org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 Jeanfrancois Arcand
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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package org.atmosphere.cpr;
import org.apache.catalina.CometEvent;
import org.apache.catalina.CometProcessor;
import org.atmosphere.container.JBossWebCometSupport;
import org.atmosphere.container.Tomcat7CometSupport;
import org.atmosphere.container.TomcatCometSupport;
import org.atmosphere.di.ServletContextProvider;
import org.jboss.servlet.http.HttpEvent;
import org.jboss.servlet.http.HttpEventServlet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import static org.atmosphere.cpr.HeaderConfig.WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE;
* The {@link AtmosphereServlet} acts as a dispatcher for {@link AtmosphereHandler}
* defined in META-INF/atmosphere.xml, or if atmosphere.xml is missing, all classes
* that implements {@link AtmosphereHandler} will be discovered and mapped using
* the class's name.
* This {@link Servlet} can be defined inside an application's web.xml using the following:
* <servlet>
* <description>AtmosphereServlet</description>
* <servlet-name>AtmosphereServlet</servlet-name>
* <servlet-class>org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereServlet</servlet-class>
* <load-on-startup>0 </load-on-startup>
* </servlet>
* <servlet-mapping>
* <servlet-name>AtmosphereServlet</servlet-name>
* <url-pattern>/Atmosphere </url-pattern>
* </servlet-mapping>
* You can force this Servlet to use native API of the Web Server instead of
* the Servlet 3.0 Async API you are deploying on by adding
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.useNative</param-name>
* <param-value>true</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can force this Servlet to use one Thread per connection instead of
* native API of the Web Server you are deploying on by adding
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.useBlocking</param-name>
* <param-value>true</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can also define {@link Broadcaster}by adding:
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterClass</param-name>
* <param-value>class-name</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can also for Atmosphere to use {@link java.io.OutputStream} for all write operations.
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.useStream</param-name>
* <param-value>true</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can also configure {@link org.atmosphere.cpr.BroadcasterCache} that persist message when Browser is disconnected.
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterCacheClass</param-name>
* <param-value>class-name</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can also configure Atmosphere to use http session or not
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.cpr.sessionSupport</param-name>
* <param-value>false</param-value>
* </init-param>
* You can also configure {@link BroadcastFilter} that will be applied at all newly created {@link Broadcaster}
* <init-param>
* <param-name>org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcastFilterClasses</param-name>
* <param-value>BroadcastFilter class name separated by coma</param-value>
* </init-param>
* All the property available are defined in {@link ApplicationConfig}
* The Atmosphere Framework can also be used as a Servlet Filter ({@link AtmosphereFilter}).
* If you are planning to use JSP, Servlet or JSF, you can instead use the
* {@link MeteorServlet}, which allow the use of {@link Meteor} inside those
* components.
* @author Jeanfrancois Arcand
public class AtmosphereServlet extends HttpServlet implements CometProcessor, HttpEventServlet, ServletContextProvider, org.apache.catalina.comet.CometProcessor {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AtmosphereServlet.class);
protected AtmosphereFramework framework;
* Create an Atmosphere Servlet.
public AtmosphereServlet() {
* Create an Atmosphere Servlet.
* @param isFilter true if this instance is used as an {@link AtmosphereFilter}
public AtmosphereServlet(boolean isFilter) {
this(isFilter, true);
* Create an Atmosphere Servlet.
