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boofcv.alg.flow.HornSchunckPyramid Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file is part of BoofCV (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package boofcv.alg.flow;

import boofcv.abst.filter.derivative.ImageGradient;
import boofcv.alg.interpolate.InterpolatePixelS;
import boofcv.alg.misc.ImageMiscOps;
import boofcv.factory.filter.derivative.FactoryDerivative;
import boofcv.factory.flow.ConfigHornSchunckPyramid;
import boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32;
import boofcv.struct.image.ImageGray;
import boofcv.struct.pyramid.ImagePyramid;


* Pyramidal implementation of Horn-Schunck [2] based on the discussion in [1]. The problem formulation has been * modified from the original found in [2] to account for larger displacements. The Euler-Lagrange equations * are solved using Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR). *

* *
  1. Meinhardt-Llopis, Enric and Sánchez Pérez, Javier and Kondermann, Daniel, * "Horn-Schunck Optical Flow with a Multi-Scale Strategy" vol 3, 2013, Image Processing On Line
  2. *
  3. Horn, Berthold K., and Brian G. Schunck. "Determining optical flow." * 1981 Technical Symposium East. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1981.
  4. *
* * @author Peter Abeles */ public class HornSchunckPyramid> extends DenseFlowPyramidBase { // used to weight the error of image brightness and smoothness of velocity flow private final float alpha2; // relaxation parameter for SOR 0 < w < 2. Recommended default is 1.9 private final float SOR_RELAXATION; // number of warps for outer loop private final int numWarps; // maximum number of iterations in inner loop private final int maxInnerIterations; // convergence tolerance private final float convergeTolerance; // computes the image gradient private final ImageGradient gradient = FactoryDerivative.three(GrayF32.class, GrayF32.class); // image gradient second image private final GrayF32 deriv2X = new GrayF32(1, 1); private final GrayF32 deriv2Y = new GrayF32(1, 1); // found flow for the most recently processed layer. Final output is stored here protected GrayF32 flowX = new GrayF32(1, 1); protected GrayF32 flowY = new GrayF32(1, 1); // flow estimation at the start of the iteration protected GrayF32 initFlowX = new GrayF32(1, 1); protected GrayF32 initFlowY = new GrayF32(1, 1); // storage for the warped flow protected GrayF32 warpImage2 = new GrayF32(1, 1); protected GrayF32 warpDeriv2X = new GrayF32(1, 1); protected GrayF32 warpDeriv2Y = new GrayF32(1, 1); /** * Configures flow estimation * * @param config Configuration parameters * @param interp Interpolation for image flow between image layers and warping. Overrides selection in config. */ public HornSchunckPyramid( ConfigHornSchunckPyramid config, InterpolatePixelS interp ) { super(config.pyrScale, config.pyrSigma, config.pyrMaxLayers, interp); this.alpha2 = config.alpha*config.alpha; this.SOR_RELAXATION = config.SOR_RELAXATION; this.numWarps = config.numWarps; this.maxInnerIterations = config.maxInnerIterations; this.interp = interp; this.convergeTolerance = config.convergeTolerance; } /** * Computes dense optical flow from the provided image pyramid. Image gradient for each layer should be * computed directly from the layer images. * * @param image1 Pyramid of first image * @param image2 Pyramid of second image */ @Override public void process( ImagePyramid image1, ImagePyramid image2 ) { // Process the pyramid from low resolution to high resolution boolean first = true; for (int i = image1.getNumLayers() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GrayF32 layer1 = image1.getLayer(i); GrayF32 layer2 = image2.getLayer(i); // declare memory for this layer deriv2X.