org.biojava.nbio.genome.GeneFeatureHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* BioJava development code
* This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should
* be distributed with the code. If you do not have a copy,
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* Copyright for this code is held jointly by the individual
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package org.biojava.nbio.genome;
import org.biojava.nbio.genome.parsers.gff.*;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
* @author Scooter Willis
public class GeneFeatureHelper {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneFeatureHelper.class);
static public LinkedHashMap loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromUpperCaseExonFastaFile(File fastaSequenceFile, File uppercaseFastaFile, boolean throwExceptionGeneNotFound) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = new LinkedHashMap();
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile);
for (String accession : dnaSequenceList.keySet()) {
DNASequence contigSequence = dnaSequenceList.get(accession);
ChromosomeSequence chromsomeSequence = new ChromosomeSequence(contigSequence.getSequenceAsString());
chromosomeSequenceList.put(accession, chromsomeSequence);
LinkedHashMap geneSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(uppercaseFastaFile);
for (DNASequence dnaSequence : geneSequenceList.values()) {
String geneSequence = dnaSequence.getSequenceAsString();
String lcGeneSequence = geneSequence.toLowerCase();
String reverseGeneSequence = dnaSequence.getReverse().getSequenceAsString();
String lcReverseGeneSequence = reverseGeneSequence.toLowerCase();
Integer bioStart = null;
Integer bioEnd = null;
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
boolean geneFound = false;
String accession = "";
DNASequence contigDNASequence = null;
for (String id : dnaSequenceList.keySet()) {
accession = id;
contigDNASequence = dnaSequenceList.get(id);
String contigSequence = contigDNASequence.getSequenceAsString().toLowerCase();
bioStart = contigSequence.indexOf(lcGeneSequence);
if (bioStart != -1) {
bioStart = bioStart + 1;
bioEnd = bioStart + geneSequence.length() - 1;
geneFound = true;
} else {
bioStart = contigSequence.indexOf(lcReverseGeneSequence);
if (bioStart != -1) {
bioStart = bioStart + 1;
bioEnd = bioStart - geneSequence.length() - 1;
strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
geneFound = true;
if (geneFound) {"Gene {} found at {} {} {} {}",
dnaSequence.getAccession().toString(), contigDNASequence.getAccession().toString(), bioStart, bioEnd, strand);
ChromosomeSequence chromosomeSequence = chromosomeSequenceList.get(accession);
ArrayList exonBoundries = new ArrayList();
//look for transitions from lowercase to upper case
for (int i = 0; i < geneSequence.length(); i++) {
if (i == 0 && Character.isUpperCase(geneSequence.charAt(i))) {
} else if (i == geneSequence.length() - 1) {
} else if (Character.isUpperCase(geneSequence.charAt(i)) && Character.isLowerCase(geneSequence.charAt(i - 1))) {
} else if (Character.isUpperCase(geneSequence.charAt(i)) && Character.isLowerCase(geneSequence.charAt(i + 1))) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
String geneaccession = dnaSequence.getAccession().getID();
String note = geneaccession;
String[] values = geneaccession.split(" ");
geneaccession = values[0];
GeneSequence geneSeq = chromosomeSequence.addGene(new AccessionID(geneaccession), bioStart, bioEnd, strand);
//String transcriptName = geneaccession + "-transcript";
//TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence = geneSeq.addTranscript(new AccessionID(transcriptName), bioStart, bioEnd);
int runningFrameLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < exonBoundries.size() - 1; i = i + 2) {
int cdsBioStart = exonBoundries.get(i) + bioStart;
int cdsBioEnd = exonBoundries.get(i + 1) + bioStart;
runningFrameLength = runningFrameLength + Math.abs(cdsBioEnd - cdsBioStart) + 1;
//String cdsName = transcriptName + "-cds-" + cdsBioStart + "-" + cdsBioEnd;
//AccessionID cdsAccessionID = new AccessionID(cdsName);
//ExonSequence exonSequence = geneSeq.addExon(cdsAccessionID, cdsBioStart, cdsBioEnd);
int remainder = runningFrameLength % 3;
//int frame = 0;
if (remainder == 1) {
//frame = 2; // borrow 2 from next CDS region
} else if (remainder == 2) {
//frame = 1;
//CDSSequence cdsSequence = transcriptSequence.addCDS(cdsAccessionID, cdsBioStart, cdsBioEnd, frame);
} else {
if (throwExceptionGeneNotFound) {
throw new Exception(dnaSequence.getAccession().toString() + " not found");
}"Gene not found {}", dnaSequence.getAccession().toString());
return chromosomeSequenceList;
* Output a gff3 feature file that will give the length of each scaffold/chromosome in the fasta file.
