org.aya.resolve.context.ModuleContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Tesla (Yinsen) Zhang.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the file.
package org.aya.resolve.context;
import kala.collection.immutable.ImmutableSeq;
import kala.collection.mutable.MutableMap;
import org.aya.resolve.error.NameProblem;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.ModuleName;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.QualifiedID;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.Stmt;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.UseHide;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.AnyDefVar;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.AnyVar;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.GenerateKind;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.LocalVar;
import org.aya.util.error.SourcePos;
import org.aya.util.error.WithPos;
import org.aya.util.reporter.Reporter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.nio.file.Path;
* A Context for Module.
* A module may import symbols/modules and export some symbols/modules, it also defines some symbols/modules.
* However, name conflicting is a problem during using module, in order to solve it easier in both
* designer side and user side, a module should hold these properties:
* -
* No ambiguity on module name: module name conflicting is hard to solve,
* unless we introduce unique qualified name for each module which is a little complicate.
* Also, there are some implementation problems.
* -
* No ambiguity on exported symbol name: ambiguous on symbol name is acceptable, as long as it won't be exported.
* We also don't handle the case that we have {@code b::c} in {@code a} and {@code c} in {@code a::b} simultaneously.
* @author re-xyr
public sealed interface ModuleContext extends Context permits NoExportContext, PhysicalModuleContext {
@Override @NotNull Context parent();
@Override default @NotNull Reporter reporter() { return parent().reporter(); }
@Override default @NotNull Path underlyingFile() { return parent().underlyingFile(); }
* All available symbols in this context
@NotNull ModuleSymbol symbols();
* All imported modules in this context.
* {@code Qualified Module -> Module Export}
@NotNull MutableMap modules();
* Things (symbol or module) that are exported by this module.
@NotNull ModuleExport exports();
@Override default @Nullable ModuleExport getModuleLocalMaybe(@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName) {
return modules().getOrNull(modName);
@Override default @Nullable AnyVar getUnqualifiedLocalMaybe(@NotNull String name, @NotNull SourcePos sourcePos) {
var symbol = symbols().get(name);
if (symbol.isEmpty()) return null;
if (symbol.isAmbiguous()) reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.AmbiguousNameError(
name, symbol.from(), sourcePos));
return symbol.get();
default @Nullable AnyVar getQualifiedLocalMaybe(@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName, @NotNull String name, @NotNull SourcePos sourcePos) {
var mod = getModuleLocalMaybe(modName);
if (mod == null) return null;
var symbol = mod.symbols().getOrNull(name);
if (symbol == null) {
reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.QualifiedNameNotFoundError(modName, name, sourcePos));
return symbol;
* Import modules from {@param module}, this method also import modules
* that inside {@param module}.
* @see ModuleContext#importModule(ModuleName.Qualified, ModuleExport, Stmt.Accessibility, SourcePos)
default void importModuleContext(
@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName,
@NotNull ModuleContext module,
@NotNull Stmt.Accessibility accessibility,
@NotNull SourcePos sourcePos
) {
var export = module.exports();
importModule(modName, export, accessibility, sourcePos);
export.modules().forEach((qname, innerMod) ->
importModule(modName.concat(qname), innerMod, accessibility, sourcePos));
* Importing one module export.
* @param accessibility of importing, re-export if public
* @param modName the name of the module
* @param moduleExport the module
default void importModule(
@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName,
@NotNull ModuleExport moduleExport,
@NotNull Stmt.Accessibility accessibility,
@NotNull SourcePos sourcePos
) {
var exists = modules().getOrNull(modName);
if (exists != null) {
if (exists == moduleExport) return;
reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.DuplicateModNameError(modName, sourcePos));
} else if (getModuleMaybe(modName) != null) {
fail(new NameProblem.ModShadowingWarn(modName, sourcePos));
// put after check, otherwise you will get a lot of ModShadowingWarn!
modules().put(modName, moduleExport);
default void openModule(
@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName,
@NotNull Stmt.Accessibility accessibility,
@NotNull SourcePos sourcePos,
@NotNull UseHide useHide
) {
openModule(modName, accessibility,
sourcePos, useHide.strategy());
* Open an imported module
* @param modName the name of the module
* @param filter use or hide which definitions
* @param rename renaming
default void openModule(
@NotNull ModuleName.Qualified modName,
@NotNull Stmt.Accessibility accessibility,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq filter,
@NotNull ImmutableSeq> rename,
@NotNull SourcePos sourcePos,
UseHide.Strategy strategy
) {
var modExport = getModuleMaybe(modName);
if (modExport == null)
reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.ModNameNotFoundError(modName, sourcePos));
var filterRes = modExport.filter(filter, strategy);
var filterProblem = filterRes.problems(modName);
if (filterRes.anyError()) reportAllAndThrow(filterProblem);
var mapRes = filterRes.result().map(rename);
var mapProblem = mapRes.problems(modName);
if (mapRes.anyError()) reportAllAndThrow(mapProblem);
// report all warnings
var renamed = mapRes.result();
renamed.symbols().forEach((name, ref) ->
importSymbol(ref, modName, name, accessibility, sourcePos));
// import the modules that {renamed} exported
renamed.modules().forEach((qname, mod) -> importModule(qname, mod, accessibility, sourcePos));
* Adding a new symbol to this module.
default void importSymbol(
@NotNull AnyVar ref,
@NotNull ModuleName fromModule,
@NotNull String name,
@NotNull Stmt.Accessibility acc,
@NotNull SourcePos sourcePos
) {
var symbols = symbols();
var candidates = symbols.get(name);
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
if (getUnqualifiedMaybe(name, sourcePos) != null
&& (!(ref instanceof LocalVar local) || local.generateKind() != GenerateKind.Basic.Anonymous)) {
// {name} isn't used in this scope, but used in outer scope, shadow!
fail(new NameProblem.ShadowingWarn(name, sourcePos));
} else if (candidates.from().contains(fromModule)) {
// this case happens when the user is trying to open a module in twice (even the symbol are equal)
// or define two symbols with same name ([fromModule == ModuleName.This])
reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.DuplicateNameError(name, ref, sourcePos));
} else if (candidates.isAmbiguous() || candidates.get() != ref) {
fail(new NameProblem.AmbiguousNameWarn(name, sourcePos));
symbols.add(name, ref, fromModule);
// Only `AnyDefVar`s can be exported.
if (ref instanceof AnyDefVar defVar && acc == Stmt.Accessibility.Public) {
var success = exportSymbol(name, defVar);
if (!success) {
reportAndThrow(new NameProblem.DuplicateExportError(name, sourcePos));
* Exporting an {@link AnyDefVar}.
* @return true if exported successfully, otherwise (when there already exist a symbol with the same name) false.
default boolean exportSymbol(@NotNull String name, @NotNull AnyDefVar ref) { return true; }
default void defineSymbol(@NotNull AnyVar ref, @NotNull Stmt.Accessibility accessibility, @NotNull SourcePos sourcePos) {
importSymbol(ref, ModuleName.This,, accessibility, sourcePos);
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