org.aya.prettier.BasePrettier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Tesla (Yinsen) Zhang.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file.
package org.aya.prettier;
import kala.collection.Seq;
import kala.collection.SeqLike;
import kala.collection.SeqView;
import kala.collection.immutable.ImmutableSeq;
import kala.collection.mutable.MutableList;
import org.aya.generic.AyaDocile;
import org.aya.generic.term.ParamLike;
import org.aya.pretty.doc.Doc;
import org.aya.pretty.doc.Link;
import org.aya.pretty.doc.Style;
import org.aya.pretty.style.AyaStyleKey;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.QualifiedID;
import org.aya.syntax.concrete.stmt.decl.*;
import org.aya.syntax.core.def.*;
import org.aya.syntax.core.term.Param;
import org.aya.syntax.ref.*;
import org.aya.util.Arg;
import org.aya.util.BinOpElem;
import org.aya.util.binop.Assoc;
import org.aya.util.prettier.PrettierOptions;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.ToIntBiFunction;
import static org.aya.prettier.Tokens.KW_PRIM;
public abstract class BasePrettier {
public static @NotNull Doc argDoc(@NotNull PrettierOptions options, @NotNull Arg extends AyaDocile> self) {
return BasePrettier.arg((_, d) -> d.toDoc(options), self, Outer.Free);
public static @NotNull Doc argsDoc(@NotNull PrettierOptions options, @NotNull SeqView> self) {
return Doc.commaList(self.map(t -> argDoc(options, t)));
public static @NotNull Doc coreArgsDoc(@NotNull PrettierOptions options, @NotNull SeqView extends AyaDocile> self) {
return Doc.commaList(self.map(t -> t.toDoc(options)));
protected interface Fmt extends BiFunction {
public static final @NotNull Style KEYWORD = AyaStyleKey.Keyword.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style ERROR = AyaStyleKey.Error.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style GOAL = AyaStyleKey.Goal.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style WARNING = AyaStyleKey.Warning.preset();
// Annotate the "whole call expr" (not the call head!!) with this.
public static final @NotNull Style CALL = AyaStyleKey.CallTerm.preset();
// Annotate the "call head" with styles below.
public static final @NotNull Style PRIM = AyaStyleKey.Prim.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style FN = AyaStyleKey.Fn.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style DATA = AyaStyleKey.Data.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style CLAZZ = AyaStyleKey.Clazz.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style CON = AyaStyleKey.Con.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style MEMBER = AyaStyleKey.Member.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style GENERALIZED = AyaStyleKey.Generalized.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style COMMENT = AyaStyleKey.Comment.preset();
public static final @NotNull Style LOCAL_VAR = AyaStyleKey.LocalVar.preset();
public final @NotNull PrettierOptions options;
protected BasePrettier(@NotNull PrettierOptions options) {
this.options = options;
protected abstract @NotNull Doc term(@NotNull Outer outer, @NotNull Term term);
public @NotNull Doc visitCoreApp(
@Nullable Assoc assoc, @NotNull Doc fn,
@NotNull SeqView args,
@NotNull Outer outer, boolean showImplicits
) {
return visitCalls(assoc, fn, this::term, outer, args.map(Arg::ofExplicitly), showImplicits);
public @NotNull Doc visitCalls(
@Nullable Assoc assoc, @NotNull Doc fn,
@NotNull SeqView extends @NotNull BinOpElem> args,
@NotNull Outer outer, boolean showImplicits
) {
return visitCalls(assoc, fn, this::term, outer, args, showImplicits);
public @NotNull Doc visitCoreCalls(
@NotNull AnyDef var, @NotNull SeqLike args,
@NotNull Outer outer, boolean showImplicits
) {
var preArgs = args.toImmutableSeq();
ImmutableSeq licit = ImmutableSeq.empty();
// Because the signature of DataCon is selfTele, so we only need to deal with core con
if (var instanceof TyckAnyDef> inner) {
if (inner.core() instanceof SubLevelDef sub) licit = sub.selfTele;
else if (inner.core() instanceof TyckDef tyck) licit = Objects.requireNonNull(tyck.ref().signature).rawParams();
// TODO: handle serialized code, where you can use telescopeLicit
// licited args, note that this may not include all [var] args since [preArgs.size()] may less than [licit.size()]
// this is safe since the core call is always fully applied, that is, no missing implicit arguments.