* Used for gbrowse so it knows length.
* @param fastaSequenceFile
* @param gffFile
* @throws Exception
static public void outputFastaSequenceLengthGFF3(File fastaSequenceFile, File gffFile) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile);
String fileName = fastaSequenceFile.getName();
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(gffFile);
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
fw.write("##gff-version 3" + newLine);
for (DNASequence dnaSequence : dnaSequenceList.values()) {
String gff3line = dnaSequence.getAccession().getID() + "\t" + fileName + "\t" + "contig" + "\t" + "1" + "\t" + dnaSequence.getBioEnd() + "\t.\t.\t.\tName=" + dnaSequence.getAccession().getID() + newLine;
* Loads Fasta file and GFF2 feature file generated from the geneid prediction algorithm
* @param fastaSequenceFile
* @param gffFile
* @return
* @throws Exception
static public LinkedHashMap loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGeneIDGFF2(File fastaSequenceFile, File gffFile) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile);
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getChromosomeSequenceFromDNASequence(dnaSequenceList);
FeatureList listGenes =;
addGeneIDGFF2GeneFeatures(chromosomeSequenceList, listGenes);
return chromosomeSequenceList;
* Load GFF2 feature file generated from the geneid prediction algorithm and map features onto the chromosome sequences
* @param chromosomeSequenceList
* @param listGenes
* @throws Exception
static public void addGeneIDGFF2GeneFeatures(LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList, FeatureList listGenes) throws Exception {
Collection geneIds = listGenes.attributeValues("gene_id");
for (String geneid : geneIds) {
FeatureList gene = listGenes.selectByAttribute("gene_id", geneid);
FeatureI geneFeature = gene.get(0);
ChromosomeSequence seq = chromosomeSequenceList.get(geneFeature.seqname());
geneid = geneid.replaceAll("_", ".G");
AccessionID geneAccessionID = new AccessionID(geneid);
GeneSequence geneSequence = null;
Collection transcriptids = gene.attributeValues("gene_id");
for (String transcriptid : transcriptids) {
// get all the individual features (exons, CDS regions, etc.) of this gene
FeatureList transcriptFeature = listGenes.selectByAttribute("gene_id", transcriptid);
transcriptid = transcriptid.replaceAll("_", ".G");
// String seqName = feature.seqname();
//FeatureI startCodon = null;
//FeatureI stopCodon = null;
Integer startCodonBegin = null;
Integer stopCodonEnd = null;
//String startCodonName = "";
//String stopCodonName = "";
// now select only the coding regions of this gene
FeatureList firstFeatures = transcriptFeature.selectByType("First");
FeatureList terminalFeatures = transcriptFeature.selectByType("Terminal");
FeatureList internalFeatures = transcriptFeature.selectByType("Internal");
FeatureList singleFeatures = transcriptFeature.selectByType("Single");
FeatureList cdsFeatures = new FeatureList();
// sort them
cdsFeatures = cdsFeatures.sortByStart();
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
FeatureI feature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
if (feature.location().isNegative()) {
strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
if (startCodonBegin == null) {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioEnd();
} else {
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioStart();
if (stopCodonEnd == null) {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioStart();
} else {
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioEnd();
//for gtf ordering can be strand based so first is last and last is first
if (startCodonBegin > stopCodonEnd) {
int temp = startCodonBegin;
startCodonBegin = stopCodonEnd;
stopCodonEnd = temp;
AccessionID transcriptAccessionID = new AccessionID(transcriptid);
if (geneSequence == null) {
geneSequence = seq.addGene(geneAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd, strand);
geneSequence.setSource(((Feature) feature).source());
} else {
//if multiple transcripts for one gene make sure the gene is defined as the min and max start/end
if (startCodonBegin < geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
if (stopCodonEnd > geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence = geneSequence.addTranscript(transcriptAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd);
if (startCodon != null) {
