data.nodescript.application.ReadyServoTurn.ReadyServoTurn-ServoTurnout.nodescript Maven / Gradle / Ivy
## Dieses Script erstellt Accessory, Macro und ServoPort mit mehr als 2 Positionen.
## history: 2022-02-20 A.Kuhtz, erste Version
## -------------- 1. Select Target
##application(text:de="Weichenantrieb mit Servo mit mehr als 2 Positionen", text:en="Turnout (servo) for more than 2 positions", text:nl="Wisselaandrijving met Servo met meer dan twee posities")
##instruction(text:de="Konfiguration von Servo für Weichensteuerung mit mehr als 2 Positionen", text:en="Configuration of servo for turnouts with more than 2 positions")
##input($AccessoryName:string, text:de="Name des Accessory: ", text:en="Name of the Accessory: ", default="Weiche")
##input($AccessoryNumber:accessory, text:de="Nummer des verwendeten Accessory", text:en="Number of the used Accessory", default=0)
##input($MacroNumber:macro, text:de="Nummer des ersten Macros (Benötigt = Anzahl Positionen)", text:en="Number of the first macro (total = number of positions)", default=0)
##input($ServoCount:int, text:de="Anzahl der Servos", text:en="Number of the servos", default=1)
##input($ServoPortNumber:servo, text:de="Nummer des ServoPort", text:en="Number of the servo port", default=0)
##input($ServoPositionCount:int, text:de="Anzahl der ServoPositionen", text:en="Number of servo positions", default=2)
##input($ServoName:string, text:de="Name des Servo: ", text:en="Name of the servo: ", default="Multipos-Servo")
#set ($accessoryOffset = 0)
#set ($macroOffset = $MacroNumber)
#set ($maxServo = $ServoCount - 1)
#set ($currentServo = ${ServoPortNumber})
## calculate the number of macros that are required
#set($macroCount = $ServoPositionCount - 1)
#foreach ($currentServoIndex in [0..$maxServo])
### -------------- 3. execute part of the script
#set($currentAccessory = $AccessoryNumber + $accessoryOffset)
### Set label of Accessories
set accessory ${currentAccessory} name="${AccessoryName}_${accessoryOffset}"
### Set label of ServoPort
set servo $currentServo name="${ServoName}_${currentServoIndex}"
#set($firstMacroNumber = $macroOffset)
#foreach ($currentMacroIndex in [0..$macroCount])
#set($currentMacroNum = $currentMacroIndex + $firstMacroNumber)
## calculate the target position
#set($targetPosition = $currentMacroIndex *10)
#if ($currentMacroIndex == $macroCount)
#set($targetPosition = 100)
### Set label of Macro
set macro ${currentMacroNum} name="${AccessoryName}_${accessoryOffset}_Pos_${currentMacroIndex}"
### configure macro
select macro ${currentMacroNum}
config macro repeat=1 slowdown=1
### stop all macro
#foreach ($macroNum in [0..$macroCount])
#set($stopMacroNum = $macroNum + $firstMacroNumber)
#if ($stopMacroNum != $currentMacroNum)
add step ptype=macro action=stop number=${stopMacroNum}
#end ## #if
#end ## #foreach
add step ptype=servo action=start target=$targetPosition number=$currentServo
add step ptype=moveServoQuery number=$currentServo
### Define Accessory
select accessory ${currentAccessory}
config accessory startup restore
#foreach ($currentMacroIndex in [0..$macroCount])
#set($currentMacroNum = $currentMacroIndex + $firstMacroNumber)
add aspect $currentMacroIndex macronumber=$currentMacroNum
#set ($accessoryOffset = $accessoryOffset + 1)
#set ($macroOffset = $macroOffset + $ServoPositionCount)
#set ($currentServo = $currentServo + 1)