org.basex.query.func.FNFile Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.basex.query.func;
import static org.basex.query.func.Function.*;
import static org.basex.query.util.Err.*;
import static org.basex.util.Token.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.basex.core.*;
import org.basex.io.*;
import org.basex.io.out.*;
import org.basex.io.serial.*;
import org.basex.query.*;
import org.basex.query.expr.*;
import org.basex.query.iter.*;
import org.basex.query.util.*;
import org.basex.query.value.item.*;
import org.basex.query.value.type.*;
import org.basex.util.*;
import org.basex.util.list.*;
* Functions on files and directories.
* @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License
* @author Rositsa Shadura
* @author Christian Gruen
public final class FNFile extends StandardFunc {
/** Line separator. */
private static final byte[] NL = Token.token(Prop.NL);
* Constructor.
* @param ii input info
* @param f function definition
* @param e arguments
public FNFile(final InputInfo ii, final Function f, final Expr... e) {
super(ii, f, e);
public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
final File path = file(0, ctx);
switch(sig) {
case _FILE_LIST: return list(path, ctx);
case _FILE_READ_TEXT_LINES: return readTextLines(path, ctx);
default: return super.iter(ctx);
public Item item(final QueryContext ctx, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
final File path = file(0, ctx);
try {
switch(sig) {
case _FILE_APPEND: return write(path, true, ctx);
case _FILE_APPEND_BINARY: return writeBinary(path, ctx, true);
case _FILE_APPEND_TEXT: return writeText(path, true, ctx);
case _FILE_APPEND_TEXT_LINES: return writeTextLines(path, true, ctx);
case _FILE_COPY: return copy(path, ctx, true);
case _FILE_CREATE_DIR: return createDirectory(path);
case _FILE_DELETE: return delete(path, ctx);
case _FILE_MOVE: return copy(path, ctx, false);
case _FILE_READ_BINARY: return readBinary(path);
case _FILE_READ_TEXT: return readText(path, ctx);
case _FILE_WRITE: return write(path, false, ctx);
case _FILE_WRITE_BINARY: return writeBinary(path, ctx, false);
case _FILE_WRITE_TEXT: return writeText(path, false, ctx);
case _FILE_WRITE_TEXT_LINES: return writeTextLines(path, false, ctx);
case _FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR: return Str.get(File.pathSeparator);
case _FILE_DIR_SEPARATOR: return Str.get(File.separator);
case _FILE_LINE_SEPARATOR: return Str.get(NL);
case _FILE_EXISTS: return Bln.get(path.exists());
case _FILE_IS_DIR: return Bln.get(path.isDirectory());
case _FILE_IS_FILE: return Bln.get(path.isFile());
case _FILE_LAST_MODIFIED: return lastModified(path);
case _FILE_SIZE: return size(path);
case _FILE_BASE_NAME: return baseName(path, ctx);
case _FILE_DIR_NAME: return dirName(path);
case _FILE_PATH_TO_NATIVE: return pathToNative(path);
case _FILE_RESOLVE_PATH: return Str.get(path.getAbsolutePath());
case _FILE_PATH_TO_URI: return pathToUri(path);
default: return super.item(ctx, ii);
} catch(final IOException ex) {
throw FILE_IO.thrw(info, ex);
* Returns the last modified date of the specified path.
* @param path file to be deleted
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Item lastModified(final File path) throws QueryException {
if(!path.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
return new Dtm(path.lastModified(), info);
* Returns the size of the specified path.
* @param path file to be deleted
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Item size(final File path) throws QueryException {
if(!path.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
if(path.isDirectory()) FILE_DIR.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
return Int.get(path.length());
* Returns the base name of the specified path.
* @param path file path
* @param ctx query context
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Str baseName(final File path, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
if(path.getPath().isEmpty()) return Str.get(".");
final String suf = expr.length < 2 ? null : string(checkStr(expr[1], ctx));
String pth = path.getName();
if(suf != null && pth.endsWith(suf))
pth = pth.substring(0, pth.length() - suf.length());
return Str.get(pth);
* Returns the dir name of the specified path.
* @param path file path
* @return result
private static Str dirName(final File path) {
final String pth = path.getParent();
return Str.get(pth == null ? "." : pth);
* Returns the native name of the specified path.
* @param path file path
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Str pathToNative(final File path) throws QueryException {
try {
return Str.get(path.getCanonicalFile());
} catch(final IOException ex) {
throw FILE_PATH.thrw(info, path);
* Transforms a file system path into a URI with the file:// scheme.
* @param path file path
* @return result
private static Uri pathToUri(final File path) {
return Uri.uri(token(path.toURI().toString()));
* Lists all files in a directory.