if (startCodonName == null || startCodonName.length() == 0) {
startCodonName = transcriptid + "-start_codon-" + startCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + startCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStartCodonSequence(new AccessionID(startCodonName), startCodon.location().bioStart(), startCodon.location().bioEnd());
if (stopCodon != null) {
if (stopCodonName == null || stopCodonName.length() == 0) {
stopCodonName = transcriptid + "-stop_codon-" + stopCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStopCodonSequence(new AccessionID(stopCodonName), stopCodon.location().bioStart(), stopCodon.location().bioEnd());
for (FeatureI cdsFeature : cdsFeatures) {
Feature cds = (Feature) cdsFeature;
String cdsName = cds.getAttribute("transcript_name");
if (cdsName == null || cdsName.length() == 0) {
cdsName = transcriptid + "-cds-" + cds.location().bioStart() + "-" + cds.location().bioEnd();
AccessionID cdsAccessionID = new AccessionID(cdsName);
//ExonSequence exonSequence = geneSequence.addExon(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd());
CDSSequence cdsSequence = transcriptSequence.addCDS(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd(), cds.frame());
static public LinkedHashMap getChromosomeSequenceFromDNASequence(LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList) {
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = new LinkedHashMap();
for (String key : dnaSequenceList.keySet()) {
DNASequence dnaSequence = dnaSequenceList.get(key);
ChromosomeSequence chromosomeSequence = new ChromosomeSequence(dnaSequence.getProxySequenceReader()); //we want the underlying sequence but don't need storage
chromosomeSequenceList.put(key, chromosomeSequence);
return chromosomeSequenceList;
* Lots of variations in the ontology or descriptors that can be used in GFF3 which requires writing a custom parser to handle a GFF3 generated or used
* by a specific application. Probably could be abstracted out but for now easier to handle with custom code to deal with gff3 elements that are not
* included but can be extracted from other data elements.
* @param fastaSequenceFile
* @param gffFile
* @param lazyloadsequences If set to true then the fasta file will be parsed for accession id but sequences will be read from disk when needed to save memory
* @return
* @throws Exception
static public LinkedHashMap loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGmodGFF3(File fastaSequenceFile, File gffFile,boolean lazyloadsequences) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile,lazyloadsequences);
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getChromosomeSequenceFromDNASequence(dnaSequenceList);
FeatureList listGenes =;
addGmodGFF3GeneFeatures(chromosomeSequenceList, listGenes);
return chromosomeSequenceList;
* Load GFF3 file using mRNA as the gene feature as not all GFF3 files are complete
* @param chromosomeSequenceList
* @param listGenes
* @throws Exception
static public void addGmodGFF3GeneFeatures(LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList, FeatureList listGenes) throws Exception {
// key off mRNA as being a known feature that may or may not have a parent gene
FeatureList mRNAFeatures = listGenes.selectByType("mRNA");
LinkedHashMap featureIDHashMap = FeatureHelper.buildFeatureAtrributeIndex("ID", listGenes);
LinkedHashMap featureParentHashMap = FeatureHelper.buildFeatureAtrributeIndex("Parent", listGenes);
for (FeatureI f : mRNAFeatures) {
String geneID;
String geneNote = null;
String geneSource = null;
String sequenceName = null;
ChromosomeSequence seq = null;
GeneSequence geneSequence = null;
Feature mRNAFeature = (Feature) f;
String mRNAID = mRNAFeature.getAttribute("ID");
String mRNAsource = mRNAFeature.source();
String mRNANote = mRNAFeature.getAttribute("Note");
String mRNAParent = mRNAFeature.getAttribute("Parent");
if (mRNAParent != null && mRNAParent.length() > 0) {
// FeatureList geneFeatureList = listGenes.selectByAttribute("ID", mRNAParent);
FeatureList geneFeatureList = featureIDHashMap.get(mRNAParent);
Feature geneFeature = (Feature) geneFeatureList.get(0);
geneID = geneFeature.getAttribute("ID");
geneNote = geneFeature.getAttribute("Note");
geneSource = geneFeature.source();
sequenceName = geneFeature.seqname();
} else {
//deal with cases where no parent gene is given
geneID = mRNAID;
geneSource = mRNAsource;
sequenceName = mRNAFeature.seqname();
