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org.atnos.eff.SafeInterpretation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.atnos.eff
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import eff._
import interpret._
import EitherEffect._
import org.atnos.eff.Interpret.runInterpreter
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait SafeInterpretation extends SafeCreation { outer =>
type Out[A] = (ThrowableEither[A], List[Throwable])
* Run a safe effect
* Collect finalizer exceptions if any
def runSafe[R, U, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Safe, R, U]): Eff[U, (ThrowableEither[A], List[Throwable])] =
runInterpreter[R, U, Safe, A, Out[A]](effect)(safeInterpreter[U, A])
/** run a safe effect but drop the finalizer errors */
def execSafe[R, U, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Safe, R, U]): Eff[U, ThrowableEither[A]] =
* Attempt to execute a safe action including finalizers
def attemptSafe[R, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, (ThrowableEither[A], List[Throwable])] =
protect(intercept[R, Safe, A, Out[A]](effect)(safeInterpreter[R, A])).flatten
def safeInterpreter[R, A]: Interpreter[Safe, R, A, Out[A]] =
def safeInterpreter[R, A](last: Option[(Eff[R, Unit], Safe /= R)]): Interpreter[Safe, R, A, Out[A]] = new Interpreter[Safe, R, A, Out[A]] {
private[this] var errors: Vector[Throwable] = Vector()
def onPure(a: A): Eff[R, Out[A]] =
last match {
case None => Eff.pure((Right(a), errors.toList))
case Some((l, m)) =>
attempt(l)(m) flatMap {
case Left(t) => outer.finalizerException[R](t)(using m) >> pure((Right(a), errors.toList))
case Right(_) => pure((Right(a), errors.toList))
def onEffect[X](sx: Safe[X], continuation: Continuation[R, X, Out[A]]): Eff[R, Out[A]] =
sx match {
case EvaluateValue(v) =>
Either.catchNonFatal(v.value) match {
case Left(e) =>
continuation.runOnNone >> {
last match {
case None =>
Eff.pure((Left(e), errors.toList))
case Some((l, m)) =>
attempt(l)(m) flatMap {
case Left(t) => outer.finalizerException[R](t)(using m) >> outer.exception[R, Out[A]](e)(using m)
case Right(_) => outer.exception[R, Out[A]](e)(using m)
case Right(x) =>
Eff.impure(x, continuation)
case FailedValue(t) =>
continuation.runOnNone >> Eff.pure((Left(t), errors.toList))
case FailedFinalizer(t) =>
errors = errors :+ t
continuation.runOnNone >> Eff.impure((), continuation)
def onLastEffect[X](sx: Safe[X], continuation: Continuation[R, X, Unit]): Eff[R, Unit] =
sx match {
case EvaluateValue(v) =>
Either.catchNonFatal(v.value) match {
case Left(e) =>
last match {
case None => Eff.pure(())
case Some((l, m)) =>
attempt(l)(m) flatMap {
case Left(t) => outer.finalizerException[R](t)(using m) >> outer.exception[R, Unit](e)(using m)
case Right(_) => outer.exception[R, Unit](e)(using m)
case Right(x) =>
last match {
case None => Eff.impure(x, continuation)
case Some((l, m)) =>
attempt(l)(m) flatMap {
case Left(t) => outer.finalizerException[R](t)(using m) >> Eff.impure(x, continuation)
case Right(_) => Eff.impure(x, continuation)
case FailedValue(_) =>
case FailedFinalizer(t) =>
errors = errors :+ t
Eff.impure((), continuation)
def onApplicativeEffect[X, T[_]: Traverse](xs: T[Safe[X]], continuation: Continuation[R, T[X], Out[A]]): Eff[R, Out[A]] = {
val failedFinalizers = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Throwable]
var error: Option[Throwable] = None
val traversed: T[X] = xs.map {
case FailedFinalizer(t) => failedFinalizers.append(t); ()
case FailedValue(t) => error = Some(t); ().asInstanceOf[X]
case EvaluateValue(v) =>
error match {
case None =>
Either.catchNonFatal(v.value) match {
case Right(a) => a
case Left(t) => error = Some(t); ().asInstanceOf[X]
case Some(_) => ().asInstanceOf[X]
errors = errors ++ failedFinalizers.toVector
error match {
case None =>
Eff.impure(traversed, continuation)
case Some(t) =>
last match {
case None =>
Eff.pure((Left(t), errors.toList))
case Some((l, m)) =>
attempt(l)(m) flatMap {
case Left(t1) => outer.finalizerException[R](t1)(using m) >> outer.exception[R, Out[A]](t)(using m)
case Right(_) => exception[R, Out[A]](t)(using m)
* evaluate first action possibly having error effects
* execute a second action whether the first is successful or not but keep track of finalizer exceptions
def thenFinally[R, A](effect: Eff[R, A], last: Eff[R, Unit])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, A] =
intercept[R, Safe, A, Out[A]](Eff.whenStopped(effect, Last.eff(last)))(safeInterpreter[R, A](Some((last, m)))).flatMap {
case (Right(a), vs) => vs.traverse(v => outer.finalizerException(v)).void >> Eff.pure(a)
case (Left(t), vs) => vs.traverse(v => outer.finalizerException(v)).void >> outer.exception(t)
* get a resource A and use it.