* @param path root directory
* @param ctx query context
* @return iterator
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Iter list(final File path, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
// get canonical representation to resolve symbolic links
final File dir;
try {
dir = new File(path.getCanonicalPath().replaceAll("[\\\\/]$", ""));
} catch(final IOException ex) {
throw FILE_PATH.thrw(info, path);
// check if the addresses path is a directory
if(!dir.isDirectory()) FILE_NODIR.thrw(info, dir);
final boolean rec = optionalBool(1, ctx);
final Pattern pat = expr.length != 3 ? null :
Pattern.compile(IOFile.regex(string(checkStr(expr[2], ctx))),
Prop.WIN ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0);
final StringList list = new StringList();
list(dir.getPath().length() + 1, dir, list, rec, pat);
return new Iter() {
int c;
public Item next() {
return c < list.size() ? Str.get(list.get(c++)) : null;
* Collects the sub-directories and files of the specified directory.
* @param root length of root path
* @param dir root directory
* @param list file list
* @param rec recursive flag
* @param pat file name pattern; ignored if {@code null}
* @throws QueryException query exception
private void list(final int root, final File dir, final StringList list,
final boolean rec, final Pattern pat) throws QueryException {
// skip invalid directories
final File[] ch = dir.listFiles();
if(ch == null) return;
// parse directories
if(rec) {
for(final File f : ch) {
if(!mayBeLink(f) && f.isDirectory()) list(root, f, list, rec, pat);
// parse files. ignore directories if a pattern is specified
for(final File f : ch) {
if(pat == null || pat.matcher(f.getName()).matches() && !f.isDirectory()) {
* Checks if the specified file may be a symbolic link.
* @param f file to check
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private boolean mayBeLink(final File f) throws QueryException {
try {
final String p1 = f.getAbsolutePath();
final String p2 = f.getCanonicalPath();
return !(Prop.WIN ? p1.equalsIgnoreCase(p2) : p1.equals(p2));
} catch(final IOException ex) {
throw FILE_PATH.thrw(info, f);
* Creates a directory.
* @param path directory to be created
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private synchronized Item createDirectory(final File path) throws QueryException {
// resolve symbolic links
File f;
try {
f = path.getCanonicalFile();
} catch(final IOException ex) {
throw FILE_PATH.thrw(info, path);
// find lowest existing path
while(!f.exists()) {
f = f.getParentFile();
if(f == null) throw FILE_PATH.thrw(info, path);
// warn if lowest path points to a file
if(f.isFile()) FILE_EXISTS.thrw(info, path);
// only create directories if path does not exist yet
if(!path.exists() && !path.mkdirs()) FILE_CREATE.thrw(info, path);
return null;
* Deletes a file or directory.
* @param path file to be deleted
* @param ctx query context
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
private synchronized Item delete(final File path, final QueryContext ctx)
throws QueryException {
if(!path.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
if(optionalBool(1, ctx)) {
} else if(!path.delete()) {
throw (path.isDirectory() ? FILE_NEDIR : FILE_DEL).thrw(info, path);
return null;
* Recursively deletes a file path.
* @param path path to be deleted
* @throws QueryException query exception
private synchronized void deleteRec(final File path) throws QueryException {
final File[] ch = path.listFiles();
if(ch != null) for(final File f : ch) deleteRec(f);
if(!path.delete()) FILE_DEL.thrw(info, path);
* Reads the contents of a binary file.
* @param path input path
* @return Base64Binary
* @throws QueryException query exception
private B64Stream readBinary(final File path) throws QueryException {
if(!path.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
if(path.isDirectory()) FILE_DIR.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
return new B64Stream(new IOFile(path), FILE_IO);
* Reads the contents of a file.
* @param path input path
* @param ctx query context
* @return string
* @throws QueryException query exception
private StrStream readText(final File path, final QueryContext ctx)
throws QueryException {
final String enc = encoding(1, FILE_ENCODING, ctx);
if(!path.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
if(path.isDirectory()) FILE_DIR.thrw(info, path.getAbsolutePath());
return new StrStream(new IOFile(path), enc, FILE_IO);
* Returns the contents of a file line by line.
* @param path input path
* @param ctx query context
* @return string
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Iter readTextLines(final File path, final QueryContext ctx)
throws QueryException {
return FNGen.textIter(readText(path, ctx).string(info));
* Writes items to a file.
* @param path file to be written
* @param append append flag
* @param ctx query context
* @return true if file was successfully written
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized Item write(final File path, final boolean append,
final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException, IOException {
final Iter ir = expr[1].iter(ctx);
final SerializerProp sp = FuncParams.serializerProp(
expr.length > 2 ? expr[2].item(ctx, info) : null);
final PrintOutput out = PrintOutput.get(new FileOutputStream(path, append));
try {
final Serializer ser = Serializer.get(out, sp);
for(Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null;) ser.serialize(it);
} catch(final SerializerException ex) {
throw ex.getCause(info);
} finally {
return null;
* Writes items to a file.