seq = chromosomeSequenceList.get(sequenceName);
AccessionID geneAccessionID = new AccessionID(geneID);
// FeatureList mRNAChildren = listGenes.selectByAttribute("Parent", mRNAID);
FeatureList mRNAChildren = featureParentHashMap.get(mRNAID);
FeatureList cdsFeatures = mRNAChildren.selectByType("CDS");
FeatureI feature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
if (feature.location().isNegative()) {
strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
cdsFeatures = cdsFeatures.sortByStart();
//String seqName = feature.seqname();
FeatureI startCodon = null;
FeatureI stopCodon = null;
Integer startCodonBegin = null;
Integer stopCodonEnd = null;
String startCodonName = "";
String stopCodonName = "";
FeatureList startCodonList = mRNAChildren.selectByType("five_prime_UTR");
if (startCodonList != null && startCodonList.size() > 0) {
startCodon = startCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioEnd();
} else {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioStart();
startCodonName = startCodon.getAttribute("ID");
FeatureList stopCodonList = mRNAChildren.selectByType("three_prime_UTR");
if (stopCodonList != null && stopCodonList.size() > 0) {
stopCodon = stopCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioStart();
} else {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
stopCodonName = stopCodon.getAttribute("ID");
if (startCodonBegin == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioEnd();
} else {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioStart();
if (stopCodonEnd == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioStart();
} else {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioEnd();
//for gtf ordering can be strand based so first is last and last is first
if (startCodonBegin > stopCodonEnd) {
int temp = startCodonBegin;
startCodonBegin = stopCodonEnd;
stopCodonEnd = temp;
AccessionID transcriptAccessionID = new AccessionID(mRNAID);
geneSequence = seq.getGene(geneID);
if (geneSequence == null) {
geneSequence = seq.addGene(geneAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd, strand);
if (geneNote != null && geneNote.length() > 0) {
} else {
if (startCodonBegin < geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
if (stopCodonEnd > geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence = geneSequence.addTranscript(transcriptAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd);
if (mRNANote != null && mRNANote.length() > 0) {
if (startCodon != null) {
if (startCodonName == null || startCodonName.length() == 0) {
startCodonName = mRNAID + "-start_codon-" + startCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + startCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStartCodonSequence(new AccessionID(startCodonName), startCodon.location().bioStart(), startCodon.location().bioEnd());
if (stopCodon != null) {
if (stopCodonName == null || stopCodonName.length() == 0) {
stopCodonName = mRNAID + "-stop_codon-" + stopCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStopCodonSequence(new AccessionID(stopCodonName), stopCodon.location().bioStart(), stopCodon.location().bioEnd());
for (FeatureI cdsFeature : cdsFeatures) {
Feature cds = (Feature) cdsFeature;
String cdsNote = cdsFeature.getAttribute("Note");
String cdsSource = cds.source();
String cdsName = cds.getAttribute("ID");
if (cdsName == null || cdsName.length() == 0) {
cdsName = mRNAID + "-cds-" + cds.location().bioStart() + "-" + cds.location().bioEnd();
AccessionID cdsAccessionID = new AccessionID(cdsName);
ExonSequence exonSequence = geneSequence.addExon(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd());
if (cdsNote != null && cdsNote.length() > 0) {
transcriptSequence.addCDS(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd(), cds.frame());
static public LinkedHashMap loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGlimmerGFF3(File fastaSequenceFile, File gffFile) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile);
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getChromosomeSequenceFromDNASequence(dnaSequenceList);
FeatureList listGenes =;
addGlimmerGFF3GeneFeatures(chromosomeSequenceList, listGenes);
return chromosomeSequenceList;
static public void addGlimmerGFF3GeneFeatures(LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList, FeatureList listGenes) throws Exception {
FeatureList mRNAFeatures = listGenes.selectByType("mRNA");
