org.atnos.eff.WriterInterpretation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.atnos.eff
import cats._
import data._
import cats.syntax.all._
import Eff._
import Interpret._
trait WriterInterpretation {
* run a writer effect and return the list of written values
* This uses a ListBuffer internally to append values
def runWriter[R, U, O, A, B](w: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U]): Eff[U, (A, List[O])] =
* More general fold of runWriter where we can use a fold to accumulate values in a mutable buffer
def runWriterFold[R, U, O, A, B](w: Eff[R, A])(fold: RightFold[O, B])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U]): Eff[U, (A, B)] = {
val executed =
Interpret.runInterpreter(w)(new Interpreter[Writer[O, *], U, A, (A, fold.S)] {
def onPure(a: A): Eff[U, (A, fold.S)] =
Eff.pure((a, fold.init))
def onEffect[X](ox: Writer[O, X], continuation: Continuation[U, X, (A, fold.S)]): Eff[U, (A, fold.S)] = {
val (o, x) =
Eff.impure(x, continuation, { case (a, s) => (a, fold.fold(o, s)) })
def onLastEffect[X](x: Writer[O, X], continuation: Continuation[U, X, Unit]): Eff[U, Unit] =
def onApplicativeEffect[X, T[_]: Traverse](xs: T[Writer[O, X]], continuation: Continuation[U, T[X], (A, fold.S)]): Eff[U, (A, fold.S)] = {
val os = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[O]
val values = { w =>
val (o, x) =
Eff.impure(values, continuation, { case (a, s) => (a, os.toList.foldLeft(s) { (res, o) => fold.fold(o, res) }) })
}) { case (a, s) => (a, fold.finalize(s)) }
* Run a side-effecting fold
def runWriterUnsafe[R, U, O, A](w: Eff[R, A])(f: O => Unit)(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
interpretUnsafe(w)(new SideEffect[Writer[O, *]] {
def apply[X](tx: Writer[O, X]): X = {
val (o, x) =
def applicative[X, Tr[_]: Traverse](ms: Tr[Writer[O, X]]): Tr[X] =
def runWriterEval[R, U, O, A](w: Eff[R, A])(f: O => Eval[Unit])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U], ev: Eval |= U): Eff[U, A] =
runWriterFold(w)(EvalFold(f)).flatMap { case (a, e) => send[Eval, U, Unit](e).as(a) }
def runWriterMonoid[R, U, O, A](w: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U], O: Monoid[O]): Eff[U, (A, O)] =
def runWriterIntoMonoid[R, U, O, M, A](w: Eff[R, A])(f: O => M)(implicit m: Member.Aux[Writer[O, *], R, U], M: Monoid[M]): Eff[U, (A, M)] =
runWriterFold(w)(IntoMonoidFold[M, O](f))
implicit def ListFold[A]: RightFold[A, List[A]] = new RightFold[A, List[A]] {
type S = List[A]
val init = List[A]()
def fold(a: A, s: S) = a :: s
def finalize(s: S) = s
def IntoMonoidFold[M: Monoid, A](f: A => M): RightFold[A, M] = new RightFold[A, M] {
type S = M
val init: M = Monoid[M].empty
def fold(a: A, s: M): M = f(a) |+| s
def finalize(s: M): M = s
def MonoidFold[A: Monoid]: RightFold[A, A] =
def EvalFold[A](f: A => Eval[Unit]): RightFold[A, Eval[Unit]] = new RightFold[A, Eval[Unit]] {
type S = Eval[Unit]
val init = Eval.Unit
def fold(a: A, s: S) = Eval.defer { f(a) *> s }
def finalize(s: S) = s
object WriterInterpretation extends WriterInterpretation