org.aya.tyck.pat.ClauseTycker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Tesla (Yinsen) Zhang.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the file.
package org.aya.tyck.pat;
import kala.collection.SeqView;
import kala.collection.immutable.ImmutableSeq;
import kala.collection.immutable.primitive.ImmutableIntSeq;
import kala.value.primitive.MutableBooleanValue;
import org.aya.generic.Renamer;
import org.aya.prettier.AyaPrettierOptions;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.Expr;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.Pattern;
import org.aya.syntax.core.pat.Pat;
import org.aya.syntax.core.pat.TypeEraser;
import org.aya.syntax.core.term.ErrorTerm;
import org.aya.syntax.core.term.MetaPatTerm;
import org.aya.syntax.core.term.Param;
import org.aya.syntax.core.term.Term;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.LocalCtx;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.LocalVar;
import org.aya.syntax.telescope.Signature;
import org.aya.tyck.ExprTycker;
import org.aya.tyck.Jdg;
import org.aya.tyck.TyckState;
import org.aya.tyck.ctx.LocalLet;
import org.aya.tyck.error.PatternProblem;
import org.aya.tyck.tycker.Problematic;
import org.aya.tyck.tycker.Stateful;
import org.aya.util.error.Panic;
import org.aya.util.error.SourcePos;
import org.aya.util.error.WithPos;
import org.aya.util.reporter.Reporter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
public record ClauseTycker(@NotNull ExprTycker exprTycker) implements Problematic, Stateful {
public record TyckResult(
@NotNull ImmutableSeq> clauses,
boolean hasLhsError
) {
public @NotNull ImmutableSeq> wellTyped() {
return clauses.flatMap(Pat.Preclause::lift);
* @param paramSubst substitution for parameter, in the same order as parameter.
* See {@link PatternTycker#paramSubst}
* @param freePats a free version of the patterns.
* In most cases you want to use {@code clause.pats} instead
* @param allBinds all binders in the patterns
* @param asSubst substitution of the {@code as} patterns
public record LhsResult(
@NotNull LocalCtx localCtx,
@NotNull Term type,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq allBinds,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq freePats,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq paramSubst,
@NotNull LocalLet asSubst,
@NotNull Pat.Preclause clause,
boolean hasError
) {
@Contract(mutates = "param2")
public void addLocalLet(@NotNull ImmutableSeq teleBinds, @NotNull ExprTycker exprTycker) {
teleBinds.forEachWith(paramSubst, exprTycker.localLet()::put);
exprTycker.setLocalLet(new LocalLet(exprTycker.localLet(), asSubst.subst()));
public record Worker(
@NotNull ClauseTycker parent,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq teleVars,
@NotNull Signature signature,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq clauses,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq elims,
boolean isFn
) {
public @NotNull TyckResult check(@NotNull SourcePos overallPos) {
var lhsResult = parent.checkAllLhs(computeIndices(), signature, clauses.view(), isFn);
if (lhsResult.noneMatch(r -> r.hasError)) {
var classes = PatClassifier.classify(lhsResult.view().map(LhsResult::clause),
signature.params().view(), parent.exprTycker, overallPos);
if (clauses.isNotEmpty()) {
var usages = PatClassifier.firstMatchDomination(clauses, parent, classes);
// refinePatterns(lhsResults, usages, classes);
lhsResult = -> new LhsResult(cl.localCtx, cl.type, cl.allBinds,,
cl.paramSubst, cl.asSubst, cl.clause, cl.hasError));
return parent.checkAllRhs(teleVars, lhsResult);
private @Nullable ImmutableIntSeq computeIndices() {
return elims.isEmpty() ? null : elims.mapToInt(ImmutableIntSeq.factory(),
public @NotNull TyckResult checkNoClassify() {
return parent.checkAllRhs(teleVars, parent.checkAllLhs(computeIndices(), signature, clauses.view(), isFn));
public @NotNull ImmutableSeq checkAllLhs(
@Nullable ImmutableIntSeq indices, @NotNull Signature signature,
@NotNull SeqView clauses, boolean isFn
) {
return -> checkLhs(signature, indices, c, isFn)).toImmutableSeq();
public @NotNull TyckResult checkAllRhs(
@NotNull ImmutableSeq vars,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq lhsResults
) {
var lhsError = lhsResults.anyMatch(LhsResult::hasError);
var rhsResult = -> checkRhs(vars, x));
// inline terms in rhsResult
rhsResult = -> new Pat.Preclause<>(
preclause.pats().map(p -> p.descentTerm(exprTycker::zonk)),
preclause.bindCount(), preclause.expr()
return new TyckResult(rhsResult, lhsError);
@Override public @NotNull Reporter reporter() { return exprTycker.reporter; }
@Override public @NotNull TyckState state() { return exprTycker.state; }
private @NotNull PatternTycker newPatternTycker(
@Nullable ImmutableIntSeq indices,
@NotNull SeqView telescope
) {
telescope = indices != null
? telescope.mapIndexed((idx, p) -> indices.contains(idx) ? p.explicitize() : p.implicitize())
: telescope;
return new PatternTycker(exprTycker, telescope, new LocalLet(), indices == null,
new Renamer());
public @NotNull LhsResult checkLhs(
@NotNull Signature signature,
@Nullable ImmutableIntSeq indices,
@NotNull Pattern.Clause clause,
boolean isFn
) {
var tycker = newPatternTycker(indices, signature.params().view());
return exprTycker.subscoped(() -> {
// If a pattern occurs in elimination environment, then we check if it contains absurd pattern.
