com.avaje.ebean.config.DbMigrationConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avaje.ebean.config;
import com.avaje.ebean.EbeanServer;
import com.avaje.ebean.dbmigration.DbMigration;
import org.avaje.dbmigration.MigrationConfig;
import org.avaje.dbmigration.MigrationRunner;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Map;
* Configuration for the DB migration processing.
public class DbMigrationConfig {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DbMigrationConfig.class);
* The database platform to generate migration DDL for.
protected Platform platform;
* Set to true if the DB migration should be generated on server start.
protected boolean generate;
* The migration version name (typically FlywayDb compatible).
* Example: 1.1.1_2
* The version is expected to be the combination of the current pom version plus
* a 'feature' id. The combined version must be unique and ordered to work with
* FlywayDb so each developer sets a unique version so that the migration script
* generated is unique (typically just prior to being submitted as a merge request).
protected String version;
* Description text that can be appended to the version to become the ddl script file name.
* So if the name is "a foo table" then the ddl script file could be:
* "1.1.1_2__a-foo-table.sql"
* When the DB migration relates to a git feature (merge request) then this description text
* is a short description of the feature.
protected String name;
* Resource path for the migration xml and sql.
protected String migrationPath = "dbmigration";
* Subdirectory the model xml files go into.
protected String modelPath = "model";
protected String applySuffix = ".sql";
* Set this to "V" to be compatible with FlywayDB.
protected String applyPrefix = "";
protected String modelSuffix = ".model.xml";
protected boolean includeGeneratedFileComment;
* The version of a pending drop that should be generated as the next migration.
protected String generatePendingDrop;
* For running migration the DB table that holds migration execution status.
protected String metaTable = "db_migration";
* Flag set to true means to run any outstanding migrations on startup.
protected boolean runMigration;
* Comma and equals delimited key/value placeholders to replace in DDL scripts.
protected String runPlaceholders;
* Map of key/value placeholders to replace in DDL scripts.
protected Map runPlaceholderMap;
* DB user used to run the DB migration.
protected String dbUsername;
* DB password used to run the DB migration.
protected String dbPassword;
* Return the DB platform to generate migration DDL for.
* We typically need to explicitly specify this as migration can often be generated
* when running against H2.
public Platform getPlatform() {
return platform;
* Set the DB platform to generate migration DDL for.
public void setPlatform(Platform platform) {
this.platform = platform;
* Return the resource path for db migrations.
public String getMigrationPath() {
return migrationPath;
* Set the resource path for db migrations.
* The default of "dbmigration" is reasonable in most cases. You may look to set this
* to be something like "dbmigration/myapp" where myapp gives it a unique resource path
* in the case there are multiple EbeanServer applications in the single classpath.
public void setMigrationPath(String migrationPath) {
this.migrationPath = migrationPath;
* Return the relative path for the model files (defaults to model).
public String getModelPath() {
return modelPath;
* Set the relative path for the model files.
public void setModelPath(String modelPath) {
this.modelPath = modelPath;
* Return the model suffix (defaults to model.xml)
public String getModelSuffix() {
return modelSuffix;
* Set the model suffix.
public void setModelSuffix(String modelSuffix) {
this.modelSuffix = modelSuffix;
* Return the apply script suffix (defaults to sql).
public String getApplySuffix() {
return applySuffix;
* Set the apply script suffix (defaults to sql).
public void setApplySuffix(String applySuffix) {
this.applySuffix = applySuffix;
* Return the apply prefix.
public String getApplyPrefix() {
return applyPrefix;
* Set the apply prefix. This might be set to "V" for use with FlywayDB.
public void setApplyPrefix(String applyPrefix) {
this.applyPrefix = applyPrefix;
* Return true if the generated file comment should be included.
public boolean isIncludeGeneratedFileComment() {
return includeGeneratedFileComment;
* Set to true if the generated file comment should be included.
public void setIncludeGeneratedFileComment(boolean includeGeneratedFileComment) {
this.includeGeneratedFileComment = includeGeneratedFileComment;
* Return the migration version (or "next") to generate pending drops for.
public String getGeneratePendingDrop() {
return generatePendingDrop;
* Set the migration version (or "next") to generate pending drops for.
public void setGeneratePendingDrop(String generatePendingDrop) {
this.generatePendingDrop = generatePendingDrop;
* Set the migration version.
* Note that version set via System property or environment variable ddl.migration.version
takes precedence.
public void setVersion(String version) {
this.version = version;
* Set the migration name.
* Note that name set via System property or environment variable ddl.migration.name
takes precedence.
