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boofcv.alg.feature.describe.llah.LlahOperations Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of BoofCV (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package boofcv.alg.feature.describe.llah;

import boofcv.struct.geo.PointIndex2D_F64;
import georegression.helper.KdTreePoint2D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point2D_F64;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.ddogleg.combinatorics.Combinations;
import org.ddogleg.nn.FactoryNearestNeighbor;
import org.ddogleg.nn.NearestNeighbor;
import org.ddogleg.nn.NnData;
import org.ddogleg.sorting.QuickSort_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray_I32;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Locally Likely Arrangement Hashing (LLAH) [1] computes a descriptor for a landmark based on the local geometry of
 * neighboring landmarks on the image plane. Originally proposed for document retrieval. These features are either
 * invariant to perspective or affine transforms.

Works by sampling the N neighbors around a point. These ports are sorted in clockwise order. However, * it is not known which points should be first so all cyclical permutations of set-N are now found. * It is assumed that at least M points in set M are a member * of the set used to compute the feature, so all M combinations of points in set-N are found. Then the geometric * invariants are computed using set-M.

* *

When describing the documents the hash and invariant values of each point in a document is saved. When * looking up documents these features are again computed for all points in view, but then the document * type is voted upon and returned.

* *
  1. Nakai, Tomohiro, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura. * "Use of affine invariants in locally likely arrangement hashing for camera-based document image retrieval." * International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  2. *
* * @author Peter Abeles */ public class LlahOperations { // Number of nearest neighbors it will search for @Getter final int numberOfNeighborsN; // Size of combination set from the set of neighbors @Getter final int sizeOfCombinationM; // Number of invariants in the feature. Determined by the type and M @Getter final int numberOfInvariants; final List setM = new ArrayList<>(); final List permuteM = new ArrayList<>(); // Computes the hash value for each feature @Getter LlahHasher hasher; // Used to look up features/documents @Getter final LlahHashTable hashTable = new LlahHashTable(); // List of all documents @Getter final DogArray documents = new DogArray<>(LlahDocument::new, LlahDocument::reset); //========================== Internal working variables final NearestNeighbor nn = FactoryNearestNeighbor.kdtree(new KdTreePoint2D_F64()); private final NearestNeighbor.Search search = nn.createSearch(); private final DogArray> resultsNN = new DogArray<>(NnData::new); final List neighbors = new ArrayList<>(); private final double[] angles; private final QuickSort_F64 sorter = new QuickSort_F64(); private final DogArray resultsStorage = new DogArray<>(FoundDocument::new); private final TIntObjectHashMap foundMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); private final DogArray allFeatures; // Used to compute all the combinations of a set private final Combinations combinator = new Combinations<>(); // Recycling memory DogArray votingBooths = new DogArray<>(DotVotingBooth::new, DotVotingBooth::reset); /** * Configures the LLAH feature computation * * @param numberOfNeighborsN Number of neighbors to be considered * @param sizeOfCombinationM Number of different combinations within the neighbors * @param hasher Computes the hash code */ public LlahOperations( int numberOfNeighborsN, int sizeOfCombinationM, LlahHasher hasher ) { this.numberOfNeighborsN = numberOfNeighborsN; this.sizeOfCombinationM = sizeOfCombinationM; this.numberOfInvariants = hasher.getNumberOfInvariants(sizeOfCombinationM); this.hasher = hasher; angles = new double[numberOfNeighborsN]; allFeatures = new DogArray<>(() -> new LlahFeature(numberOfInvariants), LlahFeature::reset); } /** * Forgets all the documents and recycles data */ public void clearDocuments() { documents.reset(); allFeatures.reset(); hashTable.reset(); } /** * Learns the hashing function from the set of point sets * * @param pointSets Point sets. Each set represents one document * @param numDiscrete Number of discrete values the invariant is converted to * @param histogramLength Number of elements in the histogram. 