org.bdgenomics.utils.io.HTTPRangedByteAccess.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to Big Data Genomics (BDG) under one
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package org.bdgenomics.utils.io
import java.io.InputStream
import java.net.URI
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient
import org.apache.http.client.methods.{ HttpGet, HttpHead }
import org.apache.http.impl.client.{ HttpClients, StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler }
import org.bdgenomics.utils.misc.Logging
* HTTPRangedByteAccess supports Ranged GET queries against HTTP resources.
* @param uri The URL of the resource, which should support ranged queries
* @param retries Number of times to retry a failed connection before giving up
class HTTPRangedByteAccess(uri: URI, retries: Int = 3) extends ByteAccess with Logging {
private def getClient: HttpClient = {
.setRetryHandler(new StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler(retries, true))
private def readLength(): Long = {
val head = new HttpHead(uri)
val response = getClient.execute(head)
val headers = response.getAllHeaders
// The spec (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.5) says that
// Accept-Ranges can return values of 'bytes', 'none', or any other acceptable range-unit;
// however, "bytes" is the only range-unit recognized in HTTP/1.1 and that clients may choose
// to ignore other range-unit values.
// Therefore, we ignore non-standard range values, issuing only a warning when we see them.
// The spec says that _no_ Accept-Ranges header is possible and the resource may still
// respect range queries -- but if the Accept-Ranges header _is_ present, and the value is
// "none", then no range requests are allowed. In this case, that means we throw an
// exception.
headers.find(_.getName == "Accept-Ranges") match {
case Some(header) => header.getValue match {
case "none" => throw new IllegalStateException(
"Server for \"%s\" doesn't accept range requests (\"Accept-Ranges: none\" header in HEAD request response)"
case "bytes" =>
case value: String => logWarning(
"Server returned a header of \"Accept-Ranges: %s\", but the only values that we can handle are \"none\" and \"bytes\"".format(value))
case None =>
// This is the Content-Length of the entire resource (as opposed to the Content-Length value
// on the range request, below -- that's just the length of the portion of the resource that
// was returned).
headers.find(_.getName == "Content-Length") match {
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown length of content for \"%s\" (No \"Content-Length\" header)"
case Some(header) => header.getValue.toLong
private lazy val _length = readLength()
Regex to read the Content-Range response header, as described in:
private val byteRangeResponseRegex = "bytes\\s((?:\\*|\\d+-\\d+))/((?:\\*|\\d+))".r
override def length(): Long = _length
* In this initial implementation, we throw an error when we get a partial response from the
* server whose content is less than the bytes we originally requested.
* @param offset The offset into the resource at which we want to start reading bytes
* @param length The number of bytes to be read
* @return An InputStream from a ranged HTTP GET, which should contain just the requested bytes
override def readByteStream(offset: Long, length: Int): InputStream = {
val get = new HttpGet(uri)
// I believe the 'end' coordinate on the range request is _inclusive_
get.setHeader("Range", "bytes=%d-%d".format(offset, offset + length - 1))
val response = getClient.execute(get)
// We want a 206 response to a ranged request, not your normal 200!
require(response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode == 206,
"Range request on \"%s\", expected status code 206 but received %d (%s)"
.format(uri.toString, response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode, response.getStatusLine.getReasonPhrase))
// This big nested set of case statements is to make sure that
// 1. we have a Content-Range in the header,
// 2. that the value of the Content-Range header matches the regex (see above), and
// 3. that the regex, if it contains a range field "start-end", that the
// a) 'start' value matches the 'offset' argument, and
// b) 'end' - 'start' + 1 matches the 'length' argument.
// First, we check condition (1)
response.getAllHeaders.find(_.getName == "Content-Range") match {
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("Ranged GET didn't return a Content-Range header")
// Now, we check condition (2)
case Some(header) => byteRangeResponseRegex.findFirstMatchIn(header.getValue) match {
case None => throw new IllegalStateException("Content-Range header value \"%s\" didn't match the expected format".format(header.getValue))
// Finally, we check condition (3)
case Some(m) => m.group(1) match {
case "*" =>
case str: String => str.split("-").toSeq match {
case Seq(start, end) =>
// Here is the check on (3a)
if (start.toLong != offset)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Content-Range response start %d (from header \"%s\") doesn't match offset %d"
.format(start.toLong, header.getValue, offset))
// here is the check on (3b)
if (end.toLong - start.toLong + 1 != length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Content-Range response length %d (from header \"%s\") doesn't match length %d"
.format(end.toLong - start.toLong + 1, header.getValue, length))
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