org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Copyright 2018 Nicola Atzei
* Copyright 2019 Andreas Schildbach
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bitcoinj.script;
import org.bitcoinj.base.Address;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.ECKey;
import org.bitcoinj.base.LegacyAddress;
import org.bitcoinj.base.SegwitAddress;
import org.bitcoinj.base.Sha256Hash;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature;
import org.bitcoinj.base.ScriptType;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.internal.CryptoUtils;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import static org.bitcoinj.base.internal.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.bitcoinj.base.internal.Preconditions.checkState;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_0;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_1NEGATE;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_CHECKSIG;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_DUP;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_EQUAL;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_HASH160;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA1;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA2;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_PUSHDATA4;
import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.OP_RETURN;
* Tools for the construction of commonly used script types. You don't normally need this as it's hidden behind
* convenience methods on {@link Transaction}, but they are useful when working with the
* protocol at a lower level.
public class ScriptBuilder {
private final List chunks;
/** Creates a fresh ScriptBuilder with an empty program. */
public ScriptBuilder() {
chunks = new LinkedList<>();
/** Creates a fresh ScriptBuilder with the given program as the starting point. */
public ScriptBuilder(Script template) {
chunks = new ArrayList<>(template.getChunks());
/** Adds the given chunk to the end of the program */
public ScriptBuilder addChunk(ScriptChunk chunk) {
return addChunk(chunks.size(), chunk);
/** Adds the given chunk at the given index in the program */
public ScriptBuilder addChunk(int index, ScriptChunk chunk) {
chunks.add(index, chunk);
return this;
/** Adds the given opcode to the end of the program. */
public ScriptBuilder op(int opcode) {
return op(chunks.size(), opcode);
/** Adds the given opcode to the given index in the program */
public ScriptBuilder op(int index, int opcode) {
checkArgument(opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4);
return addChunk(index, new ScriptChunk(opcode, null));
/** Adds a copy of the given byte array as a data element (i.e. PUSHDATA) at the end of the program. */
public ScriptBuilder data(byte[] data) {
if (data.length == 0)
return smallNum(0);
return data(chunks.size(), data);
/** Adds a copy of the given byte array as a data element (i.e. PUSHDATA) at the given index in the program. */
public ScriptBuilder data(int index, byte[] data) {
// implements BIP62
byte[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length);
int opcode;
if (data.length == 0) {
opcode = OP_0;
} else if (data.length == 1) {
byte b = data[0];
if (b >= 1 && b <= 16)
opcode = Script.encodeToOpN(b);
opcode = 1;
} else if (data.length < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
opcode = data.length;
} else if (data.length < 256) {
opcode = OP_PUSHDATA1;
} else if (data.length < 65536) {
opcode = OP_PUSHDATA2;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unimplemented");
return addChunk(index, new ScriptChunk(opcode, copy));
* Adds the given number to the end of the program. Automatically uses
* shortest encoding possible.
public ScriptBuilder number(long num) {
return number(chunks.size(), num);
* Adds the given number to the given index in the program. Automatically
* uses shortest encoding possible.
public ScriptBuilder number(int index, long num) {
if (num == -1) {
return op(index, OP_1NEGATE);
} else if (num >= 0 && num <= 16) {
return smallNum(index, (int) num);
} else {
return bigNum(index, num);
* Adds the given number as a OP_N opcode to the end of the program.
* Only handles values 0-16 inclusive.
* @see #number(long)
public ScriptBuilder smallNum(int num) {
return smallNum(chunks.size(), num);
/** Adds the given number as a push data chunk.
* This is intended to use for negative numbers or values greater than 16, and although
* it will accept numbers in the range 0-16 inclusive, the encoding would be
* considered non-standard.
* @see #number(long)
protected ScriptBuilder bigNum(long num) {
return bigNum(chunks.size(), num);
* Adds the given number as a OP_N opcode to the given index in the program.