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Return the table name that holds the migration run details
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public String getMetaTable() {
return metaTable;
* Set the table name that holds the migration run details
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public void setMetaTable(String metaTable) {
this.metaTable = metaTable;
* Return a comma and equals delimited placeholders that are substituted in SQL scripts when running migration
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public String getRunPlaceholders() {
// environment properties take precedence
String placeholders = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.placeholders");
if (placeholders != null) {
return placeholders;
return runPlaceholders;
* Set a comma and equals delimited placeholders that are substituted in SQL scripts when running migration
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public void setRunPlaceholders(String runPlaceholders) {
this.runPlaceholders = runPlaceholders;
* Return a map of placeholder values that are substituted in SQL scripts when running migration
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public Map getRunPlaceholderMap() {
return runPlaceholderMap;
* Set a map of placeholder values that are substituted when running migration
* (used by DB Migration runner only).
public void setRunPlaceholderMap(Map runPlaceholderMap) {
this.runPlaceholderMap = runPlaceholderMap;
* Return true if the DB migration should be run on startup.
public boolean isRunMigration() {
// environment properties take precedence
String run = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.run");
if (run != null) {
return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(run.trim());
return runMigration;
* Set to true to run the DB migration on startup.
public void setRunMigration(boolean runMigration) {
this.runMigration = runMigration;
* Return the DB username to use for running DB migrations.
public String getDbUsername() {
// environment properties take precedence
String user = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.user");
if (user != null) {
return user;
return dbUsername;
* Set the DB username to use for running DB migrations.
public void setDbUsername(String dbUsername) {
this.dbUsername = dbUsername;
* Return the DB password to use for running DB migrations.
public String getDbPassword() {
String user = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.password");
if (user != null) {
return user;
return dbPassword;
* Set the DB password to use for running DB migrations.
public void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) {
this.dbPassword = dbPassword;
* Load the settings from the PropertiesWrapper.
public void loadSettings(PropertiesWrapper properties, String serverName) {
migrationPath = properties.get("migration.migrationPath", migrationPath);
modelPath = properties.get("migration.modelPath", modelPath);
applyPrefix = properties.get("migration.applyPrefix", applyPrefix);
applySuffix = properties.get("migration.applySuffix", applySuffix);
modelSuffix = properties.get("migration.modelSuffix", modelSuffix);
includeGeneratedFileComment = properties.getBoolean("migration.includeGeneratedFileComment", includeGeneratedFileComment);
generatePendingDrop = properties.get("migration.generatePendingDrop", generatePendingDrop);
platform = properties.getEnum(Platform.class, "migration.platform", platform);
generate = properties.getBoolean("migration.generate", generate);
version = properties.get("migration.version", version);
name = properties.get("migration.name", name);
runMigration = properties.getBoolean("migration.run", runMigration);
metaTable = properties.get("migration.metaTable", metaTable);
runPlaceholders = properties.get("migration.placeholders", runPlaceholders);
String adminUser = properties.get("datasource."+serverName+".username", dbUsername);
adminUser = properties.get("datasource."+serverName+".adminusername", adminUser);
dbUsername = properties.get("migration.dbusername", adminUser);
String adminPwd = properties.get("datasource."+serverName+".password", dbPassword);
adminPwd = properties.get("datasource."+serverName+".adminpassword", adminPwd);
dbPassword = properties.get("migration.dbpassword", adminPwd);
* Return true if the migration should be generated.
* It is expected that when an environment variable ddl.migration.enabled
* is set to true
then the DB migration will generate the migration DDL.
public boolean isGenerateOnStart() {
// environment properties take precedence
String envGenerate = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.generate");
if (envGenerate != null) {
return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(envGenerate.trim());
return generate;
* Called by EbeanServer on start.
* If enabled this generates the migration xml and DDL scripts.
public void generateOnStart(EbeanServer server) {
if (isGenerateOnStart()) {
if (platform == null) {
logger.warn("No platform set for migration DDL generation");
} else {
// generate the migration xml and platform specific DDL
DbMigration migration = new DbMigration(server);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error generating DB migration", e);
* Return the migration version (typically FlywayDb compatible).
* Example: 1.1.1_2
* The version is expected to be the combination of the current pom version plus
* a 'feature' id. The combined version must be unique and ordered to work with
* FlywayDb so each developer sets a unique version so that the migration script
* generated is unique (typically just prior to being submitted as a merge request).
public String getVersion() {
String envVersion = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.version");
if (!isEmpty(envVersion)) {
return envVersion.trim();
return version;
* Return the migration name which is short description text that can be appended to
* the migration version to become the ddl script file name.
* So if the name is "a foo table" then the ddl script file could be:
* "1.1.1_2__a-foo-table.sql"
* When the DB migration relates to a git feature (merge request) then this description text
* is a short description of the feature.
public String getName() {
String envName = readEnvironment("ddl.migration.name");
if (!isEmpty(envName)) {
return envName.trim();
return name;
* Return the system or environment property.
protected String readEnvironment(String key) {
String val = System.getProperty(key);
if (val == null) {
val = System.getenv(key);
return val;
* Return true if the string is null or empty.
protected boolean isEmpty(String val) {
return val == null || val.trim().isEmpty();
* Create the MigrationRunner to run migrations if necessary.
public MigrationRunner createRunner(ClassLoader classLoader) {
MigrationConfig runnerConfig = new MigrationConfig();
return new MigrationRunner(runnerConfig);