100,000 is recommended * @param maxInvariantValue The maximum number of value an invariant is assumed to have. * For affine ~25. Cross Ratio */ public void learnHashing( Iterable> pointSets, int numDiscrete, int histogramLength, double maxInvariantValue ) { // to make the math faster use a fine grained array with more extreme values than expected int[] histogram = new int[histogramLength]; // Storage for computed invariants double[] invariants = new double[numberOfInvariants]; // Go through each point and compute some invariants from it for (var locations2D : pointSets) { // lint:forbidden ignore_line nn.setPoints(locations2D, false); computeAllFeatures(locations2D, ( idx, l ) -> { hasher.computeInvariants(l, invariants, 0); for (int i = 0; i < invariants.length; i++) { int j = Math.min(histogram.length - 1, (int)(histogram.length*invariants[i]/maxInvariantValue)); histogram[j]++; } }); } // Sanity check double endFraction = histogram[histogram.length - 1]/(double)IntStream.of(histogram).sum(); double maxAllowed = 0.5/numDiscrete; if (endFraction > maxAllowed) System.err.println("WARNING: last element in histogram has a significant count. " + endFraction + " > " + maxAllowed + " maxInvariantValue should be increased"); hasher.learnDiscretization(histogram, histogram.length, maxInvariantValue, numDiscrete); } /** * Creates a new document from the 2D points. The document and points are added to the hash table * for later retrieval. * * @param locations2D Location of points inside the document * @return The document which was added to the hash table. */ public LlahDocument createDocument( List locations2D ) { checkListSize(locations2D); LlahDocument doc = documents.grow(); doc.documentID = documents.size() - 1; // copy the points doc.landmarks.copyAll(locations2D, ( src, dst ) -> dst.setTo(src)); computeAllFeatures(locations2D, ( idx, l ) -> createProcessor(doc, idx)); return doc; } /** * Computes the maximum number of unique hash code a point can have. */ public long computeMaxUniqueHashPerPoint() { long comboHash = Combinations.computeTotalCombinations(numberOfNeighborsN, sizeOfCombinationM); return comboHash*sizeOfCombinationM; } private void createProcessor( LlahDocument doc, int idx ) { // Given this set compute the feature LlahFeature feature = allFeatures.grow(); hasher.computeHash(permuteM, feature); // save the results feature.landmarkID = idx; feature.documentID = doc.documentID; doc.features.add(feature); hashTable.add(feature); } /** * Given the set of observed locations, compute all the features for each point. Have processor handle * the results as they are found */ void computeAllFeatures( List dots, ProcessPermutation processor ) { // set up nn search nn.setPoints(dots, false); // Compute the features for all points in this document for (int dotIdx = 0; dotIdx < dots.size(); dotIdx++) { // System.out.println("================ pointID "+dotIdx); findNeighbors(dots.get(dotIdx)); // All combinations of size M from neighbors combinator.init(neighbors, sizeOfCombinationM); do { setM.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfCombinationM; i++) { setM.add(combinator.get(i)); } // Cyclical permutations of 'setM' // When you look it up you won't know the order points are observed in for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfCombinationM; i++) { permuteM.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < sizeOfCombinationM; j++) { int idx = (i + j)%sizeOfCombinationM; permuteM.add(setM.get(idx)); } processor.process(dotIdx, permuteM); } } while (; } } /** * Finds all the neighbors */ void findNeighbors( Point2D_F64 target ) { // Find N nearest-neighbors of p0 search.findNearest(target, -1, numberOfNeighborsN + 1, resultsNN); // Find the neighbors, removing p0 neighbors.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < resultsNN.size; i++) { Point2D_F64 n = resultsNN.get(i).point; if (n == target) // it will always find the p0 point continue; neighbors.add(n); } // Compute the angle of each neighbor for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) { Point2D_F64 n = neighbors.get(i); angles[i] = Math.atan2(n.y - target.y, n.x - target.x); } // sort the neighbors in clockwise order sorter.sort(angles, angles.length, neighbors); // System.out.println("tgt"+target); // for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) { // System.out.println(" "+neighbors.get(i)); // } } /** * Looks up all the documents which match observed features. * * @param dots Observed feature locations * @param minLandmarks Minimum number of landmarks that are assigned to a document for it to be accepted * @param output Storage for results. WARNING: Results are recycled on next call! */ public void lookupDocuments( List dots, int minLandmarks, List output ) { output.clear(); // It needs to have a minimum of this number of points to work if (dots.size() < numberOfNeighborsN + 1) return; votingBooths.reset(); foundMap.clear(); resultsStorage.reset(); // Used to keep track of what has been seen and what has not been seen votingBooths.resize(dots.size()); var featureComputed = new LlahFeature(numberOfInvariants); // Compute features, look up matching known features, then vote computeAllFeatures(dots, ( dotIdx, pointSet ) -> lookupProcessor(pointSet, dotIdx, featureComputed, votingBooths)); for (int dotIdx = 0; dotIdx < dots.size(); dotIdx++) { DotVotingBooth booth = votingBooths.get(dotIdx); if (booth.votes.size == 0) continue; DotToLandmark best = booth.votes.