for (FeatureI f : mRNAFeatures) {
Feature mRNAFeature = (Feature) f;
String geneid = mRNAFeature.getAttribute("ID");
String source = mRNAFeature.source();
FeatureList gene = listGenes.selectByAttribute("Parent", geneid);
FeatureI geneFeature = gene.get(0);
ChromosomeSequence seq = chromosomeSequenceList.get(geneFeature.seqname());
AccessionID geneAccessionID = new AccessionID(geneid);
GeneSequence geneSequence = null;
FeatureList cdsFeatures = gene.selectByType("CDS");
FeatureI feature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
if (feature.location().isNegative()) {
strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
cdsFeatures = cdsFeatures.sortByStart();
//String seqName = feature.seqname();
FeatureI startCodon = null;
FeatureI stopCodon = null;
Integer startCodonBegin = null;
Integer stopCodonEnd = null;
String startCodonName = "";
String stopCodonName = "";
FeatureList startCodonList = gene.selectByAttribute("Note", "initial-exon");
if (startCodonList != null && startCodonList.size() > 0) {
startCodon = startCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioEnd();
} else {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioStart();
startCodonName = startCodon.getAttribute("ID");
FeatureList stopCodonList = gene.selectByAttribute("Note", "final-exon");
if (stopCodonList != null && stopCodonList.size() > 0) {
stopCodon = stopCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioStart();
} else {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
stopCodonName = stopCodon.getAttribute("ID");
if (startCodonBegin == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioEnd();
} else {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioStart();
if (stopCodonEnd == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioStart();
} else {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioEnd();
//for gtf ordering can be strand based so first is last and last is first
if (startCodonBegin > stopCodonEnd) {
int temp = startCodonBegin;
startCodonBegin = stopCodonEnd;
stopCodonEnd = temp;
AccessionID transcriptAccessionID = new AccessionID(geneid);
if (geneSequence == null) {
geneSequence = seq.addGene(geneAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd, strand);
else {
if (startCodonBegin < geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
if (stopCodonEnd > geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence = geneSequence.addTranscript(transcriptAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd);
if (startCodon != null) {
if (startCodonName == null || startCodonName.length() == 0) {
startCodonName = geneid + "-start_codon-" + startCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + startCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStartCodonSequence(new AccessionID(startCodonName), startCodon.location().bioStart(), startCodon.location().bioEnd());
if (stopCodon != null) {
if (stopCodonName == null || stopCodonName.length() == 0) {
stopCodonName = geneid + "-stop_codon-" + stopCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStopCodonSequence(new AccessionID(stopCodonName), stopCodon.location().bioStart(), stopCodon.location().bioEnd());
for (FeatureI cdsFeature : cdsFeatures) {
Feature cds = (Feature) cdsFeature;
String cdsName = cds.getAttribute("ID");
if (cdsName == null || cdsName.length() == 0) {
cdsName = geneid + "-cds-" + cds.location().bioStart() + "-" + cds.location().bioEnd();
AccessionID cdsAccessionID = new AccessionID(cdsName);
//ExonSequence exonSequence = geneSequence.addExon(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd());
transcriptSequence.addCDS(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd(), cds.frame());
static public LinkedHashMap loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGeneMarkGTF(File fastaSequenceFile, File gffFile) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap dnaSequenceList = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(fastaSequenceFile);
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getChromosomeSequenceFromDNASequence(dnaSequenceList);
FeatureList listGenes =;
addGeneMarkGTFGeneFeatures(chromosomeSequenceList, listGenes);
return chromosomeSequenceList;
static public void addGeneMarkGTFGeneFeatures(LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList, FeatureList listGenes) throws Exception {
Collection geneIds = listGenes.attributeValues("gene_id");