var licitArgs = preArgs.zip(licit, (t, p) -> new Arg<>(t, p.explicit()));
// explicit arguments, these are not [var] arguments, for example, a function [f {Nat} Nat : Nat -> Nat]
// [explicitArgs.isEmpty] if licitArgs doesn't include all [var] args.
var explicitArgs = preArgs.view().drop(licitArgs.size()).map(Arg::ofExplicitly);
return visitCalls(var.assoc(), refVar(var), licitArgs.view().appendedAll(explicitArgs), outer, showImplicits);
* Pretty-print an application in a smart way.
* If an infix operator is applied by two arguments, we use operator syntax.
* @param assoc Assoc of the applied function (if it is an operator)
* @param fn The applied function, pretty-printed.
* @param fmt Mostly just {@link #term(Outer, AyaDocile)}, but can be overridden.
* @param Mostly Term
* @see #prefix(Doc, Fmt, Outer, SeqView)
@NotNull Doc visitCalls(
@Nullable Assoc assoc, @NotNull Doc fn, @NotNull Fmt fmt, Outer outer,
@NotNull SeqView extends @NotNull BinOpElem<@NotNull T>> args, boolean showImplicits
) {
var visibleArgs = (showImplicits ? args : args.filter(BinOpElem::explicit)).toImmutableSeq();
if (visibleArgs.isEmpty()) return assoc != null ? Doc.parened(fn) : fn;
if (assoc != null) {
var firstArg = visibleArgs.getFirst();
if (!firstArg.explicit()) return prefix(Doc.parened(fn), fmt, outer, visibleArgs.view());
var first = fmt.apply(Outer.BinOp, firstArg.term());
if (assoc.isBinary()) {
// If we're in a binApp/head/spine/etc., add parentheses
if (visibleArgs.sizeEquals(1)) return checkParen(outer, Doc.sep(first, fn), Outer.BinOp);
var triple = Doc.sep(first, fn, arg(fmt, visibleArgs.get(1), Outer.BinOp));
if (visibleArgs.sizeEquals(2)) return checkParen(outer, triple, Outer.BinOp);
return prefix(Doc.parened(triple), fmt, outer, visibleArgs.view().drop(2));
if (assoc.isUnary() && visibleArgs.sizeEquals(1)) {
return checkParen(outer, Doc.sep(fn, first), Outer.BinOp);
return Doc.styled(CALL, prefix(fn, fmt, outer, visibleArgs.view()));
* Pretty-print an application in a dumb (but conservative) way, using prefix syntax.
* @see #visitCalls(Assoc, Doc, Fmt, Outer, SeqView, boolean)
private @NotNull Doc
prefix(@NotNull Doc fn, @NotNull Fmt fmt, Outer outer, SeqView extends @NotNull BinOpElem> args) {
var call = Doc.sep(fn, Doc.sep(args.map(arg ->
arg(fmt, arg, Outer.AppSpine))));
// If we're in a spine, add parentheses
return checkParen(outer, call, Outer.AppSpine);
protected static Doc arg(@NotNull Fmt fmt, @NotNull BinOpElem arg, @NotNull Outer outer) {
if (arg.explicit()) return fmt.apply(outer, arg.term());
return Doc.braced(fmt.apply(Outer.Free, arg.term()));
public static @NotNull Doc checkParen(@NotNull Outer outer, @NotNull Doc binApp, @NotNull Outer binOp) {
return outer.ordinal() >= binOp.ordinal() ? Doc.parened(binApp) : binApp;
* This function does the following if necessary:
* - Wrap the constructor with parentheses or braces
* @param ctorDoc The constructor pretty-printed doc, without the 'as' or parentheses.
