org.biojava.nbio.protmod.ProteinModificationRegistry Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Created on Nov 17, 2010
* Author: Jianjiong Gao
package org.biojava.nbio.protmod;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
* This class serves as a instance registry by maintaining
* a pool of ProteinModification instances.
* A list of common protein modifications were preloaded
* from an XML file.
* @author Jianjiong Gao
* @since 3.0
public class ProteinModificationRegistry {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProteinModificationRegistry.class);
private static Set registry = null;
private static Map byId = null;
private static Map> byResidId = null;
private static Map> byPsimodId = null;
private static Map> byPdbccId = null;
private static Map> byKeyword = null;
private static Map> byComponent = null;
private static Map> byCategory = null;
private static Map> byOccurrenceType = null;
private static String DIR_XML_PTM_LIST = "ptm_list.xml";
* register common protein modifications from XML file.
private static void registerCommonProteinModifications(InputStream inStream) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception: ", e);
* Initialization the static variables and register common modifications.
public static void init() {
/** Initialization the static variables and register common modifications.
* Allows external user to provide alternative ptm_list.xml file instead of the one contained in this jar file.
* @param inStream InputStream to a XML file containing the list of PTMs (as in ptm_list.xml)
public static void init(InputStream inStream) {
* Lazy Initialization the static variables and register common modifications.
* just opens the stream to ptm_list.xml and delegates to lazyInit(InputStream) for parsing.
private static synchronized void lazyInit() {
if (registry==null) {
InputStream isXml = ProteinModification.class.getResourceAsStream(DIR_XML_PTM_LIST);
* Lazy Initialization the static variables and register common modifications.
private static synchronized void lazyInit(InputStream inStream) {
if (registry==null) {
registry = new HashSet();
byId = new HashMap();
byResidId = new HashMap>();
byPsimodId = new HashMap>();
byPdbccId = new HashMap>();
byKeyword = new HashMap>();
byComponent = new HashMap>();
byCategory = new EnumMap>(
for (ModificationCategory cat:ModificationCategory.values()) {
byCategory.put(cat, new HashSet());
byOccurrenceType = new EnumMap>(
for (ModificationOccurrenceType occ:ModificationOccurrenceType.values()) {
byOccurrenceType.put(occ, new HashSet());
* Register a new ProteinModification.
public static void register(final ProteinModification modification) {
if (modification==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("modification == null!");
String id = modification.getId();
if (byId.containsKey(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(id+" has already been registered.");
byId.put(id, modification);
ModificationCategory cat = modification.getCategory();
ModificationOccurrenceType occType = modification.getOccurrenceType();
ModificationCondition condition = modification.getCondition();
List comps = condition.getComponents();
for (Component comp:comps) {
Set mods = byComponent.get(comp);
if (mods==null) {
mods = new HashSet();
byComponent.put(comp, mods);
String pdbccId = modification.getPdbccId();
if (pdbccId!=null) {
Set mods = byPdbccId.get(pdbccId);
if (mods==null) {
mods = new HashSet();
byPdbccId.put(pdbccId, mods);
String residId = modification.getResidId();
if (residId!=null) {
Set mods = byResidId.get(residId);
if (mods==null) {
mods = new HashSet();
byResidId.put(residId, mods);
String psimodId = modification.getPsimodId();
if (psimodId!=null) {
Set mods = byPsimodId.get(psimodId);
if (mods==null) {
mods = new HashSet();
byPsimodId.put(psimodId, mods);
for (String keyword : modification.getKeywords()) {
Set mods = byKeyword.get(keyword);
if (mods==null) {
mods = new HashSet();
byKeyword.put(keyword, mods);
* Remove a modification from registry.
* @param mod
public static void unregister(ProteinModification modification) {
if (modification==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("modification == null!");
Set mods;
mods = byResidId.get(modification.getResidId());
if (mods!=null) mods.remove(modification);
mods = byPsimodId.get(modification.getPsimodId());
if (mods!=null) mods.remove(modification);
mods = byPdbccId.get(modification.getPdbccId());
if (mods!=null) mods.remove(modification);
for (String keyword : modification.getKeywords()) {
mods = byKeyword.get(keyword);
if (mods!=null) mods.remove(modification);
ModificationCondition condition = modification.getCondition();
List comps = condition.getComponents();
for (Component comp : comps) {
mods = byComponent.get(comp);
if (mods!=null) mods.remove(modification);
* @param id modification ID.
* @return ProteinModification that has the corresponding ID.
public static ProteinModification getById(final String id) {
return byId.get(id);
* @param residId RESID ID.
* @return a set of ProteinModifications that have the RESID ID.
public static Set getByResidId(final String residId) {
return byResidId.get(residId);
* @param psimodId PSI-MOD ID.
* @return a set of ProteinModifications that have the PSI-MOD ID.
public static Set getByPsimodId(final String psimodId) {
return byPsimodId.get(psimodId);
* @param pdbccId Protein Data Bank Chemical Component ID.
* @return a set of ProteinModifications that have the PDBCC ID.
public static Set getByPdbccId(final String pdbccId) {
return byPdbccId.get(pdbccId);
* @param keyword a keyword.
* @return a set of ProteinModifications that have the keyword.
public static Set getByKeyword(final String keyword) {
return byKeyword.get(keyword);
* Get ProteinModifications that involves one or more components.
* @param comp1 a {@link Component}.
* @param comps other {@link Component}s.
* @return a set of ProteinModifications that involves all the components.
public static Set getByComponent(final Component comp1,
final Component... comps) {
Set mods = byComponent.get(comp1);
if (mods==null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
if (comps.length==0) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mods);
} else {
Set ret = new HashSet(mods);
for (Component comp:comps) {
mods = byComponent.get(comp);
if (mods==null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
} else {
return ret;
* @return set of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allModifications() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(registry);
* @param cat {@link ModificationCategory}.
* @return set of registered ProteinModifications in a particular category.
public static Set getByCategory(final ModificationCategory cat) {
Set ret = byCategory.get(cat);
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @param occ {@link ModificationOccurrenceType}.
* @return set of registered ProteinModifications of a particular occurrence type.
public static Set getByOccurrenceType(final ModificationOccurrenceType occ) {
Set ret = byOccurrenceType.get(occ);
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of IDs of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allIds() {
Set ret = byId.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of PDBCC IDs of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allPdbccIds() {
Set ret = byPdbccId.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of RESID IDs of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allResidIds() {
Set ret = byResidId.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of PSI-MOD IDs of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allPsimodIds() {
Set ret = byPsimodId.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of components involved in all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allComponents() {
Set ret = byComponent.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
* @return set of keywords of all registered ProteinModifications.
public static Set allKeywords() {
Set ret = byKeyword.keySet();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(ret);
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