boofcv.alg.feature.describe.llah.LlahOperations Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (http://boofcv.org).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package boofcv.alg.feature.describe.llah;
import boofcv.struct.geo.PointIndex2D_F64;
import georegression.helper.KdTreePoint2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntObjectHashMap;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.ddogleg.combinatorics.Combinations;
import org.ddogleg.nn.FactoryNearestNeighbor;
import org.ddogleg.nn.NearestNeighbor;
import org.ddogleg.nn.NnData;
import org.ddogleg.sorting.QuickSort_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray_I32;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
* Locally Likely Arrangement Hashing (LLAH) [1] computes a descriptor for a landmark based on the local geometry of
* neighboring landmarks on the image plane. Originally proposed for document retrieval. These features are either
* invariant to perspective or affine transforms.
* Works by sampling the N neighbors around a point. These ports are sorted in clockwise order. However,
* it is not known which points should be first so all cyclical permutations of set-N are now found.
* It is assumed that at least M points in set M are a member
* of the set used to compute the feature, so all M combinations of points in set-N are found. Then the geometric
* invariants are computed using set-M.
* When describing the documents the hash and invariant values of each point in a document is saved. When
* looking up documents these features are again computed for all points in view, but then the document
* type is voted upon and returned.
* - Nakai, Tomohiro, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura.
* "Use of affine invariants in locally likely arrangement hashing for camera-based document image retrieval."
* International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class LlahOperations {
// Number of nearest neighbors it will search for
@Getter final int numberOfNeighborsN;
// Size of combination set from the set of neighbors
@Getter final int sizeOfCombinationM;
// Number of invariants in the feature. Determined by the type and M
@Getter final int numberOfInvariants;
final List setM = new ArrayList<>();
final List permuteM = new ArrayList<>();
// Computes the hash value for each feature
@Getter LlahHasher hasher;
// Used to look up features/documents
@Getter final LlahHashTable hashTable = new LlahHashTable();
// List of all documents
@Getter final DogArray documents = new DogArray<>(LlahDocument::new, LlahDocument::reset);
//========================== Internal working variables
final NearestNeighbor nn = FactoryNearestNeighbor.kdtree(new KdTreePoint2D_F64());
private final NearestNeighbor.Search search = nn.createSearch();
private final DogArray> resultsNN = new DogArray<>(NnData::new);
final List neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
private final double[] angles;
private final QuickSort_F64 sorter = new QuickSort_F64();
private final DogArray resultsStorage = new DogArray<>(FoundDocument::new);
private final TIntObjectHashMap foundMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
private final DogArray allFeatures;
// Used to compute all the combinations of a set
private final Combinations combinator = new Combinations<>();
// Recycling memory
DogArray votingBooths = new DogArray<>(DotVotingBooth::new, DotVotingBooth::reset);
* Configures the LLAH feature computation
* @param numberOfNeighborsN Number of neighbors to be considered
* @param sizeOfCombinationM Number of different combinations within the neighbors
* @param hasher Computes the hash code
public LlahOperations( int numberOfNeighborsN, int sizeOfCombinationM,
LlahHasher hasher ) {
this.numberOfNeighborsN = numberOfNeighborsN;
this.sizeOfCombinationM = sizeOfCombinationM;
this.numberOfInvariants = hasher.getNumberOfInvariants(sizeOfCombinationM);
this.hasher = hasher;
angles = new double[numberOfNeighborsN];
allFeatures = new DogArray<>(() -> new LlahFeature(numberOfInvariants), LlahFeature::reset);
* Forgets all the documents and recycles data
public void clearDocuments() {
* Learns the hashing function from the set of point sets
* @param pointSets Point sets. Each set represents one document
* @param numDiscrete Number of discrete values the invariant is converted to
* @param histogramLength Number of elements in the histogram. 100,000 is recommended
* @param maxInvariantValue The maximum number of value an invariant is assumed to have.
