com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn;
import com.avaje.ebean.FetchConfig;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.HashQueryPlanBuilder;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssoc;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyDeploy;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.el.ElPropertyValue;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.SplitName;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Represents the internal structure of an Object Relational query.
* Holds the select() and join() details of a ORM query.
* It is worth noting that for AutoTune a "tuned fetch info" builds an instance of OrmQueryDetail.
* Tuning a query is a matter of replacing an instance of this class with one that has been tuned
* with select() and join() set.
public class OrmQueryDetail implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2510486880141461807L;
* Root level properties.
private OrmQueryProperties baseProps = new OrmQueryProperties();
* Contains the fetch/lazy/query joins and their properties.
private LinkedHashMap fetchPaths = new LinkedHashMap();
* Return a deep copy of the OrmQueryDetail.
public OrmQueryDetail copy() {
OrmQueryDetail copy = new OrmQueryDetail();
copy.baseProps = baseProps.copy();
for (Map.Entry entry : fetchPaths.entrySet()) {
copy.fetchPaths.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().copy());
return copy;
public int queryPlanHash() {
HashQueryPlanBuilder builder = new HashQueryPlanBuilder();
return builder.getPlanHash();
* Calculate the hash for the query plan.
public void queryPlanHash(HashQueryPlanBuilder builder) {
if (fetchPaths != null) {
for (OrmQueryProperties p : fetchPaths.values()) {
* Return true if the details are the same for query plan purposes.
public boolean isSameByPlan(OrmQueryDetail otherDetail) {
if (!isSameByPlan(baseProps, otherDetail.baseProps)) {
return false;
if (fetchPaths == null) {
return otherDetail.fetchPaths == null;
if (fetchPaths.size() != otherDetail.fetchPaths.size()) {
return false;
// check with ordering being important
Iterator> thisIt = fetchPaths.entrySet().iterator();
Iterator> thatIt = otherDetail.fetchPaths.entrySet().iterator();
while (thisIt.hasNext() && thatIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry thisEntry = thisIt.next();
Map.Entry thatEntry = thatIt.next();
if (!thisEntry.getKey().equals(thatEntry.getKey())) {
return false;
if (!thisEntry.getValue().isSameByPlan(thatEntry.getValue())) {
return false;
return true;
* Return true if equal in terms of autoTune (select and fetch without property ordering).
public boolean isAutoTuneEqual(OrmQueryDetail otherDetail) {
if (!isSameByAutoTune(baseProps, otherDetail.baseProps)) {
return false;
if (fetchPaths == null) {
return otherDetail.fetchPaths == null;
if (fetchPaths.size() != otherDetail.fetchPaths.size()) {
return false;
// check without regard to ordering
for (Map.Entry entry : fetchPaths.entrySet()) {
OrmQueryProperties chunk = otherDetail.getChunk(entry.getKey(), false);
if (!isSameByAutoTune(entry.getValue(), chunk)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean isSameByAutoTune(OrmQueryProperties p1, OrmQueryProperties p2) {
return p1 == null ? p2 == null : p1.isSameByAutoTune(p2);
private boolean isSameByPlan(OrmQueryProperties p1, OrmQueryProperties p2) {
return p1 == null ? p2 == null : p1.isSameByPlan(p2);
public String toString() {
return asString();
* Return the detail in string form.
public String asString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!baseProps.isEmpty()) {
baseProps.append("select ", sb);
if (fetchPaths != null) {
for (OrmQueryProperties join : fetchPaths.values()) {
join.append(" fetch ", sb);
return sb.toString();
public int hashCode() {
throw new RuntimeException("should not use");
* set the properties to include on the base / root entity.
public void select(String columns) {
baseProps = new OrmQueryProperties(null, columns, null);
public boolean containsProperty(String property) {
return baseProps.isIncluded(property);
* Set the base / root query properties.
