boofcv.alg.geo.f.FundamentalToProjective Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2011-2018, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package boofcv.alg.geo.f;
import boofcv.alg.geo.impl.ProjectiveToIdentity;
import boofcv.misc.ConfigConverge;
import georegression.geometry.GeometryMath_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Point3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector4D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.optimization.FactoryOptimization;
import org.ddogleg.optimization.UnconstrainedLeastSquares;
import org.ddogleg.optimization.derivative.NumericalJacobianForward_DDRM;
import org.ddogleg.optimization.functions.FunctionNtoM;
import org.ejml.dense.row.CommonOps_DDRM;
import org.ejml.dense.row.NormOps_DDRM;
* Computes projective camera matrices from a fundamental matrix. All work space is predeclared and won't thrash
* the garbage collector.
* @author Peter Abeles
public class FundamentalToProjective {
private DMatrixRMaj outer = new DMatrixRMaj(3,3);
private DMatrixRMaj KR = new DMatrixRMaj(3,3);
FundamentalExtractEpipoles alg = new FundamentalExtractEpipoles();
Point3D_F64 e1 = new Point3D_F64();
Point3D_F64 e2 = new Point3D_F64();
Vector3D_F64 zero = new Vector3D_F64();
// used to convert P*H = [I|0]
ProjectiveToIdentity p2i = new ProjectiveToIdentity();
ConfigConverge convergence = new ConfigConverge(1e-8,1e-8,25);
UnconstrainedLeastSquares optimizer = FactoryOptimization.levenbergMarquardt(null,true);
FundamentalResidual residual = new FundamentalResidual();
NumericalJacobianForward_DDRM jacobian = new NumericalJacobianForward_DDRM(residual);
private double[] initialV = new double[3];
* Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P0 and P1 can be extracted. Same
* {@link #twoView(DMatrixRMaj, DMatrixRMaj)} but with the suggested values for all variables filled in for you.
* @param F (Input) Fundamental Matrix
* @param cameraMatrix (Output) resulting projective camera matrix P'. (3 by 4) Known up to a projective transform.
public void twoView(DMatrixRMaj F , DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix)
twoView(F, e2, zero, 1,cameraMatrix);
* Given a fundamental matrix a pair of camera matrices P and P1' are extracted. The camera matrices
* are 3 by 4 and used to project a 3D homogenous point onto the image plane. These camera matrices will only
* be known up to a projective transform, thus there are multiple solutions, The canonical camera
* matrix is defined as:
* P=[I|0] and P'= [M|-M*t] = [[e']*F + e'*v^t | lambda*e']
* where e' is the epipole FTe' = 0, [e'] is the cross product matrix for the enclosed vector,
* v is an arbitrary 3-vector and lambda is a non-zero scalar.
* NOTE: Additional information is needed to upgrade this projective transform into a metric transform.
* Page 256 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
* @param F (Input) A fundamental matrix
* @param e2 (Input) Left epipole of fundamental matrix, FT*e2 = 0.
* @param v (Input) Arbitrary 3-vector. Just pick some value, say (0,0,0).
* @param lambda (Input) A non zero scalar. Try one.
* @param cameraMatrix (Output) resulting projective camera matrix P'. (3 by 4) Known up to a projective transform.
public void twoView(DMatrixRMaj F , Point3D_F64 e2, Vector3D_F64 v , double lambda ,
DMatrixRMaj cameraMatrix )
GeometryMath_F64.multCrossA(e2, F, KR);
CommonOps_DDRM.add(KR, outer, KR);
* Given three fundamental matrices describing the relationship between three views, compute a consistent
* set of projective camera matrices. Consistent means that the camera matrices will give back the same
* fundamental matrices. Non-linear refinement might be needed to get an optimal solution.
* The first camera matrix, without loss of generality, P1 = [I|0].