* @param noParams Whether the constructor has no parameters or not.
@NotNull Doc ctorDoc(@NotNull Outer outer, boolean ex, Doc ctorDoc, boolean noParams) {
var withEx = Doc.bracedUnless(ctorDoc, ex);
return !ex ? withEx
: outer != Outer.Free && !noParams
? Doc.parened(withEx)
: withEx;
* Pretty-print a telescope in a dumb (but conservative) way.
* @see #visitTele(Seq, AyaDocile, Usage)
public @NotNull Doc visitTele(@NotNull Seq extends ParamLike> telescope) {
return visitTele(telescope, null, (_, _) -> 1);
* Pretty-print a telescope in a smart way.
* The bindings that are not used in the telescope/body are omitted.
* Bindings of the same type (by 'same' I mean Objects.equals
returns true)
* are merged together.
* @param body the body of the telescope (like the return type in a pi type),
* only used for finding usages (of the variables in the telescope).
* @param altF7 a function for finding usages.
* @see #visitTele(Seq)
public @NotNull Doc visitTele(
@NotNull Seq extends ParamLike> telescope,
@Nullable Term body, @NotNull Usage altF7
) {
if (telescope.isEmpty()) return Doc.empty();
var last = telescope.getFirst();
var buf = MutableList.create();
// consecutive parameters of same type.
var names = MutableList.of(last);
for (int i = 1; i < telescope.size(); i++) {
var param = telescope.get(i);
if (!Objects.equals(param.type(), last.type())) {
if (body != null && names.sizeEquals(1)) {
var ref = names.getFirst();
var used = telescope.sliceView(i, telescope.size())
.anyMatch(p -> altF7.applyAsInt(p, ref.ref()) > 0);
// We omit the name if there is no usage.
if (!used) buf.append(justType(last, Outer.ProjHead));
else buf.append(mutableListNames(names, last));
} else buf.append(mutableListNames(names, last));
last = param;
if (body != null && names.sizeEquals(1)
&& altF7.applyAsInt(body, names.getFirst().ref()) == 0) {
buf.append(justType(last, Outer.ProjHead));
} else buf.append(mutableListNames(names, last));
return Doc.sep(buf);
@NotNull Doc justType(@NotNull Arg monika, Outer outer) {
return monika.explicit() ? term(outer, monika.term())
: Doc.braced(term(Outer.Free, monika.term()));
@NotNull Doc justType(@NotNull ParamLike sayori, @NotNull Outer outer) {
return justType(new Arg<>(sayori.type(), sayori.explicit()), outer);
private Doc mutableListNames(
MutableList extends ParamLike>> names,
ParamLike> param
) {
// We HAVE TO collect the results, since {names} is mutable, therefore {names.view()} becomes mutable.
var namesDocs = names.view().map(ParamLike::nameDoc)
return param.toDoc(Doc.sep(namesDocs), options);
@NotNull Doc lambdaParam(@NotNull ParamLike> param) {
return options.map.get(AyaPrettierOptions.Key.ShowLambdaTypes) ? param.toDoc(options)
: Doc.bracedUnless(param.nameDoc(), param.explicit());
protected boolean optionImplicit() {
return options.map.get(AyaPrettierOptions.Key.ShowImplicitArgs);
* @param ref if it has type {@link DefVar}, use refVar or defVar instead.
