boofcv.alg.geo.selfcalib.SelfCalibrationPraticalGuessAndCheckFocus Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2021, Peter Abeles. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of BoofCV (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package boofcv.alg.geo.selfcalib;
import boofcv.alg.geo.MultiViewOps;
import boofcv.misc.BoofMiscOps;
import boofcv.struct.calib.CameraPinhole;
import georegression.struct.point.Vector3D_F64;
import org.ddogleg.struct.DogArray;
import org.ddogleg.struct.VerbosePrint;
import org.ejml.dense.row.CommonOps_DDRM;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static boofcv.misc.BoofMiscOps.checkTrue;
* Computes the best projective to metric 4x4 rectifying homography matrix by guessing different values
* for focal lengths of the first two views. Focal lengths are guessed using a log scale. Skew and image center
* are both assumed to be known and have to be specified by the user. This strategy shows better convergence
* than methods which attempt to guess the focal length using linear or gradient descent approaches due
* to the vast number of local minima in the search space. Non-linear refinement is highly recommended after
* using this algorithm due to its approximate nature.
* NOTE: Performance on noise free synthetic data replicates paper claims. Have not been able to replicate
* performance on real data. Authors were contacted for a reference implementation and was told source code
* is not publicly available.
* - if sameFocus is set to true then the first two views are assumed to have approximately the same focal length
* - Internally, the plane at infinity is computed using the known intrinsic parameters.
* - Rectifying homography is computed using known K in first view and plane at infinity. lambda of 1 is assumed
* Changes from paper:
* - Extracting K using absolute quadratic instead of rectifying homography
* There will be a sign ambiguity in the returned result for the translation vector. That can be resolved by checking
* for positive depth of triangulated features.
* @author Peter Abeles
* @see EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK
Gherardi, Riccardo, and Andrea Fusiello. "Practical autocalibration."
* European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
public class SelfCalibrationPraticalGuessAndCheckFocus implements VerbosePrint {
// Development Note
// There was an attempt to modify this to use reprojection error like TrifocalBruteForceSelfCalibration to select
// the best hypothesis. It didn't work very well. The likely cause is that the camera motion estimate from
// the rectifying homography was poor.
//----------------------- Configuration Parameters
// if true the first two cameras are assumed to have the same or approximately the same focus length
boolean fixedFocus;
// Defines which focus lengths are sampled based on a log scale
// Note that image has been normalized and 1.0 = focal length of image diagonal
double sampleMin = 0.3, sampleMax = 3;
int numSamples = 50;
//--------------------- Input Related
// storage for internally normalized camera matrices
DogArray normalizedP;
//--------------------- Output Related
// used to estimate the plane at infinity
EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK estimatePlaneInf = new EstimatePlaneAtInfinityGivenK();
Vector3D_F64 planeInf = new Vector3D_F64();
//---------------------------------- Internal Work Space
// intrinsic camera calibration matrix for view 1
DMatrixRMaj K1 = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
// Work space for view 1 projective matrix
DMatrixRMaj P1 = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 4);
DMatrixRMaj tmpP = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 4);
// projective to metric homography
