org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster.SubunitCluster Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* BioJava development code
* This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
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package org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.Alignments;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.Alignments.PairwiseSequenceAlignerType;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.SimpleGapPenalty;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.template.GapPenalty;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.template.PairwiseSequenceAligner;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.alignment.matrices.SubstitutionMatrixHelper;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.alignment.template.SubstitutionMatrix;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.exceptions.CompoundNotFoundException;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.ProteinSequence;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.compound.AminoAcidCompound;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Chain;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.EntityInfo;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.StructureException;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.StructureAlignment;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.StructureAlignmentFactory;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.ce.ConfigStrucAligParams;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.Block;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockImpl;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockSet;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.BlockSetImpl;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignment;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentEnsembleImpl;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.MultipleAlignmentImpl;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.MultipleAlignmentScorer;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.multiple.util.ReferenceSuperimposer;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.quaternary.BiologicalAssemblyBuilder;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.core.QuatSymmetrySubunits;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal.CESymmParameters;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal.CeSymm;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.symmetry.internal.CeSymmResult;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
* A SubunitCluster contains a set of equivalent {@link QuatSymmetrySubunits},
* the set of equivalent residues (EQR) between {@link Subunit} and a
* {@link Subunit} representative. It also stores the method used for
* clustering.
* This class allows the comparison and merging of SubunitClusters.
* @author Aleix Lafita
* @since 5.0.0
public class SubunitCluster {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubunitCluster.class);
private List subunits = new ArrayList<>();
private List> subunitEQR = new ArrayList<>();
private int representative = -1;
private SubunitClustererMethod method = SubunitClustererMethod.SEQUENCE;
private boolean pseudoStoichiometric = false;
* A letter that is assigned to this cluster in stoichiometry.
private String alpha = "";
* A letter that is assigned to this cluster in stoichiometry.
* @return alpha
* String
public String getAlpha() {
return alpha;
* A letter that is assigned to this cluster in stoichiometry.
* @param alpha
* String
public void setAlpha(String alpha) {
this.alpha = alpha;
* A constructor from a single Subunit. To obtain a
* SubunitCluster with multiple Subunits, initialize different
* SubunitClusters and merge them.
* @param subunit
* initial Subunit
public SubunitCluster(Subunit subunit) {
List identity = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < subunit.size(); i++)
representative = 0;
* A copy constructor with the possibility of removing subunits.
* No re-clustering is done.
* @param other
* reference SubunitCluster
* @param subunitsToRetain
* which subunits to copy to this cluster
public SubunitCluster(SubunitCluster other, List subunitsToRetain) {
method = other.method;
pseudoStoichiometric = other.pseudoStoichiometric;
for (int i = 0; i < other.subunits.size(); i++) {
if(subunitsToRetain.contains(i)) {
representative = 0;
for (int i=1; i subunits.get(representative).size()) {
representative = i;
* Subunits contained in the SubunitCluster.
* @return an unmodifiable view of the original List
public List getSubunits() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(subunits);
* Tells whether the other SubunitCluster contains exactly the same Subunit.
* This is checked by String equality of their residue one-letter sequences.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @return true if the SubunitClusters are identical, false otherwise
public boolean isIdenticalTo(SubunitCluster other) {
String thisSequence = this.subunits.get(this.representative)
String otherSequence = other.subunits.get(other.representative)
return thisSequence.equals(otherSequence);
* Tells whether the other SubunitCluster contains exactly the same Subunit.
