org.atnos.eff.Interpret.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.atnos.eff
import cats.data._
import Xor._
import Eff._
import cats.arrow.NaturalTransformation
* Support methods to create an interpreter (or "effect handlers") for a given Eff[M |: R, A].
* The aim being to "consume" just that effect and produce a value of type B with possibly other effects: Eff[R, B]
* Those methods guarantee a stack-safe behaviour when running on a large list of effects
* (in a list.traverseU(f) for example).
* There are 3 different types of supported interpreters:
* 1. interpret + Recurse
* This interpreter is used to handle effects which either return a value X from M[X] or stops with Eff[R, B]
* See an example of such an interpreter in Eval where we just evaluate a computation X for each Eval[X].
* 2. interpretState + StateRecurse
* This interpreter is used to handle effects which either return a value X from M[X] or stops with Eff[R, B]
* 3. interpretLoop + Loop
* The most generic kind of interpreter where we can even recurse in the case of Pure(a) (See ListEffect for such a use)
trait Interpret {
* Helper trait for computations
* which might produce several M[X] in a stack of effects.
* Either we can produce an X to pass to a continuation or we're done
trait Recurse[M[_], R, A] {
def apply[X](m: M[X]): X Xor Eff[R, A]
* interpret the effect M in the M |: R stack
def interpret[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => Eff[U, B], recurse: Recurse[M, U, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] = {
val loop = new Loop[M, R, A, Eff[U, B]] {
type S = Unit
val init = ()
def onPure(a: A, s: Unit): (Eff[R, A], Unit) Xor Eff[U, B] =
def onEffect[X](mx: M[X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A], s: Unit): (Eff[R, A], Unit) Xor Eff[U, B] =
recurse(mx).bimap(x => (continuation(x), ()), identity _)
interpretLoop[R, U, M, A, B, Unit](pure, loop)(effects)
* simpler version of interpret where the pure value is just mapped to another type
def interpret1[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => B)(recurse: Recurse[M, U, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] =
interpret[R, U, M, A, B]((a: A) => EffMonad[U].pure(pure(a)), recurse)(effects)
* Helper trait for computations
* which might produce several M[X] in a stack of effects and which need to keep some state around
* This is typically the case for Writer or State which need to keep some state S after each evaluation
* Evaluating the effect M[X] might use the previous S value as shown in the `apply method`
* Finally when the Eff[M |: R, A] returns an A, this one can be combined with the last state value to produce a B
trait StateRecurse[M[_], A, B] {
type S
val init: S
def apply[X](x: M[X], s: S): (X, S)
def finalize(a: A, s: S): B
* interpret the effect M in the M |: R stack, keeping track of some state
def interpretState[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => Eff[U, B], recurse: StateRecurse[M, A, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] = {
val loop = new Loop[M, R, A, Eff[U, B]] {
type S = recurse.S
val init: S = recurse.init
def onPure(a: A, s: S): (Eff[R, A], S) Xor Eff[U, B] =
Right(EffMonad[U].pure(recurse.finalize(a, s)))
def onEffect[X](mx: M[X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A], s: S): (Eff[R, A], S) Xor Eff[U, B] =
Left { recurse(mx, s) match { case (a, b) => (continuation(a), b)} }
interpretLoop(pure, loop)(effects)
* simpler version of interpret1 where the pure value is just mapped to another type
def interpretState1[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => B)(recurse: StateRecurse[M, A, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] =
interpretState((a: A) => EffMonad[U].pure(pure(a)), recurse)(effects)
* Generalisation of Recurse and StateRecurse