* Only handles values 0-16 inclusive.
* @see #number(long)
public ScriptBuilder smallNum(int index, int num) {
checkArgument(num >= 0, () ->
"cannot encode negative numbers with smallNum");
checkArgument(num <= 16, () ->
"cannot encode numbers larger than 16 with smallNum");
return addChunk(index, new ScriptChunk(Script.encodeToOpN(num), null));
* Adds the given number as a push data chunk to the given index in the program.
* This is intended to use for negative numbers or values greater than 16, and although
* it will accept numbers in the range 0-16 inclusive, the encoding would be
* considered non-standard.
* @see #number(long)
protected ScriptBuilder bigNum(int index, long num) {
final byte[] data;
if (num == 0) {
data = new byte[0];
} else {
Stack result = new Stack<>();
final boolean neg = num < 0;
long absvalue = Math.abs(num);
while (absvalue != 0) {
result.push((byte) (absvalue & 0xff));
absvalue >>= 8;
if ((result.peek() & 0x80) != 0) {
// The most significant byte is >= 0x80, so push an extra byte that
// contains just the sign of the value.
result.push((byte) (neg ? 0x80 : 0));
} else if (neg) {
// The most significant byte is < 0x80 and the value is negative,
// set the sign bit so it is subtracted and interpreted as a
// negative when converting back to an integral.
result.push((byte) (result.pop() | 0x80));
data = new byte[result.size()];
for (int byteIdx = 0; byteIdx < data.length; byteIdx++) {
data[byteIdx] = result.get(byteIdx);
// At most the encoded value could take up to 8 bytes, so we don't need
// to use OP_PUSHDATA opcodes
return addChunk(index, new ScriptChunk(data.length, data));
* Adds true to the end of the program.
* @return this
public ScriptBuilder opTrue() {
return number(1); // it push OP_1/OP_TRUE
* Adds true to the given index in the program.
* @param index at which insert true
* @return this
public ScriptBuilder opTrue(int index) {
return number(index, 1); // push OP_1/OP_TRUE
* Adds false to the end of the program.
* @return this
public ScriptBuilder opFalse() {
return number(0); // push OP_0/OP_FALSE
* Adds false to the given index in the program.
* @param index at which insert true
* @return this
public ScriptBuilder opFalse(int index) {
return number(index, 0); // push OP_0/OP_FALSE
/** Creates a new immutable Script based on the state of the builder. */
public Script build() {
return new Script(chunks);
/** Creates an empty script. */
public static Script createEmpty() {
return new ScriptBuilder().build();
/** Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given address. */
public static Script createOutputScript(Address to) {
if (to instanceof LegacyAddress) {
ScriptType scriptType = to.getOutputScriptType();
if (scriptType == ScriptType.P2PKH)
return createP2PKHOutputScript(((LegacyAddress) to).getHash());
else if (scriptType == ScriptType.P2SH)
return createP2SHOutputScript(((LegacyAddress) to).getHash());
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle " + scriptType);
} else if (to instanceof SegwitAddress) {
ScriptBuilder builder = new ScriptBuilder();
// OP_0
SegwitAddress toSegwit = (SegwitAddress) to;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle " + to);
* Creates a scriptSig that can redeem a P2PKH output.
* If given signature is null, incomplete scriptSig will be created with OP_0 instead of signature
public static Script createInputScript(@Nullable TransactionSignature signature, ECKey pubKey) {
byte[] pubkeyBytes = pubKey.getPubKey();
byte[] sigBytes = signature != null ? signature.encodeToBitcoin() : new byte[]{};
return new ScriptBuilder().data(sigBytes).data(pubkeyBytes).build();
* Creates a scriptSig that can redeem a P2PK output.
