blazingcache.server.CacheServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package blazingcache.server;
import blazingcache.management.JMXUtils;
import blazingcache.network.Message;
import blazingcache.network.ServerHostData;
import blazingcache.network.netty.NettyChannelAcceptor;
import blazingcache.server.management.BlazingCacheServerStatusMXBean;
import blazingcache.server.management.CacheServerStatusMXBean;
import blazingcache.utils.RawString;
import blazingcache.zookeeper.LeaderShipChangeListener;
import blazingcache.zookeeper.ZKClusterManager;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
* The CacheServer core.
* @author enrico.olivelli
public class CacheServer implements AutoCloseable {
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CacheServer.class.getName());
private final String serverId;
private final String sharedSecret;
private final CacheServerEndpoint acceptor;
private final CacheStatus cacheStatus = new CacheStatus();
private final KeyedLockManager locksManager = new KeyedLockManager();
private final NettyChannelAcceptor server;
private final CacheServerStatusMXBean statusMXBean;
private final AtomicLong pendingOperations;
private final AtomicInteger connectedClients;
private final BroadcastRequestStatusMonitor networkRequestsStatusMonitor = new BroadcastRequestStatusMonitor();
private volatile boolean leader;
private volatile boolean stopped;
private ZKClusterManager clusterManager;
private Thread expireManager;
private ExecutorService channelsHandlers;
private int channelHandlersThreads = 64;
private long stateChangeTimestamp;
private long slowClientTimeout = 120000;
private long clientFetchTimeout = 2000;
private final long lastStartupTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
private boolean requireAuthentication = true;
public static String VERSION() {
return "1.14.0-SNAPSHOT";
public boolean isRequireAuthentication() {
return requireAuthentication;
public void setRequireAuthentication(boolean requireAuthentication) {
this.requireAuthentication = requireAuthentication;
public CacheServer(String sharedSecret, ServerHostData serverHostData) {
this.sharedSecret = sharedSecret;
this.acceptor = new CacheServerEndpoint(this);
this.server = new NettyChannelAcceptor(serverHostData.getHost(), serverHostData.getPort(), serverHostData.isSsl());
this.leader = true;
this.serverId = serverHostData.getHost() + "_" + serverHostData.getPort();
this.statusMXBean = new BlazingCacheServerStatusMXBean(this);
this.pendingOperations = new AtomicLong();
this.connectedClients = new AtomicInteger();
public void setupSsl(File certificateFile, String password, File certificateChain, List sslCiphers) {
public int getChannelHandlersThreads() {
return channelHandlersThreads;
public void setChannelHandlersThreads(int channelHandlersThreads) {
this.channelHandlersThreads = channelHandlersThreads;
public int getCallbackThreads() {
return server.getCallbackThreads();
public void setCallbackThreads(int callbackThreads) {
public int getWorkerThreads() {
return server.getWorkerThreads();
public void setWorkerThreads(int workerThreads) {
public CacheStatus getCacheStatus() {
return cacheStatus;
void touchEntry(RawString key, String clientId, long expiretime) {
cacheStatus.touchKeyFromClient(key, clientId, expiretime);
private class LeaderShipChangeListenerImpl extends LeaderShipChangeListener {
public void leadershipLost() {
leader = false;
CacheServer.this.stateChangeTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
//close currently active client connections
public void leadershipAcquired() {
leader = true;
CacheServer.this.stateChangeTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void setupCluster(
String zkAddress, int zkTimeout, String basePath, ServerHostData localhostdata, boolean writeacls) throws Exception {
leader = false;
clusterManager = new ZKClusterManager(zkAddress, zkTimeout, basePath, new LeaderShipChangeListenerImpl(), ServerHostData.formatHostdata(localhostdata), writeacls);
public void start() throws Exception {
JVMServersRegistry.registerServer(serverId, this);
this.stopped = false;
if (channelHandlersThreads == 0) {
this.channelsHandlers = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
} else {
this.channelsHandlers = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(channelHandlersThreads, new ThreadFactory() {
AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong();
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread t = new Thread(r, "blazingcache-channel-handler-" + count.incrementAndGet());
return t;
this.expireManager = new Thread(new Expirer(), "cache-server-expire-thread");
if (this.server.getPort() > 0) {
private int expirerPeriod = 1000;
