org.basex.query.path.AxisPath Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.basex.query.path;
import static org.basex.query.QueryText.*;
import static org.basex.query.util.Err.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.basex.data.*;
import org.basex.index.path.*;
import org.basex.index.stats.*;
import org.basex.query.*;
import org.basex.query.expr.*;
import org.basex.query.iter.*;
import org.basex.query.path.Test.Mode;
import org.basex.query.util.*;
import org.basex.query.value.*;
import org.basex.query.value.item.*;
import org.basex.query.value.node.*;
import org.basex.query.value.seq.*;
import org.basex.query.value.type.*;
import org.basex.util.*;
* Axis path expression.
* @author BaseX Team 2005-12, BSD License
* @author Christian Gruen
public class AxisPath extends Path {
/** Flag for result caching. */
private boolean cache;
/** Cached result. */
private NodeSeqBuilder citer;
/** Last visited item. */
private Value lvalue;
* Constructor.
* @param ii input info
* @param r root expression; can be a {@code null} reference
* @param s axis steps
AxisPath(final InputInfo ii, final Expr r, final Expr... s) {
super(ii, r, s);
* If possible, converts this path expression to a path iterator.
* @param ctx query context
* @return resulting operator
final AxisPath finish(final QueryContext ctx) {
// evaluate number of results
size = size(ctx);
type = SeqType.get(steps[steps.length - 1].type().type, size);
return useIterator() ? new IterPath(info, root, steps, type, size) : this;
* Checks if the path can be rewritten for iterative evaluation.
* @return resulting operator
private boolean useIterator() {
if(root == null || root.uses(Use.VAR) || !root.iterable()) return false;
final int sl = steps.length;
for(int s = 0; s < sl; ++s) {
switch(step(s).axis) {
// reverse axes - don't iterate
case ANC: case ANCORSELF: case PREC: case PRECSIBL:
return false;
// multiple, unsorted results - only iterate at last step,
// or if last step uses attribute axis
case DESC: case DESCORSELF: case FOLL: case FOLLSIBL:
return s + 1 == sl || s + 2 == sl && step(s + 1).axis == Axis.ATTR;
// allow iteration for CHILD, ATTR, PARENT and SELF
return true;
protected final Expr compilePath(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
// merge two axis paths
if(root instanceof AxisPath) {
Expr[] st = ((AxisPath) root).steps;
root = ((AxisPath) root).root;
for(final Expr s : steps) st = Array.add(st, s);
steps = st;
// refresh root context
ctx.value = root(ctx);
final AxisStep s = voidStep(steps);
if(s != null) COMPSELF.thrw(info, s);
for(int i = 0; i != steps.length; ++i) {
final Expr e = steps[i].compile(ctx);
if(!(e instanceof AxisStep)) return e;
steps[i] = e;
// retrieve data reference
final Data data = ctx.data();
if(data != null && ctx.value.type == NodeType.DOC) {
// check index access
Expr e = index(ctx, data);
// check children path rewriting
if(e == this) e = children(ctx, data);
// return optimized expression
if(e != this) return e.compile(ctx);
// analyze if result set can be cached - no predicates/variables...
cache = root != null && !uses(Use.VAR);
// if applicable, use iterative evaluation
final Path path = finish(ctx);
// heuristics: wrap with filter expression if only one result is expected
return size() != 1 ? path :
new Filter(info, this, Pos.get(1, size(), info)).comp2(ctx);
* If possible, returns an expression which accesses the index.
* Otherwise, returns the original expression.