* If given signature is null, incomplete scriptSig will be created with OP_0 instead of signature
public static Script createInputScript(@Nullable TransactionSignature signature) {
byte[] sigBytes = signature != null ? signature.encodeToBitcoin() : new byte[]{};
return new ScriptBuilder().data(sigBytes).build();
/** Creates a program that requires at least N of the given keys to sign, using OP_CHECKMULTISIG. */
public static Script createMultiSigOutputScript(int threshold, List pubkeys) {
checkArgument(threshold > 0);
checkArgument(threshold <= pubkeys.size());
checkArgument(pubkeys.size() <= 16); // That's the max we can represent with a single opcode.
ScriptBuilder builder = new ScriptBuilder();
for (ECKey key : pubkeys) {;
/** Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program. */
public static Script createMultiSigInputScript(List signatures) {
List sigs = new ArrayList<>(signatures.size());
for (TransactionSignature signature : signatures) {
return createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(sigs, null);
/** Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program. */
public static Script createMultiSigInputScript(TransactionSignature... signatures) {
return createMultiSigInputScript(Arrays.asList(signatures));
/** Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program, using pre-encoded signatures. */
public static Script createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(List signatures) {
return createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(signatures, null);
* Create a program that satisfies a P2SH OP_CHECKMULTISIG program.
* If given signature list is null, incomplete scriptSig will be created with OP_0 instead of signatures
public static Script createP2SHMultiSigInputScript(@Nullable List signatures,
Script multisigProgram) {
List sigs = new ArrayList<>();
if (signatures == null) {
// create correct number of empty signatures
int numSigs = multisigProgram.getNumberOfSignaturesRequiredToSpend();
for (int i = 0; i < numSigs; i++)
sigs.add(new byte[]{});
} else {
for (TransactionSignature signature : signatures) {
return createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(sigs, multisigProgram.getProgram());
* Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program, using pre-encoded signatures.
* Optionally, appends the script program bytes if spending a P2SH output.
public static Script createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(List signatures, @Nullable byte[] multisigProgramBytes) {
checkArgument(signatures.size() <= 16);
ScriptBuilder builder = new ScriptBuilder();
builder.smallNum(0); // Work around a bug in CHECKMULTISIG that is now a required part of the protocol.
for (byte[] signature : signatures);
if (multisigProgramBytes!= null);
* Returns a copy of the given scriptSig with the signature inserted in the given position.
* This function assumes that any missing sigs have OP_0 placeholders. If given scriptSig already has all the signatures
* in place, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
* @param targetIndex where to insert the signature
* @param sigsPrefixCount how many items to copy verbatim (e.g. initial OP_0 for multisig)
* @param sigsSuffixCount how many items to copy verbatim at end (e.g. redeemScript for P2SH)
public static Script updateScriptWithSignature(Script scriptSig, byte[] signature, int targetIndex,
int sigsPrefixCount, int sigsSuffixCount) {
ScriptBuilder builder = new ScriptBuilder();
List inputChunks = scriptSig.getChunks();
int totalChunks = inputChunks.size();
// Check if we have a place to insert, otherwise just return given scriptSig unchanged.
// We assume here that OP_0 placeholders always go after the sigs, so
// to find if we have sigs missing, we can just check the chunk in latest sig position
boolean hasMissingSigs = inputChunks.get(totalChunks - sigsSuffixCount - 1).equalsOpCode(OP_0);
checkArgument(hasMissingSigs, () ->
"scriptSig is already filled with signatures");
// copy the prefix
for (ScriptChunk chunk: inputChunks.subList(0, sigsPrefixCount))
// copy the sigs
int pos = 0;
boolean inserted = false;
for (ScriptChunk chunk: inputChunks.subList(sigsPrefixCount, totalChunks - sigsSuffixCount)) {
if (pos == targetIndex) {
inserted = true;;
if (!chunk.equalsOpCode(OP_0)) {
// add OP_0's if needed, since we skipped them in the previous loop
while (pos < totalChunks - sigsPrefixCount - sigsSuffixCount) {
if (pos == targetIndex) {
inserted = true;;
else {
builder.addChunk(new ScriptChunk(OP_0, null));
// copy the suffix
for (ScriptChunk chunk: inputChunks.subList(totalChunks - sigsSuffixCount, totalChunks))
/** Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given raw public key. */
public static Script createP2PKOutputScript(byte[] pubKey) {
return new ScriptBuilder().data(pubKey).op(OP_CHECKSIG).build();
/** Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given raw public key. */
public static Script createP2PKOutputScript(ECKey pubKey) {
return createP2PKOutputScript(pubKey.getPubKey());
* Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key hash.