DMatrixRMaj H = new DMatrixRMaj(4, 4);
DMatrixRMaj bestH = new DMatrixRMaj(4, 4);
// Absolute dual quadratic
DMatrixRMaj Q = new DMatrixRMaj(4, 4);
// camera normalization matrices
DMatrixRMaj V = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
DMatrixRMaj Vinv = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
double[] scores = new double[numSamples];
// Weights for score function
double w_sk = 1.0/0.01; // zero skew
double w_ar = 1.0/0.2; // aspect ratio
double w_uo = 1.0/0.1; // zero principle point
CameraPinhole intrinsic = new CameraPinhole();
DMatrixRMaj tmp = new DMatrixRMaj(3, 3);
// Is the best score at a local minimum? If not that means it probably diverged
boolean localMinimum;
// if not null debug info is printed
@Nullable PrintStream verbose;
public SelfCalibrationPraticalGuessAndCheckFocus() {
normalizedP = new DogArray<>(() -> new DMatrixRMaj(3, 4));
* Specifies known portions of camera intrinsic parameters
* @param skew skew
* @param cx image center x
* @param cy image center y
* @param width Image width
* @param height Image height
public void setCamera( double skew, double cx, double cy, int width, int height ) {
// Define normalization matrix
// center points, remove skew, scale coordinates
double d = Math.sqrt(width*width + height*height);;
// @formatter:off
V.set(0,0,d/2); V.set(0,1,skew); V.set(0,2,cx);
V.set(1,1,d/2); V.set(1,2,cy);
// @formatter:on
CommonOps_DDRM.invert(V, Vinv);
* Specifies how focal lengths are sampled on a log scale. Remember 1.0 = nominal length
* @param min min value. 0.3 is default
* @param max max value. 3.0 is default
* @param total Number of sample points. 50 is default
public void setSampling( double min, double max, int total ) {
this.sampleMin = min;
this.sampleMax = max;
this.numSamples = total;
this.scores = new double[numSamples];
* Computes the best rectifying homography given the set of camera matrices. Must call {@link #setCamera} first.
* DO NOT ADD P1=[I|0] it is implicit!
* @param cameraMatrices (Input) camera matrices for view 2 and beyond. Do not add the implicit P1=[I|0]
* @return true if successful or false if it fails
public boolean process( List cameraMatrices ) {
checkTrue([0] != 0.0, "Must call setCamera()");
checkTrue(cameraMatrices.size() > 0, "'cameraMatrices' contain at least 1 matrix");
// Apply normalization as suggested in the paper, then force the first camera matrix to be [I|0] again
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(Vinv, tmpP, P1);
MultiViewOps.projectiveToIdentityH(P1, H);
// P = inv(V)*P/||P(2,0:2)||
for (int i = 0; i < cameraMatrices.size(); i++) {
DMatrixRMaj A = cameraMatrices.get(i);
DMatrixRMaj Pi = normalizedP.grow();
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(Vinv, A, tmpP);
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(tmpP, H, Pi);
double a0 = Pi.get(2, 0);
double a1 = Pi.get(2, 1);
double a2 = Pi.get(2, 2);
double scale = Math.sqrt(a0*a0 + a1*a1 + a2*a2);
CommonOps_DDRM.scale(1.0/scale, Pi);
// Find the best combinations of focal lengths
double bestScore;
if (fixedFocus) {
bestScore = findBestFocusOne(normalizedP.get(0));
} else {
bestScore = findBestFocusTwo(normalizedP.get(0));
// undo normalization
CommonOps_DDRM.extract(bestH, 0, 0, tmp);
CommonOps_DDRM.mult(V, tmp, K1);
CommonOps_DDRM.insert(K1, bestH, 0, 0);
// if it's not at a local minimum it almost definately failed
return bestScore != Double.MAX_VALUE && localMinimum;
private double findBestFocusOne( DMatrixRMaj P2 ) {
localMinimum = false;
// coeffients for linear to log scale
double b = Math.log(sampleMax/sampleMin)/(numSamples - 1);
double bestScore = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int bestIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
double f = sampleMin*Math.exp(b*i);
