value is too long.
properties_couldNotClose = Could not close property store for: {0}.

### auto-refresh
refresh_jobName = Refreshing workspace
refresh_task = Resources to refresh: {0}
refresh_pollJob = Searching for local changes
refresh_refreshErr = Problems occurred while refreshing local changes
refresh_restoreOnInvalid = Restore auto-refresh monitors on invalid resources
refresh_installError = An error occurred while installing an auto-refresh monitor
refresh_installMonitorsOnWorkspace = Installing auto-refresh monitors on the workspace
refresh_uninstallMonitorsOnWorkspace = Uninstalling auto-refresh monitors from the workspace

resources_cannotModify = The resource tree is locked for modifications.
resources_changeInAdd = Trying to change a marker in an add method.
resources_charsetBroadcasting = Reporting encoding changes.
resources_charsetUpdating = Updating encoding settings.
resources_closing_0 = Closing workspace.
resources_closing_1 = Closing ''{0}''.
resources_copyDestNotSub = Cannot copy ''{0}''.  Destination should not be under source''s hierarchy.
resources_copying = Copying ''{0}''.
resources_copying_0 = Copying.
resources_copyNotMet = Copy requirements not met.
resources_copyProblem = Problems encountered while copying resources.
resources_couldnotDelete = Could not delete ''{0}''.
resources_create = Create.
resources_creating = Creating resource ''{0}''.
resources_deleteMeta = Could not delete metadata for ''{0}''.
resources_deleteProblem = Problems encountered while deleting resources.
resources_deleting = Deleting ''{0}''.
resources_deleting_0 = Deleting.
resources_destNotNull = Destination path should not be null.
resources_errorContentDescription = Error retrieving content description for resource ''{0}''.
resources_errorDeleting = Error deleting resource ''{0}'' from the workspace tree.
resources_errorMarkersDelete = Error deleting markers for resource ''{0}''.
resources_errorMarkersMove = Error moving markers from resource ''{0}'' to ''{1}''.
resources_wrongMarkerAttributeValueType = "The attribute value type is {0} and expected is one of java.lang.String, Boolean, Integer"
resources_errorMembers = Error retrieving members of container ''{0}''.
resources_errorMoving = Error moving resource ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' in the workspace tree.
resources_errorNature = Error configuring nature ''{0}''.
resources_errorPropertiesMove = Error moving properties for resource ''{0}'' to ''{1}''.
resources_errorRefresh = Errors occurred during refresh of resource ''{0}''.
resources_errorReadProject = Failed to read project description file from location ''{0}''.
resources_errorMultiRefresh = Errors occurred while refreshing resources with the local file system.
resources_errorValidator = Exception running validator code.
resources_errorVisiting = An error occurred while traversing resources.
resources_existsDifferentCase = A resource exists with a different case: ''{0}''.
resources_existsLocalDifferentCase = A resource exists on disk with a different case: ''{0}''.
resources_exMasterTable = Could not read master table.
resources_exReadProjectLocation = Could not read the project location for ''{0}''.
resources_exSafeRead = Could not read safe table.
resources_exSafeSave = Could not save safe table.
resources_exSaveMaster = Could not save master table to file ''{0}''.
resources_exSaveProjectLocation = Could not save the project location for ''{0}''.
resources_fileExists = A resource already exists on disk ''{0}''.
resources_fileToProj = Cannot copy a file to a project.
resources_flushingContentDescriptionCache = Flushing content description cache.
resources_folderOverFile = Cannot overwrite folder with file ''{0}''.
resources_format = Incompatible file format. Workspace was saved with an incompatible version: {0}.
resources_initValidator = Unable to instantiate validator.
resources_initHook = Unable to instantiate move/delete hook.
resources_initTeamHook = Unable to instantiate team hook.
resources_invalidCharInName = {0} is an invalid character in resource name ''{1}''.
resources_invalidCharInPath = {0} is an invalid character in path ''{1}''.
resources_invalidName = ''{0}'' is an invalid name on this platform.
resources_invalidPath = ''{0}'' is an invalid resource path.
resources_invalidProjDesc = Invalid project description.
resources_invalidResourceName = ''{0}'' is an invalid resource name.
resources_invalidRoot = Root (/) is an invalid resource path.
resources_markerNotFound = Marker id {0} not found.
resources_missingProjectMeta = The project description file (.project) for ''{0}'' is missing.  This file contains important information about the project.  The project will not function properly until this file is restored.
resources_missingProjectMetaRepaired = The project description file (.project) for ''{0}'' was missing.  This file contains important information about the project.  A new project description file has been created, but some information about the project may have been lost.
resources_moveDestNotSub = Cannot move ''{0}''. Destination should not be under source''s hierarchy.
resources_moveMeta = Error moving metadata area from {0} to {1}.
resources_moveNotMet = Move requirements not met.
resources_moveNotProject = Cannot move ''{0}'' to ''{1}''.  Source must be a project.
resources_moveProblem = Problems encountered while moving resources.
resources_moveRoot = Cannot move the workspace root.
resources_moving = Moving ''{0}''.