* @param isFilter true if this instance is used as an {@link AtmosphereFilter}
public AtmosphereServlet(boolean isFilter, boolean autoDetectHandlers) {
framework = new AtmosphereFramework(isFilter, autoDetectHandlers);
public void destroy() {
public void init(final ServletConfig sc) throws ServletException {
public AtmosphereFramework framework() {
return framework;
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doHead(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doTrace(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
doPost(req, res);
* Delegate the request processing to an instance of {@link AsyncSupport}
* @param req the {@link HttpServletRequest}
* @param res the {@link HttpServletResponse}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException, ServletException {
framework.doCometSupport(AtmosphereRequest.wrap(req), AtmosphereResponse.wrap(res));
* Hack to support Tomcat AIO like other WebServer. This method is invoked
* by Tomcat when it detect a {@link Servlet} implements the interface
* {@link CometProcessor} without invoking {@link Servlet#service}
* @param cometEvent the {@link CometEvent}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
HttpServletResponse res = cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse();
req.setAttribute(TomcatCometSupport.COMET_EVENT, cometEvent);
if (!framework.getAsyncSupport().supportWebSocket()) {
if (!framework.isCometSupportSpecified && !framework.isCometSupportConfigured.getAndSet(true)) {
synchronized (framework.asyncSupport) {
if (!framework.asyncSupport.getClass().equals(TomcatCometSupport.class)) {
AsyncSupport current = framework.asyncSupport;
logger.warn("TomcatCometSupport is enabled, switching to it");
framework.asyncSupport = new TomcatCometSupport(framework.config);
if(current instanceof AsynchronousProcessor) {
framework.doCometSupport(AtmosphereRequest.wrap(req), AtmosphereResponse.wrap(res));
String transport = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getParameter(HeaderConfig.X_ATMOSPHERE_TRANSPORT);
if (transport != null && transport.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConfig.WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT)) {
* Hack to support Tomcat 7 AIO
public void event(org.apache.catalina.comet.CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
HttpServletResponse res = cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse();
req.setAttribute(Tomcat7CometSupport.COMET_EVENT, cometEvent);
if (!framework.getAsyncSupport().supportWebSocket()) {
if (!framework.isCometSupportSpecified && !framework.isCometSupportConfigured.getAndSet(true)) {
synchronized (framework.asyncSupport) {
if (!framework.asyncSupport.getClass().equals(Tomcat7CometSupport.class)) {
AsyncSupport current = framework.asyncSupport;
logger.warn("TomcatCometSupport7 is enabled, switching to it");
framework.asyncSupport = new Tomcat7CometSupport(framework.config);
if(current instanceof AsynchronousProcessor) {
framework.doCometSupport(AtmosphereRequest.wrap(req), AtmosphereResponse.wrap(res));
// https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere/issues/920
String transport = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getParameter(HeaderConfig.X_ATMOSPHERE_TRANSPORT);
boolean webSocketSupported = (transport != null && transport.equalsIgnoreCase(HeaderConfig.WEBSOCKET_TRANSPORT));
if (!webSocketSupported) {
try {
Enumeration connection = req.getHeaders("Connection");
if (connection != null && connection.hasMoreElements()) {
String[] e = connection.nextElement().toString().split(",");
for (String upgrade : e) {
if (upgrade.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE)) {
webSocketSupported = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.trace("", ex);
if (webSocketSupported){
* Hack to support JBossWeb AIO like other WebServer. This method is invoked
* by Tomcat when it detect a {@link Servlet} implements the interface
* {@link HttpEventServlet} without invoking {@link Servlet#service}
* @param httpEvent the {@link CometEvent}
* @throws java.io.IOException
* @throws javax.servlet.ServletException
public void event(HttpEvent httpEvent) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = httpEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
HttpServletResponse res = httpEvent.getHttpServletResponse();
req.setAttribute(JBossWebCometSupport.HTTP_EVENT, httpEvent);
if (!framework.isCometSupportSpecified && !framework.isCometSupportConfigured.getAndSet(true)) {
synchronized (framework.asyncSupport) {
if (!framework.asyncSupport.getClass().equals(JBossWebCometSupport.class)) {
AsyncSupport current = framework.asyncSupport;
logger.warn("JBossWebCometSupport is enabled, switching to it");
framework.asyncSupport = new JBossWebCometSupport(framework.config);
if(current instanceof AsynchronousProcessor) {
framework.doCometSupport(AtmosphereRequest.wrap(req), AtmosphereResponse.wrap(res));
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