public int getExpirerPeriod() {
return expirerPeriod;
public void setExpirerPeriod(int expirerPeriod) {
this.expirerPeriod = expirerPeriod;
private class Expirer implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (!stopped) {
if (isLeader()) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
List entries = cacheStatus.selectExpiredEntries(now, 1000);
if (!entries.isEmpty()) {
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(entries.size());
for (RawString key : entries) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "expiring entry {0}", key);
invalidateKey(key, "expire-timer", null, new SimpleCallback() {
public void onResult(RawString result, Throwable error) {
if (error != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "expired entry {0} {1}", new Object[]{key, error});
} else {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, " OK" + "expired entry {0}", key);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exit) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exit) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "expirer thread stopped");
void addConnectedClients(final int delta) {
void addPendingOperations(final long delta) {
public CacheServerEndpoint getAcceptor() {
return acceptor;
public String getSharedSecret() {
return sharedSecret;
public boolean isLeader() {
return leader;
public void close() {
stopped = true;
leader = false;
if (this.server != null) {
if (clusterManager != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exit) {
public void putEntry(RawString key, byte[] data, long expiretime, String sourceClientId, String clientProvidedLockId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, clientProvidedLockId);
if (lockID == null) {
onFinish.onResult(null, new Exception("invalid clientProvidedLockId " + clientProvidedLockId));
Set clientsForKey = cacheStatus.getClientsForKey(key);
if (sourceClientId != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "putEntry from {0}, key={1}, clientsForKey:{2}", new Object[]{sourceClientId, key, clientsForKey});
cacheStatus.registerKeyForClient(key, sourceClientId, expiretime);
SimpleCallback finishAndReleaseLock = (RawString result, Throwable error) -> {
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(result, error);
if (clientsForKey.isEmpty()) {
finishAndReleaseLock.onResult(key, null);
BroadcastRequestStatus propagation = new BroadcastRequestStatus("putEntry " + key + " from " + sourceClientId + " started at " + new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), clientsForKey, finishAndReleaseLock, null);
clientsForKey.forEach((clientId) -> {
CacheServerSideConnection connection = acceptor.getActualConnectionFromClient(clientId);
if (connection == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "client " + clientId + " not connected, considering key " + key + " invalidated");
} else {
connection.sendPutEntry(sourceClientId, key, data, expiretime, propagation);
executeOnHandler("putEntry " + sourceClientId + "," + key, action);
public void loadEntry(RawString key, long expiretime, String sourceClientId, String clientProvidedLockId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, clientProvidedLockId);
if (lockID == null) {
onFinish.onResult(null, new Exception("invalid clientProvidedLockId " + clientProvidedLockId));
Set clientsForKey = cacheStatus.getClientsForKey(key);
if (sourceClientId != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "loadEntry from {0}, key={1}, clientsForKey:{2}", new Object[]{sourceClientId, key, clientsForKey});
cacheStatus.registerKeyForClient(key, sourceClientId, expiretime);
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(key, null);
executeOnHandler("loadEntry " + sourceClientId + "," + key, action);
public void invalidateKey(RawString key, String sourceClientId, String clientProvidedLockId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, clientProvidedLockId);
if (lockID == null) {
onFinish.onResult(null, new Exception("invalid clientProvidedLockId " + clientProvidedLockId));
Set clientsForKey = cacheStatus.getClientsForKey(key);
if (sourceClientId != null) {
SimpleCallback finishAndReleaseLock = new SimpleCallback() {
public void onResult(RawString result, Throwable error) {
cacheStatus.removeKeyForClient(key, sourceClientId);
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(result, error);
if (clientsForKey.isEmpty()) {
finishAndReleaseLock.onResult(key, null);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "invalidateKey {0} from {1} interested clients {2}", new Object[]{key, sourceClientId, clientsForKey});
