org.aya.resolve.ResolveInfo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Tesla (Yinsen) Zhang.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the file.
package org.aya.resolve;
import kala.collection.mutable.MutableMap;
import org.aya.generic.stmt.TyckOrder;
import org.aya.primitive.PrimFactory;
import org.aya.primitive.ShapeFactory;
import org.aya.resolve.context.Context;
import org.aya.resolve.context.ModuleContext;
import org.aya.resolve.salt.AyaBinOpSet;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.BindBlock;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.ModuleName;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.Stmt;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.UseHide;
import org.aya.syntax.core.def.AnyDef;
import org.aya.syntax.core.def.TyckAnyDef;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.AnyVar;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.CompiledVar;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.DefVar;
import org.aya.tyck.ExprTycker;
import org.aya.tyck.TyckState;
import org.aya.util.binop.OpDecl;
import org.aya.util.error.SourcePos;
import org.aya.util.reporter.Reporter;
import org.aya.util.terck.MutableGraph;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Debug;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* @param thisModule context of the underlying module
* @param primFactory globally shared prim definition data
* @param shapeFactory shapes local to this module
* @param opSet operators local to this module
* @param opRename open/import renames with operators
* @param depGraph local to this module
* @param imports importing information, it only contains the modules that is explicitly imported,
* should not be confused with the {@code import} in {@link ModuleContext#importModuleContext}
* @param reExports re-exporting module, it is {@link ModuleName.Qualified} rather than {@link String}
* cause we can re-export a module inside another module without import it.
@Debug.Renderer(text = "thisModule.modulePath().toString()")
public record ResolveInfo(
@NotNull ModuleContext thisModule,
@NotNull PrimFactory primFactory,
@NotNull ShapeFactory shapeFactory,
@NotNull AyaBinOpSet opSet,
@NotNull MutableMap opRename,
@NotNull MutableMap imports,
@NotNull MutableMap reExports,
@NotNull MutableGraph depGraph
) {
public ResolveInfo(
@NotNull ModuleContext thisModule,
@NotNull PrimFactory primFactory,
@NotNull ShapeFactory shapeFactory
) {
this(thisModule, primFactory, shapeFactory, new AyaBinOpSet(thisModule.reporter()));
public ResolveInfo(
@NotNull ModuleContext thisModule,
@NotNull PrimFactory primFactory,
@NotNull ShapeFactory shapeFactory,
@NotNull AyaBinOpSet opSet
) {
this(thisModule, primFactory, shapeFactory, opSet,
MutableMap.create(), MutableMap.create(), MutableMap.create(), MutableGraph.create());
public ExprTycker newTycker() { return newTycker(opSet.reporter); }
public ExprTycker newTycker(@NotNull Reporter reporter) { return new ExprTycker(makeTyckState(), reporter); }
public @NotNull TyckState makeTyckState() { return new TyckState(shapeFactory, primFactory); }
public record ImportInfo(@NotNull ResolveInfo resolveInfo, boolean reExport) { }
public record OpRenameInfo(
@NotNull Context bindCtx, @NotNull RenamedOpDecl renamed,
@NotNull BindBlock bind, boolean reExport
) { }
public @Nullable OpDecl resolveOpDecl(AnyVar var) {
return switch (var) {
case CompiledVar jit -> resolveOpDecl(jit.core());
case DefVar, ?> ref -> resolveOpDecl(new TyckAnyDef<>(ref));
default -> null;
public @NotNull OpDecl resolveOpDecl(AnyDef defVar) {
var renameInfo = opRename.getOrNull(defVar);
return renameInfo != null ? renameInfo.renamed() : defVar;
* @param reExport if this operator is renamed in this module, then true,
* or if publicly renamed by upstream, then false.
* @see #open(ResolveInfo, SourcePos, Stmt.Accessibility)
public void renameOp(
@NotNull Context bindCtx, @NotNull AnyDef defVar,
@NotNull RenamedOpDecl renamed, @NotNull BindBlock bind, boolean reExport
) {
// TODO: what if already exists?
opRename.put(defVar, new OpRenameInfo(bindCtx, renamed, bind, reExport));
public void open(@NotNull ResolveInfo other, @NotNull SourcePos sourcePos, @NotNull Stmt.Accessibility acc) {
// open defined operator and their bindings
opSet.importBind(other.opSet, sourcePos);
// open discovered shapes as well
// open renamed operators and their bindings
other.opRename.forEach((defVar, tuple) -> {
// if it is `public open`, make renamed operators transitively accessible by storing
// them in my `opRename` bc "my importers" cannot access `other.opRename`.
// see:
renameOp(thisModule, defVar, tuple.renamed, tuple.bind, acc != Stmt.Accessibility.Public);
public @NotNull Reporter reporter() {
return this.opSet.reporter;
@Debug.Renderer(text = "")
public record RenamedOpDecl(@NotNull OpInfo opInfo) implements OpDecl { }
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