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org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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AspectJ tools most notably contains the AspectJ compiler (AJC). AJC applies aspects to Java classes during compilation, fully replacing Javac for plain Java classes and also compiling native AspectJ or annotation-based @AspectJ syntax. Furthermore, AJC can weave aspects into existing class files in a post-compile binary weaving step. This library is a superset of AspectJ weaver and hence also of AspectJ runtime.

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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development
 *     Lars Vogel  - Bug 473427
package org.eclipse.core.internal.watson;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.AbstractDataTreeNode;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.DataTreeLookup;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.DataTreeNode;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.DeltaDataTree;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.StringPool;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;


* An ElementTree can be viewed as a generic rooted tree that stores a hierarchy * of elements. An element in the tree consists of a (name, data, children) * 3-tuple. The name ({@link #getNamesOfChildren(IPath)}) can be any String, and * the data ({@link #getElementData(IPath)}) can be any Object. The children * ({@link #getChildren(IPath)}) are a collection of zero or more elements that * logically fall below their parent in the tree. The implementation makes no * guarantees about the ordering of children. *

* *

* Elements in the tree are referenced by a key that consists of the names of * all elements on the path from the root to that element in the tree. For * example, if root node "a" has child "b", which has child "c", element "c" can * be referenced in the tree using the key (/a/b/c). Keys are represented using * {@link IPath} objects, where the Paths are relative to the root element of * the tree. *

* *

* Each ElementTree has a single root element that is created implicitly and is * always present in any tree. This root corresponds to the key (/), or the * singleton Path.ROOT. The root element cannot be created or * deleted, and its data and name cannot be set. The root element's children * however can be modified (added, deleted, etc). The root path can be obtained * using the getRoot() method. *

* *

* ElementTrees are modified in generations. The method {@link #newEmptyDelta()} * returns a new tree generation that can be modified arbitrarily by the user. * For the purpose of explanation, we call such a tree "active". When the method * {@link #immutable()} is called, that tree generation is frozen, and can never * again be modified. A tree must be immutable before a new tree generation can * start. Since all ancestor trees are immutable, different active trees can * have ancestors in common without fear of thread corruption problems. *

* *

* Internally, any single tree generation is simply stored as the set of changes * between itself and its most recent ancestor (its parent). This compact delta * representation allows chains of element trees to be created at relatively low * cost. Clients of the ElementTree can instantaneously "undo" sets of changes * by navigating up to the parent tree using the {@link #getParent()} method. *

* *

* Although the delta representation is compact, extremely long delta chains * make for a large structure that is potentially slow to query. For this * reason, the client is encouraged to minimize delta chain lengths using the * {@link #collapseTo(ElementTree)} and {@link DeltaDataTree#makeComplete()} * methods. The entire delta chain can also be re-oriented in terms of the * current element tree using the {@link DeltaDataTree#reroot()} operation. *

* *

* Classes are also available for tree serialization and navigation ( * {@link ElementTreeReader}, {@link ElementTreeWriter}, * {@link ElementTreeIterator} ) *

* * Finally, the package name is called "watson" because - (misquoting Sherlock * Holmes) * *
 * "It's ElementTree my dear Watson, ElementTree."
* * @see DeltaDataTree */ public class ElementTree { protected final DeltaDataTree tree; protected volatile IElementTreeData userData; private static final class ChildIDsCache { ChildIDsCache(IPath path, IPath[] childPaths) { this.path = path; this.childPaths = childPaths; } final IPath path; final IPath[] childPaths; } /** synchronized access **/ private volatile ChildIDsCache childIDsCache = null; /** synchronized access **/ private volatile DataTreeLookup lookupCache = null; /** synchronized access **/ private volatile DataTreeLookup lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; private final static AtomicInteger treeCounter = new AtomicInteger(); private final int treeStamp; /** * Creates a new empty element tree. */ public ElementTree() { this(new DeltaDataTree()); } /** * Creates an element tree given its internal node representation. */ protected ElementTree(DataTreeNode rootNode) { /* create the implicit root node */ this(new DeltaDataTree(new DataTreeNode(null, null, new AbstractDataTreeNode[] { rootNode }))); } /** * Creates a new element tree with the given data tree as its representation. */ protected ElementTree(DeltaDataTree newTree) { // Keep this element tree as the data of the root node. // Useful for canonical results for ElementTree.getParent(). // see getParent(). treeStamp = treeCounter.incrementAndGet(); newTree.setRootData(this); this.tree = newTree; } /** * Creates a new empty delta element tree having the * given tree as its parent. */ protected ElementTree(ElementTree parent) { this(parent.tree.newEmptyDeltaTree()); /* copy the user data forward */ IElementTreeData data = parent.getTreeData(); if (data != null) { userData = (IElementTreeData) data.clone(); } } /** * Collapses this tree so that the given ancestor becomes its * immediate parent. Afterwards, this tree will still have exactly the * same contents, but its internal structure will be compressed. * *