BroadcastRequestStatus invalidation = new BroadcastRequestStatus("invalidateKey " + key + " from " + sourceClientId + " started at " + new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), clientsForKey, finishAndReleaseLock, (clientId, error) -> {
cacheStatus.removeKeyForClient(key, clientId);
clientsForKey.forEach((clientId) -> {
CacheServerSideConnection connection = acceptor.getActualConnectionFromClient(clientId);
if (connection == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "client " + clientId + " not connected, considering key " + key + " invalidated");
} else {
connection.sendKeyInvalidationMessage(sourceClientId, key, invalidation);
executeOnHandler("invalidateKey " + sourceClientId + "," + key, action);
public void lockKey(RawString key, String sourceClientId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId);
cacheStatus.clientLockedKey(sourceClientId, key, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(lockID.stamp + "", null);
executeOnHandler("lockKey " + sourceClientId + "," + key, action);
public void unlockKey(RawString key, String sourceClientId, String lockId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
LockID lockID = new LockID(Long.parseLong(lockId));
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, lockId, lockID);
cacheStatus.clientUnlockedKey(sourceClientId, key, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(lockID.stamp + "", null);
executeOnHandler("unlockKey " + sourceClientId + "," + key, action);
public void unregisterEntries(final List keys, String sourceClientId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "client {0} evicted entries {1}", new Object[]{sourceClientId, keys});
Runnable action = () -> {
for (RawString key : keys) {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId);
try {
cacheStatus.removeKeyForClient(key, sourceClientId);
} finally {
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, sourceClientId, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(null, null);
executeOnHandler("unregisterEntries " + sourceClientId + "," + keys, action);
public void fetchEntry(RawString key, String clientId, String clientProvidedLockId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
final LockID lockID = locksManager.acquireWriteLockForKey(key, clientId, clientProvidedLockId);
if (lockID == null) {
onFinish.onResult(null, new Exception("invalid clientProvidedLockId " + clientProvidedLockId));
Set clientsForKey = cacheStatus.getClientsForKey(key);
if (clientId != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "client {0} fetchEntry {1} ask to {2}", new Object[]{clientId, key, clientsForKey});
SimpleCallback finishAndReleaseLock = new SimpleCallback() {
public void onResult(Message result, Throwable error) {
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, clientId, lockID);
onFinish.onResult(result, error);
if (clientsForKey.isEmpty()) {
finishAndReleaseLock.onResult(Message.ERROR(clientId, new Exception("no client for key " + key)), null);
int maxPriority = 0;
List maxPriorityCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
for (String remoteClientId : clientsForKey) {
CacheServerSideConnection connection = acceptor.getActualConnectionFromClient(remoteClientId);
if (connection != null) {
int fetchPriority = connection.getFetchPriority();
if (fetchPriority == 0 || fetchPriority < maxPriority) {
if (fetchPriority > maxPriority) {
maxPriority = fetchPriority;
boolean foundOneGoodClientConnected = false;
if (!maxPriorityCandidates.isEmpty()) {
CacheServerSideConnection connection = maxPriorityCandidates.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(maxPriorityCandidates.size()));
String remoteClientId = connection.getClientId();
UnicastRequestStatus unicastRequestStatus = new UnicastRequestStatus(clientId, remoteClientId, "fetch " + key);
connection.sendFetchKeyMessage(remoteClientId, key, (result, error) -> {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "client " + remoteClientId + " answer to fetch :" + result, error);
if (result != null && result.type == Message.TYPE_ACK) {
// da questo momento consideriamo che il client abbia la entry in memoria
// anche se di fatto potrebbe succedere che il messaggio di risposta non arrivi mai
long expiretime = (long) result.parameters.get("expiretime");
cacheStatus.registerKeyForClient(key, clientId, expiretime);
finishAndReleaseLock.onResult(result, error);
foundOneGoodClientConnected = true;
if (!foundOneGoodClientConnected) {
finishAndReleaseLock.onResult(Message.ERROR(clientId, new Exception("no connected client for key " + key)), null);
executeOnHandler("fetchEntry " + clientId + "," + key, action);
public void invalidateByPrefix(RawString prefix, String sourceClientId, SimpleCallback onFinish) {
Runnable action = () -> {
// LOCKS ??