public void setBase(OrmQueryProperties baseProps) {
this.baseProps = baseProps;
public List removeSecondaryQueries() {
return removeSecondaryQueries(false);
public List removeSecondaryLazyQueries() {
return removeSecondaryQueries(true);
private List removeSecondaryQueries(boolean lazyQuery) {
ArrayList matchingPaths = new ArrayList(2);
for (OrmQueryProperties chunk : fetchPaths.values()) {
boolean match = lazyQuery ? chunk.isLazyFetch() : chunk.isQueryFetch();
if (match) {
if (matchingPaths.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// sort into depth order to remove
// the list of secondary queries
ArrayList props = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < matchingPaths.size(); i++) {
String path = matchingPaths.get(i);
OrmQueryProperties secQuery = fetchPaths.remove(path);
if (secQuery != null) {
// remove any child properties for this path
Iterator pass2It = fetchPaths.values().iterator();
while (pass2It.hasNext()) {
OrmQueryProperties pass2Prop = pass2It.next();
if (secQuery.isChild(pass2Prop)) {
// remove join to secondary query from the main query
// and add to this secondary query
// Add the secondary queries as select properties
// to the parent chunk to ensure the foreign keys
// are included in the query
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
String path = props.get(i).getPath();
// split into parent and property
String[] split = SplitName.split(path);
// add property to parent chunk
OrmQueryProperties chunk = getChunk(split[0], true);
return props;
public boolean tuneFetchProperties(OrmQueryDetail tunedDetail) {
boolean tuned = false;
OrmQueryProperties tunedRoot = tunedDetail.getChunk(null, false);
if (tunedRoot != null) {
tuned = true;
baseProps = tunedRoot;
for (OrmQueryProperties tunedChunk : tunedDetail.fetchPaths.values()) {
return tuned;
* Add or replace the fetch detail.
protected void fetch(OrmQueryProperties chunk) {
String path = chunk.getPath();
if (path == null) {
baseProps = chunk;
} else {
fetchPaths.put(path, chunk);
* Remove all joins and properties.
* Typically for the row count query.
public void clear() {
* Set the fetch properties and configuration for a given path.
* @param path the property to join
* @param partialProps the properties on the join property to include
public void fetch(String path, String partialProps, FetchConfig fetchConfig) {
fetch(new OrmQueryProperties(path, partialProps, fetchConfig));
* Add for raw sql etc when the properties are already parsed into a set.
public void fetch(String path, LinkedHashSet properties) {
fetch(new OrmQueryProperties(path, properties));
* Sort the fetch paths into depth order adding any missing parent paths if necessary.
public void sortFetchPaths(BeanDescriptor> d) {
if (!fetchPaths.isEmpty()) {
LinkedHashMap sorted = new LinkedHashMap();
for (OrmQueryProperties p : fetchPaths.values()) {
sortFetchPaths(d, p, sorted);
fetchPaths = sorted;
private void sortFetchPaths(BeanDescriptor> d, OrmQueryProperties p, LinkedHashMap sorted) {
String path = p.getPath();
if (!sorted.containsKey(path)) {
String parentPath = p.getParentPath();
if (parentPath == null || sorted.containsKey(parentPath)) {
// off root path or parent already ahead in fetch order
sorted.put(path, p);
} else {
OrmQueryProperties parentProp = fetchPaths.get(parentPath);
if (parentProp == null) {
ElPropertyValue el = d.getElGetValue(parentPath);
if (el == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Path [" + parentPath + "] not valid from " + d.getFullName());
// add a missing parent path just fetching the Id property
BeanPropertyAssoc> assocOne = (BeanPropertyAssoc>) el.getBeanProperty();
parentProp = new OrmQueryProperties(parentPath, assocOne.getTargetIdProperty());
sortFetchPaths(d, parentProp, sorted);
sorted.put(path, p);
* Mark 'fetch joins' to 'many' properties over to 'query joins' where needed.
