org.atnos.eff.ValidateEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.atnos.eff
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import Interpret._
* Effect for computation which can fail but will accumulate errors
* The runValidate interpreter just collects the messages and returns them at the end
trait ValidateEffect extends
ValidateCreation with
object ValidateEffect extends ValidateEffect
sealed trait Validate[+E, A]
case class Correct[E]() extends Validate[E, Unit]
case class Wrong[E](e: E) extends Validate[E, Unit]
trait ValidateCreation {
/** create an Validate effect from a single Option value */
def validateOption[R, E, A](option: Option[A], e: E)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
option.map(_ => correct(())).getOrElse(wrong(e))
/** create an Validate effect from a single \/ value */
def validateDisjunction[R, E, A](disjunction: E \/ A)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
disjunction.fold(e => wrong(e), _ => correct(()))
/** create a failed value */
def wrong[R, E](e: E)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
send[Validate[E, ?], R, Unit](Wrong(e))
/** create a correct value */
def correct[R, E, A](a: A)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, A] =
send[Validate[E, ?], R, Unit](Correct[E]()) >> Eff.EffMonad[R].pure(a)
/** check a correct condition */
def validateCheck[R, E](condition: Boolean, e: E)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, Unit] =
if (condition) correct(()) else wrong(e)
/** check a correct value */
def validateValue[R, E, A](condition: Boolean, a: A, e: E)(implicit m: Member[Validate[E, ?], R]): Eff[R, A] =
if (condition) correct(a) else (wrong(e) >> Eff.EffMonad[R].pure(a))
object ValidateCreation extends ValidateCreation
trait ValidateInterpretation extends ValidateCreation {
/** run the validate effect, yielding a ValidatedNel */
def runValidateNel[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Validate[E, ?], R, U]): Eff[U, ValidationNel[E, A]] =
runNel(r).map(result => Validation.fromEither(result.toEither))
/** run the validate effect, yielding a non-empty list of failures \/ A */
def runNel[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Validate[E, ?], R, U]): Eff[U, NonEmptyList[E] \/ A] =
runMap[R, U, E, NonEmptyList[E], A](r)((e: E) => NonEmptyList(e))
/** run the validate effect, yielding a list of failures \/ A */
def runMap[R <: Effects, U <: Effects, E, L : Semigroup, A](r: Eff[R, A])(map: E => L)(implicit m: Member.Aux[Validate[E, ?], R, U]): Eff[U, L \/ A] = {
val recurse: StateRecurse[Validate[E, ?], A, L \/ A] = new StateRecurse[Validate[E, ?], A, L \/ A] {
type S = Option[L]
val init: Option[L] = None
def apply[X](x: Validate[E, X], s: Option[L]): (X, Option[L]) =
x match {
case Wrong(e) => ((), s.fold(Option(map(e)))(l => Option(l |+| map(e))))
case Correct() => ((), s)
def finalize(a: A, s: S): L \/ A =
s.fold(\/.right[L, A](a))(\/.left[L, A])
interpretState1[R, U, Validate[E, ?], A, L \/ A]((a: A) => \/.right[L, A](a))(recurse)(r)
object ValidateInterpretation extends ValidateInterpretation
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