* For affine ~25. Cross Ratio
public void learnHashing( Iterable> pointSets, int numDiscrete,
int histogramLength, double maxInvariantValue ) {
// to make the math faster use a fine grained array with more extreme values than expected
int[] histogram = new int[histogramLength];
// Storage for computed invariants
double[] invariants = new double[numberOfInvariants];
// Go through each point and compute some invariants from it
for (var locations2D : pointSets) { // lint:forbidden ignore_line
nn.setPoints(locations2D, false);
computeAllFeatures(locations2D, ( idx, l ) -> {
hasher.computeInvariants(l, invariants, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < invariants.length; i++) {
int j = Math.min(histogram.length - 1, (int)(histogram.length*invariants[i]/maxInvariantValue));
// Sanity check
double endFraction = histogram[histogram.length - 1]/(double)IntStream.of(histogram).sum();
double maxAllowed = 0.5/numDiscrete;
if (endFraction > maxAllowed)
System.err.println("WARNING: last element in histogram has a significant count. " + endFraction + " > " + maxAllowed +
" maxInvariantValue should be increased");
hasher.learnDiscretization(histogram, histogram.length, maxInvariantValue, numDiscrete);
* Creates a new document from the 2D points. The document and points are added to the hash table
* for later retrieval.
* @param locations2D Location of points inside the document
* @return The document which was added to the hash table.
public LlahDocument createDocument( List locations2D ) {
LlahDocument doc = documents.grow();
doc.documentID = documents.size() - 1;
// copy the points
doc.landmarks.copyAll(locations2D, ( src, dst ) -> dst.setTo(src));
computeAllFeatures(locations2D, ( idx, l ) -> createProcessor(doc, idx));
return doc;
* Computes the maximum number of unique hash code a point can have.
public long computeMaxUniqueHashPerPoint() {
long comboHash = Combinations.computeTotalCombinations(numberOfNeighborsN, sizeOfCombinationM);
return comboHash*sizeOfCombinationM;
private void createProcessor( LlahDocument doc, int idx ) {
// Given this set compute the feature
LlahFeature feature = allFeatures.grow();
hasher.computeHash(permuteM, feature);
// save the results
feature.landmarkID = idx;
feature.documentID = doc.documentID;
* Given the set of observed locations, compute all the features for each point. Have processor handle
* the results as they are found
void computeAllFeatures( List dots, ProcessPermutation processor ) {
// set up nn search
nn.setPoints(dots, false);
// Compute the features for all points in this document
for (int dotIdx = 0; dotIdx < dots.size(); dotIdx++) {
// System.out.println("================ pointID "+dotIdx);
// All combinations of size M from neighbors
combinator.init(neighbors, sizeOfCombinationM);
do {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfCombinationM; i++) {
// Cyclical permutations of 'setM'
// When you look it up you won't know the order points are observed in
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfCombinationM; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sizeOfCombinationM; j++) {
int idx = (i + j)%sizeOfCombinationM;
processor.process(dotIdx, permuteM);
} while (combinator.next());
* Finds all the neighbors
void findNeighbors( Point2D_F64 target ) {
// Find N nearest-neighbors of p0
search.findNearest(target, -1, numberOfNeighborsN + 1, resultsNN);
// Find the neighbors, removing p0
for (int i = 0; i < resultsNN.size; i++) {
Point2D_F64 n = resultsNN.get(i).point;
if (n == target) // it will always find the p0 point
// Compute the angle of each neighbor
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {
Point2D_F64 n = neighbors.get(i);
angles[i] = Math.atan2(n.y - target.y, n.x - target.x);
// sort the neighbors in clockwise order
sorter.sort(angles, angles.length, neighbors);
// System.out.println("tgt"+target);
// for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(" "+neighbors.get(i));
// }
* Looks up all the documents which match observed features.
* @param dots Observed feature locations
* @param minLandmarks Minimum number of landmarks that are assigned to a document for it to be accepted
* @param output Storage for results. WARNING: Results are recycled on next call!