* This is checked by equality of their entity identifiers if they are present.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @return true if the SubunitClusters are identical, false otherwise
public boolean isIdenticalByEntityIdTo(SubunitCluster other) {
Subunit thisSub = this.subunits.get(this.representative);
Subunit otherSub = other.subunits.get(other.representative);
String thisName = thisSub.getName();
String otherName = otherSub.getName();
Structure thisStruct = thisSub.getStructure();
Structure otherStruct = otherSub.getStructure();
if (thisStruct == null || otherStruct == null) {"SubunitClusters {}-{} have no referenced structures. Ignoring identity check by entity id",
return false;
if (thisStruct != otherStruct) {
// different object references: will not cluster even if entity id is same
return false;
Chain thisChain = thisStruct.getChain(thisName);
Chain otherChain = otherStruct.getChain(otherName);
if (thisChain == null || otherChain == null) {"Can't determine entity ids of SubunitClusters {}-{}. Ignoring identity check by entity id",
return false;
if (thisChain.getEntityInfo() == null || otherChain.getEntityInfo() == null) {"Can't determine entity ids of SubunitClusters {}-{}. Ignoring identity check by entity id",
return false;
int thisEntityId = thisChain.getEntityInfo().getMolId();
int otherEntityId = otherChain.getEntityInfo().getMolId();
return thisEntityId == otherEntityId;
* Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if it contains exactly the
* same Subunit. This is checked by {@link #isIdenticalTo(SubunitCluster)}.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @return true if the SubunitClusters were merged, false otherwise
public boolean mergeIdentical(SubunitCluster other) {
if (!isIdenticalTo(other))
return false;"SubunitClusters {}-{} are identical in sequence",
return true;
* Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if it contains exactly the
* same Subunit. This is checked by comparing the entity identifiers of the subunits
* if one can be found.
* Thus this only makes sense when the subunits are complete chains of a
* deposited PDB entry.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @return true if the SubunitClusters were merged, false otherwise
public boolean mergeIdenticalByEntityId(SubunitCluster other) {
if (!isIdenticalByEntityIdTo(other))
return false;
Subunit thisSub = this.subunits.get(this.representative);
Subunit otherSub = other.subunits.get(other.representative);
String thisName = thisSub.getName();
String otherName = otherSub.getName();"SubunitClusters {}-{} belong to same entity. Assuming they are identical",
List thisAligned = new ArrayList<>();
List otherAligned = new ArrayList<>();
// we've merged by entity id, we can assume structure, chain and entity are available (checked in isIdenticalByEntityIdTo())
Structure thisStruct = thisSub.getStructure();
Structure otherStruct = otherSub.getStructure();
Chain thisChain = thisStruct.getChain(thisName);
Chain otherChain = otherStruct.getChain(otherName);
EntityInfo entityInfo = thisChain.getEntityInfo();
// Extract the aligned residues of both Subunits
for (int thisIndex=0; thisIndex < thisSub.size(); thisIndex++) {
Group g = thisSub.getRepresentativeAtoms()[thisIndex].getGroup();
int seqresIndex = entityInfo.getAlignedResIndex(g, thisChain);
if (seqresIndex == -1) {
// this might mean that FileParsingParameters.setAlignSeqRes() wasn't set to true during parsing
// note the seqresindex is 1-based
Group otherG = otherChain.getSeqResGroups().get(seqresIndex - 1);
int otherIndex = otherChain.getAtomGroups().indexOf(otherG);
if (otherIndex == -1) {
// skip residues that are unobserved in other sequence ("gaps" in the entity SEQRES alignment)
// Only consider residues that are part of the SubunitCluster
if (this.subunitEQR.get(this.representative).contains(thisIndex)
&& other.subunitEQR.get(other.representative).contains(otherIndex)) {
if (thisAligned.size() == 0 && otherAligned.size() == 0) {
logger.warn("No equivalent aligned atoms found between SubunitClusters {}-{} via entity SEQRES alignment. Is FileParsingParameters.setAlignSeqRes() set?", thisName, otherName);
updateEquivResidues(other, thisAligned, otherAligned);
return true;
* Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representatives
* sequences are similar (according to the criteria in params).
* The sequence alignment is performed using linear {@link SimpleGapPenalty} and
* BLOSUM62 as scoring matrix.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @param params
* SubunitClustererParameters, with information whether to use local
* or global alignment, sequence identity and coverage thresholds.
* Threshold values lower than 0.7 are not recommended.
* Use {@link #mergeStructure} for lower values.
* @return true if the SubunitClusters were merged, false otherwise
* @throws CompoundNotFoundException
public boolean mergeSequence(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params) throws CompoundNotFoundException {
PairwiseSequenceAlignerType alignerType = PairwiseSequenceAlignerType.LOCAL;
if (params.isUseGlobalMetrics()) {
alignerType = PairwiseSequenceAlignerType.GLOBAL;
return mergeSequence(other, params,alignerType
, new SimpleGapPenalty(),
* Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representatives
* sequences are similar (according to the criteria in params).
* The sequence alignment is performed using linear {@link SimpleGapPenalty} and
* BLOSUM62 as scoring matrix.
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @param params
* {@link SubunitClustererParameters}, with information whether to use local
* or global alignment, sequence identity and coverage thresholds.