if (!computeRectifyH(f, f, P2, H)) {
scores[i] = Double.NaN;
MultiViewOps.rectifyHToAbsoluteQuadratic(H, Q);
double score = scoreResults();
scores[i] = score;
if (score < bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestIndex = i;
if (verbose != null) {
verbose.printf("[%3d] f=%5.2f score=%f\n", i, f, score);
if (bestIndex > 0 && bestIndex < numSamples - 1) {
localMinimum = bestScore < scores[bestIndex - 1] && bestScore < scores[bestIndex + 1];
return bestScore;
private double findBestFocusTwo( DMatrixRMaj P2 ) {
localMinimum = false;
// coeffients for linear to log scale
double b = Math.log(sampleMax/sampleMin)/(numSamples - 1);
double bestScore = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
double f1 = sampleMin*Math.exp(b*i);
boolean minimumChanged = false;
int bestIndex = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) {
double f2 = sampleMin*Math.exp(b*j);
if (!computeRectifyH(f1, f2, P2, H)) {
scores[i] = Double.NaN;
MultiViewOps.rectifyHToAbsoluteQuadratic(H, Q);
double score = scoreResults();
scores[j] = score;
if (score < bestScore) {
minimumChanged = true;
bestIndex = j;
bestScore = score;
if (verbose != null) {
verbose.printf("[%3d,%3d] f1=%5.2f f2=%5.2f score=%f\n", i, j, f1, f2, score);
if (minimumChanged) {
if (bestIndex > 0 && bestIndex < numSamples - 1) {
localMinimum = bestScore < scores[bestIndex - 1] && bestScore < scores[bestIndex + 1];
} else {
localMinimum = false;
return bestScore;
* Given the focal lengths for the first two views compute homography H
* @param f1 view 1 focal length
* @param f2 view 2 focal length
* @param P2 projective camera matrix for view 2
* @param H (Output) homography
* @return true if successful
boolean computeRectifyH( double f1, double f2, DMatrixRMaj P2, DMatrixRMaj H ) {
estimatePlaneInf.setCamera1(f1, f1, 0, 0, 0);
estimatePlaneInf.setCamera2(f2, f2, 0, 0, 0);
if (!estimatePlaneInf.estimatePlaneAtInfinity(P2, planeInf))
return false;
// TODO add a cost for distance from nominal and scale other cost by focal length fx for each view
// RefineDualQuadraticConstraint refine = new RefineDualQuadraticConstraint();
// refine.setZeroSkew(true);
// refine.setAspectRatio(true);
// refine.setZeroPrinciplePoint(true);
// refine.setKnownIntrinsic1(true);
// refine.setFixedCamera(false);
// CameraPinhole intrinsic = new CameraPinhole(f1,f1,0,0,0,0,0);
// if( !refine.refine(normalizedP.toList(),intrinsic,planeInf))
// return false;;
K1.set(0, 0, f1);
K1.set(1, 1, f1);
K1.set(2, 2, 1);
MultiViewOps.createProjectiveToMetric(K1, planeInf.x, planeInf.y, planeInf.z, 1, H);
return true;
* Extracts the calibration matrix for each view and computes the score according to:
* w_sk*|K[0,1]| + w_ar*|K[0,0]-K[1,1]| + w_ao*(|K[0,2]| + |K[1,2]|)
* which gives matrices which fit the constraints lower scores.
double scoreResults() {
double totalScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < normalizedP.size; i++) {
DMatrixRMaj P = normalizedP.get(i);
MultiViewOps.intrinsicFromAbsoluteQuadratic(Q, P, intrinsic);
double score = 0;
// skew should be zero
score += w_sk*Math.abs(intrinsic.skew);
// aspect ratio unity
score += w_ar*(Math.max(intrinsic.fx, intrinsic.fy)/Math.min(intrinsic.fx, intrinsic.fy) - 1);
// principle point zero
score += w_uo*(Math.abs( + Math.abs(;
totalScore += score;
return totalScore;
public boolean isFixedFocus() {
return fixedFocus;
public void setSingleCamera( boolean sameFocus ) {
this.fixedFocus = sameFocus;
* Returns the projective to metric rectifying homography
public DMatrixRMaj getRectifyingHomography() {
return bestH;
public boolean isLocalMinimum() {
return localMinimum;
public void setVerbose( @Nullable PrintStream out, @Nullable Set configuration ) {
this.verbose = BoofMiscOps.addPrefix(this, out);