public void lookupDocuments( List dots, int minLandmarks, List output ) {
// It needs to have a minimum of this number of points to work
if (dots.size() < numberOfNeighborsN + 1)
// Used to keep track of what has been seen and what has not been seen
var featureComputed = new LlahFeature(numberOfInvariants);
// Compute features, look up matching known features, then vote
computeAllFeatures(dots, ( dotIdx, pointSet ) ->
lookupProcessor(pointSet, dotIdx, featureComputed, votingBooths));
for (int dotIdx = 0; dotIdx < dots.size(); dotIdx++) {
DotVotingBooth booth = votingBooths.get(dotIdx);
if (booth.votes.size == 0)
DotToLandmark best = booth.votes.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < booth.votes.size; i++) {
DotToLandmark b = booth.votes.get(i);
if (b.count > best.count) {
best = b;
FoundDocument doc = foundMap.get(best.documentID);
if (doc == null) {
doc = resultsStorage.grow();
foundMap.put(best.documentID, doc);
if (doc.landmarkHits.get(best.landmarkID) < best.count) {
doc.landmarkHits.set(best.landmarkID, best.count);
doc.landmarkToDots.set(best.landmarkID, dotIdx);
foundMap.forEachEntry(( docID, doc ) -> {
if (doc.countSeenLandmarks() >= minLandmarks) {
return true;
* Place holder function for the document retrieval in the LLAH paper. Just throws an exception for now.
* @param dots observed dots
* @param output storage for found document
* @return true if successful
public boolean lookUpDocument( List dots, FoundDocument output ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Implement");
* Ensures that the points passed in is an acceptable size
void checkListSize( List locations2D ) {
if (locations2D.size() < numberOfNeighborsN + 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There needs to be at least " + (numberOfNeighborsN + 1) + " points");
* Computes the feature for the set of points and see if they match anything in the dictionary. If they do vote.
private void lookupProcessor( List pointSet, int dotIdx, LlahFeature featureComputed,
DogArray votingBooths ) {
DotVotingBooth booth = votingBooths.get(dotIdx);
// Compute the feature for this set
hasher.computeHash(pointSet, featureComputed);
// Find the set of features which match this has code
LlahFeature foundFeat = hashTable.lookup(featureComputed.hashCode);
while (foundFeat != null) {
// Condition 1: See if the invariant's match
if (featureComputed.doInvariantsMatch(foundFeat)) {
DotToLandmark vote = booth.lookup(foundFeat.documentID, foundFeat.landmarkID);
vote.count += 1;
foundFeat = foundFeat.next;
* Abstracts the inner most step when computing features
interface ProcessPermutation {
void process( int dotIdx, List points );
public static class DotVotingBooth {
// Stores the votes each dot casts for which document/feature it belongs to
final DogArray votes = new DogArray<>(DotToLandmark::new);
// map from documentID to map from landmarkID to document
final TIntObjectHashMap> map = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
// Recycles maps using in map.
final DogArray> storageMaps =
new DogArray<>(TIntObjectHashMap::new, TIntObjectHashMap::clear);
public void reset() {
public DotToLandmark lookup( int documentID, int landmarkID ) {
TIntObjectHashMap voteDoc = map.get(documentID);
if (voteDoc == null) {
voteDoc = storageMaps.grow();
map.put(documentID, voteDoc);
DotToLandmark vote = voteDoc.get(landmarkID);
if (vote == null) {
vote = votes.grow();
vote.documentID = documentID;
vote.landmarkID = landmarkID;
vote.count = 0;
voteDoc.put(landmarkID, vote);
return vote;
public static class DotToLandmark {
public int documentID;
public int landmarkID;
public int count;
* Used to relate observed dots to landmarks in a document
public static class DotCount {
// index of dot in input array
public int dotIdx;
// how many times this dot was matched to this landmark
public int counts;
public void reset() {
dotIdx = -1;
counts = 0;
public int hashCode() {
return dotIdx;
* Documents that were found to match observed dots
public static class FoundDocument {
/** Which document */
public LlahDocument document;
* Indicates the number of times a particular point was matched
public final DogArray_I32 landmarkHits = new DogArray_I32();
public final DogArray_I32 landmarkToDots = new DogArray_I32();
public void init( LlahDocument document ) {
this.document = document;
final int totalLandmarks = document.landmarks.size;
public boolean seenLandmark( int which ) {
return landmarkHits.get(which) > 0;
public void lookupMatches( DogArray matches ) {
for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) {
if (landmarkHits.get(i) > 0) {
Point2D_F64 p = document.landmarks.get(i);
matches.grow().setTo(p.x, p.y, i);
public int countSeenLandmarks() {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) {
if (landmarkHits.get(i) > 0)
return total;
public int countHits() {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) {
total += landmarkHits.get(i);
return total;
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