trait Loop[M[_], R <: Effects, A, B] {
type S
val init: S
def onPure(a: A, s: S): (Eff[R, A], S) Xor B
def onEffect[X](x: M[X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A], s: S): (Eff[R, A], S) Xor B
* generalization of interpret and interpretState
* This method contains a loop which is stack-safe
def interpretLoop[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B, S](pure: A => Eff[U, B], loop: Loop[M, R, A, Eff[U, B]])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] = {
def go(eff: Eff[R, A], s: loop.S): Eff[U, B] = {
eff match {
case Pure(a) =>
loop.onPure(a, s) match {
case Left((a1, s1)) => go(a1, s1)
case Right(b) => b
case Impure(union, continuation) =>
m.project(union) match {
case Right(v) =>
loop.onEffect(v, continuation, s) match {
case Left((x, s1)) => go(x, s1)
case Right(b) => b
case Left(u) =>
Impure[U, union.X, B](u, Arrs.singleton(x => go(continuation(x), s)))
case ap @ ImpureAp(_,_) =>
go(ap.toMonadic, s)
go(effects, loop.init)
def interpretLoop1[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, M[_], A, B, S](pure: A => B)(loop: Loop[M, R, A, Eff[U, B]])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[M, R, U]): Eff[U, B] =
interpretLoop[R, U, M, A, B, S]((a: A) => EffMonad[U].pure(pure(a)), loop)(effects)
def intercept[R <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => Eff[R, B], recurse: Recurse[M, R, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member[M, R]): Eff[R, B] = {
val loop = new Loop[M, R, A, Eff[R, B]] {
type S = Unit
val init = ()
def onPure(a: A, s: Unit): (Eff[R, A], Unit) Xor Eff[R, B] =
def onEffect[X](mx: M[X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A], s: Unit): (Eff[R, A], Unit) Xor Eff[R, B] =
recurse(mx).bimap(x => (continuation(x), ()), identity _)
interceptLoop[R, M, A, B, Unit](pure, loop)(effects)
* simpler version of intercept where the pure value is just mapped to another type
def intercept1[R <: Effects, M[_], A, B](pure: A => B)(recurse: Recurse[M, R, B])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member[M, R]): Eff[R, B] =
intercept[R, M, A, B]((a: A) => EffMonad[R].pure(pure(a)), recurse)(effects)
* intercept an effect and interpret it in the same stack.
* This method is stack-safe
def interceptLoop[R <: Effects, M[_], A, B, S](pure: A => Eff[R, B], loop: Loop[M, R, A, Eff[R, B]])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member[M, R]): Eff[R, B] = {
def go(eff: Eff[R, A], s: loop.S): Eff[R, B] = {
eff match {
case Pure(a) =>
loop.onPure(a, s) match {
case Left((a1, s1)) => go(a1, s1)
case Right(b) => b
case Impure(union, continuation) =>
m.project(union) match {
case Right(v) =>
loop.onEffect(v, continuation, s) match {
case Left((x, s1)) => go(x, s1)
case Right(b) => b
case Left(u) =>
Impure[R, union.X, B](union, Arrs.singleton(x => go(continuation(x), s)))
case ap @ ImpureAp(_,_) =>
go(ap.toMonadic, s)
go(effects, loop.init)
def interceptLoop1[R <: Effects, M[_], A, B, S](pure: A => B)(loop: Loop[M, R, A, Eff[R, B]])(effects: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member[M, R]): Eff[R, B] =
interceptLoop[R, M, A, B, S]((a: A) => EffMonad[R].pure(pure(a)), loop)(effects)
* transform an effect into another one
* using a natural transformation
def transform[SR, BR, U, TS[_], TB[_], A](r: Eff[SR, A], nat: NaturalTransformation[TS, TB])
(implicit sr: Member.Aux[TS, SR, U], br: Member.Aux[TB, BR, U]): Eff[BR, A] = {
def go(eff: Eff[SR, A]): Eff[BR, A] = {
eff match {
case Pure(a) => Pure(a)
case Impure(u, c) =>
sr.project(u) match {
case Xor.Right(small) =>
Impure(br.inject(nat(small)), Arrs.singleton((x: u.X) => go(c(x))))
case Xor.Left(u1) =>
Impure(br.accept(u1), Arrs.singleton((x: u.X) => go(c(x))))
case ap @ ImpureAp(_,_) =>
object Interpret extends Interpret
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