public void markQueryJoins(BeanDescriptor> beanDescriptor, String lazyLoadManyPath, boolean allowOne) {
// the name of the many fetch property if there is one
String manyFetchProperty = null;
// flag that is set once the many fetch property is chosen
boolean fetchJoinFirstMany = allowOne;
for (String fetchPath : fetchPaths.keySet()) {
ElPropertyDeploy elProp = beanDescriptor.getElPropertyDeploy(fetchPath);
if (elProp == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Invalid fetch path " + fetchPath + " from " + beanDescriptor.getFullName());
if (elProp.containsManySince(manyFetchProperty)) {
// this is a join to a *ToMany
OrmQueryProperties chunk = fetchPaths.get(fetchPath);
if (isQueryJoinCandidate(lazyLoadManyPath, chunk)) {
// this is a 'fetch join' (included in main query)
if (fetchJoinFirstMany) {
// letting the first one remain a 'fetch join'
fetchJoinFirstMany = false;
manyFetchProperty = fetchPath;
} else {
// convert this one over to a 'query join'
* Return true if this path is a candidate for converting to a query join.
private boolean isQueryJoinCandidate(String lazyLoadManyPath, OrmQueryProperties chunk) {
return chunk.isFetchJoin()
&& !isLazyLoadManyRoot(lazyLoadManyPath, chunk)
&& !hasParentSecJoin(lazyLoadManyPath, chunk);
* Return true if this is actually the root level of a +query/+lazy loading query.
private boolean isLazyLoadManyRoot(String lazyLoadManyPath, OrmQueryProperties chunk) {
return lazyLoadManyPath != null && lazyLoadManyPath.equals(chunk.getPath());
* If the chunk has a parent that is a query or lazy join. In this case it does not need to be
* converted.
private boolean hasParentSecJoin(String lazyLoadManyPath, OrmQueryProperties chunk) {
OrmQueryProperties parent = getParent(chunk);
if (parent == null) {
return false;
} else {
if (lazyLoadManyPath != null && lazyLoadManyPath.equals(parent.getPath())) {
return false;
} else {
return !parent.isFetchJoin() || hasParentSecJoin(lazyLoadManyPath, parent);
* Return the parent chunk.
private OrmQueryProperties getParent(OrmQueryProperties chunk) {
String parentPath = chunk.getParentPath();
return parentPath == null ? null : fetchPaths.get(parentPath);
* Set any default select clauses for the main bean and any joins that have not explicitly defined
* a select clause.
* That is this will use FetchType.LAZY to exclude some properties by default.
public void setDefaultSelectClause(BeanDescriptor> desc) {
if (desc.hasDefaultSelectClause() && !hasSelectClause()) {
baseProps = new OrmQueryProperties(null, desc.getDefaultSelectClause());
for (OrmQueryProperties joinProps : fetchPaths.values()) {
if (!joinProps.hasSelectClause()) {
BeanDescriptor> assocDesc = desc.getBeanDescriptor(joinProps.getPath());
if (assocDesc.hasDefaultSelectClause()) {
fetch(joinProps.getPath(), assocDesc.getDefaultSelectClause(), joinProps.getFetchConfig());
public boolean hasSelectClause() {
return baseProps.hasSelectClause();
* Return true if the query detail has neither select properties specified or any joins defined.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return fetchPaths.isEmpty() && baseProps.allProperties();
* Return true if there are no joins.
public boolean isJoinsEmpty() {
return fetchPaths.isEmpty();
* Add the explicit bean join.
* This is also used to Exclude the matching property from the parent select (aka remove the
* foreign key) because it is now included in it's on node in the SqlTree.
public void includeBeanJoin(String parentPath, String propertyName) {
OrmQueryProperties parentChunk = getChunk(parentPath, true);
public OrmQueryProperties getChunk(String path, boolean create) {
if (path == null) {
return baseProps;
OrmQueryProperties props = fetchPaths.get(path);
if (create && props == null) {
props = new OrmQueryProperties(path);
return props;
} else {
return props;
* Return true if the fetch path is included.
public boolean includesPath(String path) {
OrmQueryProperties chunk = fetchPaths.get(path);
// may not have fetch properties if just +cache etc
return chunk != null && !chunk.isCache();
* Return the fetch paths for this detail.
public Set getFetchPaths() {
return fetchPaths.keySet();
* Return the underlying fetch path entries.
public Set> entries() {
return fetchPaths.entrySet();
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