* @param path file to be written
* @param append append flag
* @param ctx query context
* @return true if file was successfully written
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized Item writeText(final File path, final boolean append,
final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException, IOException {
final byte[] s = checkStr(expr[1], ctx);
final String enc = encoding(2, FILE_ENCODING, ctx);
final Charset cs = enc == null || enc == UTF8 ? null : Charset.forName(enc);
final PrintOutput out = PrintOutput.get(new FileOutputStream(path, append));
try {
out.write(cs == null ? s : Token.string(s).getBytes(cs));
} finally {
return null;
* Writes items to a file.
* @param path file to be written
* @param append append flag
* @param ctx query context
* @return true if file was successfully written
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized Item writeTextLines(final File path, final boolean append,
final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException, IOException {
final Iter ir = expr[1].iter(ctx);
final String enc = encoding(2, FILE_ENCODING, ctx);
final Charset cs = enc == null || enc == UTF8 ? null : Charset.forName(enc);
final PrintOutput out = PrintOutput.get(new FileOutputStream(path, append));
try {
for(Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null;) {
final Type ip = it.type;
if(!ip.isString() && !ip.isUntyped()) Err.type(this, AtomType.STR, it);
final byte[] s = it.string(info);
out.write(cs == null ? s : Token.string(s).getBytes(cs));
out.write(cs == null ? NL : Prop.NL.getBytes(cs));
} finally {
return null;
* Writes binary items to a file.
* @param path file to be written
* @param ctx query context
* @param append append flag
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized Item writeBinary(final File path, final QueryContext ctx,
final boolean append) throws QueryException, IOException {
final Iter ir = expr[1].iter(ctx);
final BufferOutput out = new BufferOutput(new FileOutputStream(path, append));
try {
for(Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null;) {
if(!(it instanceof Bin)) BINARYTYPE.thrw(info, it.type);
final InputStream is = it.input(info);
try {
for(int i; (i = is.read()) != -1;) out.write(i);
} finally {
} finally {
return null;
* Checks the target directory of the specified file.
* @param path file to be written
* @throws QueryException query exception
private void check(final File path) throws QueryException {
final IOFile io = new IOFile(path);
if(io.isDir()) FILE_DIR.thrw(info, io);
final IOFile dir = new IOFile(io.dir());
if(!dir.exists()) FILE_NODIR.thrw(info, dir);
* Transfers a file path, given a source and a target.
* @param src source file to be copied
* @param ctx query context
* @param copy copy flag (no move)
* @return result
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized Item copy(final File src, final QueryContext ctx,
final boolean copy) throws QueryException, IOException {
File trg = file(1, ctx).getAbsoluteFile();
if(!src.exists()) FILE_WHICH.thrw(info, src.getAbsolutePath());
if(trg.isDirectory()) {
// target is a directory: attach file name
trg = new File(trg, src.getName());
if(trg.isDirectory()) FILE_DIR.thrw(info, trg);
} else if(!trg.isFile()) {
// target does not exist: ensure that parent exists
if(!trg.getParentFile().isDirectory()) FILE_NODIR.thrw(info, trg);
} else if(src.isDirectory()) {
// if target is file, source cannot be a directory
FILE_DIR.thrw(info, src);
// ignore operations on same source and target path
if(!src.equals(trg)) {
if(copy) copy(src, trg);
else if(!src.renameTo(trg)) FILE_MOVE.thrw(info, src, trg);
return null;
* Recursively copies files.
* @param src source path
* @param trg target path
* @throws QueryException query exception
* @throws IOException I/O exception
private synchronized void copy(final File src, final File trg)
throws QueryException, IOException {
if(src.isDirectory()) {
if(!trg.mkdir()) FILE_CREATE.thrw(info, trg);
final File[] files = src.listFiles();
if(files == null) FILE_LIST.thrw(info, src);
for(final File f : files) copy(f, new File(trg, f.getName()));
} else {
new IOFile(src).copyTo(new IOFile(trg));
* Returns the value of an optional boolean.
* @param i argument index
* @param ctx query context
* @return boolean value
* @throws QueryException query exception
private boolean optionalBool(final int i, final QueryContext ctx)
throws QueryException {
return i < expr.length && checkBln(expr[i], ctx);
* Converts the specified argument to a file instance.
* @param i argument index
* @param ctx query context
* @return file instance
* @throws QueryException query exception
private File file(final int i, final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
return i >= expr.length ? null :
new IOFile(IOUrl.file(string(checkStr(expr[i], ctx)))).file();
public boolean uses(final Use u) {
return u == Use.NDT && !oneOf(sig, _FILE_BASE_NAME, _FILE_DIR_NAME,
_FILE_PATH_TO_URI, _FILE_RESOLVE_PATH) || super.uses(u);
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