* Threshold values lower than 0.7 are not recommended.
* Use {@link #mergeStructure} for lower values.
* @param alignerType
* parameter for the sequence alignment algorithm
* @param gapPenalty
* parameter for the sequence alignment algorithm
* @param subsMatrix
* parameter for the sequence alignment algorithm
* @return true if the SubunitClusters were merged, false otherwise
* @throws CompoundNotFoundException
public boolean mergeSequence(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params,
PairwiseSequenceAlignerType alignerType,
GapPenalty gapPenalty,
SubstitutionMatrix subsMatrix)
throws CompoundNotFoundException {
// Extract the protein sequences as BioJava alignment objects
ProteinSequence thisSequence = this.subunits.get(this.representative)
ProteinSequence otherSequence = other.subunits
// Perform the alignment with provided parameters
PairwiseSequenceAligner aligner = Alignments
.getPairwiseAligner(thisSequence, otherSequence, alignerType,
gapPenalty, subsMatrix);
double sequenceIdentity;
if(params.isUseGlobalMetrics()) {
sequenceIdentity = aligner.getPair().getPercentageOfIdentity(true);
} else {
sequenceIdentity = aligner.getPair().getPercentageOfIdentity(false);
if (sequenceIdentity < params.getSequenceIdentityThreshold())
return false;
double sequenceCoverage = 0;
if(params.isUseSequenceCoverage()) {
// Calculate real coverage (subtract gaps in both sequences)
double gaps1 = aligner.getPair().getAlignedSequence(1)
double gaps2 = aligner.getPair().getAlignedSequence(2)
double lengthAlignment = aligner.getPair().getLength();
double lengthThis = aligner.getQuery().getLength();
double lengthOther = aligner.getTarget().getLength();
sequenceCoverage = (lengthAlignment - gaps1 - gaps2)
/ Math.max(lengthThis, lengthOther);
if (sequenceCoverage < params.getSequenceCoverageThreshold())
return false;
}"SubunitClusters %s-%s are similar in sequence "
+ "with %.2f sequence identity and %.2f coverage",
sequenceIdentity, sequenceCoverage));
// If coverage and sequence identity sufficient, merge other and this
List thisAligned = new ArrayList<>();
List otherAligned = new ArrayList<>();
// Extract the aligned residues of both Subunit
for (int p = 1; p < aligner.getPair().getLength() + 1; p++) {
// Skip gaps in any of the two sequences
if (aligner.getPair().getAlignedSequence(1).isGap(p))
if (aligner.getPair().getAlignedSequence(2).isGap(p))
int thisIndex = aligner.getPair().getIndexInQueryAt(p) - 1;
int otherIndex = aligner.getPair().getIndexInTargetAt(p) - 1;
// Only consider residues that are part of the SubunitCluster
if (this.subunitEQR.get(this.representative).contains(thisIndex)
&& other.subunitEQR.get(other.representative).contains(otherIndex)) {
updateEquivResidues(other, thisAligned, otherAligned);
this.method = SubunitClustererMethod.SEQUENCE;
pseudoStoichiometric = !params.isHighConfidenceScores(sequenceIdentity,sequenceCoverage);
return true;
* Merges the other SubunitCluster into this one if their representative
* Atoms are structurally similar (according to the criteria in params).
* @param other
* SubunitCluster
* @param params
* {@link SubunitClustererParameters}, with information on what alignment
* algorithm to use, RMSD/TMScore and structure coverage thresholds.