for (String geneid : geneIds) {
// if(geneid.equals("45_g")){
// int dummy =1;
// }
FeatureList gene = listGenes.selectByAttribute("gene_id", geneid);
FeatureI geneFeature = gene.get(0);
ChromosomeSequence seq = chromosomeSequenceList.get(geneFeature.seqname());
AccessionID geneAccessionID = new AccessionID(geneid);
GeneSequence geneSequence = null;
Collection transcriptids = gene.attributeValues("transcript_id");
for (String transcriptid : transcriptids) {
// get all the individual features (exons, CDS regions, etc.) of this gene
FeatureList transcriptFeature = listGenes.selectByAttribute("transcript_id", transcriptid);
// now select only the coding regions of this gene
FeatureList cdsFeatures = transcriptFeature.selectByType("CDS");
// sort them
cdsFeatures = cdsFeatures.sortByStart();
FeatureI feature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
if (feature.location().isNegative()) {
strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
//String seqName = feature.seqname();
FeatureI startCodon = null;
FeatureI stopCodon = null;
Integer startCodonBegin = null;
Integer stopCodonEnd = null;
String startCodonName = "";
String stopCodonName = "";
FeatureList startCodonList = transcriptFeature.selectByType("start_codon");
if (startCodonList != null && startCodonList.size() > 0) {
startCodon = startCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.POSITIVE) {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioStart();
} else {
startCodonBegin = startCodon.location().bioEnd();
startCodonName = startCodon.getAttribute("transcript_name");
FeatureList stopCodonList = transcriptFeature.selectByType("stop_codon");
if (stopCodonList != null && stopCodonList.size() > 0) {
stopCodon = stopCodonList.get(0);
if (strand == Strand.POSITIVE) {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
} else {
stopCodonEnd = stopCodon.location().bioStart();
stopCodonName = stopCodon.getAttribute("transcript_name");
if (startCodonBegin == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioEnd();
} else {
FeatureI firstFeature = cdsFeatures.get(0);
startCodonBegin = firstFeature.location().bioStart();
if (stopCodonEnd == null) {
if (strand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioStart();
} else {
FeatureI lastFeature = cdsFeatures.get(cdsFeatures.size() - 1);
stopCodonEnd = lastFeature.location().bioEnd();
//for gtf ordering can be strand based so first is last and last is first
if (startCodonBegin > stopCodonEnd) {
int temp = startCodonBegin;
startCodonBegin = stopCodonEnd;
stopCodonEnd = temp;
AccessionID transcriptAccessionID = new AccessionID(transcriptid);
if (geneSequence == null) {
geneSequence = seq.addGene(geneAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd, strand);
geneSequence.setSource(((Feature) feature).source());
} else {
//if multiple transcripts for one gene make sure the gene is defined as the min and max start/end
if (startCodonBegin < geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
if (stopCodonEnd > geneSequence.getBioBegin()) {
TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence = geneSequence.addTranscript(transcriptAccessionID, startCodonBegin, stopCodonEnd);
if (startCodon != null) {
if (startCodonName == null || startCodonName.length() == 0) {
startCodonName = transcriptid + "-start_codon-" + startCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + startCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStartCodonSequence(new AccessionID(startCodonName), startCodon.location().bioStart(), startCodon.location().bioEnd());
if (stopCodon != null) {
if (stopCodonName == null || stopCodonName.length() == 0) {
stopCodonName = transcriptid + "-stop_codon-" + stopCodon.location().bioStart() + "-" + stopCodon.location().bioEnd();
transcriptSequence.addStopCodonSequence(new AccessionID(stopCodonName), stopCodon.location().bioStart(), stopCodon.location().bioEnd());
for (FeatureI cdsFeature : cdsFeatures) {
Feature cds = (Feature) cdsFeature;
// for genemark it appears frame of 2 =1 and frame of 1 = 2
// doesn't matter when you string cds regions together as one block
// but does make a difference when you try to make a protein sequence for each CDS region where
// you give up or borrow based on the frame value
// compared with gff like files and docs for geneid and glimmer where geneid and glimmer both do it the same
// way that appears to match the gff3 docs.