resources_moving_0 = Moving.
resources_mustBeAbsolute = Path ''{0}'' must be absolute.
resources_mustBeLocal = Resource ''{0}'' is not local.
resources_mustBeOpen = Project ''{0}'' is not open.
resources_mustExist = Resource ''{0}'' does not exist.
resources_mustNotExist = Resource ''{0}'' already exists.
resources_nameEmpty = Name cannot be empty.
resources_nameNull = Name must not be null.
resources_natureClass = Missing project nature class for ''{0}''.
resources_natureDeconfig = Error deconfiguring nature: {0}.
resources_natureExtension = Missing project nature extension for {0}.
resources_natureFormat = Project nature {0} does not specify a runtime attribute.
resources_natureImplement = Project nature {0} does not implement IProjectNature.
resources_notChild = Resource ''{0}'' is not a child of ''{1}''.
resources_oneValidator = There must be exactly 0 or 1 validator extensions defined in the fileModificationValidator extension point.
resources_oneHook = There must be exactly 0 or 1 hook extensions defined in the moveDeleteHook extension point.
resources_oneTeamHook = There must be exactly 0 or 1 hook extensions defined in the teamHook extension point.
resources_opening_1 = Opening ''{0}''.
resources_overlapWorkspace = {0} overlaps the workspace location: {1}
resources_overlapProject = {0} overlaps the location of another project: ''{1}''
resources_pathNull = Paths must not be null.
resources_projectDesc = Problems encountered while setting project description.
resources_projectDescSync = Could not set the project description for ''{0}'' because the project description file (.project) is out of sync with the file system.
resources_projectMustNotBeOpen = Project must not be open.
resources_projectPath = Path for project must have only one segment.
resources_pruningHistory = Pruning history.
resources_reading = Reading.
resources_readingSnap = Reading snapshot.
resources_readingEncoding = Could not read encoding settings.
resources_readMarkers = Failure while reading markers, the marker file was corrupt.  Some markers may be lost.
resources_readMeta = Could not read metadata for ''{0}''.
resources_readMetaWrongVersion = Could not read metadata for ''{0}''. Unexpected version: {1}.
resources_readOnly = Resource ''{0}'' is read-only.
resources_readOnly2 = Cannot edit read-only resources.
resources_readProjectMeta = Failed to read the project description file (.project) for ''{0}''.  The file has been changed on disk, and it now contains invalid information.  The project will not function properly until the description file is restored to a valid state.
resources_readProjectTree = Problems reading project tree.
resources_readSync = Errors reading sync info file: {0}.
resources_readWorkspaceMeta = Could not read workspace metadata.
resources_readWorkspaceMetaValue = Invalid attribute value in workspace metadata: {0}.  Value will be ignored.
resources_readWorkspaceSnap = Problems reading workspace tree snapshot.
resources_readWorkspaceTree = Problems reading workspace tree.
resources_refreshing = Refreshing ''{0}''.
resources_refreshingRoot = Refreshing workspace.
resources_resetMarkers = Could not reset markers snapshot file.
resources_resetSync = Could not reset sync info snapshot file.
resources_resourcePath = Invalid path for resource ''{0}''. Must include project and resource name.
resources_saveOp = Save cannot be called from inside an operation.
resources_saveProblem = Problems occurred during save.
resources_saveWarnings = Save operation warnings.
resources_saving_0 = Saving workspace.
resources_savingEncoding = Could not save encoding settings.
resources_setDesc = Setting project description.
resources_setLocal = Setting resource local flag.
resources_settingCharset = Setting character set for resource ''{0}''.
resources_settingDefaultCharsetContainer = Setting default character set for resource ''{0}''.
resources_settingContents = Setting contents for ''{0}''.
resources_settingDerivedFlag = Setting derived flag for resource ''{0}''.
resources_shutdown = Workspace was not properly initialized or has already shutdown.
resources_shutdownProblems = Problem on shutdown.
resources_snapInit = Could not initialize snapshot file.
resources_snapRead = Could not read snapshot file.
resources_snapRequest = Snapshot requested.
resources_snapshot = Periodic workspace save.
resources_startupProblems = Workspace restored, but some problems occurred.
resources_touch = Touching resource ''{0}''.
resources_updating = Updating workspace
resources_updatingEncoding = Problems encountered while updating encoding settings.
resources_workspaceClosed = Workspace is closed.
resources_workspaceClosedStatic= Workspace is already closed or not ready yet. Consider tracking the org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace service (using your favorite technique, e.g. Declarative Services, ServiceTracker, Blueprint, ...) instead of calling the static method here to prevent such issues!
resources_workspaceOpen = The workspace is already open.
resources_writeMeta = Could not write metadata for ''{0}''.
resources_writeWorkspaceMeta = Could not write workspace metadata ''{0}''.
resources_errorResourceIsFiltered=The resource will be filtered out by its parent resource filters
resources_checkExplicitEncoding_jobName=Checking project encoding
resources_checkExplicitEncoding_taskName=Checking encoding of project ''{0}''
resources_checkExplicitEncoding_problemText=Project ''{0}'' has no explicit encoding set

