org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster.SubunitClustererMethod Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.biojava.nbio.structure.cluster;
* The SubunitClustererMethod ennummerates all methods that can be used to
* cluster {@link Subunit} in the {@link SubunitCluster}.
* @author Aleix Lafita
* @since 5.0.0
public enum SubunitClustererMethod {
* The SEQUENCE clustering method uses the residue sequence of the
* {@link Subunit} to calculate sequence alignments.
* Two {@link Subunit} with sufficient sequence identity and coverage are
* clustered together.
* The STRUCTURE clustering method uses the residue sequence and the
* coordinates of its Atom representatives of the {@link Subunit} to
* calculate sequence and structure alignments.
* Two {@link Subunit} with sufficient structural similarity and coverage
* are clustered together.
* The SEQUENCE_STRUCTURE clustering method uses the residue sequence and the
* coordinates of its Atom representatives of the {@link Subunit} to
* calculate sequence and structure alignments.
* Two {@link Subunit} with sufficient sequence identity and coverage are
* clustered together. Additionally, two {@link Subunit} with sufficient
* structural similarity and coverage are clustered together. If the
* sequence and structure clustering differ, the cluster contains
* pseudosymmetry (by definition).