* @param ctx query context
* @param data data reference
* @return resulting expression
* @throws QueryException query exception
private Expr index(final QueryContext ctx, final Data data) throws QueryException {
// disallow relative paths and numeric predicates
if(root == null || uses(Use.POS)) return this;
// cache index access costs
IndexContext ics = null;
// cheapest predicate and step
int pmin = 0;
int smin = 0;
// check if path can be converted to an index access
for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; ++s) {
// find cheapest index access
final AxisStep stp = step(s);
if(!stp.axis.down) break;
// check if resulting index path will be duplicate free
final boolean i = pathNodes(data, s) != null;
// choose cheapest index access
for(int p = 0; p < stp.preds.length; ++p) {
final IndexContext ic = new IndexContext(ctx, data, stp, i);
if(!stp.preds[p].indexAccessible(ic)) continue;
if(ic.costs() == 0) {
if(ic.not) {
// not operator... accept all results
stp.preds[p] = Bln.TRUE;
// no results...
ctx.compInfo(OPTNOINDEX, this);
return Empty.SEQ;
if(ics == null || ics.costs() > ic.costs()) {
ics = ic;
pmin = p;
smin = s;
// skip if no index access is possible, or if it is too expensive
if(ics == null || ics.costs() > data.meta.size) return this;
// replace expressions for index access
final AxisStep stp = step(smin);
final Expr ie = stp.preds[pmin].indexEquivalent(ics);
if(ics.seq) {
// sequential evaluation; do not invert path
stp.preds[pmin] = ie;
} else {
// inverted path, which will be represented as predicate
AxisStep[] invSteps = {};
// collect remaining predicates
final Expr[] newPreds = new Expr[stp.preds.length - 1];
int c = 0;
for(int p = 0; p != stp.preds.length; ++p) {
if(p != pmin) newPreds[c++] = stp.preds[p];
// check if path before index step needs to be inverted and traversed
final Test test = InvDocTest.get(ctx, data);
boolean inv = true;
if(test == Test.DOC && data.meta.uptodate) {
int j = 0;
for(; j <= smin; ++j) {
final AxisStep s = axisStep(j);
// step must use child axis and name test, and have no predicates
if(s == null || s.test.mode != Mode.NAME || s.axis != Axis.CHILD ||
j != smin && s.preds.length > 0) break;
// support only unique paths with nodes on the correct level
final int name = data.tagindex.id(s.test.name.local());
final ArrayList pn = data.paths.desc(name, Data.ELEM);
if(pn.size() != 1 || pn.get(0).level() != j + 1) break;
inv = j <= smin;
// invert path before index step
if(inv) {
for(int j = smin; j >= 0; --j) {
final Axis ax = step(j).axis.invert();
if(ax == null) break;
if(j != 0) {
final AxisStep prev = step(j - 1);
invSteps = Array.add(invSteps, AxisStep.get(info, ax, prev.test, prev.preds));
} else {
// add document test for collections and axes other than ancestors
if(test != Test.DOC || ax != Axis.ANC && ax != Axis.ANCORSELF)
invSteps = Array.add(invSteps, AxisStep.get(info, ax, test));
// create resulting expression
final AxisPath result;
final boolean simple = invSteps.length == 0 && newPreds.length == 0;
if(ie instanceof AxisPath) {
result = (AxisPath) ie;
} else if(smin + 1 < steps.length || !simple) {
result = simple ? new AxisPath(info, ie) :
new AxisPath(info, ie, AxisStep.get(info, Axis.SELF, Test.NOD));
} else {
return ie;
// add remaining predicates to last step
final int ls = result.steps.length - 1;
if(ls >= 0) {
result.steps[ls] = result.step(ls).addPreds(newPreds);
// add inverted path as predicate to last step
if(invSteps.length != 0) result.steps[ls] =
result.step(ls).addPreds(Path.get(info, null, invSteps));
// add remaining steps
for(int s = smin + 1; s < steps.length; ++s) {
result.steps = Array.add(result.steps, steps[s]);
return result;
return this;
public Iter iter(final QueryContext ctx) throws QueryException {
final Value cv = ctx.value;
final long cs = ctx.size;
final long cp = ctx.pos;
final Value r = root != null ? ctx.value(root) : cv;
try {
/* cache values if:
* - caching is desirable
* - the code is called for the first time
* - the value has changed and the underlying node is not the same
if(!cache || citer == null || lvalue != r && !(r instanceof ANode &&
lvalue instanceof ANode && ((ANode) lvalue).is((ANode) r))) {
lvalue = r;
citer = new NodeSeqBuilder().check();
if(r != null) {
final Iter ir = ctx.iter(r);
for(Item it; (it = ir.next()) != null;) {
ctx.value = it;
iter(0, citer, ctx);
} else {
ctx.value = null;
iter(0, citer, ctx);
} else {
return citer;
} finally {
ctx.value = cv;
ctx.size = cs;
ctx.pos = cp;
* Recursive step iterator.
