org.beangle.security.session.jdbc.DBSessionRegistry.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Beangle, Agile Development Scaffold and Toolkit
* Copyright (c) 2005-2016, Beangle Software.
* Beangle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Beangle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful.
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Beangle. If not, see .
package org.beangle.security.session.jdbc
import java.io.{ InputStream, ObjectInputStream }
import java.{ util => ju }
import java.util.Timer
import org.beangle.commons.bean.Initializing
import org.beangle.commons.cache.CacheManager
import org.beangle.commons.event.EventPublisher
import org.beangle.commons.lang.Objects
import org.beangle.data.jdbc.query.JdbcExecutor
import org.beangle.security.authc.Account
import org.beangle.security.session.{ DefaultSession, DefaultSessionBuilder, LoginEvent, LogoutEvent, Session, SessionBuilder }
import org.beangle.security.session.profile.{ ProfileChangeEvent, ProfiledSessionRegistry }
import org.beangle.security.session.util.UpdateDelayGenerator
import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTConfiguration
import javax.sql.DataSource
* 基于数据库的session注册表
class DBSessionRegistry(dataSource: DataSource, dataCacheManager: CacheManager, statusCacheManager: CacheManager)
extends ProfiledSessionRegistry with EventPublisher with Initializing {
private val fstconf = FSTConfiguration.createDefaultConfiguration()
private val insertColumns = "id,data,last_access_at,principal,profile_id"
private val allSelectColumns = "data,last_access_at"
private val statusSelectColumns = "last_access_at"
private val accessDelayMillis = new UpdateDelayGenerator().generateDelayMilliTime()
private val dataCache = dataCacheManager.getCache("session_data", classOf[String], classOf[Session.Data])
private val statusCache = statusCacheManager.getCache("session_status", classOf[String], classOf[Session.Status])
private val executor = new JdbcExecutor(dataSource)
var builder: SessionBuilder = DefaultSessionBuilder
var sessionTable = "session_infoes"
var statTable = "session_stats"
var cleaner: SessionCleaner = _
def init() {
val exists = executor.query(s"select id from $statTable").map(x => x.head.asInstanceOf[Int]).toSet
profileProvider.getProfiles() foreach { p =>
if (exists.contains(p.id)) {
executor.update(s"update $statTable set capacity=? where id=?", p.capacity, p.id.longValue)
} else {
executor.update(s"insert into $statTable(id,on_line,capacity,stat_at) values(?,?,?,?)", p.id, 0, p.capacity, new ju.Date)
if (null != cleaner) {
// 下一次间隔开始清理,不浪费启动时间
new Timer("Beangle Session Cleaner", true).schedule(new SessionCleanupDaemon(cleaner),
new ju.Date(System.currentTimeMillis + cleaner.cleanIntervalMillis),
override def register(sessionId: String, info: Account, client: Session.Client): Session = {
val existed = get(sessionId).orNull
val principal = info.getName
// 是否为重复注册
if (null != existed && Objects.equals(existed.principal, principal)) {
} else {
tryAllocate(sessionId, info) // 争取名额
if (null != existed) remove(sessionId, " expired with replacement."); // 注销同会话的其它账户
val session = builder.build(sessionId, this, info, client, System.currentTimeMillis(), getTimeout(info)) // 新生
publish(new LoginEvent(session))
override def remove(sessionId: String): Option[Session] = {
remove(sessionId, null)
override def access(sessionId: String, accessAt: Long, accessed: String): Option[Session] = {
get(sessionId) match {
case s @ Some(session) =>
if ((accessAt - session.status.lastAccessAt) > accessDelayMillis) {
val existed = executor.update(s"update $sessionTable set last_access_at=? where id=?", accessAt, session.id) > 0
//the session was killed by some one,next access will issue login
if (existed) {
statusCache.put(session.id, new Session.DefaultStatus(accessAt))
} else {
case None => None
override def getByPrincipal(principal: String): Seq[Session] = {
executor.query(s"select id from $sessionTable info where info.principal=?", principal)
.map(s => get(s(0).toString)).flatten
override def get(sessionId: String): Option[Session] = {
if (null == sessionId) return None
var data = dataCache.get(sessionId).orNull
var status = statusCache.get(sessionId).orNull
if (null == data) {
val datas = executor.query(s"select $allSelectColumns from $sessionTable where id=?", sessionId)
if (datas.isEmpty) {
if (null != status) statusCache.evict(sessionId)
} else {
val result = datas(0)
data = result(0) match {
case is: InputStream => new ObjectInputStream(is).readObject().asInstanceOf[Session.Data]
case ba: Array[Byte] => fstconf.asObject(ba).asInstanceOf[Session.Data]
status = new Session.DefaultStatus(result(1).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue)
dataCache.putIfAbsent(sessionId, data)
statusCache.put(sessionId, status)
Some(builder.build(sessionId, this, data, status))
} else if (null == status) {
val datas = executor.query(s"select $statusSelectColumns from $sessionTable where id=?", sessionId)
if (datas.isEmpty) {
} else {
val result = datas(0)
status = new Session.DefaultStatus(result(0).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue)
statusCache.put(sessionId, status)
Some(builder.build(sessionId, this, data, status))
} else {
Some(builder.build(sessionId, this, data, status))
def getBeforeAccessAt(lastAccessAt: Long): Seq[String] = {
executor.query(s"select id from $sessionTable info where info.last_access_at ", lastAccessAt).map { data => data(0).toString }
protected override def allocate(auth: Account, sessionId: String): Boolean = {
executor.update(s"update $statTable set on_line = on_line + 1 where on_line < capacity and id=?", getProfileId(auth).longValue()) > 0
protected override def release(session: Session): Unit = {
executor.update(s"update $statTable set on_line=on_line - 1 where on_line>0 and id=?", getProfileId(session.principal).longValue())
def stat(): Unit = {
executor.update(s"update $statTable stat set on_line=(select count(id) from $sessionTable " +
" info where info.profile_id=stat.id),stat_at = ?", new ju.Date())
* Handle an application event.
override def onEvent(event: ProfileChangeEvent): Unit = {
executor.update(s"update $statTable set capacity=? where id=?", event.profile.id.longValue())
private def remove(sessionId: String, reason: String): Option[Session] = {
val s = get(sessionId)
s foreach { session =>
publish(new LogoutEvent(session, reason))
executor.update(s"delete from $sessionTable where id=?", sessionId)
private def save(session: Session): Unit = {
val s = session.asInstanceOf[DefaultSession]
val sessionId = s.id
executor.update(s"insert into $sessionTable ($insertColumns) values(?,?,?,?,?)",
sessionId, fstconf.asByteArray(new Session.Data(s.principal, s.client, s.loginAt, s.timeout)),
s.status.lastAccessAt, s.principal.getName, profileProvider.getProfile(s.principal).id.longValue)
dataCache.putIfAbsent(sessionId, s.data)
statusCache.put(sessionId, s.status) // Given the status cache is local cache
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