* @return true if the SubunitClusters were merged, false otherwise
* @throws StructureException
public boolean mergeStructure(SubunitCluster other, SubunitClustererParameters params) throws StructureException {
StructureAlignment aligner = StructureAlignmentFactory.getAlgorithm(params.getSuperpositionAlgorithm());
ConfigStrucAligParams aligner_params = aligner.getParameters();
Method setOptimizeAlignment = null;
try {
setOptimizeAlignment = aligner_params.getClass().getMethod("setOptimizeAlignment", boolean.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
//alignment algorithm does not have an optimization switch, moving on
if (setOptimizeAlignment != null) {
try {
setOptimizeAlignment.invoke(aligner_params, params.isOptimizeAlignment());
} catch (IllegalAccessException|InvocationTargetException e) {
logger.warn("Could not set alignment optimisation switch");
AFPChain afp = aligner.align(this.subunits.get(this.representative)
// Convert AFPChain to MultipleAlignment for convenience
MultipleAlignment msa = new MultipleAlignmentEnsembleImpl(
.getRepresentativeAtoms(), false)
double structureCoverage = Math.min(msa.getCoverages().get(0), msa
if(params.isUseStructureCoverage() && structureCoverage < params.getStructureCoverageThreshold()) {
return false;
double rmsd = afp.getTotalRmsdOpt();
if (params.isUseRMSD() && rmsd > params.getRMSDThreshold()) {
return false;
double tmScore = afp.getTMScore();
if (params.isUseTMScore() && tmScore < params.getTMThreshold()) {
return false;
}"SubunitClusters are structurally similar with "
+ "%.2f RMSD %.2f coverage", rmsd, structureCoverage));
// Merge clusters
List> alignedRes = msa.getBlock(0).getAlignRes();
List thisAligned = new ArrayList<>();
List otherAligned = new ArrayList<>();
// Extract the aligned residues of both Subunit
for (int p = 0; p < msa.length(); p++) {
// Skip gaps in any of the two sequences
if (alignedRes.get(0).get(p) == null)
if (alignedRes.get(1).get(p) == null)
int thisIndex = alignedRes.get(0).get(p);
int otherIndex = alignedRes.get(1).get(p);
// Only consider residues that are part of the SubunitCluster
if (this.subunitEQR.get(this.representative).contains(thisIndex)
&& other.subunitEQR.get(other.representative).contains(
otherIndex)) {
updateEquivResidues(other, thisAligned, otherAligned);
this.method = SubunitClustererMethod.STRUCTURE;
pseudoStoichiometric = true;
return true;
private void updateEquivResidues(SubunitCluster other, List thisAligned, List otherAligned) {
// Do a List intersection to find out which EQR columns to remove
List thisRemove = new ArrayList<>();
List otherRemove = new ArrayList<>();
for (int t = 0; t < this.subunitEQR.get(this.representative).size(); t++) {
// If the index is aligned do nothing, otherwise mark as removing
if (!thisAligned.contains(this.subunitEQR.get(this.representative).get(t)))
for (int t = 0; t < other.subunitEQR.get(other.representative).size(); t++) {
// If the index is aligned do nothing, otherwise mark as removing
if (!otherAligned.contains(other.subunitEQR.get(other.representative).get(t)))
// Now remove unaligned columns, from end to start
for (int t = 0; t < thisRemove.size(); t++) {
for (List eqr : this.subunitEQR) {
int column = thisRemove.get(t);
for (int t = 0; t < otherRemove.size(); t++) {
for (List eqr : other.subunitEQR) {
int column = otherRemove.get(t);
// The representative is the longest sequence
if (this.subunits.get(this.representative).size() < other.subunits.get(other.representative).size())
this.representative = other.representative + subunits.size();
* Analyze the internal symmetry of the SubunitCluster and divide its
* {@link Subunit} into the internal repeats (domains) if they are
* internally symmetric.
* @param clusterParams {@link SubunitClustererParameters} with fields used as follows:
* structureCoverageThreshold
* the minimum coverage of all repeats in the Subunit
* rmsdThreshold
* the maximum allowed RMSD between the repeats
* minimumSequenceLength
* the minimum length of the repeating units
* @return true if the cluster was internally symmetric, false otherwise
* @throws StructureException
public boolean divideInternally(SubunitClustererParameters clusterParams)
throws StructureException {
CESymmParameters cesym_params = new CESymmParameters();
cesym_params.setGaps(false); // We want no gaps between the repeats
// Analyze the internal symmetry of the representative subunit
CeSymmResult result = CeSymm.analyze(subunits.get(representative)
.getRepresentativeAtoms(), cesym_params);
if (!result.isSignificant())
return false;
double rmsd = result.getMultipleAlignment().getScore(