public static Script createP2PKHOutputScript(byte[] hash) {
checkArgument(hash.length == LegacyAddress.LENGTH);
ScriptBuilder builder = new ScriptBuilder();
* Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key.
public static Script createP2PKHOutputScript(ECKey key) {
return createP2PKHOutputScript(key.getPubKeyHash());
* Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key hash.
public static Script createP2WPKHOutputScript(byte[] hash) {
checkArgument(hash.length == SegwitAddress.WITNESS_PROGRAM_LENGTH_PKH);
return new ScriptBuilder().smallNum(0).data(hash).build();
* Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key.
public static Script createP2WPKHOutputScript(ECKey key) {
return createP2WPKHOutputScript(key.getPubKeyHash());
* Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given script hash. Read
* BIP 16 to learn more about this
* kind of script.
* @param hash The hash of the redeem script
* @return an output script that sends to the redeem script
public static Script createP2SHOutputScript(byte[] hash) {
checkArgument(hash.length == 20);
return new ScriptBuilder().op(OP_HASH160).data(hash).op(OP_EQUAL).build();
* Creates a scriptPubKey for a given redeem script.
* @param redeemScript The redeem script
* @return an output script that sends to the redeem script
public static Script createP2SHOutputScript(Script redeemScript) {
byte[] hash = CryptoUtils.sha256hash160(redeemScript.getProgram());
return ScriptBuilder.createP2SHOutputScript(hash);
* Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given script hash.
public static Script createP2WSHOutputScript(byte[] hash) {
checkArgument(hash.length == SegwitAddress.WITNESS_PROGRAM_LENGTH_SH);
return new ScriptBuilder().smallNum(0).data(hash).build();
* Creates a segwit scriptPubKey for the given redeem script.
public static Script createP2WSHOutputScript(Script redeemScript) {
byte[] hash = Sha256Hash.hash(redeemScript.getProgram());
return ScriptBuilder.createP2WSHOutputScript(hash);
* Creates a P2SH output script for n-of-m multisig with given public keys and threshold. Given public keys will
* be placed in redeem script in the lexicographical sorting order.
* @param threshold The threshold number of keys that must sign (n)
* @param pubkeys A list of m public keys
* @return The P2SH multisig output script
public static Script createP2SHOutputScript(int threshold, List pubkeys) {
Script redeemScript = createRedeemScript(threshold, pubkeys);
return createP2SHOutputScript(redeemScript);
* Creates an n-of-m multisig redeem script with given public keys and threshold. Given public keys will be placed in
* redeem script in the lexicographical sorting order.
* @param threshold The threshold number of keys that must sign (n)
* @param pubkeys A list of m public keys
* @return The P2SH multisig redeem script
public static Script createRedeemScript(int threshold, List pubkeys) {
pubkeys = new ArrayList<>(pubkeys);
Collections.sort(pubkeys, ECKey.PUBKEY_COMPARATOR);
return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigOutputScript(threshold, pubkeys);
* Creates a script of the form OP_RETURN [data]. This feature allows you to attach a small piece of data (like
* a hash of something stored elsewhere) to a zero valued output which can never be spent and thus does not pollute
* the ledger.
public static Script createOpReturnScript(byte[] data) {
checkArgument(data.length <= 80);
return new ScriptBuilder().op(OP_RETURN).data(data).build();
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