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); deriv2Y.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); warpDeriv2X.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); warpDeriv2Y.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); warpImage2.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); // compute the gradient for the second image gradient.process(layer2, deriv2X, deriv2Y); if (!first) { // interpolate initial flow from previous layer interpolateFlowScale(layer1.width, layer1.height); } else { // for the very first layer there is no information on flow so set everything to 0 first = false; initFlowX.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); initFlowY.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); flowX.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); flowY.reshape(layer1.width, layer1.height); ImageMiscOps.fill(flowX, 0); ImageMiscOps.fill(flowY, 0); ImageMiscOps.fill(initFlowX, 0); ImageMiscOps.fill(initFlowY, 0); } // compute flow for this layer processLayer(layer1, layer2, deriv2X, deriv2Y); } } /** * Provides an initial estimate for the flow by interpolating values from the previous layer. */ protected void interpolateFlowScale( int widthNew, int heightNew ) { initFlowX.reshape(widthNew, heightNew); initFlowY.reshape(widthNew, heightNew); interpolateFlowScale(flowX, initFlowX); interpolateFlowScale(flowY, initFlowY); flowX.reshape(widthNew, heightNew); flowY.reshape(widthNew, heightNew); // init flow contains the initial estimate of the flow vector (if available) // flow contains the estimate for each iteration below flowX.setTo(initFlowX); flowY.setTo(initFlowY); } /** * Takes the flow from the previous lower resolution layer and uses it to initialize the flow * in the current layer. Adjusts for change in image scale. */ @Override protected void interpolateFlowScale( GrayF32 prev, GrayF32 curr ) { interp.setImage(prev); float scaleX = (float)(prev.width - 1)/(float)(curr.width - 1)*0.999f; float scaleY = (float)(prev.height - 1)/(float)(curr.height - 1)*0.999f; float scale = (float)prev.width/(float)curr.width; int indexCurr = 0; for (int y = 0; y < curr.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < curr.width; x++) {[indexCurr++] = interp.get(x*scaleX, y*scaleY)/scale; } } } /** * Takes the flow from the previous lower resolution layer and uses it to initialize the flow * in the current layer. Adjusts for change in image scale. */ @Override protected void warpImageTaylor( GrayF32 before, GrayF32 flowX, GrayF32 flowY, GrayF32 after ) { interp.setImage(before); for (int y = 0; y < before.height; y++) { int pixelIndex = y*before.width; for (int x = 0; x < before.width; x++, pixelIndex++) { float u =[pixelIndex]; float v =[pixelIndex]; float wx = x + u; float wy = y + v; if (wx < 0 || wx > before.width - 1 || wy < 0 || wy > before.height - 1) { // setting outside pixels to zero seems to produce smoother results than extending the image[pixelIndex] = 0; } else {[pixelIndex] = interp.get(wx, wy); } } } } /** * Computes the flow for a layer using Taylor series expansion and Successive Over-Relaxation linear solver. * Flow estimates from previous layers are feed into this by setting initFlow and flow to their values. */ protected void processLayer( GrayF32 image1, GrayF32 image2, GrayF32 derivX2, GrayF32 derivY2 ) { float w = SOR_RELAXATION; float uf, vf; // outer Taylor expansion iterations for (int warp = 0; warp < numWarps; warp++) { initFlowX.setTo(flowX); initFlowY.setTo(flowY); warpImageTaylor(derivX2, initFlowX, initFlowY, warpDeriv2X); warpImageTaylor(derivY2, initFlowX, initFlowY, warpDeriv2Y); warpImageTaylor(image2, initFlowX, initFlowY, warpImage2); float