* NOTE: HZ does not recommend using this function because the optimal solution is not geometric and prone
* to errors. Instead it recommends use of trifocal tensor to find a set of camera matrices. When testing
* the function it was noted that the geometry had to be carefully selected to ensure stability. Hinting that
* it might not be the most practical algorithm in real data.
* - Page 301 in Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, and S. S. Sastry, "An Invitation to 3-D Vision"
* Springer-Verlad, 2004
* - Page 386 and 255 in R. Hartley, and A. Zisserman, "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision", 2nd Ed, Cambridge 2003
* @param F21 (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 2
* @param F31 (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 1 and 3
* @param F32 (Input) Fundamental matrix between view 2 and 3
* @param P2 (Output) Camera matrix for view 2
* @param P3 (Output) Camera matrix for view 3
public boolean threeView(DMatrixRMaj F21 , DMatrixRMaj F31 , DMatrixRMaj F32 ,
DMatrixRMaj P2 , DMatrixRMaj P3)
// left epipoles. renamed to make code easier to read
Point3D_F64 e21 = e1;
Point3D_F64 e31 = e2;
// find transform which will make P2 = [I|0]
if( !p2i.process(P2) )
return false;
// Perform non-linear optimization to find the parameters for u and minimize the difference
// optimizer.setVerbose(System.out,0);
for (int i = 0; i < convergence.maxIterations; i++) {
if( optimizer.iterate())
// // used to sanity check the found solution
// double err[] = new double[9];
// residual.process(optimizer.getParameters(),err);
// residual.F32.print();
// residual.F32_est.print();
return true;
public double getThreeViewError() {
return optimizer.getFunctionValue();
public ConfigConverge getConvergence() {
return convergence;
* Residual function used to minimize the difference between two versions of the F32 fundamental matrix.
* One version is computed from F21 and F31. The other version was provided by the user.
class FundamentalResidual implements FunctionNtoM {
// Input F32
DMatrixRMaj F32 = new DMatrixRMaj(3,3);
// Computed F32
DMatrixRMaj F32_est = new DMatrixRMaj(3,3);
// computed P3
DMatrixRMaj P3 = new DMatrixRMaj(3,4);
// H = [P2inv | u ]; P2*H = [I|0]
DMatrixRMaj P2inv; //pseudo inverse
Vector4D_F64 u = new Vector4D_F64();
// input fundamental matrix F31
DMatrixRMaj F31;
// epipole from F31
Point3D_F64 T31;
// Storage for decomposition of P3
DMatrixRMaj R = new DMatrixRMaj(3,3);
Vector3D_F64 a = new Vector3D_F64();
// work space for input parameters
Vector3D_F64 v = new Vector3D_F64();
public void process(double[] input, double[] output) {
// given the current value of v, compute P3
// P3 = [cross(T31)'*F31 + T31*v' | T31 ]
// [R,T] = [P3*P2 | P3*u]
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(P3, P2inv, R);
GeometryMath_F64.mult(P3, u,a);
// Compute the new fundamental matrix
GeometryMath_F64.multCrossA(a, R, F32_est);
// TODO sign ambuguity?
// Put into a common scale so that it can be compared against F32
double n = NormOps_DDRM.normF(F32_est);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
output[i] =[i] -[i];
public int getNumOfInputsN() {
return 3;
public int getNumOfOutputsM() {
return 9;
public DMatrixRMaj computeP3( double input[] ) {
v.x = input[0];
v.y = input[1];
v.z = input[2];
FundamentalToProjective.this.twoView(F31,T31, v,1,P3);
return P3;
public void setF31(DMatrixRMaj F31, Point3D_F64 T31) {
this.F31 = F31;
this.T31 = T31;
public void setF32(DMatrixRMaj F32) {
double n = NormOps_DDRM.normF(this.F32);
* H = [P2inv | u ]
public void setH(DMatrixRMaj P2inv , DMatrixRMaj u) {
this.P2inv = P2inv;
this.u.x =[0];
this.u.y =[1];
this.u.z =[2];
this.u.w =[3];