org.atnos.eff.EitherInterpretation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.atnos.eff
import cats._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import cats.syntax.either._
import Eff._
import Interpret._
trait EitherInterpretation {
/** run the Either effect, yielding E Either A */
def runEither[R, U, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Either[E, *], R, U]): Eff[U, E Either A] =
/** run the Either effect, yielding E Either A and combine all Es */
def runEitherCombine[R, U, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Either[E, *], R, U], s: Semigroup[E]): Eff[U, E Either A] =
private def interpretEither[R, U, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(ap: Applicative[Either[E, *]])(implicit
m: Member.Aux[Either[E, *], R, U]
): Eff[U, E Either A] =
Interpret.recurse(effect)(eitherRecurser[U, E, A, E Either A](a => Right(a), e => EffMonad[U].pure(Left(e)))(ap))
/** catch possible left values */
def attemptEither[R, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit member: Either[E, *] /= R): Eff[R, E Either A] =
catchLeft[R, E, E Either A]( => Either.right(a)))(e => pure(Either.left(e)))
/** catch and handle a possible left value */
def catchLeft[R, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(handle: E => Eff[R, A])(implicit member: Either[E, *] /= R): Eff[R, A] =
catchLeftEither[R, E, A](effect)(handle)(cats.instances.either.catsStdInstancesForEither[E])
/** run the Either effect, handling E (with effects) and yielding A */
def runEitherCatchLeft[R, U, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(handle: E => Eff[U, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Either[E, *], R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
runEither(r).flatMap(_.fold(handle, pure))
/** catch and handle a possible left value. The value is the combination of all failures in case of an applicative */
def catchLeftCombine[R, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(handle: E => Eff[R, A])(implicit member: Either[E, *] /= R, s: Semigroup[E]): Eff[R, A] =
catchLeftEither[R, E, A](effect)(handle)(EitherApplicative[E])
private def catchLeftEither[R, E, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(handle: E => Eff[R, A])(ap: Applicative[Either[E, *]])(implicit
member: Either[E, *] /= R
): Eff[R, A] =
Interpret.intercept(effect)(Interpreter.fromRecurser(eitherRecurser[R, E, A, A](a => a, handle)(ap)))
private def eitherRecurser[R, E, A, B](pureValue: A => B, handle: E => Eff[R, B])(ap: Applicative[Either[E, *]]): Recurser[Either[E, *], R, A, B] =
new Recurser[Either[E, *], R, A, B] {
def onPure(a: A): B =
def onEffect[X](m: E Either X): X Either Eff[R, B] =
m match {
case Left(e) => Right(handle(e))
case Right(a) => Left(a)
def onApplicative[X, T[_]: Traverse](ms: T[E Either X]): T[X] Either (E Either T[X]) = {
implicit val eitherAp: Applicative[Either[E, *]] = ap
* Modify the type of the read value
* This changes the stack of the Eff computation
def zoomEither[SR, BR, U1, U2, E1, E2, A](r: Eff[SR, A], getter: E1 => E2)(implicit
sr: Member.Aux[Either[E1, *], SR, U1],
br: Member.Aux[Either[E2, *], BR, U2],
into: IntoPoly[U1, U2]
): Eff[BR, A] =
transform[SR, BR, U1, U2, Either[E1, *], Either[E2, *], A](
new ~>[Either[E1, *], Either[E2, *]] {
def apply[X](r: E1 Either X): E2 Either X =
* Translate an error effect to another one in the same stack
* a computation over a "bigger" error (for the full application)
def translateEither[R, U, E1, E2, A](r: Eff[R, A], getter: E1 => E2)(implicit
sr: Member.Aux[Either[E1, *], R, U],
br: Either[E2, *] |= U
): Eff[U, A] =
translate(r) {
new Translate[Either[E1, *], U] {
def apply[X](ex: E1 Either X): Eff[U, X] =
ex match {
case Left(e1) => EitherEffect.left[U, E2, X](getter(e1))
case Right(x) => pure(x)
* Update the error value, the stack of the Eff computation stays the same
def localEither[R, E, A](e: Eff[R, A])(modify: E => E)(implicit m: Either[E, *] /= R): Eff[R, A] =
interceptNat(e)(new ~>[Either[E, *], Either[E, *]] {
def apply[X](ex: E Either X): E Either X =
def EitherApplicative[E](implicit s: Semigroup[E]): Applicative[Either[E, *]] = new Applicative[Either[E, *]] {
def pure[A](a: A): Either[E, A] = Right(a)
def ap[A, B](ff: E Either (A => B))(fa: E Either A): E Either B =
fa match {
case Right(a) =>
case Left(e1) =>
ff match {
case Right(_) => Left(e1)
case Left(e2) => Left(s.combine(e1, e2))
object EitherInterpretation extends EitherInterpretation
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