public static @NotNull Doc varDoc(@NotNull AnyVar ref) {
if (ref == LocalVar.IGNORED) return Doc.plain("_");
return switch (ref) {
case LocalVar _ -> linkRef(ref, LOCAL_VAR);
case GeneralizedVar _ -> linkRef(ref, GENERALIZED);
default -> Doc.linkRef(Doc.plain(ref.name()), linkIdOf(ref));
static @NotNull Doc coe(boolean coerce) {
return coerce ? Doc.styled(KEYWORD, "coerce") : Doc.empty();
static @NotNull Doc primDoc(DefVar, ?> ref) {
return Doc.sep(KW_PRIM, refVar(ref));
private static @NotNull Doc linkDef(@NotNull AnyVar ref, @NotNull Style color) {
return Doc.linkDef(Doc.styled(color, ref.name()), linkIdOf(ref));
private static @NotNull Doc linkRef(@NotNull AnyVar ref, @NotNull Style color) {
return Doc.linkRef(Doc.styled(color, ref.name()), linkIdOf(ref));
private static @NotNull Doc linkRef(@NotNull AnyDef ref, @NotNull Style color) {
return Doc.linkRef(Doc.styled(color, ref.name()), linkIdOf(ref));
public static @NotNull Link linkIdOf(@NotNull AnyVar ref) {
return linkIdOf(null, ref);
public static @NotNull Link linkIdOf(@NotNull AnyDef ref) {
return linkIdOf(null, ref);
// TODO: can we generalize the following two functions?
public static @NotNull Link linkIdOf(@Nullable ModulePath currentFileModule, @NotNull AnyVar ref) {
if (ref instanceof DefVar, ?> defVar) {
var location = Link.loc(QualifiedID.join(new QName(defVar).asStringSeq()));
// referring to the `ref` in its own module
if (currentFileModule == null || defVar.module == null) return location;
var fileModule = defVar.module.fileModule();
if (fileModule.sameElements(currentFileModule))
return location;
// referring to the `ref` in another module
return Link.cross(fileModule.module(), location);
return Link.loc(ref.hashCode());
public static @NotNull Link linkIdOf(@Nullable ModulePath currentFileModule, @NotNull AnyDef ref) {
var location = Link.loc(QualifiedID.join(ref.qualifiedName().asStringSeq()));
// referring to the `ref` in its own module
if (currentFileModule == null || ref.fileModule().sameElements(currentFileModule))
return location;
// referring to the `ref` in another module
return Link.cross(ref.fileModule().module(), location);
public static @NotNull Doc linkLit(int literal, @NotNull AnyDef ref, @NotNull Style color) {
return Doc.linkRef(Doc.styled(color, Doc.plain(String.valueOf(literal))), linkIdOf(ref));
public static @NotNull Doc linkListLit(Doc display, @NotNull AnyDef ref, @NotNull Style color) {
return Doc.linkDef(Doc.styled(color, display), linkIdOf(ref));
public static @NotNull Doc linkDef(@NotNull AnyVar ref) {
return Doc.linkDef(Doc.plain(ref.name()), linkIdOf(ref));
public static @NotNull Doc refVar(DefVar, ?> ref) {
var style = chooseStyle(ref);
return style != null ? linkRef(ref, style) : varDoc(ref);
public static @NotNull Doc refVar(AnyDef ref) {
var style = chooseStyle(ref);
assert style != null;
return linkRef(ref, style);
public static @NotNull Doc defVar(DefVar, ?> ref) {
var style = chooseStyle(ref.concrete);
return style != null ? linkDef(ref, style) : varDoc(ref);
protected static @Nullable Style chooseStyle(Object obj) {
return switch (obj) {
case DefVar, ?> d -> chooseStyle(d.concrete);
case FnDecl _ -> FN;
case DataDecl _ -> DATA;
case PrimDecl _ -> PRIM;
case FnDefLike _ -> FN;
case DataDefLike _ -> DATA;
case ConDefLike _ -> CON;
case PrimDef _ -> PRIM;
case ClassDecl d -> CLAZZ;
case TeleDecl.ClassMember d -> MEMBER;
case null, default -> null;
* Expression: where am I?
* - Top-level expression may not need parentheses, stone free!
* - An argument of an application! Stay in parentheses!
* - An operand of a binary application! Applications within are safe,
* but other binary applications are in danger!
* - Codomain of a telescope
public enum Outer {
public interface Usage extends ToIntBiFunction {
sealed interface Ref {
record Free(@NotNull LocalVar var) implements Ref { }
record Meta(@NotNull MetaVar var) implements Ref { }
enum AnyFree implements Ref { INSTANCE }
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