if (rmsd > clusterParams.getRMSDThreshold())
return false;
double coverage = result.getMultipleAlignment().getCoverages().get(0)
* result.getNumRepeats();
if (coverage < clusterParams.getStructureCoverageThreshold())
return false;"SubunitCluster is internally symmetric with {} repeats, "
+ "{} RMSD and {} coverage", result.getNumRepeats(), rmsd,
// Divide if symmety was significant with RMSD and coverage sufficient
List> alignedRes = result.getMultipleAlignment()
List> columns = new ArrayList<>();
for (int s = 0; s < alignedRes.size(); s++)
columns.add(new ArrayList<>(alignedRes.get(s).size()));
// Extract the aligned columns of each repeat in the Subunit
for (int col = 0; col < alignedRes.get(0).size(); col++) {
// Check that all aligned residues are part of the Cluster
boolean missing = false;
for (int s = 0; s < alignedRes.size(); s++) {
if (!subunitEQR.get(representative).contains(
alignedRes.get(s).get(col))) {
missing = true;
// Skip the column if any residue was not part of the cluster
if (missing)
for (int s = 0; s < alignedRes.size(); s++) {
// Divide the Subunits in their repeats
List newSubunits = new ArrayList(subunits.size()
* columns.size());
List> newSubunitEQR = new ArrayList>(
subunits.size() * columns.size());
for (int s = 0; s < subunits.size(); s++) {
for (int r = 0; r < columns.size(); r++) {
// Calculate start and end residues of the new Subunit
int start = subunitEQR.get(s).get(columns.get(r).get(0));
int end = subunitEQR.get(s).get(
columns.get(r).get(columns.get(r).size() - 1));
Atom[] reprAtoms = Arrays.copyOfRange(subunits.get(s)
.getRepresentativeAtoms(), start, end + 1);
newSubunits.add(new Subunit(reprAtoms, subunits.get(s)
.getName(), subunits.get(s).getIdentifier(), subunits
// Recalculate equivalent residues
List eqr = new ArrayList();
for (int p = 0; p < columns.get(r).size(); p++) {
- start);
subunits = newSubunits;
subunitEQR = newSubunitEQR;
// Update representative
for (int s = 0; s < subunits.size(); s++) {
if (subunits.get(s).size() > subunits.get(representative).size())
representative = s;
method = SubunitClustererMethod.STRUCTURE;
pseudoStoichiometric = true;
return true;
* @return the number of Subunits in the cluster
public int size() {
return subunits.size();
* @return the number of aligned residues between Subunits of the cluster
public int length() {
return subunitEQR.get(representative).size();
* @return the {@link SubunitClustererMethod} used for clustering the
* Subunits
public SubunitClustererMethod getClustererMethod() {
return method;
* @return A List of size {@link #size()} of Atom arrays of length
* {@link #length()} with the aligned Atoms for each Subunit in the
* cluster
public List getAlignedAtomsSubunits() {
List alignedAtoms = new ArrayList<>();
// Loop through all subunits and add the aligned positions
for (int s = 0; s < subunits.size(); s++)
return alignedAtoms;
* @param index
* Subunit index in the Cluster
* @return An Atom array of length {@link #length()} with the aligned Atoms
* from the selected Subunit in the Cluster
public Atom[] getAlignedAtomsSubunit(int index) {
Atom[] aligned = new Atom[subunitEQR.get(index).size()];
// Add only the aligned positions of the Subunit in the Cluster
for (int p = 0; p < subunitEQR.get(index).size(); p++) {
aligned[p] = subunits.get(index).getRepresentativeAtoms()[subunitEQR
return aligned;
* The multiple alignment is calculated from the equivalent residues in the
* SubunitCluster. The alignment is recalculated every time the method is
* called (no caching).
* @return MultipleAlignment representation of the aligned residues in this
* Subunit Cluster
* @throws StructureException
public MultipleAlignment getMultipleAlignment() throws StructureException {
// Create a multiple alignment with the atom arrays of the Subunits
MultipleAlignment msa = new MultipleAlignmentImpl();
msa.setEnsemble(new MultipleAlignmentEnsembleImpl());
msa.getEnsemble().setAtomArrays( -> s.getRepresentativeAtoms())
// Fill in the alignment information
BlockSet bs = new BlockSetImpl(msa);
Block b = new BlockImpl(bs);
// Fill in the transformation matrices
new ReferenceSuperimposer(representative).superimpose(msa);
// Calculate some scores
return msa;
public String toString() {
return "SubunitCluster [Size=" + size() + ", Length=" + length()
+ ", Representative=" + representative + ", Method=" + method
+ "]";
* @return true if this cluster is considered pseudo-stoichiometric (i.e.,
* was either clustered by structure, or by sequence with low scores),
* false otherwise.
public boolean isPseudoStoichiometric() {
return pseudoStoichiometric;