org.automon.aspects.AutomonAspect.aj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.automon.aspects;
import org.automon.implementations.NullImp;
import org.automon.implementations.OpenMon;
import org.automon.implementations.OpenMonFactory;
import org.automon.utils.AutomonPropertiesLoader;
import org.automon.utils.Utils;
import java.util.Properties;
* Aspect that advises the {@link org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around} and {@link org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterThrowing} annotations.
* The appropriate methods on {@link org.automon.implementations.OpenMon} methods are called. The advice typically times methods
* and counts any exceptions thrown, however other behavior such as logging is also possible.
* Note a developer should implement and provide any methods for this class or {@link org.automon.aspects.AspectJBase} or
* {@link org.automon.aspects.SpringBase}.
* Note: I used native aspect style instead of the @AspectJ style because @Around in @AspectJ style doesn't seem to allow for the
* more performant use of the static part of the JoinPoint. The static part only seems to be available without first
* creating the dynamic JoinPoint in native aspects. Native style aspects are more powerful and can later be extended by developers
* with @AspectJ style, so it is probably the best option anyway.
privileged public abstract aspect AutomonAspect {
private OpenMonFactory factory = new OpenMonFactory(new NullImp());
private OpenMon openMon = new NullImp();
private AutomonMXBean automonJmx = new Automon(this);
public AutomonAspect() {
// Use OpenMon the user selects and register the aspect with jmx
Utils.registerWithJmx(this, automonJmx);
private void initOpenMon() {
Properties properties = new AutomonPropertiesLoader().getProperties();
String openMonStr = properties.getProperty(AutomonPropertiesLoader.CONFIGURED_OPEN_MON);
// if the openMonString is a fully qualified classname then also register it in the factory i.e. com.mygreatcompany.MyOpenMon
if (Utils.hasPackageName(openMonStr)) {
* _monitor() advice - Wraps the given pointcut and calls the appropriate {@link org.automon.implementations.OpenMon} method
* at the beginning and end of the method call.
* @return The advised methods value or void.
* @throws Throwable If the method throws a {@link java.lang.Throwable} the advice will rethrow it.
Object around() throws Throwable : _monitor() {
// Note: context is typically a Timer/Monitor object returned by the monitoring implementation (Jamon, JavaSimon, Metrics,...)
// though to this advice it is simply an object and the advice doesn't care what the intent of the context/object is.
Object context = openMon.start(thisJoinPointStaticPart);
try {
Object retVal = proceed();
return retVal;
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
openMon.stop(context, throwable);
throw throwable;
* exceptions() advice - Takes action on any Exception thrown. It typically Tracks/Counts any exceptions thrown by the pointcut.
* Note arguments are passed on to {@link org.automon.implementations.OpenMon#exception(org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint, Throwable)}
after() throwing(Throwable throwable): exceptions() {
openMon.exception(thisJoinPoint, throwable);
/** pointcut that determines what is monitored for performance/time */
public pointcut _monitor() : user_monitor() && _sys_monitor();
/** User should implement this pointcut to determine what should be monitored for performance/time */
public abstract pointcut user_monitor();
/** reserved pointcut for Automon team */
public pointcut _sys_monitor();
/** pointcut that determines what is monitored for exceptions. It can be the same as the {@link #_monitor()} pointcut */
public pointcut exceptions() : user_exceptions() && _sys_exceptions();
/** User should implement this pointcut to determine what should be monitored for performance/time */
public abstract pointcut user_exceptions();
/** reserved pointcut for Automon team */
public pointcut _sys_exceptions();
/* methods */
public boolean isEnabled() {
return !(openMon instanceof NullImp);
/** Retrieve monitoring implementation */
public OpenMon getOpenMon() {
return openMon;
/** Set monitoring implementation such as JAMon, Metrics, or JavaSimon */
public void setOpenMon(OpenMon openMon) {
this.openMon = openMon;
* Take the string of any {@link org.automon.implementations.OpenMon} registered within this classes
* {@link org.automon.implementations.OpenMonFactory}, instantiate it and make it the current OpenMon. If null is passed
* in then use the default of iterating each of the preinstalled OpenMon types attempting to create them until one succeeds.
* If one doesn't succeed then it would mean the proper jar is not available. If all of these fail then simply disable.
* @param openMonKey Something like jamon, metrics, javasimon
public void setOpenMon(String openMonKey) {
if (openMonKey==null || openMonKey.trim().equals("")) {
this.openMon = factory.getFirstInstance();
} else {
this.openMon = factory.getInstance(openMonKey);
public OpenMonFactory getOpenMonFactory() {
return factory;
// Note the mxbean was done as an inner class due to compilation order and AutomonAspect.aj not being compiled and so
// not available to Automon if it was an external class. These methods are visible via the jconsole jmx console.
public static class Automon implements AutomonMXBean {
private AutomonAspect automonAspect;
public Automon(AutomonAspect automonAspect) {
this.automonAspect = automonAspect;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return automonAspect.isEnabled();
public void setOpenMon(String openMonKey) {
public String getOpenMon() {
return automonAspect.getOpenMon().toString();
public String getValidOpenMons() {
return automonAspect.getOpenMonFactory().toString();