org.beangle.data.jpa.hibernate.metadata.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Beangle, Agile Development Scaffold and Toolkit
* Copyright (c) 2005-2015, Beangle Software.
* Beangle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Beangle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful.
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Beangle. If not, see .
package org.beangle.data.jpa.hibernate
import java.{ util => ju }
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaSet
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.beangle.commons.bean.Factory
import org.beangle.commons.inject.Container
import org.beangle.commons.lang.annotation.description
import org.beangle.commons.lang.time.Stopwatch
import org.beangle.commons.logging.Logging
import org.beangle.data.model.meta.{ CollectionType, ComponentType, DefaultEntityMetadata, EntityMetadata, EntityType, IdentifierType, Type }
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
import org.hibernate.`type`.{ MapType, SetType }
import org.hibernate.{ `type` => htype }
import org.beangle.commons.inject.ContainerRefreshedHook
import org.beangle.data.model.Entity
class HibernateMetadataFactory extends Factory[EntityMetadata] with ContainerRefreshedHook {
var result: EntityMetadata = null
override def notify(container: Container): Unit = {
result = new EntityMetadataBuilder(container.getBeans(classOf[SessionFactory]).values).build()
//TODO add test by xml or annotation configuration
class EntityMetadataBuilder(factories: Iterable[SessionFactory]) extends Logging {
/** entity-name->entity-type */
val entityTypes = new mutable.HashMap[String, EntityType]
val collectionTypes = new mutable.HashMap[String, CollectionType]
def build(): EntityMetadata = {
for (factory <- factories) {
val watch = new Stopwatch(true)
val classMetadatas = factory.getAllClassMetadata
val entityCount = entityTypes.size
val collectionCount = collectionTypes.size
for (entry <- classMetadatas.entrySet)
buildEntityType(factory, entry.getValue.getEntityName)
logger.debug(s"Find ${entityTypes.size - entityCount} entities,${collectionTypes.size - collectionCount} collections from hibernate in ${watch}")
new DefaultEntityMetadata(entityTypes.values)
* 按照实体名,构建或者查找实体类型信息.
* 调用后,实体类型则存放与entityTypes中.
private def buildEntityType(factory: SessionFactory, entityName: String): EntityType = {
var entityType = entityTypes.get(entityName).orNull
if (null == entityType) {
val cm = factory.getClassMetadata(entityName)
if (null == cm) {
logger.error(s"Cannot find classMetadata for $entityName")
return null
entityType = new EntityType(cm.getMappedClass, cm.getEntityName, cm.getIdentifierPropertyName)
entityTypes.put(cm.getEntityName, entityType)
val propertyTypes = new mutable.HashMap[String, Type]
for (pname <- cm.getPropertyNames) {
val htype = cm.getPropertyType(pname)
if (htype.isEntityType) {
propertyTypes.put(pname, buildEntityType(factory, htype.getName))
} else if (htype.isComponentType) {
propertyTypes.put(pname, buildComponentType(factory, entityName, pname))
} else if (htype.isCollectionType) {
buildCollectionType(factory, defaultCollectionClass(htype), entityName + "." + pname))
} else {
propertyTypes.put(pname, new IdentifierType(htype.getReturnedClass))
propertyTypes.put(cm.getIdentifierPropertyName, new IdentifierType(cm.getIdentifierType.getReturnedClass))
entityType.propertyTypes = propertyTypes.toMap
private def buildCollectionType(factory: SessionFactory, collectionClass: Class[_], role: String): CollectionType = {
val cm = factory.getCollectionMetadata(role)
if (null == cm) return null
val etype = cm.getElementType
val elementType =
if (etype.isEntityType) entityTypes.get(etype.getName).getOrElse(buildEntityType(factory, etype.getName))
else new IdentifierType(etype.getReturnedClass)
val collectionType = new CollectionType(collectionClass, elementType)
if (!collectionTypes.contains(collectionType.name)) collectionTypes.put(collectionType.name, collectionType)
private def buildComponentType(factory: SessionFactory, entityName: String, propertyName: String): ComponentType = {
var result: ComponentType = null
entityTypes.get(entityName) foreach { t =>
result = t.propertyTypes.get(propertyName).orNull.asInstanceOf[ComponentType]
if (null == result) {
val cm = factory.getClassMetadata(entityName)
val hcType = cm.getPropertyType(propertyName).asInstanceOf[htype.ComponentType]
val propertyNames = hcType.getPropertyNames
val propertyTypes = new mutable.HashMap[String, Type]
var j = 0
while (j < propertyNames.length) {
val pName = propertyNames(j)
val etype = cm.getPropertyType(propertyName + "." + pName)
if (etype.isEntityType) {
propertyTypes.put(pName, buildEntityType(factory, etype.getName))
} else if (etype.isComponentType) {
propertyTypes.put(pName, buildComponentType(factory, entityName, propertyName + "." + pName))
} else if (etype.isCollectionType) {
buildCollectionType(factory, defaultCollectionClass(etype), entityName + "." + propertyName + "." + pName))
}else {
propertyTypes.put(pName, new IdentifierType(etype.getReturnedClass))
j += 1
result = new ComponentType(hcType.getReturnedClass, propertyTypes.toMap)
private def defaultCollectionClass(collectionType: htype.Type): Class[_] = {
if (collectionType.isAnyType) {
} else if (classOf[htype.SetType].isAssignableFrom(collectionType.getClass)) {
} else if (classOf[htype.MapType].isAssignableFrom(collectionType.getClass)) {
classOf[ju.HashMap[_, _]]
} else {
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