error; int iter = 0; do { // inner SOR iteration. error = 0; // inner portion for (int y = 1; y < image1.height - 1; y++) { int pixelIndex = y*image1.width + 1; for (int x = 1; x < image1.width - 1; x++, pixelIndex++) { // could speed this up a bit more by precomputing the constant portion before the do-while loop float ui =[pixelIndex]; float vi =[pixelIndex]; float u =[pixelIndex]; float v =[pixelIndex]; float I1 =[pixelIndex]; float I2 =[pixelIndex]; float I2x =[pixelIndex]; float I2y =[pixelIndex]; float AU = A(x, y, flowX); float AV = A(x, y, flowY);[pixelIndex] = uf = (1 - w)*u + w*((I1 - I2 + I2x*ui - I2y*(v - vi))*I2x + alpha2*AU)/(I2x*I2x + alpha2);[pixelIndex] = vf = (1 - w)*v + w*((I1 - I2 + I2y*vi - I2x*(uf - ui))*I2y + alpha2*AV)/(I2y*I2y + alpha2); error += (uf - u)*(uf - u) + (vf - v)*(vf - v); } } // border regions require special treatment int pixelIndex0 = 0; int pixelIndex1 = (image1.height - 1)*image1.width; for (int x = 0; x < image1.width; x++) { error += iterationSorSafe(image1, x, 0, pixelIndex0++); error += iterationSorSafe(image1, x, image1.height - 1, pixelIndex1++); } pixelIndex0 = image1.width; pixelIndex1 = image1.width + image1.width - 1; for (int y = 1; y < image1.height - 1; y++) { error += iterationSorSafe(image1, 0, y, pixelIndex0); error += iterationSorSafe(image1, image1.width - 1, y, pixelIndex1); pixelIndex0 += image1.width; pixelIndex1 += image1.width; } } while (error > convergeTolerance*image1.width*image1.height && ++iter < maxInnerIterations); } } /** * SOR iteration for border pixels */ private float iterationSorSafe( GrayF32 image1, int x, int y, int pixelIndex ) { float w = SOR_RELAXATION; float uf; float vf; float ui =[pixelIndex]; float vi =[pixelIndex]; float u =[pixelIndex]; float v =[pixelIndex]; float I1 =[pixelIndex]; float I2 =[pixelIndex]; float I2x =[pixelIndex]; float I2y =[pixelIndex]; float AU = A_safe(x, y, flowX); float AV = A_safe(x, y, flowY);[pixelIndex] = uf = (1 - w)*u + w*((I1 - I2 + I2x*ui - I2y*(v - vi))*I2x + alpha2*AU)/(I2x*I2x + alpha2);[pixelIndex] = vf = (1 - w)*v + w*((I1 - I2 + I2y*vi - I2x*(uf - ui))*I2y + alpha2*AV)/(I2y*I2y + alpha2); return (uf - u)*(uf - u) + (vf - v)*(vf - v); } /** * See equation 25. Safe version */ protected static float A_safe( int x, int y, GrayF32 flow ) { float u0 = safe(x - 1, y, flow); float u1 = safe(x + 1, y, flow); float u2 = safe(x, y - 1, flow); float u3 = safe(x, y + 1, flow); float u4 = safe(x - 1, y - 1, flow); float u5 = safe(x + 1, y - 1, flow); float u6 = safe(x - 1, y + 1, flow); float u7 = safe(x + 1, y + 1, flow); return (1.0f/6.0f)*(u0 + u1 + u2 + u3) + (1.0f/12.0f)*(u4 + u5 + u6 + u7); } /** * See equation 25. Fast unsafe version */ protected static float A( int x, int y, GrayF32 flow ) { int index = flow.getIndex(x, y); float u0 =[index - 1]; float u1 =[index + 1]; float u2 =[index - flow.stride]; float u3 =[index + flow.stride]; float u4 =[index - 1 - flow.stride]; float u5 =[index + 1 - flow.stride]; float u6 =[index - 1 + flow.stride]; float u7 =[index + 1 + flow.stride]; return (1.0f/6.0f)*(u0 + u1 + u2 + u3) + (1.0f/12.0f)*(u4 + u5 + u6 + u7); } /** * Ensures pixel values are inside the image. If output it is assigned to the nearest pixel inside the image */ protected static float safe( int x, int y, GrayF32 image ) { if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= image.width) x = image.width - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= image.height) y = image.height - 1; return image.unsafe_get(x, y); } public GrayF32 getFlowX() { return flowX; } public GrayF32 getFlowY() { return flowY; } }

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