int frame = cds.frame();
if (frame == 1) {
frame = 2;
} else if (frame == 2) {
frame = 1;
} else {
frame = 0;
String cdsName = cds.getAttribute("transcript_name");
if (cdsName == null || cdsName.length() == 0) {
cdsName = transcriptid + "-cds-" + cds.location().bioStart() + "-" + cds.location().bioEnd();
AccessionID cdsAccessionID = new AccessionID(cdsName);
//ExonSequence exonSequence = geneSequence.addExon(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd());
transcriptSequence.addCDS(cdsAccessionID, cdsFeature.location().bioStart(), cdsFeature.location().bioEnd(), frame);
static public LinkedHashMap getProteinSequences(Collection chromosomeSequences) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap proteinSequenceHashMap = new LinkedHashMap();
for (ChromosomeSequence dnaSequence : chromosomeSequences) {
for (GeneSequence geneSequence : dnaSequence.getGeneSequences().values()) {
for (TranscriptSequence transcriptSequence : geneSequence.getTranscripts().values()) {
//TODO remove?
// DNASequence dnaCodingSequence = transcriptSequence.getDNACodingSequence();
//"CDS={}", dnaCodingSequence.getSequenceAsString());
try {
ProteinSequence proteinSequence = transcriptSequence.getProteinSequence();
//"{} {}", proteinSequence.getAccession().getID(), proteinSequence);
if (proteinSequenceHashMap.containsKey(proteinSequence.getAccession().getID())) {
throw new Exception("Duplicate protein sequence id=" + proteinSequence.getAccession().getID() + " found at Gene id=" + geneSequence.getAccession().getID());
} else {
proteinSequenceHashMap.put(proteinSequence.getAccession().getID(), proteinSequence);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception: ", e);
return proteinSequenceHashMap;
static public LinkedHashMap getGeneSequences(Collection chromosomeSequences) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap geneSequenceHashMap = new LinkedHashMap();
for (ChromosomeSequence chromosomeSequence : chromosomeSequences) {
for (GeneSequence geneSequence : chromosomeSequence.getGeneSequences().values()) {
geneSequenceHashMap.put(geneSequence.getAccession().getID(), geneSequence);
return geneSequenceHashMap;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
/* if (false) {
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGeneMarkGTF(new File("Scaffolds.fna"), new File("genemark_hmm.gtf"));
LinkedHashMap proteinSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getProteinSequences(chromosomeSequenceList.values());
if (false) {
LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGlimmerGFF3(new File("Scaffolds.fna"), new File("glimmerhmm.gff"));
LinkedHashMap proteinSequenceList = GeneFeatureHelper.getProteinSequences(chromosomeSequenceList.values());
// for (ProteinSequence proteinSequence : proteinSequenceList.values()) {
// + " " + proteinSequence);
// }
FastaWriterHelper.writeProteinSequence(new File("predicted_glimmer.faa"), proteinSequenceList.values());
if (false) {
GeneFeatureHelper.outputFastaSequenceLengthGFF3(new File("Scaffolds.fna"), new File("scaffolds.gff3"));
try {
if (true) {
//File fastaSequenceFile = new File("Scaffolds.fna");
//File gff3File = new File("geneid-v6.gff3");
//LinkedHashMap chromosomeSequenceHashMap = GeneFeatureHelper.loadFastaAddGeneFeaturesFromGmodGFF3(fastaSequenceFile, gff3File,true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception: ", e);
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