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* Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.view.View;
import boofcv.alg.misc.GImageMiscOps;
import boofcv.core.encoding.ConvertNV21;
import boofcv.struct.image.*;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
* Processing class for displaying more complex visualizations data. Children of this class must properly lock
* down the GUI when processing data that can be read/written to when updating GUI. This is done by synchronizing
* around the class variable {@link #lockGui}.
* The canvas is resized and centered for display purposes. The scale and translation factors applied to the
* canvas prior to it being passed in to the child of this class can be access through the class parameters or
* getter functions. The size of the output image can be accessed in a similar manor, see outputWidth and
* outputHeight. The just mentioned output size is used to compute the scale and translation and can be
* overridden inside {@link #init} or {@link #declareImages(int, int)}.
* @author Peter Abeles
public abstract class VideoRenderProcessing extends Thread implements VideoProcessing {
// Type of BoofCV iamge
ImageType imageType;
// BoofCV images which the video stream is converted into. At any given time one is continuously being
// written to while the other is being processed by the image processing routine
T image;
T image2;
volatile boolean requestStop = false;
volatile boolean running = false;
// size of the area being down for output. defaults to image size
// used to compute the transform (scale and translation) to center the image in the displau
protected int outputWidth;
protected int outputHeight;
protected View view;
// thread which is processing the video frames
Thread thread;
* Lock used ever reading or writing to display related data. User should use this to ensure
* that the processing() function and render() function's don't stead on each other's feet.
protected final Object lockGui = new Object();
* Lock used when converting the video stream. Should not need to be used by the user.
protected final Object lockConvert = new Object();
// scale and translation applied to the canvas
protected double scale;
protected double tranX,tranY;
// if true the input image is flipped horizontally
boolean flipHorizontal;
// number of degrees the camera preview needs to be rotated
int previewRotation;
protected VideoRenderProcessing(ImageType imageType) {
this.imageType = imageType;
public void init(View view, Camera camera , Camera.CameraInfo info , int previewRotation ) {
synchronized (lockGui) {
this.view = view;
// Front facing cameras need to be flipped to appear correctly
flipHorizontal = info.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT;
this.previewRotation = previewRotation;
Camera.Size size = camera.getParameters().getPreviewSize();
outputWidth = size.width;
outputHeight = size.height;
// start the thread for processing
running = true;
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
synchronized (lockGui) {
// the process class could have been swapped
if( image == null )
int w = view.getWidth();
int h = view.getHeight();
// fill the window and center it
double scaleX = w/(double)outputWidth;
double scaleY = h/(double)outputHeight;
scale = Math.min(scaleX,scaleY);
tranX = (w-scale*outputWidth)/2;
tranY = (h-scale*outputHeight)/2;
render(canvas, scale);
* Converts a coordinate from pixel to the output image coordinates
protected void imageToOutput( double x , double y , Point2D_F64 pt ) {
pt.x = x/scale - tranX/scale;
pt.y = y/scale - tranY/scale;
* Converts a coordinate from output image coordinates to input image
protected void outputToImage( double x , double y , Point2D_F64 pt ) {
pt.x = x*scale + tranX;
pt.y = y*scale + tranY;
public void convertPreview(byte[] bytes, Camera camera) {
if( thread == null )
synchronized ( lockConvert ) {
if( imageType.getFamily() == ImageType.Family.GRAY )
ConvertNV21.nv21ToGray(bytes, image.width, image.height, (ImageGray) image,(Class) image.getClass());
else if( imageType.getFamily() == ImageType.Family.PLANAR ) {
if (imageType.getDataType() == ImageDataType.U8)
ConvertNV21.nv21ToMsRgb_U8(bytes, image.width, image.height, (Planar) image);
else if (imageType.getDataType() == ImageDataType.F32)
ConvertNV21.nv21ToMsRgb_F32(bytes, image.width, image.height, (Planar) image);
throw new RuntimeException("Oh Crap");
} else if( imageType.getFamily() == ImageType.Family.INTERLEAVED ) {
if( imageType.getDataType() == ImageDataType.U8)
ConvertNV21.nv21ToInterleaved(bytes, image.width, image.height, (InterleavedU8) image);
else if( imageType.getDataType() == ImageDataType.F32)
ConvertNV21.nv21ToInterleaved(bytes, image.width, image.height, (InterleavedF32) image);
throw new RuntimeException("Oh Crap");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected image type: "+imageType);
if( previewRotation == 180 ) {
if( flipHorizontal ) {
} else {
} else if( flipHorizontal )
// wake up the thread and tell it to do some processing
public void stopProcessing() {
if( thread == null )
requestStop = true;
while( running ) {
// wake the thread up if needed
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
public void run() {
thread = Thread.currentThread();
while( !requestStop ) {
synchronized ( thread ) {
try {
if( requestStop )
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// swap gray buffers so that convertPreview is modifying the copy which is not in use
synchronized ( lockConvert ) {
T tmp = image;
image = image2;
image2 = tmp;
running = false;
* Scaling applied to the drawing canvas
public double getScale() {
return scale;
* Translation x applied to the drawing canvas
public double getTranX() {
return tranX;
* Translation y applied to the drawing canvas
public double getTranY() {
return tranY;
* Image processing is done here and is invoked in its own thread, removing any hard time constraints.
* When modifying data structures that are read inside of {@link #render} be sure to use synchronize with
* {@link #lockGui} to avoid crashes or weird visual artifacts. Use of lockGui should be minimized to
* ensure a fast and responsive GUI
protected abstract void process( T gray );
* Results computed by {@link #process} are visualized here. This function is called inside a
* synchronize(lockGui) block. The provided canvas has been adjusted to be centered in the view and to account
* for the resolution difference of the preview image and the display.
* @param canvas Canvas which is to be displayed.
* @param imageToOutput Scale factor from input image to output display. Can also be accessed via {@link #getScale}
protected abstract void render( Canvas canvas , double imageToOutput );
protected void declareImages( int width , int height ) {
image = imageType.createImage(width, height);
image2 = imageType.createImage(width, height);