synchronizer_partnerNotRegistered = Sync partner: {0} not registered with the synchronizer.

### URL
url_badVariant = Unsupported \"platform:\" protocol variation {0}.
url_couldNotResolve_projectDoesNotExist = Project ''{0}'' does not exist.  Could not resolve URL: {1}.
url_couldNotResolve_URLProtocolHandlerCanNotResolveURL = A protocol handler does not exist or can not resolve URL ''{0}'' into URL with file protocol. Could not resolve URL: {1}.
url_couldNotResolve_resourceLocationCanNotBeDetermined = Resource location ''{0}'' can not be determined. Could not resolve URL: {1}.

### utils
utils_clone = Clone not supported.
utils_stringJobName = Compacting resource model

### watson
watson_elementNotFound = Element not found: {0}.
watson_illegalSubtree = Illegal subtree passed to createSubtree().
watson_immutable = Attempt to modify an immutable tree.
watson_noModify = Cannot modify implicit root node.
watson_nullArg = Null argument to {0}.
watson_unknown = Unknown format.

### auto-refresh win32 native
WM_beginTask = finding out of sync resources
WM_jobName = Win32 refresh daemon
WM_errors = Problems occurred refreshing resources
WM_nativeErr = Problem occurred in auto-refresh native code: {0}.
WM_mutexAbandoned = Problem occurred in auto-refresh native code (WAIT_ABANDONED_0 has been returned for handle ''{0}'').
WM_errCloseHandle = Problem closing native refresh handle: {0}.
WM_errCreateHandle = Problem creating handle for {0}, code: {0}.
WM_errFindChange = Problem finding next change, code: {0}

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