* @param l current step
* @param nc node cache
* @param ctx query context
* @throws QueryException query exception
private void iter(final int l, final NodeSeqBuilder nc, final QueryContext ctx)
throws QueryException {
// cast is safe (steps will always return a {@link NodIter} instance
final NodeIter ni = (NodeIter) ctx.iter(steps[l]);
final boolean more = l + 1 != steps.length;
for(ANode node; (node = ni.next()) != null;) {
if(more) {
ctx.value = node;
iter(l + 1, nc, ctx);
} else {
* Inverts a location path.
* @param r new root node
* @param curr current location step
* @return inverted path
public final AxisPath invertPath(final Expr r, final AxisStep curr) {
// hold the steps to the end of the inverted path
int s = steps.length;
final Expr[] e = new Expr[s--];
// add predicates of last step to new root node
final Expr rt = step(s).preds.length != 0 ?
new Filter(info, r, step(s).preds) : r;
// add inverted steps in a backward manner
int c = 0;
while(--s >= 0) {
e[c++] = AxisStep.get(info, step(s + 1).axis.invert(), step(s).test, step(s).preds);
e[c] = AxisStep.get(info, step(s + 1).axis.invert(), curr.test);
return new AxisPath(info, rt, e);
public final Expr addText(final QueryContext ctx) {
final AxisStep s = step(steps.length - 1);
if(s.preds.length != 0 || !s.axis.down || s.test.type == NodeType.ATT ||
s.test.mode != Mode.NAME && s.test.mode != Mode.STD) return this;
final Data data = ctx.data();
if(data == null || !data.meta.uptodate) return this;
final Stats stats = data.tagindex.stat(data.tagindex.id(s.test.name.local()));
if(stats != null && stats.isLeaf()) {
steps = Array.add(steps, AxisStep.get(info, Axis.CHILD, Test.TXT));
ctx.compInfo(OPTTEXT, this);
return this;
* Returns the specified axis step.
* @param i index
* @return step
public final AxisStep step(final int i) {
return (AxisStep) steps[i];
public final Path copy() {
final Expr[] stps = new Expr[steps.length];
for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; ++s) stps[s] = AxisStep.get(step(s));
return get(info, root, stps);
* Returns the path nodes that will result from this path.
* @param ctx query context
* @return path nodes, or {@code null} if nodes cannot be evaluated
public ArrayList nodes(final QueryContext ctx) {
final Value rt = root(ctx);
final Data data = rt != null && rt.type == NodeType.DOC ? rt.data() : null;
if(data == null || !data.meta.uptodate) return null;
ArrayList nodes = data.paths.root();
for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; s++) {
final AxisStep curr = axisStep(s);
if(curr == null) return null;
nodes = curr.nodes(nodes, data);
if(nodes == null) return null;
return nodes;
public final int count(final Var v) {
int c = 0;
for(final Expr s : steps) c += s.count(v);
return c + super.count(v);
public final boolean removable(final Var v) {
for(final Expr s : steps) if(!s.removable(v)) return false;
return super.removable(v);
public final Expr remove(final Var v) {
for(int s = 0; s != steps.length; ++s) steps[s].remove(v);
return super.remove(v);
public final boolean iterable() {
return true;
public final boolean sameAs(final Expr cmp) {
if(!(cmp instanceof AxisPath)) return false;
final AxisPath ap = (AxisPath) cmp;
if((root == null || ap.root == null) && root != ap.root ||
steps.length != ap.steps.length ||
root != null && !root.sameAs(ap.root)) return false;
for(int s = 0; s < steps.length; ++s) {
if(!steps[s].sameAs(ap.steps[s])) return false;
return true;
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