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* BioJava development code
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import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group;
import org.biojava.nbio.structure.ResidueNumber;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* A set of residue-residue contacts.
* Relies on residue indices (based on SEQRES and starting with 1) to store the pairs
* and thus to match contacts.
* @author duarte_j
* @see ResidueIdentifier
public class GroupContactSet implements Serializable, Iterable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private HashMap, GroupContact> contacts;
public GroupContactSet() {
contacts = new HashMap, GroupContact>();
* Constructs a GroupContactSet
by collapsing the given AtomContactSet
* residue-residue (group-group) contacts.
* @param atomContacts
public GroupContactSet(AtomContactSet atomContacts) {
contacts = new HashMap, GroupContact>();
private void atoms2groups(AtomContactSet atomContacts) {
for (AtomContact atomContact:atomContacts) {
Pair atomPair = atomContact.getPair();
Group iResidue = atomPair.getFirst().getGroup();
Group jResidue = atomPair.getSecond().getGroup();
// we skip the self-residue contacts
if (iResidue.equals(jResidue)) continue;
Pair residuePair = new Pair (iResidue, jResidue);
Pair pair = new Pair(new ResidueIdentifier(iResidue), new ResidueIdentifier(jResidue));
if (!contacts.containsKey(pair)) {
GroupContact groupContact = new GroupContact();
contacts.put(pair, groupContact);
} else {
GroupContact groupContact = contacts.get(pair);
public void add(GroupContact groupContact) {
* Tell whether the given group pair is a contact in this GroupContactSet,
* the comparison is done by matching residue numbers and chain identifiers
* @param group1
* @param group2
* @return
public boolean hasContact(Group group1, Group group2) {
return hasContact(group1.getResidueNumber(),group2.getResidueNumber());
* Tell whether the given pair is a contact in this GroupContactSet,
* the comparison is done by matching residue numbers and chain identifiers
* @param resNumber1
* @param resNumber2
* @return
public boolean hasContact(ResidueNumber resNumber1, ResidueNumber resNumber2) {
return contacts.containsKey(new Pair(resNumber1, resNumber2));
* Tell whether the given pair is a contact in this GroupContactSet,
* in a chain-identifier independent way: contacts happening between different copies of
* the same Compound(Entity) will be considered equal as long as they have the same
* residue numbers.
* @param resId1
* @param resId2
* @return
public boolean hasContact(ResidueIdentifier resId1, ResidueIdentifier resId2) {
return contacts.containsKey(new Pair(resId1, resId2));
* Returns the corresponding GroupContact or null if no contact exists between the 2 given groups
* @param group1
* @param group2
* @return
public GroupContact getContact(Group group1, Group group2) {
return contacts.get(
new Pair(group1.getResidueNumber(),group2.getResidueNumber()));
public int size() {
return contacts.size();
public Iterator iterator() {
return contacts.values().iterator();
private Pair getResIdPairFromContact(GroupContact groupContact) {
return new Pair(
new ResidueIdentifier(groupContact.getPair().getFirst()),
new ResidueIdentifier(groupContact.getPair().getSecond()) );
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