// If it is not the case, the pattern must be accompanied by a body.
if (isFn && !clause.patterns.anyMatch(p -> hasAbsurdity(p.term().data())) && clause.expr.isEmpty()) {
clause.hasError = true; PatternProblem.InvalidEmptyBody(clause));
var patResult = tycker.tyck(clause.patterns.view(), null, clause.expr.getOrNull());
var ctx = exprTycker.localCtx(); // No need to copy the context here
clause.hasError |= patResult.hasError();
patResult = inline(patResult, ctx);
var resultTerm = signature.result().instantiateTele(patResult.paramSubstObj()).descent(new TermInline());
clause.patterns.view().map(it -> it.term().data()).forEach(TermInPatInline::apply);
// It is safe to replace ctx:
// * telescope are well-typed and no Meta
// * PatternTycker doesn't introduce any Meta term
ctx = TermInline());
var patWithTypeBound = Pat.collectVariables(patResult.wellTyped().view());
var allBinds = patWithTypeBound.component1().toImmutableSeq();
var newClause = new Pat.Preclause<>(clause.sourcePos, patWithTypeBound.component2(),
allBinds.size(), patResult.newBody());
return new LhsResult(ctx, resultTerm, allBinds,
patResult.wellTyped(), patResult.paramSubst(), patResult.asSubst(), newClause, patResult.hasError());
* Tyck the rhs of some clause.
* @param result the tyck result of the corresponding patterns
private @NotNull Pat.Preclause checkRhs(
@NotNull ImmutableSeq teleBinds,
@NotNull LhsResult result
) {
return exprTycker.subscoped(() -> {
var clause = result.clause;
var bodyExpr = clause.expr();
Term wellBody;
var bindCount = 0;
if (bodyExpr == null) wellBody = null;
else if (result.hasError) {
// In case the patterns are malformed, do not check the body
// as we bind local variables in the pattern checker,
// and in case the patterns are malformed, some bindings may
// not be added to the localCtx of tycker, causing assertion errors
wellBody = new ErrorTerm(result.clause.expr().data());
} else {
// the localCtx will be restored after exiting [subscoped]e
result.addLocalLet(teleBinds, exprTycker);
// now exprTycker has all substitutions that PatternTycker introduced.
wellBody = exprTycker.inherit(bodyExpr, result.type).wellTyped();
wellBody = exprTycker.zonk(wellBody);
// bind all pat bindings
var patBindTele = Pat.collectVariables(result.clause.pats().view()).component1();
bindCount = patBindTele.size();
wellBody = wellBody.bindTele(patBindTele.view());
return new Pat.Preclause<>(clause.sourcePos(), clause.pats(), bindCount,
wellBody == null ? null : WithPos.dummy(wellBody));
private static final class TermInline implements UnaryOperator {
@Override public @NotNull Term apply(@NotNull Term term) {
if (term instanceof MetaPatTerm metaPat) {
var isEmpty = metaPat.meta().solution().isEmpty();
if (isEmpty) throw new Panic("Unable to inline " + metaPat.toDoc(AyaPrettierOptions.debug()));
// the solution may contain other MetaPatTerm
return metaPat.inline(this);
} else {
return term.descent(this);
private static boolean hasAbsurdity(@NotNull Pattern term) {
return hasAbsurdity(term, MutableBooleanValue.create());
private static boolean hasAbsurdity(@NotNull Pattern term, @NotNull MutableBooleanValue b) {
if (term == Pattern.Absurd.INSTANCE) b.set(true);
else term.forEach((_, p) -> b.set(b.get() || hasAbsurdity(p, b)));
return b.get();
* Inline terms which in pattern
private static final class TermInPatInline {
public static void apply(@NotNull Pattern pat) {
var typeRef = switch (pat) {
case Pattern.Bind bind -> bind.type();
case Pattern.As as -> as.type();
default -> null;
if (typeRef != null) typeRef.update(it -> it == null ? null :
it.descent(new TermInline()));
pat.forEach((_, p) -> apply(p));
private static @NotNull Jdg inlineTerm(@NotNull Jdg r) {
return TermInline());
* Inline terms in {@param result}, please do this after inline all patterns
private static @NotNull PatternTycker.TyckResult inline(@NotNull PatternTycker.TyckResult result, @NotNull LocalCtx ctx) {
// inline {Pat.Meta} before inline {MetaPatTerm}s
var wellTyped = result.wellTyped().map(x ->
x.inline(ctx::put).descentTerm(new TermInline()));
// so that {MetaPatTerm}s can be inlined safely
var paramSubst = result.paramSubst().map(ClauseTycker::inlineTerm);
// map in place 😱😱😱😱
result.asSubst().subst().replaceAll((_, t) -> inlineTerm(t));
return new PatternTycker.TyckResult(wellTyped, paramSubst, result.asSubst(), result.newBody(), result.hasError());
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