org.bigml.mimir.image.FeaturizeTest.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ConstantValue ()V Code LineNumberTable makeAllFeaturizers 5(I)[Lorg/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/ImageFeaturizer;
StackMapTable ? ? ? getAllFeatures U([Lorg/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/ImageFeaturizer;Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)[[D ? (Ljava/lang/String;I)[[D nullFeatures ? ? RuntimeVisibleAnnotations Lorg/junit/Test; combinationFeaturizer allBlack allWhite allGray allRed bwVerticalSplit
SourceFile U V /org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/ImageFeaturizer 8org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/PixelAveragingFeaturizer U ? 8org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/LevelHistogramFeaturizer 4org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/TensorflowFeaturizer resnet18 U ? 8org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/WaveletSubbandFeaturizer #org/bigml/mimir/image/FeaturizeTest U ? -org/bigml/mimir/image/featurize/HOGFeaturizer ? ? blue ? ? ? ? ? level red 1 2 ? ?
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getOutputs ()I org/bigml/mimir/math/Vectors sum ([D)D org/bigml/mimir/utils/TestUtils getTestFile "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/io/File; org/bigml/mimir/image/IO readImage 2(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;
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