Set clients = cacheStatus.getAllClientsWithListener();
if (sourceClientId != null) {
if (clients.isEmpty()) {
onFinish.onResult(prefix, null);
BroadcastRequestStatus invalidation = new BroadcastRequestStatus("invalidateByPrefix " + prefix + " from " + sourceClientId + " started at " + new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), clients, onFinish, (clientId, error) -> {
cacheStatus.removeKeyByPrefixForClient(prefix, clientId);
clients.forEach((clientId) -> {
CacheServerSideConnection connection = acceptor.getActualConnectionFromClient(clientId);
if (connection == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "client " + clientId + " not connected, considering prefix " + prefix + " invalidated");
} else {
connection.sendPrefixInvalidationMessage(sourceClientId, prefix, invalidation);
executeOnHandler("invalidateByPrefix " + prefix, action);
private void executeOnHandler(String name, Runnable runnable) {
try {
channelsHandlers.submit(new ManagedRunnable(name, runnable));
} catch (RejectedExecutionException rejected) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "rejected execution of " + name + ":" + rejected, rejected);
void clientDisconnected(String clientId) {
CacheStatus.ClientRemovalResult removalResult = cacheStatus.removeClientListeners(clientId);
int count = removalResult.getListenersCount();
Map> locks = removalResult.getLocks();
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "client " + clientId + " disconnected, removed " + count + " key listeners, locks:" + locks);
if (locks != null) {
locks.forEach((key, locksForKey) -> {
locksForKey.forEach(lock -> {
locksManager.releaseWriteLockForKey(key, clientId, lock);
public long getCurrentTimestamp() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public long getStateChangeTimestamp() {
return this.stateChangeTimestamp;
public long getLastStartupTimestamp() {
return lastStartupTimestamp;
public int getGlobalCacheSize() {
return this.cacheStatus.getTotalEntryCount();
public int getNumberOfConnectedClients() {
return this.connectedClients.get();
public long getPendingOperations() {
return this.pendingOperations.get();
public String getServerId() {
return this.serverId;
public KeyedLockManager getLocksManager() {
return locksManager;
public int getNumberOfLockedKeys() {
return this.locksManager.getNumberOfLockedKeys();
public long getSlowClientTimeout() {
return slowClientTimeout;
public void setSlowClientTimeout(long slowClientTimeout) {
this.slowClientTimeout = slowClientTimeout;
public long getClientFetchTimeout() {
return clientFetchTimeout;
public void setClientFetchTimeout(long clientFetchTimeout) {
this.clientFetchTimeout = clientFetchTimeout;
* Register the status mbean related to this server if the input param is true.
* If the param is false, the status mbean would not be enabled.
* @param enabled true in order to enable publishing on JMX
public void enableJmx(final boolean enabled) {
if (enabled) {
JMXUtils.registerServerStatusMXBean(this, statusMXBean);
} else {
* This method should be used only for debug purposes. Return ZooKeeper client if clustering mode (ZooKeeper-based)
* is on.
* @return the ZooKeeper client exploited by this CacheServer is clustering mode is on, null otherwise
ZooKeeper getZooKeeper() {
if (this.clusterManager != null) {
return this.clusterManager.getZooKeeper();
} else {
return null;
* Access lowlevel information about pending network requests
* @return
public BroadcastRequestStatusMonitor getNetworkRequestsStatusMonitor() {
return networkRequestsStatusMonitor;