This operation should be used to collapse chains of * element trees created by newEmptyDelta()/immutable(). * *

This element tree must be immutable at the start of this operation, * and will be immutable afterwards. * @return this tree. */ public synchronized ElementTree collapseTo(ElementTree parent) { Assert.isTrue(tree.isImmutable()); if (this == parent) { //already collapsed return this; } //collapse my tree to be a forward delta of the parent's tree. tree.collapseTo(parent.tree, DefaultElementComparator.getComparator()); return this; } /** * Creates the indicated element and sets its element info. * The parent element must be present, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException * is thrown. If the indicated element is already present in the tree, * its element info is replaced and any existing children are * deleted. * * @param key element key * @param data element data, or null */ public synchronized void createElement(IPath key, Object data) { /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return; // Clear the child IDs cache in case it's referring to this parent. This is conservative. childIDsCache = null; IPath parent = key.removeLastSegments(1); try { tree.createChild(parent, key.lastSegment(), data); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(parent); } // Set the lookup to be this newly created object. lookupCache = DataTreeLookup.newLookup(key, true, data, true); lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; } /** * Creates or replaces the subtree below the given path with * the given tree. The subtree can only have one child below * the root, which will become the node specified by the given * key in this tree. * * @param key The path of the new subtree in this tree. * @see #getSubtree(IPath) */ public synchronized void createSubtree(IPath key, ElementTree subtree) { /* don't allow creating subtrees at the root */ if (key.isRoot()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.watson_noModify); } // Clear the child IDs cache in case it's referring to this parent. // This is conservative. childIDsCache = null; // Clear the lookup cache, in case the element being created is the same // as for the last lookup. lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; try { /* don't copy the implicit root node of the subtree */ IPath[] children = subtree.getChildren(subtree.getRoot()); if (children.length != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.watson_illegalSubtree); } /* get the subtree for the specified key */ DataTreeNode node = (DataTreeNode) subtree.tree.copyCompleteSubtree(children[0]); /* insert the subtree in this tree */ tree.createSubtree(key, node); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } /** * Deletes the indicated element and its descendents. * The element must be present. */ public synchronized void deleteElement(IPath key) { /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return; // Clear the child IDs cache in case it's referring to this parent. // This is conservative. childIDsCache = null; // Clear the lookup cache, in case the element being deleted is the same // as for the last lookup. lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; try { tree.deleteChild(key.removeLastSegments(1), key.lastSegment()); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } private IllegalArgumentException createElementNotFoundException(IPath key) { return new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.watson_elementNotFound, key)); } /** * Given an array of element trees, returns the index of the * oldest tree. The oldest tree is the tree such that no * other tree in the array is a descendent of that tree. * Note that this counter-intuitive concept of oldest is based on the * ElementTree orientation such that the complete tree is always the * newest tree. */ public static int findOldest(ElementTree[] trees) { /* first put all the trees in a hashtable */ // using LinkedHashMap to not have a random order in the while-loop below HashSet candidates = new LinkedHashSet<>(List.of(trees)); /* keep removing parents until only one tree remains */ ElementTree oldestSoFar = null; while (!candidates.isEmpty()) { /* get a new candidate */ ElementTree current = candidates.iterator().next(); /* remove this candidate from the table */ candidates.remove(current); /* remove all of this element's parents from the list of candidates*/ ElementTree parent = current.getParent(); /* walk up chain until we hit the root or a tree we have already tested */ while (parent != null && parent != oldestSoFar) { candidates.remove(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } /* the current candidate is the oldest tree seen so far */ oldestSoFar = current; /* if the table is now empty, we have a winner */ } Assert.isNotNull(oldestSoFar); /* return the appropriate index */ for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) { if (trees[i] == oldestSoFar) { return i; } } Assert.isTrue(false, "Should not get here"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return -1; } /** * Returns the number of children of the element * specified by the given path. * The given element must be present in this tree. */ public synchronized int getChildCount(IPath key) { Assert.isNotNull(key); return getChildIDs(key).length; } /** * Returns the IDs of the children of the specified element. * If the specified element is null, returns the root element path. */ protected IPath[] getChildIDs(IPath key) { ChildIDsCache cache = childIDsCache; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (cache != null && cache.path == key) { return cache.childPaths; } if (key == null) return tree.rootPaths(); try { IPath[] children = tree.getChildren(key); childIDsCache = new ChildIDsCache(key, children); // Cache the result return children; } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } /** * Returns the paths of the children of the element * specified by the given path. * The given element must be present in this tree. */ public synchronized IPath[] getChildren(IPath key) { Assert.isNotNull(key); return getChildIDs(key); } /** * Returns the internal data tree. */ public DeltaDataTree getDataTree() { return tree; } /** * Returns the element data for the given element identifier. * The given element must be present in this tree. */ public synchronized Object getElementData(IPath key) { /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return null; DataTreeLookup lookup = lookupCache; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (lookup == null || lookup.key != key) lookupCache = lookup = tree.lookup(key); if (lookup.isPresent) return; throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } /** * Returns the element data for the given element identifier. * The given element must be present in this tree. */ public synchronized Object getElementDataIgnoreCase(IPath key) { /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return null; DataTreeLookup lookup = lookupCacheIgnoreCase; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (lookup == null || lookup.key != key) lookupCacheIgnoreCase = lookup = tree.lookupIgnoreCase(key); if (lookup.isPresent) return; throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } /** * Returns the names of the children of the specified element. * The specified element must exist in the tree. * If the specified element is null, returns the root element path. */ public synchronized String[] getNamesOfChildren(IPath key) { try { if (key == null) return new String[] {""}; //$NON-NLS-1$ return tree.getNamesOfChildren(key); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } /** * Returns the parent tree, or null if there is no parent. */ public ElementTree getParent() { DeltaDataTree parentTree = tree.getParent(); if (parentTree == null) { return null; } // The parent ElementTree is stored as the node data of the parent DeltaDataTree, // to simplify canonicalization in the presence of rerooting. return (ElementTree) parentTree.getRootData(); } /** * Returns the root node of this tree. */ public IPath getRoot() { return getChildIDs(null)[0]; } /** * Returns the subtree rooted at the given key. In the resulting tree, * the implicit root node (designated by Path.ROOT), has a single child, * which is the node specified by the given key in this tree. * * The subtree must be present in this tree. * * @see #createSubtree(IPath, ElementTree) */ public ElementTree getSubtree(IPath key) { /* the subtree of the root of this tree is just this tree */ if (key.isRoot()) { return this; } try { DataTreeNode elementNode = (DataTreeNode) tree.copyCompleteSubtree(key); return new ElementTree(elementNode); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } /** * Returns the user data associated with this tree. */ public IElementTreeData getTreeData() { return userData; } /** * Returns true if there have been changes in the tree between the two * given layers. The two must be related and new must be newer than old. * That is, new must be an ancestor of old. */ public static boolean hasChanges(ElementTree newLayer, ElementTree oldLayer, IElementComparator comparator, boolean inclusive) { // if any of the layers are null, assume that things have changed if (newLayer == null || oldLayer == null) return true; if (newLayer == oldLayer) return false; //if the tree data has changed, then the tree has changed if (, oldLayer.getTreeData()) != IElementComparator.K_NO_CHANGE) return true; // The tree structure has the top layer(s) (i.e., tree) parentage pointing down to a complete // layer whose parent is null. The bottom layers (i.e., operationTree) point up to the // common complete layer whose parent is null. The complete layer moves up as // changes happen. To see if any changes have happened, we should consider only // layers whose parent is not null. That is, skip the complete layer as it will clearly not be // empty. // look down from the current layer (always inclusive) if the top layer is mutable ElementTree stopLayer = null; if (newLayer.isImmutable()) // if the newLayer is immutable, the tree structure all points up so ensure that // when searching up, we stop at newLayer (inclusive) stopLayer = newLayer.getParent(); else { ElementTree layer = newLayer; while (layer != null && layer.getParent() != null) { if (!layer.getDataTree().isEmptyDelta()) return true; layer = layer.getParent(); } } // look up from the layer at which we started to null or newLayer's parent (variably inclusive) // depending on whether newLayer is mutable. ElementTree layer = inclusive ? oldLayer : oldLayer.getParent(); while (layer != null && layer.getParent() != stopLayer) { if (!layer.getDataTree().isEmptyDelta()) return true; layer = layer.getParent(); } // didn't find anything that changed return false; } /** * Makes this tree immutable (read-only); ignored if it is already * immutable. */ public synchronized void immutable() { if (!tree.isImmutable()) { tree.immutable(); /* need to clear the lookup cache since it reports whether results were found in the topmost delta, and the order of deltas is changing */ lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; /* reroot the delta chain at this tree */ tree.reroot(); } } /** * Returns true if this element tree includes an element with the given * key, false otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean includes(IPath key) { DataTreeLookup lookup = lookupCache; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (lookup == null || lookup.key != key) { lookupCache = lookup = tree.lookup(key); } return lookup.isPresent; } /** * Returns true if this element tree includes an element with the given * key, ignoring the case of the key, and false otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean includesIgnoreCase(IPath key) { DataTreeLookup lookup = lookupCacheIgnoreCase; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (lookup == null || lookup.key != key) { lookupCacheIgnoreCase = lookup = tree.lookupIgnoreCase(key); } return lookup.isPresent; } /** * Returns whether this tree is immutable. */ public boolean isImmutable() { return tree.isImmutable(); } /** * Merges a chain of deltas for a certain subtree to this tree. * If this tree has any data in the specified subtree, it will * be overwritten. The receiver tree must be open, and it will * be made immutable during the merge operation. The trees in the * provided array will be replaced by new trees that have been * merged into the receiver's delta chain. * * @param path The path of the subtree chain to merge * @param trees The chain of trees to merge. The trees can be * in any order, but they must all form a simple ancestral chain. * @return A new open tree with the delta chain merged in. */ public ElementTree mergeDeltaChain(IPath path, ElementTree[] trees) { if (path == null || trees == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(NLS.bind(Messages.watson_nullArg, "ElementTree.mergeDeltaChain")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /* The tree has to be open */ if (isImmutable()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.watson_immutable); } ElementTree current = this; if (trees.length > 0) { /* find the oldest tree to be merged */ ElementTree toMerge = trees[findOldest(trees)]; /* merge the trees from oldest to newest */ while (toMerge != null) { if (path.isRoot()) { //copy all the children IPath[] children = toMerge.getChildren(IPath.ROOT); for (IPath element : children) { current.createSubtree(element, toMerge.getSubtree(element)); } } else { //just copy the specified node current.createSubtree(path, toMerge.getSubtree(path)); } current.immutable(); /* replace the tree in the array */ /* we have to go through all trees because there may be duplicates */ for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) { if (trees[i] == toMerge) { trees[i] = current; } } current = current.newEmptyDelta(); toMerge = toMerge.getParent(); } } return current; } /** * Creates a new element tree which is represented as a delta on this one. * Initially they have the same content. Subsequent changes to the new * tree will not affect this one. */ public synchronized ElementTree newEmptyDelta() { // Don't want old trees hanging onto cached infos. lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; if (!this.isImmutable()) { this.immutable(); } return new ElementTree(this); } /** * Returns a mutable copy of the element data for the given path. * This copy will be held onto in the most recent delta. * ElementTree data MUST implement the IElementTreeData interface * for this method to work. If the data does not define that interface * this method will fail. */ public synchronized Object openElementData(IPath key) { Assert.isTrue(!isImmutable()); /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return null; DataTreeLookup lookup = lookupCache; // Grab it in case it's replaced concurrently. if (lookup == null || lookup.key != key) { lookupCache = lookup = tree.lookup(key); } if (lookup.isPresent) { if (lookup.foundInFirstDelta) return; /** * The node has no data in the most recent delta. * Pull it up to the present delta by setting its data with a clone. */ IElementTreeData oldData = (IElementTreeData); if (oldData != null) { try { Object newData = oldData.clone(); tree.setData(key, newData); lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; return newData; } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } } else { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } return null; } /** * Sets the element for the given element identifier. * The given element must be present in this tree. * @param key element identifier * @param data element info, or null */ public synchronized void setElementData(IPath key, Object data) { /* don't allow modification of the implicit root */ if (key.isRoot()) return; Assert.isNotNull(key); // Clear the lookup cache, in case the element being modified is the same // as for the last lookup. lookupCache = lookupCacheIgnoreCase = null; try { tree.setData(key, data); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { throw createElementNotFoundException(key); } } /** * Sets the user data associated with this tree. */ public void setTreeData(IElementTreeData data) { userData = data; } /* (non-Javadoc) * Method declared on IStringPoolParticipant */ public void shareStrings(StringPool set) { tree.storeStrings(set); } /** * Returns a string representation of this element tree's * structure suitable for debug purposes. */ public String toDebugString() { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ IElementContentVisitor visitor = (aTree, elementID, elementContents) -> { buffer.append(elementID.requestPath() + " " + elementContents + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return true; }; new ElementTreeIterator(this, IPath.ROOT).iterate(visitor); return buffer.toString(); } /** for debugging purposes only */ @Override public String toString() { return "ElementTree(" + treeStamp + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } public int getTreeStamp() { return treeStamp; } }

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