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < booth.votes.size; i++) { DotToLandmark b = booth.votes.get(i); if (b.count > best.count) { best = b; } } FoundDocument doc = foundMap.get(best.documentID); if (doc == null) { doc = resultsStorage.grow(); doc.init(documents.get(best.documentID)); foundMap.put(best.documentID, doc); } if (doc.landmarkHits.get(best.landmarkID) < best.count) { doc.landmarkHits.set(best.landmarkID, best.count); doc.landmarkToDots.set(best.landmarkID, dotIdx); } } foundMap.forEachEntry(( docID, doc ) -> { if (doc.countSeenLandmarks() >= minLandmarks) { output.add(doc); } return true; }); } /** * Place holder function for the document retrieval in the LLAH paper. Just throws an exception for now. * * @param dots observed dots * @param output storage for found document * @return true if successful */ public boolean lookUpDocument( List dots, FoundDocument output ) { throw new RuntimeException("Implement"); } /** * Ensures that the points passed in is an acceptable size */ void checkListSize( List locations2D ) { if (locations2D.size() < numberOfNeighborsN + 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There needs to be at least " + (numberOfNeighborsN + 1) + " points"); } /** * Computes the feature for the set of points and see if they match anything in the dictionary. If they do vote. */ private void lookupProcessor( List pointSet, int dotIdx, LlahFeature featureComputed, DogArray votingBooths ) { DotVotingBooth booth = votingBooths.get(dotIdx); // Compute the feature for this set hasher.computeHash(pointSet, featureComputed); // Find the set of features which match this has code LlahFeature foundFeat = hashTable.lookup(featureComputed.hashCode); while (foundFeat != null) { // Condition 1: See if the invariant's match if (featureComputed.doInvariantsMatch(foundFeat)) { DotToLandmark vote = booth.lookup(foundFeat.documentID, foundFeat.landmarkID); vote.count += 1; } foundFeat =; } } /** * Abstracts the inner most step when computing features */ interface ProcessPermutation { void process( int dotIdx, List points ); } public static class DotVotingBooth { // Stores the votes each dot casts for which document/feature it belongs to final DogArray votes = new DogArray<>(DotToLandmark::new); // map from documentID to map from landmarkID to document final TIntObjectHashMap> map = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); // Recycles maps using in map. final DogArray> storageMaps = new DogArray<>(TIntObjectHashMap::new, TIntObjectHashMap::clear); public void reset() { votes.reset(); map.clear(); storageMaps.reset(); } public DotToLandmark lookup( int documentID, int landmarkID ) { TIntObjectHashMap voteDoc = map.get(documentID); if (voteDoc == null) { voteDoc = storageMaps.grow(); map.put(documentID, voteDoc); } DotToLandmark vote = voteDoc.get(landmarkID); if (vote == null) { vote = votes.grow(); vote.documentID = documentID; vote.landmarkID = landmarkID; vote.count = 0; voteDoc.put(landmarkID, vote); } return vote; } } public static class DotToLandmark { public int documentID; public int landmarkID; public int count; } /** * Used to relate observed dots to landmarks in a document */ public static class DotCount { // index of dot in input array public int dotIdx; // how many times this dot was matched to this landmark public int counts; public void reset() { dotIdx = -1; counts = 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return dotIdx; } } /** * Documents that were found to match observed dots */ @SuppressWarnings({"NullAway.Init"}) public static class FoundDocument { /** Which document */ public LlahDocument document; /** * Indicates the number of times a particular point was matched */ public final DogArray_I32 landmarkHits = new DogArray_I32(); public final DogArray_I32 landmarkToDots = new DogArray_I32(); public void init( LlahDocument document ) { this.document = document; final int totalLandmarks = document.landmarks.size; landmarkHits.resize(totalLandmarks); landmarkHits.fill(0); landmarkToDots.resize(totalLandmarks); landmarkToDots.fill(-1); } public boolean seenLandmark( int which ) { return landmarkHits.get(which) > 0; } public void lookupMatches( DogArray matches ) { matches.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) { if (landmarkHits.get(i) > 0) { Point2D_F64 p = document.landmarks.get(i); matches.grow().setTo(p.x, p.y, i); } } } public int countSeenLandmarks() { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) { if (landmarkHits.get(i) > 0) total++; } return total; } public int countHits() { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < landmarkHits.size; i++) { total += landmarkHits.get(i); } return total; } } }

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