* Call the release function whether an exception is thrown or not when using the resource
* NOTE: Eff interpreters are independent so if there is an effect short-circuiting all computations inside 'use',
* like Option or Either then the release function will not be called. If you want to make sure
* that the release function is always called "at the end of the world and whatever happens" you need to call
* Eff.bracketLast
def bracket[R, A, B, C](acquire: Eff[R, A])(use: A => Eff[R, B])(release: A => Eff[R, C])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, B] =
for {
a <- acquire
b <- thenFinally(use(a), release(a).void)
} yield b
* evaluate first action possibly having exceptions
* Execute a second action if the first one is not successful
def otherwise[R, A](action: Eff[R, A], onThrowable: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, A] =
whenFailed(action, _ => onThrowable)
* evaluate first action possibly having error effects
* Execute a second action if the first one is not successful, based on the error
def catchThrowable[R, A, B](action: Eff[R, A], pureValue: A => B, onThrowable: Throwable => Eff[R, B])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, B] =
recoverThrowable[R, A, B](action, pureValue, { case t => onThrowable(t) })
* evaluate first action possibly having error effects
* Execute a second action if the first one is not successful and second is defined for the error
def recoverThrowable[R, A, B](action: Eff[R, A], pureValue: A => B, onThrowable: PartialFunction[Throwable, Eff[R, B]])(implicit
m: Safe /= R
): Eff[R, B] =
attemptSafe(action).flatMap {
case (Left(t), ls) if onThrowable.isDefinedAt(t) => onThrowable(t).flatMap(b => ls.traverse(f => finalizerException(f)).as(b))
case (Left(t), _) => exception(t)
case (Right(a), ls) => pure(pureValue(a)).flatMap(b => ls.traverse(f => finalizerException(f)).as(b))
* evaluate first action possibly throwing exceptions
* Execute a second action if the first one is not successful, based on the exception
* The final value type is the same as the original type
def whenFailed[R, A](action: Eff[R, A], onThrowable: Throwable => Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, A] =
catchThrowable(action, identity[A], onThrowable)
* evaluate first action possibly throwing exceptions
* Execute a second action if the first one is not successful and second is defined for the error
* The final value type is the same as the original type
def whenThrowable[R, A](action: Eff[R, A], onThrowable: PartialFunction[Throwable, Eff[R, A]])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, A] =
recoverThrowable(action, identity[A], onThrowable)
* try to execute an action an report any issue
def attempt[R, A](action: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, Throwable Either A] =
catchThrowable(action, Right[Throwable, A], (t: Throwable) => pure(Left(t)))
* ignore one possible exception that could be thrown
def ignoreException[R, E <: Throwable: ClassTag, A](action: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Safe /= R): Eff[R, Unit] =
recoverThrowable[R, A, Unit](
_ => (),
case t if implicitly[ClassTag[E]].runtimeClass.isInstance(t) => pure(())
* Memoize safe effects using a cache
* if this method is called with the same key the previous value will be returned
def safeMemo[R, A](key: AnyRef, cache: Cache, e: Eff[R, A])(implicit safe: Safe /= R): Eff[R, A] =
attempt(Eff.memoizeEffect(e, cache, key)).flatMap {
case Left(t) => Eff.send(Safe.safeSequenceCached.reset(cache, key)) >> SafeEffect.exception(t)
case Right(a) => Eff.pure(a)
object SafeInterpretation extends SafeInterpretation
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